catalogue of the world melambiina (coleoptera ...

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kaszabi, reyesi, tibicena. M. angulata angulata Wollaston, 1864. Melansis angulata Wollaston, 1864: 492. – Wollaston 1865: 414;. Reichardt 1936: 40; Gebien ...
A N N A L E S Z O O L O G I C I (Warszawa), 2011, 61(2): 281-333

CATALOGUE OF THE WORLD MELAMBIINA (COLEOPTERA: TENEBRIONIDAE: PEDININI) MARCIN JAN KAMIŃSKI Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences, Wilcza 64, 00-679 Warszawa, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract.— The catalogue of all known World species of the subtribe Melambiina Mulsant et Rey, 1854 is presented: 24 genera, 195 species and subspecies are listed. The data of primary types is included. Distribution for known species and subspecies is listed and presented on the maps.  Key words.— Melambiina, Pedninini, Tenebrionidae, taxonomy, catalogue, World.

INTRODUCTION Melambiina was established by Mulsant and Rey (1854) for Melambius and Litoborus. At present the taxon is treated as subtribe of Pedinini Tenebrioniae (Bouchard et al. 2005). The subtribe includes species and subspecies which are distributed in Mediterranean area, tropical, south Africa, and Madagascar. The main aim of this paper is to comprise all nomenclatural and distributional data on Melambiina published in previous 112 papers (see references).



Author adopted taxonomic system proposed by Koch (1956) and supported by Iwan and Löbl 2008. The genus Hadromelambius Koch, 1948 has been maintained. Cases which require taxonomic attention are listed in the “Notes” of individual taxa. All taxa are listed in alphabetical order. Misspellings are not included. Only the precise locations were presented on the maps. Places not presented on the maps are marked with “*”. Locations which author was unavailable to locate are spelled originally in quotation marks. Datum for all coordinates is WGS84. PL ISSN 0003-4541 © Fundacja Natura optima dux doi: 10.3161/000345411X584780

Abbreviations for depositories of the type material: BCM – Musée Royal du Congo Belge, Tervueren, Belgium; BMNH – Natural History Museum, London, Great Britain; CASC – California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, USA; CCEC – Museum, Centre de Conservation et d’Etude des Collections, Lyon, France; DM – Natural Science Museum & Durban Art Gallery, Durban, South Africa; MCDA – Museu Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, Luanda, Angola (MD); NHMB – Naturhistorisches Museum (G. Frey coll.), Basel, Switzerland; MIIZ – Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; MNHN – Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; MNMS – Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain; MST – Naturhistoriska Riksmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden; MZBE – Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona, España; NHMW – Naturhistorisches Museum, Zoologische Abtheilung, Wien, Austria; SAMC – Insect Collection, South African Museum, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa;



TFMC – Tenerife Museum of Natural Sciences, Spain; TMNH – Transvaal Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, Republic of South Africa; ZIUU – Uppsala Universitet, Zoologiska Museum, Uppsala, Sweden; ZMHB – Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany.

Neophylax Bedel, 1906: Phylax littoralis Mulsant et Rey, 1854a (=Opatrum picipes Olivier, 1811); designated by monotypy. Species and subspecies composition (4): brevicollis, picipes melitensis, picipes picipes, sardous. A. brevicollis (Baudi di Selve, 1876)

CATALOGUE Subtribe Melambiina Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Melambites Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 123 [1854b: 267]. Melambiina Mulsant et Rey, 1854. – Español 1945: 227 (subtribe); Koch 1948: 403 (subtribe); Antoine 1956: 342 (subtribe); Leo 1994: 133 (subtribe); Viñolas et al. 1995: 74 (subtribe); Bouchard et al. 2005 (subtribe), Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283 (subtribe). Litoborinae Antoine 1942: 19. – Antoine 1946: 51 (subfamily); 1956: 341 (subfamily); Español 1944: 12 (subtribe); 1945: 214 (subfamily); 1962: 205 (subtribe); 1974: 237 (subtribe); Koch 1948: 403 (subfamily); Koch 1956: 275 (subfamily); Leo 1994: 133 (subtribe); Viñolas et al. 1995: 74 (subtribe); Labrique and Chavanon 2001: 83 (subtribe); Iwan 2004b: 737 (subtribe); Liberto and Leo 2002: 19 (subtribe); Bouchard et al. 2005 (subtribe). Zadenina Koch, 1956: 279 (subtribe).

Type genus. Melambiina Mulsant et Rey, 1854: Melambius Mulsant et Rey, 1854a. Litoborinae Antoine, 1942: Litoborus Mulsant et Rey, 1854. Zadenina Koch, 1956: Zadenos Laporte, 1840: 210. Genus Allophylax Bedel, 1906b Allophylax Bedel, 1906: 177. Type species: Opatrum picipes Oliver, 1811.

The genus includes: 15 species belong to 3 subgenera (Allophylax, Phylaximon and Litoboromimus).

Phylax brevicollis Baudi di Selve, 1876a: 55 [=1876b: 214]. – Champion 1895: 104; Reitter 1904: 110; Gebien 1910: 309. Melambiophylax brevicollis (Baudi di Selve, 1876). – Schuster 1922: 49 (comb.). Allophylax brevicollis (Baudi di Selve, 1876). – Reichardt 1936: 28 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 449. Allophylax (Allophylax) brevicollis (Baudi di Selve, 1876). – Koch 1948: 414; 1956: 394; Leo 1994: 133; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. “In Sardinia Prof. Gené et ipse rarius, specimen prope Iglesias”. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Sardinia (Baudi di Selve 1876a) (Fig. 1). A. picipes melitensis (Baudi di Selve, 1876) Phylax melitensis Baudi di Selve, 1876a: 54 [=1876b: 213]. Phylax picipes melitensis Baudi di Selve, 1876a. – Gebien 1910: 310. Allophylax melitensis (Baudi di Selve, 1876a). – Reichardt 1936: 28 (comb.). Allophylax (Allophylax) melitensis (Baudi di Selve, 1876a). – Canzoneri 1970: 74. Allophylax (Allophylax) picipes melitensis (Baudi di Selve, 1876a). – Gebien 1939: 449; Koch 1948: 414; 1956: 394; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, (Malta; leg. D. Truqui). Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Malta (Canzoneri 1970) (Fig. 1). A. picipes picipes (Oliver, 1811)

Subgenus Allophylax Bedel, 1906b Allophylax Bedel, 1906b: 177 (replacement name for Neophylax Bedel). Escalera 1914: 329; Reichardt 1936: 26; Gebien 1939: 449; Antoine 1942: 46 (subgenus of Melambius); Español 1945: 228, 1946: 52 (subgenus of Allophylax); Koch 1945: 414; 1948: 414 (subgenus of Allophylax); 1956: 394 (subgenus of Allophylax); Kocher 1958: 133; Leo 1994: 133 (subgeus of Allophylax); Iwan 2001: 355; 2004b: 739; Soldati and Soldati 2002: 10; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283 (subgenus of Allophylax). Melambiophylax Schuster, 1922: 48. Reichardt 1936: 41; Gebien 1939: 448; Español 1945: 228; Leo 1994: 133 (syn.); Iwan 2004b: 739. Neophylax Bedel, 1906a: 92. Homonym of Neophylax McLachlan, 1871 (Trichoptera: Uenoidae).

Type species. Allophylax Bedel, 1906: Opatrum picipes Oliver, 1811; by subsequent designation. Melambiophylax Schuster, 1922: Phylax sardous Baudi di Selve, 1876; designated by monotypy.

