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ISBN 978-81-7992-814-1. The Greatness Guide 2. 101 ways to reach the next level. Robin Sharma shares the remarkable insights and tools that have made him ...
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Robin Sharma Robin Sharma is the globally celebrated author of 10 bestselling books on leadership and personal development. His work has been published in over 50 countries and nearly 70 languages, making him one of the most widely read authors in the world. Robin is the founder of Sharma Leadership International Inc.

The Greatness Guide 2 101 ways to reach the next level Robin Sharma shares the remarkable insights and tools that have made him one of the world’s most trusted advisers on leadership and personal success. Compelling, engaging and truly unforgettable, this powerful guide will help you get to world class at work and in life. J-1983 CD Rs.275 224p ISBN 978-81-8495-064-9 Standard Edition J-1750 Rs.195 224p ISBN 978-81-7992-814-1

The Greatness Guide Collector’s Edition with audiobook read by the author Passionate, inspiring, provocative and full of big ideas that will help you meet your highest potential and live an extraordinary life. You will receive uncommon advice that will uplift, energize and move you to action. J-1751 CD

Rs.250 240p

ISBN 978-81-7992-815-8

Standard Edition J-1545 Rs.195 240p ISBN 81-7992-576-5

Includes audio CD Manage Your Time, Master Your LifeTM

Self-Help 3

Robin Sharma’s titles have sold over 1.5 million copies in India Who Will Cry When You Die?

Leadership Wisdom


Includes audio CD Meditation for Elite Performers

Includes audio CD Extraordinary Leadership

Includes audio CD How to Craft a World-Class LifeTM

J-1981 CD Rs.225 224p ISBN 978-81-8495-062-5

J-1982 CD Rs.275 272p ISBN 978-81-8495-063-2

J-1984 CD Rs.250 172p ISBN 978-81-8495-065-6

Standard Edition J-1275 Rs.175 224p ISBN 81-7992-232-4

Standard Edition J-1274 Rs.195 272p ISBN 81-7992-231-6

Standard Edition J-825 Rs.175 172p ISBN 81-7224-614-5


Daily Inspiration

J-1733 Rs.250 408p ISBN 978-81-7992-794-6

Discover Your Destiny


J-1358 Rs.195 240p ISBN 81-7992-327-4 3

Family Wisdom

J-1273 Rs.195 216p ISBN 81-7992-230-8


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari A fable about fulfilling your dreams and reaching your destiny

Collector’s Edition of the International Bestseller An extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer, who goes on a lifechanging odyssey to an ancient culture. He discovers lessons that teach him to follow his life’s mission and live life fully.

HB JH-580 Rs.295 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-966-7 PB J-1228 Rs.185 216p ISBN 81-7992-162-X

Also available in paperback: Collector’s Edition with audiobook read by the author J-1654 CD Rs.250 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-706-9

The Robin Sharma Pack 9 Volumes New Collector’s Edition has Robin Sharma’s all nine bestsellers in one pack. J-1910 Rs.1,595 ISBN 978-81-7992-982-7

Includes FREE The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari audiobook read by the author.


Now you can read Robin Sharma’s titles in the language of your choice...


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Assamese —Œ Ù ¬ 1 ± ø 1 ø ¬ ı S ê œ fl ¡ ø 1 ø  √˚ ˛± ¸ i ß… ± ¸ œ Ê √Ú J-1228A Rs.125 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-806-6 Bengali — J-1228B Rs.130

208p ISBN 978-81-7992-693-2

fi k p k u S > °d Z °` p °s p _ u k Ñ` r — h ¢Q u _ p M u Gujarati —k J-1228G Rs.150 204p ISBN 81-7992-673-7 Hindi —g§Ýmgr {OgZo AnZr g§n{Îm ~oM Xr J-1228H Rs.150 240p ISBN 81-7992-494-7 Kannada —¥sÉgÁj J-1228K

