3) Prevents driver's illegal operations eliminating possible loss ... trucks tracking. Telematics Technology enables various business aspects of ... Many adoptions of Telematics Technology occur in CVT (Commercial ... Truck Drivers ... Simple map display for vehicle search in specific area available .... Know arrival time.
Case Study for Telematics Technology Adoption in Commercial Vehicles
Cho, Won-Hee SK Corporation Telematics Business Team Senior Manager
Table of Contents
I. CVT Introduction II. CVT Biz Model III. CVT Adopted Technologies IV. SK’s Commercial Vehicle Telematics 1. BMS/BIS 2. Vehicle Tracking / Taxi Calls 3. Logistics Management 4. FMS V. Future Projections
I. Commercial Vehicle Telematics Introduction Commercial Vehicle Telematics enables procurement/production/delivery and rest of the other critical elements of Enterprise Resource Planning, optimizing vehicle operations and management.
1) Successful CRM through real-time customer request processing & logistical controls 2) Maximum efficiency through optimal vehicle operations and increased profit through decreased logistical costs 3) Prevents driver’s illegal operations eliminating possible loss 4) New profits through value added services 5) Channel for collecting traffic information
II. Commercial Vehicle Telematics Biz Model Telematics Technology enables various business aspects of Logistics, Public Transportation, Fleet Managements, Taxi and many others to maximize vehicle operations and reduce unnecessary costs through optimal vehicle operations (based on SK’s Case Studies) Classification Logistics
Service Model Saves any surplus logistics costs
Biz Model Cost efficient model
Prohibits any illegal vehicle usage
Taxi Company
Bus Company (Public Trans)
1) Optimized vehicle operations saved maintenance fee 2) New profit through Taxi-Call services
Minimize loss from operation cost Increased passenger
1) Optimized dispatch increases vehicle cycle 2) Efficient maintenance system increases vehicle usage
Minimize loss from operation cost Increased passenger
Case Study
SK’s Success
1) Minimized transportation travel time & distance through traffic forecasts & logistics pattern optimization 2) Minimized delivery fee by coupling with ERP & Corporate Management Systems 3) Constant tracking lets the supplier & buyer monitor the flow of hazardous material & goods. 1) Fleet monitoring prevents vehicle theft
SK petrotank trucks center managemen t
2) CDMA+GPS technology pin-points vacant taxis to nearest passenger
SK Taxi vehicle tracking & SK NaviCall
1) Optimized Bus Schedule provides SK accurate vehicle traveling to customers Public & Express way Bus Transporta tions
II. Commercial Vehicle Telematics Biz Model (continued) Telematics Technology enables various business aspects of Logistics, Public Transportation, Fleet Managements, Taxi and many others to maximize vehicle operations and reduce unnecessary costs through optimal vehicle operations (based on SK’s Case Studies) Classification Rental Cars Company
Service Model Minimize rental car maintenance fee and operations
Biz Model Maximize vehicle operations Minimize operations costs
Fleet MGMT
Maximize sales& promotion vehicles
Maximize vehicle operations
Case Study
SK’s Success
1) Real-time vehicle monitoring & automatic dispatch provided efficient vehicle scheduling to drivers 2) Efficient operations minimized unnecessary vehicle usage 3) Traffic & speed camera alerts provided safe & on-time driving
SK Cartizen
Optimized vehicle maintenance & accurate number of vehicle procurement to enterprises
Provided on-time delivery & operations of construction trucks to on-sites
SK construction trucks tracking
Minimize operations costs
Commercial Trucks
Optimized vehicle operations
Maximize vehicle operations Minimize operations costs
III. Commercial Vehicle Telematics Technology Many adoptions of Telematics Technology occur in CVT (Commercial Vehicle Telematics) industries and services
Tracking Technology (GPS, Cell Tracking) Telecommunication Technology (CDMA, GSM, Pager) Message Delivery Functions (SMS Push) Route Planning solutions based on real-time traffic info. (RP Algorithm) Automatic vehicle dispatch Navigations (GPS + Map-matching + Route Planning) Emergency Rescue System WEB / WAP, GIS Remote Diagnosis
Traffic Info.