Opatrum picipes Oliver, 1811: 500. Phylax picipes (Oliver, 1811). – Gebien 1910: 309. Allophylax picipes picipes (Oliver, 1811). – Reichardt 1936: 27 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 449; Canzoneri 1970: 73 (as species); Aliquò and Leo 1999: 8. Allophylax (Allophylax) picipes picipes (Oliver, 1811). – Koch 1948: 414; 1956: 394; Leo 1994: 133; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283. Opatrum callosum Thunberg, 1821b: 52. – Ferrer 2009: 120 (syn.). Phylax picipes var. dalmatinus Reitter, 1904: 109. – Gebien 1910: 309. Allophylax dalmatinus (Reitter, 1904). – Reichardt 1936: 26 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 449; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283 (syn.). Phylax fraternus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 143 [=1854b: 287]. – Gebien 1910: 309 (syn.); 1939: 449. Phylax littoralis Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 141 [=1854b: 282]. – Jacquelin du Val 1861: 336; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Baudi di Selve 1876a: 54 [=1876b: 213]; Champion 1895: 104; Reitter 1904: 109; Gebien 1910: 309. Melambius littoralis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Lacordaire 1859: 273 (comb.).



Figure 1. Distribution of the subgenera Allophylax and Litoboromimus.

Type data. Opatrum picipes Oliver, 1811. Unknown. Opatrum callosum Thunberg, 1821. (ZIUU). Phylax dalmatinus Reitter, 1904. Syntypes, “Lesina”. Phylax fraternus Mulsant et Rey, 1854. Holotype, (Sicile; leg. M. Aubé). Phylax littoralis Mulsant et Rey, 1854. Syntypes, “Le midi de la France”. Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Italy: Lesina (Reitter 1904); Levanzo, Favignana, Marettimo, Sicilia, Ustica, Calabria, Puglie, Tremiti; Dalmazia*, “France méridionale”* (Canzoneri 1970); Algeria*, Gibraltar, Corsica, Sadinia, Italia*, South Hungary*, Caucasus* (Reichardt 1936) (Fig. 1). A. sardous (Baudi di Selve, 1876) Phylax sardous Baudi di Selve, 1876a: 53 [=1876b: 214]. – Champion 1895: 104; Gebien 1910: 310. Melambiophylax sardous (Baudi di Selve, 1876a). – Schuster 1922: 48 (comb.); Reichardt 1936: 41; Gebien 1939: 448; Leo 1994: 133; Iwan 2004b: 741. Allophylax (Allophylax) sardous (Baudi di Selve, 1876a). – Leo 1994: 133 (comb.); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283.

Type data. Unknown.

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Sardinia (Reichardt 1936) (Fig. 1). Notes. Incorrect interpretation by Español and Viñolas (1993) – Psammoardoinellus sardiniensis was treated as Melambiophylax sardous Baudi, 1876 (Leo 1994).

Subgenus Litoboromimus Koch, 1948 Litoboromimus Koch, 1948: 413 (subgenus of Allophylax). – Koch 1956: 394 (subgenus of Allophylax); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284 (subgenus of Allophylax).

Type species. Litoborus parallelus Schuster, 1919; by original designation. Species composition (2): parallelus, rotundicollis.

A. parallelus (Schuster, 1919) Litoborus parallelus Schuster, 1919: 30. – Antoine 1931: 181; Reichardt 1936: 38; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1956: 394. Allophylax (Litoboromimus) parallelus (Schuster, 1919). – Koch 1948: 413 (comb.); 1956: 394; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.



Type data. Syntypes, (Gharian, Djbel Gobeba, Djbel I’kut; NHMW and coll. of author; leg. Klaptocz). Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Libya (Tripolis) Gharian, “Djbel Goßeba”, “Djbel I’kut” (Schuster 1919) (Fig. 1). A. rotundicollis Chobaut, 1925 Allophylax rotundicollis Chobaut, 1925: 228. – Reichardt 1936: 30; Gebien 1939: 450. Allophylax (Litoboromimus) rotundicollis Chobaut, 1925. – Koch 1948: 414; 1956: 394; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, 2 spec. (Tunisia; leg. Chobaut), 1 spec. (Tunisia; leg. Vauloger). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Kairouan (Chobaut 1925); Tunisia* (Reichardt 1936) (Fig. 1). Subgenus Phylaximon Koch, 1948 Phylaximon Koch, 1948: 414 (subgenus of Allophylax). – Koch 1956: 395 (subgenus of Allophylax); Kocher 1958: 133 (subgenus of Allophylax); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283 (subgenus of Allophylax).

Type species. Opatrum variolosus Oliver, 1811; by original designation.

List of species and subspecies (8): costatipennis costatipennis, costatipennis godenigoi, ignavus, ingratus, segnis, undulatus, ovipennis, variolosus.

A. costatipennis costatipennis (Lucas, 1846) Philax costatipennis Lucas, 1846: 328. – Mulsant and Rey 1854a: 134 [=1854b: 278]; Lacordaire 1859: 273; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Reitter 1904: 110; Gebien 1910: 309. Phylax costatipennis v. sicardi Reitter, 1904: 111. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283 (syn.). Allophylax costatipennis (Lucas, 1846). – Reichardt 1936: 29 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 449. Allophylax (Phylaximon) costatipennis costatipennis (Lucas, 1846). – Koch 1948: 414; 1956: 395; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283.

Type data. Philax costatipennis Lucas, 1846: Syntypes: (Algeria; MNHN; leg. Aube, Chevrolat, Deyrolle, Gaubil, Reiche). Phylax ostatipennis v. sicardi Reitter, 1904: Syntypes: (Tunisia, Algeria). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a); Tunisia*, Sicilia (Reichardt 1936) (Fig. 2). Notes. Antoine (1942: 25) interpreted the name costatipennis Lucas as incertae sedis.

Figure 2. Distribution of the subgenus Phylaximon.



A. costatipennis godenigoi Canzoneri, 1970

A. undulatus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854)

Allophylax costatipennis godenigoi Canzoneri, 1970: 75. Allophylax (Phylaximon) costatipennis godenigoi Canzoneri, 1970. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283.

Phylax undulatus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 136 [=1854b: 280]. – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Baudi di Selve 1876a: 54; Reitter 1904: 111; Gebien 1910: 310. Allophylax undulatus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Reichardt 1936: 29 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 449. Allophylax (Phylaximon) undulatus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1948: 414 (comb.); 1956: 395; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Holotype: Y (Marettimo; 1967/68; leg. Godenigo); Paratype (same data). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Italy: Marettimo, Casa del Saraceno (Canzoneri 1970) (Fig. 2).

A. ignavus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Phylax ignavus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 147 [=1854b: 291]. – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Reitter 1904: 112; Gebien 1910: 309. Allophylax ignavus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Reichardt 1936: 30 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 450. Allophylax (Phylaximon) ignavus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1948: 414 (comb.); 1956: 395; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 283.

Type data. Syntypes: (Algeria; leg. Deyrolle). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a).

A. ingratus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Phylax ingratus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 143 [=1854b: 187]. – Lacordaire 1859: 273; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Baudi di Selve 1876a: 54 [=1876b: 214]; Gebien 1910: 309. Allophylax ingratus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Reichardt 1936: 29 (comb.). Allophylax (Phylaximon) ingratus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1948: 414 (comb.); 1956: 395; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes: (Algeria; leg. Aubé). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a). Notes. Antoine (1942) interpreted the name ingratus Mulsant and Rey as incertae sedis.

Type data. Syntypes: (Algeria; leg. Chevrolat, Deyrolle). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria: Oran (Baudi di Selve 1876a); Tunisia* (Reichardt 1936) (Fig. 2).