ªÀiÁjzÀ ¥sÀQÃgÀ

Rs.115 172p ISBN 81-7992-672-9

Marathi —g§Ý`mgr Á`mZo Amncr g§nÎmr {dH$cr J-1228M Rs.150 196p ISBN 81-7992-527-7 Oriya — J-1228O Tamil — J-1228TM


d p f p d ©– e y` f L p °Z A p Ñk yk p f i °? Gujarati —s J-1275G Rs.150 236p ISBN 978-81-7992-849-3 Hindi —Forthcoming Kannada —Forthcoming Marathi —Vw_À`m _¥Ë`yZ§Va H$moU aS>Uma Amho? J-1275M Rs.150 266p ISBN 978-81-7992-694-9 Tamil —eP J-1275TM


Gujarati —Forthcoming Kannada —ªÀĺÁ£ï J-1545K




ISBN 978-81-7992-732-8

308p ISBN 978-81-7992-978-0


240p ISBN 978-81-7992-855-4

Leadership Wisdom

Tamil —Forthcoming

Rs.150 196p ISBN 81-7992-564-1

The Greatness Guide


Marathi —_hmZ OrdZ OJÊ`mMr H$cm J-1274M Rs.175 272p ISBN 978-81-7992-993-3

6 2

caph; Jwe;jhy; mOgth; ahNu

∞ h + ≤Q Í r q O z = ∞ ~ °} Ï x fl [ ~ Ú O K «∞ Telugu —=

ISBN 978-81-7992-782-3

Rs.135 324p ISBN 978-81-7992-608-6

Who Will Cry When You Die?

Assamese —Forthcoming

5 Rs.125

Telugu —P ã ¨∞ ÎÅ ∞ J = Ú ‡ ‰ õΩ x P ` «‡ â ’ ^ èŒ# ÔH ·X H õ Ü ≥∂ y „ Ñ ¨™ ê ÷# O J-1228T



Gujarati —Forthcoming Marathi —ZoV¥ÎdmMo ehmUnU J-825M Rs.160 256p ISBN 978-81-7992-810-3 Tamil —Forthcoming

Malayalam —al-¯z-¯n\v Hcp amÀKZÀin J-1545ML Rs.150 256p ISBN 978-81-7992-805-9

Telugu —Forthcoming

Marathi —_hmZVoÀ`m {XeoZo J-1545M Rs.185 304p ISBN 978-81-7992-696-3


© fl ¯ © U P ı ⁄ ¡ » P ı m i Tamil —˜ J-1545TM Rs.150 352p ISBN 978-81-7992-730-4 Telugu —Forthcoming


The Greatness Guide 2

Telugu —Forthcoming

Discover Your Destiny

Tamil —Forthcoming


Family Wisdom

Gujarati —Forthcoming Malayalam —Forthcoming Tamil —Forthcoming

6 Self-Help

Richard Bach Hypnotizing Maria The Secret of a Meaningful Life

In this enchanting and unpredictable novel Bach tells the story of a veteran pilot, James Forbes and his encounters with a woman named Maria, who is trapped in a plane without a pilot. During their dialogue, Forbes also reflects on his past encounters with a flamboyant hypnotist and the hypnotist’s deceased wife. Bach concludes that our world is a result of one hypnotic suggestion after another and the secret of a meaningful life is learning to control those suggestions.

Richard Bach is the author of the bestsellers Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions, which have sold more than 40 million copies and been published in more than 40 languages. Bach’s books espouse his philosophy that our apparent physical limits and mortality are merely appearance.

J-1999 Rs.175 176p ISBN 978-81-8495-081-6


Messiah’s Handbook


J-1675 Rs.175 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-727-4 2

Curious Lives

J-1635 Rs.295 384p ISBN 978-81-7992-681-9

Self-Help 7

Robert A. Schuller Getting Through What You’re Going Through This book offers ten principles to help break down the barriers to healing, including self-pity, guilt, fear, and the inability to forgive and help you “get through” your difficult times.

