Carver Middle School Supply List 2017-2018

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Disinfecting wipes (i.e. Clorox or Lysol). 7TH GRADE. (5) 1 inch 3 ring binders. (1) Pack 5 tab subject dividers. * Loos
Carver Middle School Supply List 2017-2018 (Individual teachers may have specific requests, but all students will need the following items)

6TH GRADE (1) 3 inch 3 ring binder (1) Pack subject dividers (1) Composition book Earbuds or Headphones * Loose leaf notebook paper * Index Cards * Ink pens (blue or black) * #2 Pencils * Pack of colored pencils * Expo Markers * Hand sanitizer * Kleenex * Disinfecting wipes (i.e. Clorox or Lysol)

8TH GRADE (4) 1½ inch 3 ring binders (with dividers) * Loose leaf notebook paper (college ruled) * Ink pens (red, green, blue, black) * #2 Pencils * Disinfecting wipes (i.e. Clorox or Lysol) * Markers * Pack of colored pencils * Kleenex * Hand sanitizer Earbuds

7TH GRADE (5) 1 inch 3 ring binders (1) Pack 5 tab subject dividers * Loose leaf notebook paper * Ink pens (blue or black) * #2 pencils * Highlighters * Expo markers * Pack of colored pencils * Hand sanitizer * Kleenex * Disinfecting wipes (i.e. Clorox or Lysol) Earbuds

CONNECTIONS Binder with dividers * #2 Pencils * Pack of colored pencils * Hand Sanitizer * Disinfectant Wipes * Kleenex

PE Classes Athletic/Tennis Shoes

Recommended Items: Flash Drive Graph paper

*Items marked with an asterisk should be replenished quarterly. Si usted necesita ayuda con la traducción de esta carta, por favor llama Walton County Board of Education. Su número de teléfono es 770-266-4486.