A. ovipennis (Fairmaire, 1871) Phylax ovipennis Fairmaire, 1871: 391. – Champion 1895: 104; Reitter 1904: 112; Gebien 1910: 309. Allophylax ovipennis (Fairmaire, 1871). – Reichardt 1936: 30 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 450. Allophylax (Phylaximon) ovipennis (Fairmaire, 1871). – Koch 1948: 414 (comb.); 1956: 395; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Reichardt 1936). Notes. Antoine (1942) interpreted the name ovipennis Fairmaire as incertae sedis.

A. variolosus (Olivier, 1811) Opatrum variolosum Olivier, 1811: 497. Philax variolosus (Olivier, 1811). – Lucas 1848: 327; Mulsant and Rey 1854a: 138 [=1854b: 282]; Lacordaire 1859: 273; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Reiter 1904: 111; Gebien 1910: 310. Allophylax variolosus (Olivier, 1811). – Escalera 1914: 329 (comb.); Reichardt 1936: 29; Gebien 1939: 449; Kocher 1958: 133. Melambius (Allophylax) variolosus (Olivier, 1811). – Antoine 1942: 25 (comb.). Allophylax (Phylaximon) variolosus (Olivier, 1811). – Koch 1948: 414 (comb.); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

A. segnis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Phylax segnis Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 145 [=1854b: 289]. – Lacordaire 1859: 273; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Baudi di Selve 1876a: 55 [=1876b: 214]; Reitter 1904: 111; Gebien 1910: 310. Allophylax segnis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Reichardt 1936: 30 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 450. Allophylax (Phylaximon) segnis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1948: 414 (comb.); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes: (Algeria; leg. Aubé). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a), Djebel Babor (Reitter 1904) (Fig. 2). Notes. Antoine (1942) interpreted the name segnis Mulsant and Rey as incertae sedis.

Type data. Opatrum variolosum Olivier, 1811. Syntypes: (Portugal, Espania, Algerie; MNHN; leg. Chevrolat, Deyrolle, Gabuil, Godart, Reiche). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria*. Morocco: Ceuta; Oujda (Antoine ); Portugal*, Spain* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a); Egypt* (Reichardt 1936) (Fig. 2).

A. insignis Reitter, 1904 Phylax insignis Reitter, 1904: 110. Allophylax insignis (Reitter, 1904). – Reichardt 1936: 28 (comb.); Gebien 1939: 449; Koch 1948: 414; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Holotype,

Y (Syria; NHMW).



Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Syria* (Reichardt 1936). Notes. Species incertae sedis.

Genus Bermejoina Español, 1944 Bermejoina Español, 1944: 12. – Español 1945: 227; Koch 1956: 395; Kocher 1958: 148; Leo 1980: 36; Viñolas et al. 1995: 73; Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type species . Bermejoina aiunica Español, 1944; by original designation. The monotypic genus: aiunica.

Type data. Holotype, (Seguiat El Hamra; X.1943; coll. of Joaquin Mateu; leg. Mateu); Paratype, 1 spec. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. El Aiun (Seguiat El Hamra) (Español 1944) (Fig. 3). Genus Gridelliopus Koch, 1956 Gridelliopus Koch, 1956: 358. – Iwan 2004b: 739.

Type species. Gridelliopus subsquamosus Koch, 1956; designated by monotypy. Species composition (2): subsquamosus, gracilicornis. G. subsquamosus Koch, 1956

B. aiunica Español, 1944 Bermejoina aiunica Español, 1944: 15. – Koch 1956: 395; Kocher 1958: 148; Viñolas et al. 1995: 74; Iwan 2004b: 740; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Gridelliopus subsquamosus Koch, 1956: 358.

Type data. Syntypes, 7 spec. (Chisimaio; 1936; Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Trieste, Italy; leg. A. Bidoli).

Figure 3. Distribution of the genera Bermajoina and Guildia.


Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. East Africa. Chisimaio (Italian Somaliland) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 4).

G. gracilicornis Koch, 1959 Gridelliopus gracilicornis Koch, 1959: 590.

Type data. Holotype, Y (El Hur; VIII.1958; NHMB; leg. C. Koch); Paratypes, X (El Hur; VIII.1958; NHMB; leg. C. Koch); 4 spec. (El Cabobe and Haradera; VIII.1958; NHMB; leg. C. Koch). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. East Africa. El Hur; El Cabobe; Haradera (Koch 1959) (Fig. 4).


G. punctistriata (Escalera, 1925) Micrositus punctistriatus Escalera, 1925: 379. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) punctistriatus Escalera, 1925. – Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 419. Melambius (Hoplariobius) punctistriatus (Escalera, 1925). – Antoine 1942: 35 (comb.); 1946: 52. Hoplariobius (Hoplariobius) decurtatus punctistriatus (Escalera, 1925). – Koch 1956: 398. Guildia punctistriata (Escalera, 1925). – Antoine 1956: 359 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 140; Iwan 2004b: 740; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. (Azrou, Ain Tumilili). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Azrou, Ain Tumilili (Escalesra 1925); Ifrane, Mrirt (Antoine 1956); Oulmès (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 3).

Genus Guildia Antoine, 1956 Genus Hadroderus Koch, 1956 Guildia Antoine, 1956: 346. – Kocher 1958: 140; Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Hadroderus Koch, 1956: 347.

Type species. Micrositus punctistriatus Escalera, 1925b; designated by monotypy. The monotypic genus: punctistriata.

Type species. Hadroderus tuberculiferus Koch, 1956; designated by monotypy. The monotypic genus: tuberculiferus.

Figure 4. Distribution of the genus Gridelliopus.



H. tuberculiferus Koch, 1956

Hanstroemium adelostomoide adelostomoide Koch, 1953b. – Koch 1953c: 91; 1956: 369.

Hadroderus tuberculiferus Koch, 1956: 347.

Type data. Holotype, Sex not determined (Ingwawama; II.1938; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Ingwawama (Zululand) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 5).

Genus Hanstroemium Koch, 1953 Hanstroemium Koch, 1953b: 19. – Koch 1953a: 272; 1953c: 91; 1956: 367; Iwan 2004b: 739.

Type species. Hanstroemium adelostomoide Koch, 1953; by original designation. Species and subspecies composition (9): adelostomoide adelostomoide, adelostomoide mocamedinum, adelostomoide bicornutum, leavifrons, spiniferum, brevipenne, armatum, tropicale, bequaerti.

Type data. Holotype, (Zesfontein; VII.1951; TMNH; leg. H. Hall); Paratypes, 1 spec. (Zesfontein; VII.1951; TMNH; leg. H. Hall), 4 spec. (same data), 3 spec. (Ompenbe; VI.1951; TMNH; leg. B. Carp.), 10 spec. (Ompenbe; VI.1951; Lund University; leg. P. Brinck and G. Rudebeck), 1 spec. (Franzfantein; V.1948; California University), 1 spec. (Ehombe Mountain; VII.1951; TMNH; leg. B. Carp), 6 spec. (Swartboois Drift; VII.1951; TMNH; leg. B. Carp), 1 spec. (Rucana; VII.1948; California University). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Zesfontein (Kaokoveld), Orupembe, Ehombe Mountain, Franzfontein, Swartboois Drift, Kaoko Otavi, Ruacana (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

H. adelostomoide bicornutum Koch, 1953c Hanstroemium adelostomoide bicornutum Koch, 1953c: 91. – Koch 1956: 373.

H. adelostomoide adelostomoide Koch, 1953 Hanstroemium adelostomoide Koch, 1953b: 22. – Iwan 2004b: 740.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Vila Arriaga; IX.1951; TMNH; leg. Peabody Harvard Expedition); Paratypes,

Figure 5. Distribution of the genera Hadroderus, Pseudemmallus and Zoutpansbergia.


X (Vila Arriaga; IX.1951; TMNH; leg. Peabody Harvard Expedition), 4 spec. (same data; Museum of Comparative Zoology Cambridge). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Vila Arriaga, Karakul, between Karakul and Rio Giraul, between Moçâmedes Rio Coroca (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).


Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa (Belgian Congo). Sandoa (South-western Elisabethville Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

H. bequaerti Koch, 1956 Hanstroemium bequaerti Koch, 1956: 378.

H. adelostomoide mocamedinum Koch, 1956 Hanstroemium adelostomoide mocamedinum Koch, 1956: 372.

Type data . Syntypes, 11 spec. (Moçâmedes; X.1949; MCDA; leg. A. Barros Machado). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Moçâmedes (South-western Angola) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

Type data. Holotype, sex not determined (Bukama; V.1911; BCM; leg. Bequaert); Paratype, 1 spec. same data. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa (Belgian Congo). Bukama (Central Elisabethville Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

H. brevipenne Koch, 1956 Hanstroemium brevipenne Koch, 1956: 376.

H. armatum Koch, 1956 Hanstroemium armatum Koch, 1956: 377.

Type data. Holotype, sex not determined (Sandoa; V.1931; BCM; leg. F. G. Overlaet).

Type data. Holotype, Y (Mulongo; VII.1930; BCM; leg. P. Gérard). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa (Belgian Congo). Mulongo (Central Elisabethville Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Distribution of the genus Hanstroemium.



H. leavifrons Koch, 1953c Hanstroemium leavifrons Koch, 1953c: 92. – Koch 1953b: 23; 1956: 373.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Between Jau and Ongueria; IX.1949; MCDA; leg. A. de Barros Machado); Paratypes, X (Between Jau and Ongueria; IX.1949; MCDA; leg. A. de Barros Machado), 3 spec. (same data; TMNH). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Between Jau and Ongueria (Province of Huila) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

Megatlasion Koch, 1948: Micrositus atlantis Escalera, 1914; by original designation. Species and subspecies composition (17): angulatum angulatum, angulatum gundaficum, angulatum kochi, atlantis atlantis, atlantis gattefossei, atlantis subtile, bedeli baudoni, bedeli bedeli, bedeli escalerai, bedeli insolens, bedeli major, bedeli remotum, bedeli septentrionale, bedeli subcostatum, latissimum, theryi sarroense, theryi theryi.

H. angulatum angulatum (Escalera, 1913) H. spiniferum Koch, 1956 Hanstroemium spiniferum Koch, 1956: 375.

Type data. Holotype, sex not determined (Lobito; IV.1948; TMNH; leg. C. Koch). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Lobito (Central Angola) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

H. tropicale Koch, 1956

Micrositus angulatum Escalera, 1913: 48. – Escalera 1914: 334. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) angulatus Escalera, 1913. – Reichardt 1936: 46; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 414. Melambius (Hoplariobius) angulatus angulatus (Escalera, 1913). – Antoine 1942: 36 (comb.). Atlasion (Megatlasion) angulatus (Escalera, 1913). – Koch 1948: 428 (comb.). Hoplarion (Atlasion) angulatus angulatus (Escalera, 1913). – Antoine 1956: 355 (comb.). Atlasion (Megatlasion) angulatus angulatus (Escalera, 1913). – Koch 1956: 398. Hoplarion (Atlasion) angulatum angulatum (Escalera, 1913). – Kocher 1958: 145; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Hanstroemium tropicale Koch, 1956: 378.

Type data. Holotype, sex not determined (Mabwe; IX.1947; Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles, Belgium; leg. G. F. De Witte). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa (Belgian Congo). Upemba National Park, Mabwe (Western and Central Elisabethville Province), Kapanga (Koch 1956) (Fig. 6).

Genus Hoplarion Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Hoplarion Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 150 [=1854b: 294]. Type species: Micrositus tumidum Mulsant et Rey, 1854a; by subsequent designation.

The genus includes: 30 species belong to 6 subgenera (Atlasion, Hoplarion, Glyptariobius, Hoplariobius Mentariobius and Saharoplarion).

Subgenus Atlasion Koch, 1948 Atlasion Koch, 1948: 427. – Antoine 1956: 351 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Koch 1956: 397 (subgenus of Atlasion); Kocher 1958: 143 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284 (subgenus of Hoplarion). Megatlasion Koch, 1948: 427 (subgenus of Atlasion). – Antoine 1956: 351 (syn.); Koch 1956: 397 (subgenus of Atlasion).

Type species. Atlasion Koch, 1948: Micrositus bedeli Escalera, 1914; by original designation.

Type data. (Tizi n’Test; coll. Escalera). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco (Grand Atlas). Tizi n’Test (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 7).

H. angulatum gundaficum (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) angulatus gundaficus Antoine, 1942: 37. Hoplarion (Atlasion) angulatus gundaficum (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1946: 55; 1956: 355; Kocher 1958: 146; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284. Atlasion (Megatlasion) angulatus gundaficus (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 398 (comb.).

Type data. Tizi n’Tagouramt. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco (Grand Atlas). Tizi n’Tagouramt (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 7).

H. angulatum kochi (Antoine, 1946) Melambius (Hoplariobius) angulatus kochi Antoine, 1946: 55. Hoplarion (Atlasion) angulatum kochi (Antoine, 1946). – Antoine 1956: 355 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 145; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data . Syntypes, 6 spec. (Arround; leg. Wohlberedt), 2 spec. (Arround; leg. Lecerf and Talbot), 1 spec. (Reraia; Thery), 1 spec. (Taddert; leg. Werner), 2 spec. (Tadlest; leg. Werner), 2 spec. (Tadlet; leg. Werner).



Figure 7. Distribution of the subgenus Atlasion (Part 1 of 2).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco (Grand Atlas). Massif of Toubkal, Arround, Oukaimeden (Antoine 1956); Reraia, Taddert, Tadlest (Koch 1945) (Fig. 7). Notes. Incorrect interpretation by Koch (1945) – Hoplarion (Atlasion) angulatum kochi was treated as Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis gattefossei (Antoine 1946).

H. atlantis atlantis (Escalera, 1914) Micrositus atlantis Escalera, 1914: 333. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) atlantis Escalera, 1914. – Reichardt 1936: 46; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 414. Atlasion (Megatlasion) atlantis atlantis (Escalera, 1914). – Koch 1948: 427 (comb.); Koch 1956: 398. Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis atlantis (Escalera, 1914). – Antoine 1956: 355 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 146; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. (Glaui–Teluet; MNMS). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Glaui (Teluet) (Escalera 1914) (Fig. 7).

H. atlantis gattefossei (Antoine, 1936) Micrositus gattefossei Antoine, 1936: 74. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) gattefossei Antoine, 1936. – Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 414. Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis gattefossei (Antoine, 1936). – Antoine 1942: 37; 1946: 55; 1956: 355; Koch 1956: 398; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284. Atlsion (Megatlasion) atlantis f. gattefossei (Antoine, 1936). – Koch 1948: 428 (comb.). Atlsion (Megatlasion) atlantis gattefossei (Antoine, 1936). – Koch 1956: 398. Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis var. gattefossei (Antoine, 1936). – Kocher 1958: 146.

Type data. Syntypes, 5 spec. (Gorges d’Imi n’Ouaka, circa 1800 m). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco: Grand Atlas: Gorges (Antoine 1936); “Anrhemeur”, Massif du Rhat (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 7). Notes. Incorrect interpretation by Koch (1945) – Hoplarion (Atlasion) angulatum kochi was treated as Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis gattefossei (Antoine 1946).



H. atlantis subtile Antoine, 1956 Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis subtile Antoine, 1956: 355. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284. Hoplarion (Atlasion) atlantis var. subtile Antoine, 1956. – Kocher 1958: 145.

Type data. Aït M’Hamed. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas. Aït M’Hamed (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 7).

Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli escalerai (Koch, 1945). – Antoine 1956: 358 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 145; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, 7 spec. (Arbalou n’Serdane; leg. Thery). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Middle Atlas. Arbalou n’Serdane, Alemsid (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 8). H. bedeli insolens (Antoine, 1942)

H. bedeli baudoni Antoine, 1956 Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli baudoni Antoine, 1956: 358. – Kocher 1958: 144; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, (Aït M’Hamed). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco: Aït M’Hamed (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 8).

Melambius insolens Antoine, 1942: 46. Melambius (Hoplariobius) bedeli insolens Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1946: 57. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli insolens (Antoine, 1942b). – Antoine 1956: 358 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 144; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, (Plateau des Lacs; leg. Antoine). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas. Plateau des Lacs (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 8).

H. bedeli bedeli (Escalera, 1914) Micrositus bedeli Escalera, 1914: 334. Micrositus globosum Escalera, 1925: 374. – Antoine 1942: 37; Kocher 1958: 143. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) globosus Escalera, 1925. – Gebien 1939: 452. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) bedeli Escalera, 1914. – Reichardt 1936: 46; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 414. Melambius bedeli (Escalera, 1914). – Antoine 1942: 37 (comb.). Melambius (Hoplariobius) bedeli bedeli (Escalera, 1914). – Antoine 1946: 57. Atlasion (Atlasion) bedeli (Escalera, 1914). – Koch 1948: 427 (comb.). 1956: 397. Hoplariobius (Atlasion) lecerfi Antoine, 1956: 358. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli var. lecerfi (Antoine, 1956). – Kocher 1958: 144. Atlasion bedeli (Escalera, 1914). – Iwan 2004b: 739. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli bedeli (Escalera, 1914). – Antoine 1956: 357 (comb.); Koch 1956: 397; Kocher 1958: 143; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Micrositus bedeli Escalera, 1914. (Beni Mguild; MNHN). Micrositus globosum Escalera, 1925. Syntypes, (Aguelmane de Sidi-Ali, Ain Tumilili, Timhadit; IVV.1924). Hoplariobius (Atlasion) lecerfi Antoine, 1956. (Massif of Bou Iblane). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco (Middle Atlas). Beni Mguild (Escalera 1914); Haut Oued Beht near Azrou, Bou Iblane (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 8). H. bedeli escalerai (Koch, 1945) Micrositus (Hoplariobius) escalerai Koch, 1945: 417. Atlasion (Atlasion) bedeli escalerai (Koch, 1945). – Koch 1948: 427 (comb.). Melambius (Hoplariobius) bedeli escalerai (Koch, 1945). – Antoine 1946: 56.

H. bedeli major (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) major Antoine, 1942: 40. – Koch 1956: 398. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli major (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1956: 357 (comb.); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284. Hoplarion (Atlasion) major (Antoine, 1942). – Kocher 1958: 145.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Talmest Ibibane; leg. C. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Talmest Ibibane (Antoine 1942); Ahansal, Mgoun (Koch 1956) (Fig. 8). H. bedeli remotum Kocher, 1958 Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli remotum Kocher, 1958: 144. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. (Agoudal). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco (Grand Atlas). Agoudal (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 8). Notes. Firstly described as a race (Antoine 1956: 359). H. bedeli septentrionale (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) bedeli septentrionale Antoine, 1942: 38. – Antoine 1946: 57. Atlasion (Atlasion) bedeli septentrionale (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 398. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli var. septentrionale (Antoine, 1942). – Kocher 1958: 144. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli septentrionale (Antoine, 1942). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, (Djbel Tazeka; Bou Iblane).



Figure 8. Distribution of the subgenus Atlasion (Part 2 of 2).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Moyen Atlas. Djbel Tazeka, Bou Iblane (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 8). Notes. Antoine (1956: 357) interpreted the name septentrionale Antoine, 1942 as race.

H. bedeli subcostatum (Koch, 1945) Micrositus (Hoplariobius) bedeli subcostatum Koch, 1945: 413. Melambius (Hoplariobius) bedeli subcostatum (Koch, 1945). – Antoine 1946: 57. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli var. subcostatus (Koch, 1945). – Kocher 1958: 144. Hoplarion (Atlasion) bedeli subcostatum (Koch, 1945). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Holotype, 1 spec. (Djebel Ayachi; 15. 30.IX; leg. Paulian and Villiers); Syntypes, 2 spec. (Ifrane; leg. Thery); 2 spec. (Tizi n’Tiskrine; leg. Lecerf). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Middle Atlas: Ifrane (Kocher 1958); Djbel Ayachi – Doubtful locality (Kocher 1958), Tizi n’Tiskrine (Koch 1945) (Fig. 8).

H. latissimum (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) latissimus Antoine, 1942: 38. Atlasion (Atlsion) latissimum (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 398 (comb.). Hoplarion (Atlasion) latissimum (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1956: 353; Kocher 1958: 143; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, 8 spec. (Midelt and Boua Sidi; leg. Schramm). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Middle Atlas: Midelt, Boua Sidi (Haute Moulouya) (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 7).

H. theryi sarroense Antoine, 1956 Hoplarion (Atlasion) theryi sarroense Antoine, 1956: 354. – Kocher 1958: 145; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. (Bouskour; leg. Roulleau). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Sarhro: Bouskour (Antoine 1956), Amalou n’Mansour (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 7).



H. theryi theryi (Antoine, 1933) Micrositus theryi Antoine, 1933: 227. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) theryi Antoine, 1933. – Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 414. Melambius (Hoplariobus) theryi (Antoine, 1933). – Antoine 1942: 37. Atlasion (Megatlasion) theryi (Antoine, 1933). – Koch 1948: 428 (comb.). Hoplarion (Atlasion) theryi f. rugosius Antoine, 1956: 354. Hoplarion (Atlasion) theryi rugosius Antoine, 1956. – Kocher 1958: 145; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284 (syn.). Hoplarion (Atlasion) theryi theryi (Antoine, 1933). – Antoine 1956: 354; Kocher 1958: 145; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284. Hoplarion (Megatlasion) atlantis theryi (Antoine, 1933). – Koch 1956: 398.

Type data. Micrositus theryi Antoine, 1933. Syntypes, 20 spec. (Col du Siroua; leg. Antoine). Hoplarion (Atlasion) theryi f. rugosius Antoine, 1956. (Tafraout). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. (Grand Atlas). Morocco. Grand Atlas. Tafraout, Massif of Siroua (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 7). Subgenus Glyptariobius Koch, 1948 Glyptarobius Koch, 1948: 423 (subgenus of Hoplariobius). – Koch 1956: 399 (subgenus of Hoplariobius), Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284 (subgenus of Hoplarion).

Type species. Glyptarobius excavatus Koch, 1948; by original designation. The monotypic subgenus: excavatus.

H. excavatus Koch, 1948 Hoplariobius (Glyptarobius) excavatus Koch, 1948: 423. – Koch 1956: 399. Hoplarion (Glyptarobius) excavatus (Koch, 1948). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Holotype, (Constantine; BMNH; leg. Hénon); Paratypes, 5 spec. (Constantine; coll. Clermont); 2 spec. (Aïn M’Lila; BM; leg. Vibert). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria: Constantine, Mlila (Koch 1948) (Fig. 9).

Subgenus Hoplariobius Reitter, 1904 Hoplariobius Reitter, 1904: 115 (subgenus of Micrositus). – Gebien 1910: 311 (subgenus of Micrositus); Reichardt 1936: 44 (subgenus of Micrositus); Antoine 1942: 25 (subgenus of Melambius); 1946: 51; 1956: 352 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Español 1945: 228; Koch 1948: 422 (subgenus of Hoplariobius); 1956: 398 (subgenus of Hoplariobius); Kocher 1958: 142 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Ferrer 1991: 281 (subgenus of Melambius); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284 (subgenus of Hoplarion).