Robert A. Schuller has written 12 books, including the bestseller Dump Your Hang-Ups Without Dumping Them on Others.

Above all, Getting Through What You’re Going Through proves the healing power of faith and prayer.

J-1974 Rs.250 220p ISBN 978-81-8495-055-7

“To get through what you’re going through, you must be willing to be carried, and that takes trusting...”


Ryuho Okawa The Laws of the Sun Discover the Origin of Your Soul

Ryuho Okawa reveals in this book the transcendent nature of consciousness and the secrets of our multidimensional universe and our place in it. By understanding the natural laws of the universe and following the Buddhist Eightfold Path, he believes we can speed up our eternal process of development.

Free animation movie included

J-1953 CD Rs.295 260p ISBN 978-81-8495-027-4

A spiritual leader, contemporary visionary and founder of “Happy Science”, Ryuho Okawa has devoted his life to the Truth and ways to happiness. Born in 1956 in Japan, Okawa studied law in Tokyo and then international finance in New York. In 1986 he renounced his business career at a major Japanese trading house in New York, and established Happy Science. In 1987, he established the IRH Press Co., Ltd. Since then, Okawa has published over 500 books which have combined sales of over 20 million copies.


The Laws of Courage Unleash your True Potential to Open a Path for the Future

In The Laws of Courage, Ryuho Okawa presents a new perspective to discover a way to live your life with confidence and strength. From practical tips for forming long lasting friendships to universal solutions for hatred and suffering, this groundbreaking book can guide you to a new future for yourself and the world. A L S O AVA I L A B L E 1

“I’m Fine” Spirit

J-1914 Rs.175 108p ISBN 978-81-7992-986-5

The Laws of Happiness


J-1881 Rs.225 200p ISBN 978-81-7992-948-3 J-1940 Rs.195 168p ISBN 978-81-8495-014-4 Forthcoming


Invincible Thinking

J-1507 Rs.175 168p ISBN 978-81-7992-683-3 Also available in Hindi & Gujarati J-1507H Rs.135 160p ISBN 978-81-8495-038-0 J-1507G ISBN 978-81-8495-068-7 Forthcoming

10 Rules of Wisdom


J-1668 Rs.250 300p ISBN 978-81-7992-720-5

The Essence of Buddha


J-1726 Rs.225 212p ISBN 978-81-7992-786-1

An Unshakable Mind


J-1758 Rs.195 140p ISBN 978-81-7992-822-6

10 Self-Help

Napoleon Hill The Essence of Law of Success 17 Magic Principles to get what you want in life Napoleon Hill’s classic The Essence of Law of Success will help you achieve dreams and personal success you may never have thought possible. Discover the incredible amount of useful information brought together for you in this one magnificent volume.

J-2003 CD Rs.195 184p ISBN 978-81-8495-085-4

Napoleon Hill had a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. Hill established the Napoleon Hill Foundation as a non-profit educational institution.

Collector’s Edition includes Law of Success Audiobook


Three Feet from Gold Don’t Quit—Turn Your Obstacles into Opportunities!

Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success. Don’t quit. Decide to live life to the fullest. You may be three feet from gold.

Sharon Lechter is the co-author of the international best-selling book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Sharon is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, educator and a speaker. Greg S. Reid is a #1 best-selling author, filmmaker and motivational speaker.


