When 40% or more of the student population ... Georgia's proficient and distinguished levels of student ... College and
Carver Middle School School-wide Title I Annual Parent Meeting
How does a school qualify to be a Title I School-Wide school? When 40% or more of the student population qualifies for free or reduced lunch assistance.
Walton County School District Title I – Program Goals 2016-2017
What is Title I? - A federally funded program - Title I ensures all children have: fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education - Demonstrated by achieving, at a minimum, proficiency on all state academic standards and assessments
Walton County School District Title I – Program Goals 2016-2017
The Title I Mission: To ensure that each child successfully meets or exceeds Georgia's proficient and distinguished levels of student performance and meets or exceeds expectations on local, state, and national assessments.
School-wide Title I Plan
- CMS School-Wide Plan determines how Title I Funds are spent and must meet ten components required by the state. - Needs assessments are completed based on the Title I Parent Survey and State Assessment results. (CMS Needs for 2016-2017 are ELA, Math, Social Studies, and Science) - Planning team consists of teachers, administrators, and parents. - Parents may give input and feedback about the schoolwide plan anytime thought out the year.
How do we know if we are making improvements? - Academic Data - College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) - Perception Data: Title I Survey - This data provides us with your feedback on what we are doing well and what improvements we need to make to increase parent involvement. Please complete the survey when the window is advertised at our school.
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) was reauthorized as Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Flexibility Waiver Flexible Learning Program Parent Information
What changed? ESEA waivers eliminate Supplemental Educational Services (SES) and Public School Choice (Choice) options. Systems no longer use the terms “needs improvement” (NI) based on adequate yearly progress (AYP) reports
What does the Waiver do? The ESEA waivers provide greater flexibility for identified schools in designing a flexible learning program tailored to the of the school. Identified schools will have the capacity to serve more students in need for additional academic supports. Terms used in ESEA: Reward, Priority, Focus and Alert Schools Title I schools currently implement specific programs and interventions based on this new status identification. Only Priority Schools and Focus Schools will be required to implement and develop flexible learning programs (FLP) beginning June 2012. Initial designations are based on 2011 test data. CMS is not a Focus school!!! In addition, Georgia's new Single Statewide Accountability System, the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI) will serve as a comprehensive report card for all schools in Georgia.
- What curriculum will my child be taught? www.georgiastandards.org - How will I know if my child is learning? - Daily Grades - Benchmarks/Formative Assessments - Progress Reports - Report Cards -Statewide Assessments
What are the expected proficiency levels for the required State/LocalAssessments?
Write Score Writing Assessment
Proficient Learner Distinguished Learner
Average Above Average
How can I find the CCRPI Score for CMS? - Data is located the State DOE website: http://ccrpi.gadoe.org/2015/ CMS CCRPI Scores: 2013- 71.2 2014- 66.3 2015- 62.8 2016- Not Announced
We Cannot Do It Without You! We Need Each Other! We appreciate you and thank you!!
School-Parent Compact
*See Handout* Compact Between: School, Parents, & Students
Parent Involvement Policy
*See Handouts for CMS Policy* This policy describes how the school will provide opportunities to improve parent engagement and support student learning! PARENTS NEEDED!!!
Title 1 Parent Involvement Funds One percent of Title Funds are for parents to decide how to use. (About $3,100 required this year. CMS budgeted $5,100 ) Join us at our Title 1 Parent Involvement Meetings to have input on how Title 1 money should be spent.
Located in the CMS Media Center Come by and enjoy access to: A Computer and Printer All Title 1 Information Program Assistance Information Your Child’s Grades Ga Standards of Excellence Information and Resources
Conference with teachers Attend Title 1 Parent Involvement Meetings Volunteer at school Join PTSO Check our Website for updates and contact information www.carvermiddle.org