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... Blog License:67042 For Educational ... sentence in the top right hand b
Dr. Seuss’ Characters Kindergarten Sight Words for Handwriting Practice

Based On Different Storybook Characters By Dr. Seuss And Created For A Language Arts Activity After Reading These Classic Storybooks.

For Educational Purposes Only: Not For Profit Graphics by Regina Davis.Queen Chaos Designs Clip art by Blog License:67042

Regina Davis

Sight Word Handwriting Practice by Regina Davis

Have your students practice their handwriting skills with these Dr. Seuss’ Characters handwriting sheets. I have used Kindergarten sight words that I use for my own students to make these practice sheets. The sentences are very simple and are meant for students to be able to read the words on their own. I used sight words and simple cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) type words that can be easily sounded out to create the sentences. I wrote each sentence in the top right hand box of every page so that students can easily read it before trying to write it. I also added an arrow going from left to right under each handwriting sentence so that students can see the direction that their handwriting should go. I know how precious our time is as teachers, so I’m incorporating handwriting, sight words, cvc words, and sentence reading all in one activity. Sight Words Used: with, was, want, what, where, who

--Happy Teaching! Regina Davis

Kindergarten Common Core State Standards: K.RFS.1a Follow words from left to right K.RFS.1c Use spaces to separate words. K.RFS.3c Read high frequency words K.L.1a Write upper and lowercase letters. K.L.1f Write in complete sentences.

Name: ____________________________

Dr. Seuss’ Characters Handwriting Sight Words by Regina Davis

For Educational Use Only

Name: ____________________________


I am not with him.

With with With with with with with With With with

I am not with him.

Name: ____________________________

Was was Was was was was


He was here.

Was was was Was Was was

He was here.

Name: ____________________________


I want them to go.

want Want Want want want Want Want want want I want them to go.

Name: ____________________________


What do you like?

What what What what what What what whatwhat What

What do you like?

Name: ____________________________


Where are they?

where Where where where Where where where Where Where

Where are they?

Who is on top of me?

Name: ____________________________


who Who who Who who

Who who who who Who

Who is on top of me?