Think & Grow Rich


J-1732 Rs.175 412p ISBN 978-81-7992-792-2

Timeless Thoughts for Today



Co-author J. Williamson J-1824 Rs.195 184p ISBN 978-81-7992-890-5 3

Making Miracles

Arnold Fox & Barry Fox J-1826 Rs.250 280p ISBN 978-81-7992-892-9

Positive Thoughts Positive Action


Arnold Fox & Barry Fox J-1825 Rs.225 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-891-2

365 Days of Inspiration


J-1649 Rs.225 372p ISBN 978-81-7992-701-4

The Miracle of Positive Thinking


Arnold Fox & Barry Fox J-1634 Rs.195 200p ISBN 978-81-7992-682-6

12 Self-Help/Motivation

Og Mandino The Greatest Miracle in the World Collector’s Edition includes audiobook read by the author


This is a spellbinding narrative revealing exciting new secrets for your personal happiness and success. It offers priceless wisdom to those searching for a higher meaning and purpose in life. This book will affect your thoughts and actions long after the final sentence has touched your heart.

Og Mandino is the author of 18 books with total sales of more than 36 million copies in 22 languages. He is the most widely read inspirational and self-help author in the world.

J-1963 CD Rs.225 140p ISBN 978-81-8495-037-3 Standard Edition J-1639 Rs.175 140p ISBN 978-81-7992-689-5


The Greatest Salesman in the World


J-1771 CD Rs.185 112p ISBN 978-81-7992-835-6 Standard Edition J-1637 Rs.150 112p ISBN 978-81-7992-687-1

The Greatest Secret in the World


J-1638 Rs.195 188p ISBN 978-81-7992-688-8 3

Success Unlimited

J-1488 Rs.250 274p ISBN 978-81-7992-676-5

Self-Help 13

Gary Chapman Everybody Wins The Chapman Guide to Solving Conflicts Without Arguing

Every couple has disagreements. When one of you wins, the other loses – and nobody wants to be or live with a loser. Gary Chapman provides a simple blueprint to help you and your spouse achieve win-win solutions to everyday conflicts that will put an end to arguing once and for all and leave both of you feeling loved, listened to, and appreciated.

Gary Chapman is the author of the bestselling Five Love Languages Series and the director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Gary travels the world presenting seminars.

J-1796 Rs.175 132p ISBN 978-81-7992-863-9


The Five Love Languages for Singles


J-1894 Rs.250 248p ISBN 978-81-7992-961-2

The Five Love Languages


J-1762 Rs.225 204p ISBN 978-81-7992-826-4

The Five Languages of Apology


Co-author Jennifer Thomas J-1890 Rs.295 204p ISBN 978-81-7992-957-5

14 Self-Help

Omarosa The Bitch Switch Knowing How to Turn it On and Off

When a woman acts assertively, makes demands, and struggles for what she wants, she is labeled a bitch. The secret is to know when and how to turn on (or turn off) that “bitch switch.” From Omarosa – the reality star, and global television personality, comes The Bitch Switch, the smart and bitingly honest must-read for every woman who aspires to succeed in relationships, in business, and at home.

Omarosa has established herself as one of the most recognizable reality stars on television in the USA. As one of Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice contestants, she captivated the country with her sassy, no-holds-barred business savvy. She continues her training as a motivational speaker and as a frequent business and political contributor on CNBC, CNN and Fox.

J-1951 Rs.250 208p ISBN 978-81-8495-025-0

“The Bitch Switch has a series of exercises that help make a woman go straight from worm to cobra in 2.5 seconds.” —Sunday Times of India

Self-Help 15

Chris Prentiss The Little Book of Secrets Gentle Wisdom for Joyful Living

This book shares 81 precious sayings distilled from the world’s ancient wisdom along with the author’s own perceptive comments. Both will help you find insight, peace, and guidance in our busy, modern world. These elegant principles for enlightened living cover everything from creating enduring relationships to achieving a quiet and contented heart. J-1958



Chris Prentiss is the cofounder and co-director of the world-famous Passages Addiction Cure Center in Malibu, California. He has written a dozen books on philosophy and personal growth.