Figure 9. Distribution of the subgenera Saharoplarion, Glyptariobius and Mentariobius.



Type species. Micrositus decurtatus Faimaire, 1884b: cxx; by subsequent designation. Species and subspecies composition (4): declive, decurtatum, tenuepunctatum, granulosus.

Hoplariobius (Hoplariobius) decurtatus (Faimaire, 1884b). – Koch 1948: 422 (comb.); 1956: 398. Hoplarion (Hoplariobius) decurtatum (Faimaire, 1884b). – Koch 1945: 416; Antoine 1946: 52; 1956: 353; Kocher 1958: 142; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284. Melambius decurtatus (Faimaire, 1884b). – Viñolas 1990: 54.

H. declive (Antoine, 1951)

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Tanger, Rabat, Boulhaut, Cherrat, Oued Zem, Guisser, Khouribga, Mechra Benabbou, Djebilet, El Kelaa, Amizmiz, Marrakech, Beni Mellal, Kasba Tadla; Moyen Atlas: Mrirt (Antoine 1942); Tanger (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 10).

Melambius (Hoplariobius) declivis Antoine, 1951: 317. Hoplarion (Hoplariobius) declivie (Antoine, 1951). – Kocher 1958: 142; Antoine 1956: 353; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data . Syntypes, 3 spec. (Talmest; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Talmest (1800 m) (Antoine 1951) (Fig. 10).

H. granulosus (Billberg, 1815) H. decurtatum (Faimaire, 1884b) Micrositus (Hoplariobius) decurtatus Faimaire, 1884b: cxx. – Reitter 1904: 115; Reichardt 1936: 46; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 416. Micrositus decurtatus Faimaire, 1884b. – Escalera 1914: 332. Melambius (Hoplariobius) decurtatus (Faimaire, 1884b). – Antoine 1942: 25 (comb.).

Opatrum granulosum Billberg, 1815: 276. Opatrum porcus Thunberg, 1821b: 52. – Ferrer 2009: 120 (syn.). Micrositus granulosus (Billberg, 1815). – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1936; Gebien, 1910: 311; 1939: 452; Normand 1938a: 303 [=1938b: 366] Micrositus (Hoplariobius) granulosus (Billberg, 1815). – Reitter 1904: 115 (comb.); Reichardt 1936: 45; Gebien 1910: 311; 1939: 452.

Figure 10. Distribution of the subgenus Hoplariobius.



Melambius (Hoplarobius) granulosus (Billberg, 1815). – Ferrer 1991: 281 (comb.). Hoplarion (Hoplariobius) granulosum (Billberg, 1815). – Antoine 1942: 26; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285; Ferrer 2009: 120.

Type data. Opatrum granulosum Billberg, 1815. (ZIUU). Opatrum porcus Thunberg, 1821. (ZIUU). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Reichardt 1936).

H. tenuepunctatum (Escalera, 1914) Micrositus tenuepunctatum Escalera, 1914: 333. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) tenuepunctatus Escalera, 1914. – Reichardt 1936: 46; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1945: 417. Melambius (Hoplariobius) tenuepunctatus (Escalera, 1914). – Antoine 1942: 36 (comb.). Hoplaribius (Hoplariobius) tenuepunctatum (Escalera, 1914). – Koch 1948: 422 (comb.). Hoplarion (Hoplariobius) tenuepunctatum (Escalera, 1914). – Antoine 1956: 353 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 143; Español 1967: 41; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Hoplariobius (Hoplariobius) decurtatus tenuepunctatus (Escalera, 1914). – Koch 1956: 398.

Type data. (El Kureimat; MNMS). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. “El Kureimat” (Escalera 1914); Boulhaut, Oued Zem, Amizmiz (Koch 1945: 417); region of Zaer, Tadla; rebord de Atlas; Mogador (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 10). Notes. Species decurtatum and tenuepunctatum have been often confused. Then their distribution is questionable.

Hoplarion (Hoplarion) attritum (Bedel, 1918). – Antoine 1956: 356 (comb.); Koch 1948: 430; 1956: 399; Kocher 1958: 147; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, (Aïn Guettara). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Aïn Guettara (Bedel 1918); Taourirt, Sakka (Kocher 1958); Safsafat (Antoine 1934); Moulouya (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 11).

H. humile (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplarion) humile Antoine, 1942: 52. Hoplarion (Hoplarion) humile (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1956: 356; Koch 1956: 399; Kocher 1958: 147; Labrique and Chavanon 2001: 83; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Unknown. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Berguent [= Aïn Bni Mathar], Zerouila* (Kocher 1958); Engil and Outat-el Hajj (doubtful localities) (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 11).

H. kocheri Antoine, 1934 Hoplarion koheri Antoine, 1934: 122. – Gebien 1939: 454. Melambius (Hoplarion) kocheri (Antoine, 1934). – Antoine 1942: 43. Hoplarion (Hoplarion) kocheri (Antoine, 1934). – Antoine 1956: 356 (comb.); Koch 1948: 430; 1956: 399; Kocher 1958: 147; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Holotype, (Metlili; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Metlili (Antoine 1934) (Fig. 11).

Subgenus Hoplarion Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Hoplarion Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 150 [=1854b: 294]. – Lacordaire 1859: 271; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1936; Reitter 1904: 121; Reichardt 1936: 53; Gebien 1910: 312; 1939: 454; Antoine 1934: 124; 1942: 43 (subgenus of Melambius); 1946: 51 (subgenus of Hoplarion); 1956: 346 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Español 1944: 14; 1945: 227 (subgenus of Hoplarion); 1967: 41; Koch 1945: 414; Koch 1948: 428 (subgenus of Hoplarion); 1956: 399 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Kocher 1958: 142 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Viñolas 1990: 54; Liberto and Leo 2002: 20; Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284 (subgenus of Hoplarion).

Type species. Micrositus tumidum Mulsant et Rey, 1854a; by subsequent designation. Species and subspecies composition (5): attritum, humile, kocheri, torretassoae, tumidum.

H. attritum Bedel, 1918 Hoplarion attritum Bedel, 1918: 364. – Antoine 1934: 124; Reichardt 1936: 53; Gebien 1939: 454; Iwan 2004b: 740. Melambius (Hoplarion) attritum (Bedel, 1918). – Antoine 1942: 43 (comb.).

H. torretassoae Koch, 1948 Hoplarion (Hoplarion) torretassoae Koch, 1948: 429. – Koch 1956: 399; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Holotype, (Les Lass near Aïn M’Lila; III.1930; BMNH; leg. Fürst A. della Torre e Tasso); Paratypes, (Chott ez Zemoul; II.1929; BMNH; leg. A. Schatzmayr). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria: near Aïn M’Lila, ez Zemoul (Koch 1948) (Fig. 11).

H. tumidum (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Micrositus (Hoplarion) tumidum Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 150 [=1854b: 294]. Hoplarion tumidum (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Lacordaire 1859: 271; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1936; Reitter 1904:121; Reichardt 1936: 53; Gebien 1910: 312; 1939: 454; Antoine 1934: 123. Melambius (Hoplarion) tumidum (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Antoine 1942: 43 (comb.).



Figure 11. Distribution of the subgenus Hoplarion.

Hoplarion (Hoplarion) tumidum (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Antoine 1956: 356; Koch 1948: 429; 1956: 399; Kocher 1958: 146; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 284.

Type data. Syntypes, (Algeria; leg. Chevrolat, Gaubil). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria. Chellala (Antoine 1934); Morocco: Berkane (Antoine 1942); Berguent [= Aïn Bni Mathar] (Kocher 1958); Algeria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a) (Fig. 11).

