Cast and Crew List - Jamestown PTA

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Set Crew. Jacob Friend. Dylan Haworth. Ab Lesesne. Quinn Loftis. Stephen Messinger. Thomas Perry. Lachlan Stevens. Sydney Walker. Matthew Whitlock ...
*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

Kindergarten Chorus Emily Alperstein Reagan Baker Kate Barrows Truman Becknell Bella Davis Shira Dorf Caroline Fielding Claire Glaccum Grace Guillory Kelly Keough Elise Lucien Lena MacAulay Jordan Meadows Arhan Menta Waitlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Laney Hart Ellie Evans Connor Cherouny Kamila Maliszewska Hudson Fang Hailey Duhamel Eloise Perry

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

1st Grade Chorus Peter Allen Ryan Arthur Emily Boggs John Erkmann Olivia Flanagan Nora Gabbay Emma Guillory Harper Kois Colin Madden Ginger McClure Caitlin O’Connor Madelene Wilson Waitlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Victor D’Emidio Brenden Thompson McKenna Gurgo Addison Smith Karenna Wilson Jonah Gropper Kate Loper Carter Jensen Owen Donohoe Josie Barton Natalie Vipond Carson Knowles Georgia Hardeman Julia Fanguy Caroline Purcell Lauren Adams Mariska Kurtz

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

2nd Grade Chorus Olivia Barrows Hannah Bigley Caroline Corcoran Elizabeth Dashefsky Clay Derderian Nathan Evans Chloe Hansen Katie Keough Hannah Marrone James McClennan Griffin Morse Casey Pick Olivia Shea Christina Trimble Waitlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Ella Russell Clara Miller Julia Logan Brinkley Baker Kate Haley Lizzy Hone Nicholas Ambrozy Amelia Lucien Dora Bowen-Glazeroff Sebastian Newman Natalie Howell Pauline Kopasz-Gemmen Jacob Bowen-Glazeroff

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

3nd Grade Chorus Ava Alperstein Caroline Bailey Danny Becknell Risa Dorf Lindsay Glaccum Emma Haworth Alex Herbst Ala Maliszewska Trevor McAndrews Leah McNamara Julia Mudry Devan Rimon Cooper Scott Benjamin Wilson Christine Wilson Waitlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Rosie Purcell Sara Tomb Lyra Kois Zibby Lunger Chip Nordlinger Zach Abruzzese Ben Herbst Christine Girod Katherine Price Carrie Finn Zoe Haywood

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Joey McKean Kate Davis Sebastian Morales-Talero Mia Sedor Abby Freund Lillian Thro Zoe Donmoyer Georgia Gradler Olivia Rosen Michaline Becknell

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

4rd Grade Actors Kaylee Board Eliana Check Anna Macon Corcoran Ashley Deabler Alex D’Emidio Jack Duhamel Owen Fang Aisling Flett Libby Heckler Gillian Howell Tyler Meadows Jane Miller Jillian Morse Emmett Mudge Maggie Ramos Margaret Roney Grace Sakell Mikaela Spain Sadie Stribley Ellie Trumpfheller Jasmine van Heyningen Rachel Wilson

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

5th Grade Actors Lauren Ambrozy Katie Ayres Delia Curran Grace Derderian Avery Donmoyer Arianna Erkmann Isabelle Francis Abigail Guttman-McCabe Reid Hansen Courtney Hatcher Jack Haworth Peter Hays Claire Helsel Hannah Knittig Devin McFarlane Isabella Morales-Talero Dana Musser Sarah Nordlinger Elizabeth Price Bella Schulken Audrey Trimble Adi Zytek

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

Set Crew Jacob Friend Dylan Haworth Ab Lesesne Quinn Loftis Stephen Messinger Thomas Perry Lachlan Stevens Sydney Walker Matthew Whitlock

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

Costume and Props Crew Catherine Allen Emily Bowen Elizabeth Brown Ella Clough Quinn Loftis Catherine McClure Kelly Melnick Meghan Watson Rachel Yocum

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

Backstage Crew Mason Allen Oscar Concia Molly Cowan Euan Flett Owen Haley Sean Kilby Ethan Kimelheim Abby McClennan Caelan McSweeney Cam Scott Waitlist 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Elizabeth Brown Kelly Melnick Zach Levin Ellie Cowan Ab Lesesne Stephen Messinger Jacob Friend Meghan Watson

*** Please bring your child’s participant fee ($50) to the January parent meeting or drop it off in the play box in the office. ***

Publicity Crew Ellie Cowan Molly Cowan Heather Johnson Zach Levin Kelly Melnick