ISBN 978-81-8495-032-8

Self-Help NEW

The Power of the Possible Auriela McCarthy J-1886 Rs.295 276p ISBN 978-81-7992-953-7


The Law of Attraction: Plain and Simple Sonia Ricotti J-1948 Rs.175 140p ISBN 978-81-8495-022-9

The Street-Smart Parables J.R. Sterling J-1375 Rs.150 144p ISBN 81-7992-344-4 World Rights Available

7 Principles for Creating Your Future James J. Semradek, Jr. & Michael P. Butler J-1514 Rs.295 142p ISBN 81-7992-545-5

The Ten Commitments David Simon, M.D. J-1772 Rs.225 214p ISBN 978-81-7992-836-3

Motivation & Success

Winners’ Wisdom to Succeed Success is Not an Accident Jim Stovall J-1787 Rs.195 188p ISBN 978-81-7992-853-0

Tommy Newberry J-1864 Rs.295 256p ISBN 978-81-7992-931-5

I Love Living Rajan J-1891 Rs.195 228p ISBN 978-81-7992-958-2 World Rights Available

Power, Passion and Purpose: 7 Steps to Energizing Your Life Ann Nichols Roulac J-1574 Rs.295 272p ISBN 978-81-7992-685-7

Aim for the Stars Reach the Moon Conor Patterson J-1615 Rs.195 204p ISBN 978-81-7992-684-0


Personal Development

365 Steps to Self-Confidence

Become the Person You Want to Be

David L. Preston J-1148 Rs.195 224p ISBN 81-7992-029-1

Steve Chandler J-1294 Rs.225 224p ISBN 81-7992-251-0

The Great Wing

The Assertive Woman

Why It’s Great to Be a Girl

Louis A. Tartaglia J-1517 Rs.150 160p ISBN 81-7992-548-X

Stanlee Phelps & Nancy Austin J-1580 Rs.225 250p ISBN 81-7992-631-1

Shannon & Trobaugh J-1765 Rs.195 160p ISBN 978-81-7992-829-5

Attitude NEW

Personal Excellence Editor - Ken Shelton J-1518 Rs.195 190p ISBN 81-7992-549-8

In Pursuit of Personal Excellence

The Road to Power Barbara Berger J-1613 Rs.250 198p ISBN 81-7992-650-8

Editor - Ken Shelton J-1570 Rs.175 174p ISBN 81-7992-601-X

Becoming the Complete Champion Michael J. Herman J-1618 Rs.175 172p ISBN 81-7992-655-9

Life is an Attitude Dottie Billington J-1236 Rs.175 288p ISBN 81-7992-170-0

Happiness NEW

A Winning Attitude

Get Happy Now

Moving On

The Way to Happiness

Rosie Hamilton-McGinty J-1741 Rs.125 132p ISBN 978-81-7992-802-8

Jagmohan Bhanver J-1284 Rs.295 228p ISBN 81-7992-241-3 World Rights Available

Stuart Perrin J-1484 Rs.175 224p ISBN 81-7992-506-4

L. Ron Hubbard J-1536 Rs.295 256p ISBN 81-7992-567-6


The Success Code

The Power to Succeed

J-1645 Rs.195 216p ISBN 978-81-7992-697-0

J-1147 Rs.175 174p ISBN 81-7992-028-3

b y

D R .


100 Thoughts that Lead to Happiness Len Chetkin J-1585 Rs.165 160p ISBN 81-7992-636-2


Key to Success & Happiness

Principles of Powerful Living

The Legend of the Light-Bearers

J-1149 Rs.175 184p ISBN 81-7992-030-5

J-1163 Rs.175 158p ISBN 81-7992-046-1

J-1515 Rs.175 224p ISBN 81-7992-546-3



Norman Vincent Peale Six Attitudes for Winners Healthy, positive attitudes are within reach with the help of this guidebook. Peale offers inspirational advice for problems like apathy, doubt, and fear. J-1912



A preacher and author, Norman Vincent Peale (1898 – 1993) was a progenitor of the theory of “positive thinking”. He authored the bestseller The Power of Positive Thinking.