IV. SK’s Commercial Vehicle Telematics Case Stuies Adoption of Telematics Technology in various enterprises from taxi, rental, commercial and public transportation industries resulted in overall optimized vehicle operations and management , cost saving business models and new profits through increase passengers
Logistics Control
Taxi Tracking/Taxi Call
(Express Bus / Public Transportation Bus)
(Commercial & Construction Trucks)
(FMS/Private Taxi Company)
Service Adoptions
CDMA or Pager
CDMA or Phone
Bus Companies End Users
Logistics Companies, Truck Drivers
Taxi Companies Taxi Drivers End Users
Key Services
Vehicle Tracking & Dispatch control
Maximize Logistics Control & monitor Hazardous Material Flow
Vehicle Tracking & Dispatch Service 7
Ordinary Firms, Marketing & Sales Force on the move,
Sales Vehicle Management
BIS/BMS Summary
⊙ What is “BIS/BMS” ? • •
Vehicle management system to maximize usage for Public Transportations – Bus Central control system to constantly monitor vehicle status, location and driver’s log through GPS(Global Positioning System) technology Major Functions : Vehicle Dispatch/Real-time basis vehicle tracking/monitor driver’s log/automatic bus stop & station guide
⊙ “BIS/BMS” Objectives •
Provide on-time vehicle stop services to major public transportation users and concurrently maximize profit and operations to Bus Companies through increased passengers.
① Increase passengers through optimal vehicle dispatch
② Bus Company’ Company’s Profit Maximization through increased vehicle rotation and operation
③ Provide useful information such as remaining distance & time for incoming Bus via wireless communications to EndEnd-User’ User’s mobile handsets
④ Value added service to End Users
System Composition for BIS
System Composition for SK Bus Information System GPS: Track down vehicle location
SK Bus Information System Wireless Wireless Operator Operator
• Optimized dispatch system specifically designed for public transportations with GPS enabled devices. • Transmit current vehicle location & status and automatically broadcast stations & next stops
Main Main Center Center Server Server
Internet Internet Web Web
Mobile Mobile Phones Phones
Wireless Network
The The Next Next Bus Bus Stop is ★★★ Stop is ★★★
Transportatio Transportatio nn Company Company Server Server
•Transmit location & vehicle status
• Command operations
Automatic Station Announcement
Vehicle Vehicle in in front front surpassed 10 surpassed 10 min min ago ago
Automatic Operations Command: Real-time vehicle interval updates 9
Bus Operations System & Equipments
Vehicle Vehicle Tracking Tracking
Display Display current current location location of of the the vehicles vehicles along along with with vehicle vehicle status status
Geographic Geographic Search Search
Simple Simple map map display display for for vehicle vehicle search search in in specific specific area area available available
Service Service Notifications Notifications
System System operations, operations, management management & & maintenance maintenance updates updates to to Public Public Bus Bus Companies. Companies.
