Case Study: Large Government Agency

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solution is being implemented by a leading enterprise software and services vendor (part of the consortium that ... such
Case Study: Large Government Agency ACCELERATE YOUR MOVE TO MICROSOFT® OFFICE 365™ AND CONTROL COSTS Businesses and government agencies are migrating to Office 365 to alleviate IT management burden and cost while increasing scalability and accessibility. However, clients and their enterprise services vendors are turning to Commvault to deliver a smart migration strategy — one that accelerates their move to the cloud and optimizes cost savings. A government agency and its service provider engaged Commvault to help them move 200,000 email users and 165 TB of files into the Microsoft cloud faster and more affordably than previously projected.

MOVING TO OFFICE 365™? COMMVAULT CAN HELP…. • Move to the cloud faster. • Reduce the amount of data to be migrated, keeping initial costs low. • Archive out of Office 365 to control costs over time.

• Maintain end user access to current and archived data, post migration. • Deliver compliance and governance options that augment Office 365 services.

Commvault boosts efficiency by giving you the ability to let users recover and restore emails without admin intervention — and supports flexible configurations to uphold your unique service level agreements.

CLIENT SUCCESS STORY A large government agency has begun migration from Exchange 2010 to Office 365™ and the solution is being implemented by a leading enterprise software and services vendor (part of the consortium that currently provides IT services to this agency). The vendor’s goal was to reduce the migration burden and cost of the implementation, so they engaged Commvault.

SOLUTION Commvault® software is facilitating the migration of 200,000+ email users and 165 TB of files by: • Archiving any data more than six months old from the existing environment and servers prior to migrating to the cloud. • Ensuring archived data remains available for search by end-users. • Files are accessible via an Explorer® archive plug in or the web console. • Email is accessible via an Outlook® archive plug in, the web console or any native IMAP client, such as Gmail®, iOS® or Thunderbird®. This agency is already looking at adding Commvault functionality for compliance and records retention. At the same time, the enterprise vendor is exploring similar projects with central government clients.

SUMMARY Commvault software is the top choice – even among other leading enterprise vendors – when it comes to archiving, migrating and managing large volumes of data while reducing total cost of ownership. • Lower cost. • Faster migration. • More control.

Consolidate massive amounts of data, centralize data management across on-premises and cloud, and expand visibility. Learn more at

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