ISBN 978-81-7992-984-1

Deepak Chopra Freedom Co-author David Simon

Integrating the best of Western research with Eastern traditions, the authors give everyone the tools to uncover the true cause of their addiction and provide comprehensive steps to end it.

A prolific author of over 40 books, Deepak Chopra is acknowledged as one of the world’s greatest leaders in the field of mind-body medicine.

J-1757 Rs.225 240p ISBN 978-81-7992-821-9 Also Available

Kama Sutra J-1555




ISBN 81-7992-586-2

Mind & Memory

Edward De Bono The Free Mind There are many routes to your destination. You have a free choice from several options – and you make your free choice. You are not “forced” to make a certain choice. You are free... or are you? J-1729


106p ISBN 978-81-7992-789-2

Edward De Bono’s techniques and work focus on improving the elements that constitute a perception and the formal design and application of the frameworks required towards innovative and creative action. He has written 70 books with translations in 40 languages.




A Handbook of Etiquette

The Magic Power of Self Image Psychology

Anger: How to Live With and Without It

Maxwell Maltz J-269 Rs.175 244p ISBN 81-7224-127-5

Albert Ellis J-536 Rs.195 304p ISBN 81-7224-107-0

Moira Redmond J-773 Rs.135 192p ISBN 81-7224-451-7

10 Ways to Overcome Anger Ron Potter-Efron & Pat Potter-Efron J-842 Rs.195 164p ISBN 81-7224-584-X

12 Steps to Overcome Anxiety Denise F. Beckfield J-1091 Rs.250 300p ISBN 81-7224-948-9

Mind NEW

Interpret Your Dreams

Secrets of Self-Hypnosis

Use Your Brain

Dr. Elizabeth Scott J-1431 Rs.175 160p ISBN 81-7992-425-4

Dr. Bruce Goldberg J-1003 Rs.185 144p ISBN 81-7224-834-2

John R. Bews J-775 Rs.150 160p ISBN 81-7224-453-3

The Magic of Mind Power

Thinking About Thinking

You Only Think Twice

Master the Mind Monkey

Mental Strength

Duncan McColl J-1476 Rs.175 190p ISBN 81-7992-498-X

K.R. Ravi J-1492 Rs.195 192p ISBN 81-7992-516-1 World Rights Available

K.R. Ravi J-1823 Rs.195 204p ISBN 978-81-7992-889-9 World Rights Available

Anand Patkar J-1592 Rs.350 290p ISBN 81-7992-619-2 World Rights Available

Iain Abernethy J-1799 Rs.250 192p ISBN 978-81-7992-866-0

Numerical Ability & Mathematical Aptitude

101 Strategies for Staying Sane in a Crazy World A. Lazarus & C. Lazarus J-1086 Rs.175 176p ISBN 81-7224-943-8


The Right Way to Improve Your Memory Geoffrey Budworth J-789 Rs.150 128p ISBN 81-7224-467-3

Improving Your Concentration Skills G. Harris & K.L. Harris J-946 Rs.150 120p ISBN 81-7224-732-X

Study Skills

Maximising Your Memory

Speed Reading

Study Smarter, Not Harder

Peter Marshall J-1082 Rs.175 128p ISBN 81-7224-939-X

Geoffrey A. Dudley J-472 Rs.150 160p ISBN 81-7224-153-4

Kevin Paul J-991 Rs.225 232p ISBN 81-7224-807-5

Aditham B. Rao J-1329 Rs.275 436p ISBN 81-7992-355-X World Rights Available

20 Self-Help

Azim Jamal


A corporate sufi, life coach and motivator Azim Jamal is a visionary with his feet on the ground. He has traveled worldwide speaking to packed audiences about leadership, spirituality, and balanced living.