Vehicle Vehicle Information Information Management Management
Overall Overall data data management management for for optimal optimal control control of of available available vehicles vehicles
Bus Bus Stations Stations Managements Managements
Displays Displays vehicle vehicle route route & & stops stops for for all all vehicles vehicles for for interval interval controls controls and and coordination coordination Keypad
Statistical Statistical Analysis Analysis
Perform Perform statistical statistical analysis analysis for for vehicle vehicle operations operations and and management management
Main Unit
GPS/Modem Antenna
Volume Control Display distance between vehicles (LED) Request status between vehicles Alerts incidents & accidents Automatic self diagnosis for system check-ups
BIS/BMS Client & Server Side Displays
Real-time vehicle location tracking & status monitoring
Monitors vehicle position & operation status in regards to bus stops locations
Matches the traveling routes to actual map 11
Mobile Bus Arrival Alert Service
Access bus arrival information through mobile handsets
Currently serviced to 3 major Wireless Carriers (SKT/KTF/LGT) providing Bus information for Seoul metropolitan city area
BIS/BMS Implementation Results
Public Transportation Bus Companies 1) Tremendous Benefit from Low Operations Costs - Decrease accident rates and consequently renegotiate to lower vehicle insurance - Decrease gas cost from optimal vehicle dispatch 2) Maximize Revenue - Result from increased passenger usage 3) Statistical analysis with driving patterns and behaviors (Maintain traffic laws and safety from accident preventions) 4) Instant response and management incase of accidents
Service Provider (SK) •
Profit from Vehicle Tracking Operations Management : Monthly fees
Efficient means of collecting traffic data through GPS probes installed in the vehicles
Profit from WAP Service (Mobile Bus Arrival Alert Service)
End Users – general passengers •
More frequent usage
Eliminate any time for waiting on the Bus Stop 13
2) Taxi Call
Taxi Call Service – “Navi Call”
We have commercially launched Taxi Call service system by enabling Nate Drive dynamic route guidance technology with Voice Data Center (Hybrid Voice Recognition System) with GPS/CDMA telecommunications technology Core Benefits of NaviCall Ser vice Call Call Center Center Optimization Optimization Automatics Automatics dispatch dispatch system eliminates system eliminates unnecessary unnecessary operators operators
Benefits Benefits to to Taxi Taxi Driver Driver Pin-points Pin-points actual actual Location of Location of the the passenger ensuring passenger ensuring more more customers customers
Safety Safety
Cheap Cheap Call Call Service Service
Provides Provides vehicle vehicle && Passenger Passenger info. info. to to nearest friend, family nearest friend, family && main main center center via via SMS SMS
Taxi Taxi company company does does not not have to pay extra have to pay extra money money for for Call Call Centers Centers
NaviCall Service Display
NaviCall BI
Telematics Technology adoption in Taxi Dispatch Call Services
2) Taxi Call
Unmanned automatic vehicle dispatch system for Taxi companies through Wireless Network & GPS technology to bring nearest available vehicle to customers . Customer security is assured by automatically sending customer information through friends & families via Text message
Send Send Vehicle Vehicle Request Request
Taxi Taxi
Send Send current current vehicle vehicle location location
Request Request Taxi Taxi Customer Customer
Send Send Customer Customer Information Information & & Location Location
Control Control Center Center Dispatch Dispatch nearest nearest available available Vehicle Vehicle
Direct Direct Communication Communication with with Customers Customers 15
Receive Receive Customer Customer Information Information & & Location Location
2) Taxi Call
Taxi Dispatch Call Service Implementation Results
Taxi Taxi Drivers Drivers •• Direct Direct passenger passenger access access
Taxi Taxi Company Company Owner Owner •• Minimize Minimize operation operation costs costs & &
Call Call Center Center implementations implementations •• Route Route guidance guidance service service •• Optimized Optimized vehicle vehicle management management •• Speed Speed camera camera alert alert services services
Vehicle Management & Operations Cost Savings
•• Constant Constant passenger passenger readiness readiness
provides provides new new profit profit
End -User End-User •• Eliminates Eliminates waiting waiting time time for for Taxi Taxi •• Brings Brings security security & & safety safety services services
Service Service Provider Provider •• Vehicle Vehicle Tracking Tracking Center Center