Hoplarion (Mentariobius) pueli (Koch, 1948). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Holotype, (Saida; BM; leg. Puel); Paratypes, (Teniet; BMNH; leg. Desbrochers); (Frenda; BMNH; leg. Toudu). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria: Saida, Teniet, Frenda (Koch 1956) (Fig. 9).

H. distinguendum (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Subgenus Mentariobius Koch, 1948 Mentariobius Koch, 1948: 425 (subgenus of Hoplariobius). – Koch 1956: 399 (subgenus of Hoplariobius); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (subgenus of Hoplarion).

Type species. Haploriobius pueli Koch, 1948; by original designation. Species composition (2): pueli, distinguendum.

H. pueli (Koch, 1948) Hoplariobius (Mentariobius) pueli Koch, 1948: 425. – Koch 1956: 399.

Micrositus distinguendus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 159 [=1854b: 303]. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) distinguendus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Reitter 1904: 115 (comb.); Reichardt 1936: 45; Gebien 1939: 452. Hoplariobus distinguendus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Antoine 1942: 26. Hoplariobius (Mentariobius) distinguendus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1948: 425 (comb.); Koch 1956: 399. Hoplarion dstinguengus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Iwan 2004b: 740. Hoplarion (Mentariobius) distinguendum (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Syntypes, (Algeria; leg. Chevrolat, Goubie). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a).



Subgenus Saharoplarion Koch, 1948

Genus Lasioderus Mulsant et Rey, 1854

Saharoplarion Koch, 1948: 431 (subgenus of Hoplarion). – Koch 1956: 399 (subgenus of Hoplarion); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (subgenus of Hoplarion).

Lasioderus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 42 [=1854b: 186]. – Lacordaire 1859: 238; Gebien 1910: 275; 1939: 414; Koch 1953a: 271; 1956: 347.

Type species. Micrositus compactus Faimaire, 1880; by original designation. The monotypic subgenus: compactum.

Type species. Lasioderus sulcipennis Mulsant et Rey, 1854; designated by monotypy. Species composition (5): sulcipennis, vanhillei, dicksonae, kannemeyeri, laenoides. L. dicksonae Koch, 1956

H. compactum (Faimaire, 1880) Micrositus compactus Fairmaire, 1880: 16. – Reitter 1904: 121. Melambius compactus (Fairmaire, 1880). – Champion 1895: 119 (comb.). Hoplarion compactum (Fairmaire, 1880). – Antoine 1934: 123; Gebien 1910: 312; 1939: 454; Reichardt 1936: 53; Labrique and Chavanon 2008: 21. Hoplarion (Saharoplarion) compactum (Fairmaire, 1880). – Koch 1948: 431; 1956: 399; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Tunisia: Sfax (Antoine 1934), Gafsa (Normand 1936); Algeria: Laghouat (Fairmaire 1880); Libya: Tripoli, Homs, Misurata and Sirte (Koch 1937) (Fig. 9).

Lasioderus dicsonae Koch, 1956: 353.

Type data. Syntypes, 2YY and X (Port Elizabeth; TMNH; leg. K. M. Dickson). Distribution . AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Southern Cape Province. Port Elizabeth (Koch 1956) (Fig. 12). L. kannemeyeri Koch, 1956 Lasioderus kannemeyeri Koch, 1956: 354.

Type data. Holotype, leg. Kannemeyer).

Figure 12. Distribution of the genus Lasioderus.

Y (Smithfield; 1908; SAMC;


Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Smithfield (Orange Free State) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 12).

L. laenoides Koch, 1956


Type species. Philax moreleti Lucas, 1846; by subsequent designation. Species and subspecies composition (5): clermonti, inmarginatus, moreleti mediatlantis, moreleti moreleti, moreleti peyerimhoffi.

Lasioderus laenoides Koch, 1956: 355.

L. clermonti Antoine, 1931 Type data . Holotype, X (Coleseberg; X.1935; SAMC); Paratype, X (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Colesberg (Koch 1956) (Fig. 12).

L. sulcipennis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Lasioderus sulcipennis Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 42 [=1854b: 186]. – Koch 1956: 347. Eurynotus sulcipennis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1914; Gebien 1910: 276; 1939: 414.

Type data. (Cape of Good Hope; MNHN; leg. Chevrolat). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Addo Bush (Koch 1956) (Fig. 12).

L. vanhillei Koch, 1956 Lasioderus vanhillei Koch, 1956: 351.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Grahamstown; II.1933; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence); Paratype, Y (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Southern Cape Province. Grahamstown (Koch 1956) (Fig. 12).

Litoborus (Litoborus) clermonti Antoine, 1931: 187. – Reichardt 1936: 34; Gebien 1939: 450; Koch 1948: 410; 1956: 393; Kocher 1958: 134; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus clermonti Antoine, 1931. – Antoine 1946: 51.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Algeria; Morel). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria (Antoine 1931); Morocco: Melilla (Antoine 1946) (Fig. 13). L. inmarginatus (Thunberg, 1821) Opatrum inmarginatum Thunberg, 1821b: 53. Litoborus maroccanus Escalera, 1914: 329. – Kocher 1958: 135; Ferrer 2009: 129 (syn.). Litoborus (Litoborus) maroccanus Escalera, 1914. – Antoine 1931: 188; 1942: 44; Reichardt 1936: 34; Gebien 1939: 450; Koch 1948: 410; 1956: 393; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus inmarginatus Thunberg, 1821b. – Ferrer 2009: 129.

Type data. Opatrum inmarginatum Thunberg, 1821b: Syntypes, (ZIUU). Litoborus maroccanus Escalera, 1914. (Aït-Rbah; MNMS; leg. Escalera). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Taslida (Antoine 1931); El Ksiba, Khatouat, Tannezoult (Kocher 1958); Grand Atlas: AïtRbah (Escalera 1914) (Fig. 13). L. moreleti mediatlantis Antoine, 1942

Genus Litoborus Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Litoborus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 126 [=1854b: 270]. Type species. Philax moreleti Lucas, 1846; by subsequent designation.

The genus includes: 16 species belong to 2 subgenera (Litoborus and Paralitoborus).

Subgenus Litoborus Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Litoborus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 126 [=1854b: 270]. – Lacordaire 1859: 247; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1920; Reitter 1904: 113; Escalera 1914: 329; Antoine 1931: 181 (subgenus of Litoborus); 1942: 22 (subgenus of Litoborus); Reichardt 1936: 32 (subgenus of Litoborus); Gebien 1910: 310 (subgenus of Litoborus); 1939: 450; Español 1945: 227; 1962: 206; 1967: 39; Koch 1945: 414 (subgenus of Litoborus); 1948: 410 (subgenus of Litoborus); 1956: 393 (subgenus of Litoborus); Kocher 1958: 133; Viñolas 1990: 54; Viñolas et al. 1995: 72; Gompel et al. 1999: 35 (subgenus of Litoborus); Iwan 2001: 355; 2004b: 739; Liberto and Leo 2002: 20; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (subgenus of Litoborus).

Litoborus moreleti mediatlantis Antoine, 1942: 22. Litoborus (Litoborus) moreleti mediatlantis Antoine, 1942. – Kocher 1958: 134; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285; Labrique and JanatiIdrissi 2009: 23.

Type data. Syntypes, (Timhadit, Ifrane, DayetHachlaf; leg. Théry). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Middle Atlas: Timhadit, Ifrane, Dayet-Hachlaf (Antoine 1941); East from Boulemane, northeast from Immouzzer des Marmoucha (Labrique and Janati-Idrissi 2009) (Fig. 13). L. moreleti moreleti (Lucas, 1846) Philax moreleti Lucas, 1846: 327. – Mulsant and Rey 1854a: 127 [=1854b: 270]; Gebien 1910: 310. Litoborus moreletti (Lucas, 1846). – Mulsant and Rey 1854: 126 [=1854b: 270] (comb.); Reitter 1904: 113; Escalera 1914: 329; Kocher 1958: 133; Iwan 2001: 359.