The Corporate Sufi

J-1496 Rs.250 216p ISBN 81-7992-520-X

7 Steps to Lasting Happiness


J-1494 Rs.275 252p ISBN 81-7992-518-8

The One-Minute Sufi


J-1493 Rs.175 216p ISBN 81-7992-517-X

The Power of Giving


J-1543 Rs.195 184p ISBN 81-7992-574-9

Life Balance The Sufi Way


J-1643 Rs.250 304p ISBN 978-81-7992-677-2 World Rights Available on all Azim Jamal titles


Study Skills

The Power of Vedic Maths

Pass Exams Without Anxiety

Exam-Busting Tips

Atul Gupta J-1330 Rs.150 176p ISBN 81-7992-357-6 World Rights Available

David Acres J-899 Rs.195 168p ISBN 81-7224-674-9

J-1743 Rs.125 120p ISBN 978-81-7992-804-2

What Employers Want But Everybody Wants a Hit Business Schools Don’t Teach Derek Bose Yasmin D’Souza & Amitabh Singh J-1527 Rs.195 216p ISBN 81-7992-558-7 J-1281 Rs.150 128p ISBN 81-7992-238-3 World Rights Available World Rights Available

Relationships NEW

Seeds of Success Jack Myrick J-1656 Rs.150 112p ISBN 978-81-7992-708-3

10 Secrets of a Great Marriage

125 Ways to Meet the Love of Your Life

12 Lies Wives Tell Their Husbands

12 Lies Husbands Tell Their Wives

G. Leeds, L. Leeds, T. Real & S. Seliger J-1970 Rs.195 212p ISBN 978-81-8495-046-5

Dr. Jan Yager J-1865 Rs.250 196p ISBN 978-81-7992-932-2

Tim & Sheila Riter J-1797 Rs.250 192p ISBN 978-81-7992-864-6

Tim & Sheila Riter J-1798 Rs.250 192p ISBN 978-81-7992-865-3

Sex, Marriage & Love

Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana (Illustrated) Translated by Burton & Arbuthonot J-191 Rs.150 220p ISBN 81-7224-128-3



Secrets of Sex

Expert Lovemaking

Kenneth Anderson J-365 Rs.125 238p ISBN 81-7224-113-5

Usha Sarup J-465 Rs.125 124p ISBN 81-7224-162-3 World Rights Available

Masters & Johnson on Sex and Human Loving Masters & Johnson J-558 Rs.295 608p ISBN 81-7224-041-4

Jaico Book of Baby Names

25,000+ Baby Names

Baby Care

M.V. Kamath J-553 Rs.125 136p ISBN 81-7224-063-5 World Rights Available

Bruce Lansky J-1848 Rs.195 380p ISBN 978-81-7992-915-5

Editor - Paula Kelly J-1223 Rs.250 174p ISBN 81-7992-157-3

Tantra: The Secret Power of Sex Arvind & Shanta Kale J-423 Rs.195 192p ISBN 81-7224-081-3 World Rights Available

Pregnancy & Baby Care NEW

Tantra: The Key to Sexual Power & Pleasure Ashley Thirleby J-485 Rs.150 192p ISBN 81-7224-073-2

A Simple Guide to Having a Baby Whalley, Simkin & Keppler J-1567 Rs.250 284p ISBN 81-7992-598-6

Parenting NEW

How to Understand Your Child Lynn Weiss J-1089 Rs.250 224p ISBN 81-7224-946-2

Fetal Attraction

Your Child Can Be a Star

Dr. Duru Shah with Dr. Safala Shroff & Ivor Vaz J-1372 Rs.250 316p ISBN 81-7992-352-5 World Rights Available

Allison Cohee J-1435 Rs.295 128p ISBN 81-7992-429-7


Help Your Kids Get It Done Right at Home & School! Donna M. Genett J-1587 Rs.135 110p ISBN 81-7992-638-9

ABCs of Parenting Gouri Dange J-1756 Rs.175 136p ISBN 978-81-7992-820-2 World Rights Available


Giving Your Child the Excellence Edge

Business Basics for Kids

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