Operations Operations fee fee •• Collect Collect GPS GPS probe probe traffic traffic data data •• Collect Collect driving driving patterns patterns info info and and various various other other useful useful CRM CRM information information •• Can Can be be used used as as promotion promotion & & CRM tools for advertisements CRM tools for advertisements
Call Service Expansion
Logistics Control Service
3) Logistics Control
Constant tracking of freight and vehicle location with driving information, minimizes idle vehicles and maximizes vehicle allocation and management. By tracking vehicles loaded with hazardous materials, it monitors/controls assigned routes, specific areas, and rapidly countermeasures incidents according to Traffic Management System
Upgrade Vehicle Management
Related Related Org Org Increase Increase
transportations transportations Capex Capex Minimize Minimize travel travel dist. dist. Emergency control Emergency control Constant Constant tracking tracking of of hazardous goods hazardous goods
Optimize Optimize Transportations Transportations
Reduce Operations Costs
Dispatch Dispatch Personnel Personnel
Client(Gas Client(Gas Stations) Stations)
Truck Truck Drivers Drivers
Track Track vehicle vehicle location location & & status status
Real-time Real-time vehicle vehicle
Better Better communication communication
Decrease Decrease communication communication
tracking tracking of of client’s client’s goods goods Know Know arrival arrival time time Decrease unnecessary Decrease unnecessary communication communication costs costs
Ensures Ensures trust trust to to clients clients
costs costs Optimize Optimize vehicle vehicle operations operations
Customer Customer Satisfaction Satisfaction
Optimized Optimized Operations Operations
Automatics Automatics driver driver
updates updates for for road road conditions to conditions to prevent prevent accidents accidents
Customer Customer & & emergency emergency response response
Service Sys. Architecture
3) Logistics Control Operation Flow
ERP Shipment
Creates Travel distance, time & driving logs
Vehicle/Driver Master
Dispatch ①Confirm
Automatic Vehicle Dispatch System
②Dispatch Info
Tracking Server
⑧ Vehicle status
(Client & Server) Web Tool
Arrival info
Vehicle location
Dispatch data
T/T Confirm Dispatch
Logistics (Oil Reservoir) Center
Client (Gas Station)
* Shipment Interface * Vehicle status info (Automatic Push or Pull) 18
3) Logistics Control
Vehicle statistics for each Transportation Companies
Quarterly Transportation Expense
Vehicle Operation Rate
Vehicle Vehicle Location Location is is monitored monitored in in the the main main Center Center
4) FMS
Fleet Management System
SK FMS (Fleet Management System) • SK Fleet Management System, will significantly resolve tedious problems involving in logistics, vehicle allocations and vehicle operations. • It incorporates the latest Telematics Service with driver’s behavior data and i-CUVS (increasing Car Usage Values Solution). Concurrently it minimizes any unnecessary fuel consumption, vehicle maintenance and management fee.
GPS Satellite Vehicle Server
Overall effect after FMS Implementation
4) FMS
For Company N saved 3,540,000 Won per month and 42,570,000 per year
[Before FMS]
Operation Cost
Gas Price
[After FMS]
10 Vehicles
[for entire team 10 needed]
[6 for the team + Pool 2]
5,500K Won (550K\X10)
4,400천원 (550K\X8)
1,500K Won (150K\X10)
1,200천원 (150K\X8)
2,400 Km
Private 60%
Gas Price
3,360K Won (240ℓ X 1,400\ X 10) Internal Office Employee Usage
8 Vehicles
1,748K\ Employee Usage 400K\
Monthly decreased Cost
3,548K Won
1,440 Km
Biz 60% 1,440km
1,612K Won(144ℓ X 1,400\ X 8)
8 in operations △400K\ (50K\X8)
Future B2B Plans with SK Commercial Vehicle Telematics
V. Future Projections
1. Associate with Insurance Business - Insurance packages based on driving logs & patterns
2. Associate with Gas Station Business - Value added services with Digital HUB Gas Stations
3. Expand Vehicle Category - Adopt Telematics in Express-mail Delivery Logistics, Cash Transportation Bank Vehicles and etc.
4. Adopt enhanced navigation functions - Automatic destination settings - Dynamic route guidance based on real-time traffic info
5. Establish Safety & Security Services - Remote vehicle diagnosis
V. Future Projections
Taxii Traking
Bus & Logistics
FMS Navi Call
SK Commercial Vehicle Telematics Road Map
Taxi/Bus Tracking & Monitoring Service Logistics Vehicle Control
Fleet Management Services Taxi Call Services(Navi-Call) Navigation Wireless B2B Solutions
Digital Convergence Technology enabled Commercial Vehicle Telematics Services
Thank you!!
SK Corp. Telematics Business Team http://www.entrac.com