Case Study: Automotive services franchise - LogMeIn Rescue

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Meineke Car Care Centers, Inc. is a franchised automotive service business with ... immediately download the Customer Ap


Meineke Car Care Centers, Inc.: The Right Support with the Right Product, LogMeIn Rescue Situation At-a-Glance Meineke Car Care Centers, Inc. is a franchised automotive service business with about 1,000 retail stores across the US, Canada, South America, The Caribbean, China and Saudi Arabia. For its franchisees, Meineke provides a point-of-sale (POS) software system called M.Key. It is currently used by about 50% of its locations (other locations are expected

Industry Automotive services franchise

to migrate to the new POS system in the near future). A centralized IT support


staff at Meineke headquarters in Charlotte, NC supports the POS for each of those

Meineke Car Care Centers’ IT team at headquarters

shops. Additionally, the IT team provides general IT support to about 150 corporate

supports about 1,000 franchised retail shops across


the US, Canada, South America, The Caribbean, China, & Saudi Arabia.

In the beginning, to provide support for its POS system, the IT team was primarily using the telephone, talking users through support issues. As a result, a typical

About 50% of locations use Meineke’s custom POS

support incident could take an average of 40 minutes to resolve. Matt Langley,

system, M.Key, to handle customer transactions,

Technical Support Specialist at Meineke, realized that remote support tools could bring

which the IT team supports.

greater efficiency and speed to the overall support process, and started investigating solutions.

Solution The IT team uses LogMeIn Rescue to quickly and

After trying various remote support tools, including Remote Desktop, PCNow and

easily support more than 400 retail stores that rely

GoToAssist, none of which met its needs, Mr. Langley learned about LogMeIn Rescue

on the Meineke POS, as well as general IT support to

through a recommendation of an external technical contact. He immediately signed

about 150 corporate employees.

up for a free two-week trial, and quickly realized that LogMeIn Rescue met all of its


support requirements.

Meineke Improves Support and Customer Satisfaction While Reducing Costs Meineke has five seats of LogMeIn Rescue, which it uses to quickly and easily support its POS system at its franchise locations, saving both time and money, while increasing customer satisfaction.

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Saved time Support incident times have been cut in half, reduced to 20 minutes or less. In a busy week, M.Key personnel can receive up to 250 support requests, so it can save a minimum of 33 hours per week using LogMeIn Rescue.

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Of the multiple ways LogMeIn Rescue offers to connect remote users to support

Reduced costs

staff, Meineke primarily relies on two methods: the PIN Code feature and web-based

The Meineke IT team has reduced its phone time

Support Channels.

significantly, and therefore its phone bills. The cost

If IT is on the phone with a remote user, and it becomes apparent that remote control

savings more than pays for the cost of its LogMeIn

can help solve the problem quickly, they provide a 6-digit code to the remote customer,

Rescue seats.

who enters it into a simple web page. The customer is automatically directed to download a small customer applet, and in about 20 seconds, Meineke’s IT team can

Improved customer satisfaction

remote control the system, diagnose the issue, and resolve the problem—without

Franchisees receive support in real-time, and have

relying on the end user.

their issues resolved quickly, so they can dedicate more time to their core business: servicing customer automobiles

Key Features for Meineke • Support Channels integrate easily into POS system and allow for efficient queuing of support incidents • PIN Code option makes ad hoc connections easy and fast • Easy for both IT and the remote users they support • No pre-installed software, or software left behind after the remote session is over • Ensures access to franchisee systems only when required. • Dual-pane file transfer reduces time to perform re-installs of the POS software by nearly 75% • Connections work even over dial-up

“LogMeIn Rescue has become an invaluable tool in our support operations. We include a support button directly in our POS system, so shops can directly connect to technicians to Through LogMeIn Rescue Support Channels, Meineke has incorporated an option directly into its POS system, which allows franchisees to request support, and immediately download the Customer Applet, and enter a Technician Queue:

quickly to have issues resolved.” — Matt Langley, Technical Support Specialist Meineke Car Care Centers, Inc.

An M.Key user clicks the support button, then enters a support request Meineke has incorporated its logo into the Support Channels as well as the Customer Applet, ensuring it promotes the company brand during all interactions with franchisees.

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The IT team can field requests as they enter the Queue, and even transfer requests to other Technicians that have more time and/or subject matter expertise. (If no Technician is available when a user requests support, users are able to leave a message, and Techs respond as soon as they are available.) Through the Queuing system, Meineke’s IT team has improved its overall response rate, responding to and resolving nearly 90% of incidents in a given week, up from 60-70% respond/resolve per week prior to using LogMeIn Rescue. In a busy week, the IT team can receive up to 250 support requests, and currently averages 100 LogMeIn Rescue sessions per week. Because LogMeIn Rescue saves 20+ minutes per call, the Meineke IT team saves at least 33 hours each week by using LogMeIn Rescue to resolve support issues. For more complex support issues, such as a re-install of the POS software, the Meineke IT team relies on the dual-pane file transfer feature, which allows for an easy way to push the software out to the franchisee’s system, as well as remote control, which allows them to easily perform the re-install. Support incidents related to POS software re-installs have been reduced from 90 minutes or more down to just 20 minutes.

Conclusion Overall, Meineke Car Care Centers and M.Key support have been able to reduce the time and cost of operations, while improving customer satisfaction and uptime. The result is that both the IT team and the franchisees can spend more time dedicated to core, higher value services: servicing the customer and their vehicles, while keeping costs low.

About LogMeIn, Inc. LogMeIn offers a suite of remote access and support solutions that provide instant, secure connections between remote computers over the Web. Powered by the LogMeIn Gateway, the service features applications for desktop remote control, data backup, file sharing, remote system administration, and on-demand customer support.

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