Figure 13. Distribution of the subgenus Litoborus.

Litoborus moreleti v. baudii Reitter, 1904: 113. – Gebien 1910: 310; Kocher 1958: 133. Litoborus (Litoborus) moreleti moreleti (Lucas, 1846). – Reichardt 1936: 33; Gebien 1939: 450; Koch 1948: 410; 1956: 393; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus (Litoborus) moreleti v. baudii Reitter, 1904. – Gebien 1939: 450. Litoborus (Litoborus) moreleti baudi Reitter, 1904. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (syn.).

Type data. Philax moreleti Lucas, 1846. Lectotype (Antoine); Paralectotypes (Espania; MNHN; leg. Wachanru). Litoborus moreleti v. baudii Reitter, 1904. (Morocco). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Tetuan (Escalera 1914); Algeria. Oran, Algier (Lucas 1846); Algeria*; Corsica; Sardinia; Spain* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a); Gibraltar (Reichardt 1936); Tanger (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 13).

L. moreleti peyerimhoffi Antoine, 1931 Litoborus (Litoborus) moreleti peyerimhoffi Antoine, 1931: 185.

– Reichardt 1936: 34; Gebien 1939: 450; Kocher 1958: 134; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus moreleti peyerimhoffi Antoine, 1931: 185. – Antoine 1942: 22.

Type data. Syntypes: 3 spec. (Beni Sanssen: Djebel Tagouba; in coll. Peyerimhoff). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Marocco. Eastern Morocco: Beni Sanssen, Berkane (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 13).

Subgenus Paralitoborus Antoine, 1931 Paralitoborus Antoine, 1931: 190 (subgenus of Litoborus). – Reichardt 1936: 33 (subgenus of Litoborus); Gebien 1939: 450 (subgenus of Litoborus); Antoine 1931: 190 (subgenus of Litoborus); 1942: 44 (subgenus of Litoborus); Koch 1948: 411 (subgenus of Litoborus); 1956: 393 (subgenus of Litoborus); Español 1945: 227 (subgenus of Litoborus); Viñolas et al. 1995: 74 (subgenus of Litoborus); Gompel et al. 1999: 35 (subgenus of Litoborus); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (subgenus of Litoborus).

Type species. Litoborus sternalis Fairmaire, 1884a; by original designation.


Species and subspecies composition (11): chobauti, escalerai, forticostis forticostis, forticostis saharensis, lindbergi, rugosus rugosus, rugosus atlantis, planicollis bolivari, planicollis planicollis, sternalis, subtilimargo.

L. chobauti Antoine, 1931 Litoborus (Paraitoborus) chobauti Antoine, 1931: 190. – Reichardt 1936: 36; Antoine 1942: 45; Gebien 1939: 450; Koch 1948: 411; 1956: 393; Kocher 1958: 135; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Syntypes, “J’en ai examiné plus de 300 exemplaires” (Chaouia, wadi Mellah and Nefifik). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Chaouia, wadi Mellah and Nefifik (Antoine 1931); Guisser (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 14).

L. escalerai Antoine, 1931 Litoborus (Paraitoborus) escalerai Antoine, 1931: 192. – Reichardt


1936: 36; Gebien 1939: 450; Koch 1948: 411; 1956: 393; Gompel et al. 1999: 35; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Holotype Y, (Grazelma; VI.1903; MNHN; leg. Escalera). Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Spain. Grazalema (Antoine 1931); Malaga, Montejaque, Benaojan, Ronda, Estepona (Gompel et al. 1999) (Fig. 14). L. forticostis forticostis Escalera, 1914 Litoborus forticostis Escalera, 1914: 330. Litoborus (Paralitoborus) forticostis Escalera, 1914. – Antoine 1931: 201; Reichardt 1936: 38; Gebien 1939: 451; Antoine 1942: 45; Español 1943: 139; 1967: 40; Koch 1948: 411; 1956: 393. Litoborus forticostis forticostis Escalera, 1914. – Kocher 1958: 135. Litoborus (Paralitoborus) forticostis forticostis Escalera, 1914. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. (Agloú, Tiznit; MNMS; leg. Escalera). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Agloú, Tiznit (Escalera 1914); Morocco. Ifni (Español 1943); Mirleft, north of Ifni (Español 1967) (Fig. 15).

Figure 14. Distribution of the subgenus Paralitoborus (Part 1 of 3).



L. forticostis saharensis Español, 1946 Litoborus forticostis saharensis Español, 1946: 120. – Viñolas et al. 1995: 74; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus forticostis saharensis Español, 1946. – Kocher 1958: 135.

Type data. Holotype, (Aserifa; X.1943; MZBE; leg. Mateu); Paratypes, 3 spec. (Aserifa; V.1944); 3 spec. (Sebha Um Seikira; IV.1945); 2 spec. (El Aiún); 1 spec (Smeid el Nzeil; X.1943); 22 spec. (“recogidos con el tipo”). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Aserifa, Sebha Um Seikira, El Aaiún. Smeid el Nzeil (Español 1946) (Fig. 15).

L. lindbergi Español, 1967 Litoborus (Paraitoborus) lindbergi Español, 1967: 39. – Viñolas et al. 1995: 74; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Holotype, (Tiflet-Oulmés; MZBE; leg. Lindberg and Meinander).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco: Tiflet-Oulmès (Español 1967) (Fig. 14).

L. planicollis bolivari Antoine, 1931 Litoborus (Paraitoborus) planicollis bolivari Antoine, 1931: 195. – Antoine 1942: 45; Reichardt 1936: 37; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1956: 393; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus planicollis bolivari Antoine, 1931. – Kocher 1958: 134.

Type data. Syntypes, X (Xauen; MNMS; leg. Bolivar), Y (Souk-el-Arba du Rharb, MNMS; leg. Bolivar), 13 spec. (Montalban; leg. Bolivar). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Xauen, Souk el Arba du Rharb, Dar es Skiek (Montalban) (Antoine 1931); Ouezzane, Karia Ba Mohammed (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 16).

L. planicollis planicollis (Waltl, 1835) Phylan planicollis Waltl, 1835: 153. Litoborus planicollis (Waltl, 1835). – Gemminger and De Harold

Figure 15. Distribution of the subgenus Paralitoborus (Part 2 of 3).


1870: 1920 (comb.); Reitter 1904: 113; Gebien 1910: 310; Escalera 1914: 329; Iwan 2001: 359. Litoborus (Paraitoborus) planicollis planicollis (Waltl, 1835). – Antoine 1931: 193; 1942: 45; Reichardt 1936: 37; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1948: 411; 1956: 393; Gompel et al. 1999: 37; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus planicollis (Waltl, 1835). – Kocher 1958: 134.

Type data. Unknown. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Tanger (Escalera 1914); Morocco. Arbaoua, Ain Leuh, Taza, El Hajeb, El Kebir, Azrou, Kenitra, Meknes, Petitjean (= Sidi-Kacem), Algesiras, Tarifa. Gibraltar, Cordoba. Algeria. Alger, Bouberak (Antoine 1931); Portugal*, Sicilia (Reichardt 1936); Morocco: Kénitra (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 16).

L. rugosus atlantis Antoine, 1931 Litoborus (Paralitoborus) olcesii var. atlantis Antoine, 1931: 203. Litoborus (Paralitoborus) olcesii atlantis Antoine, 1931. – Reichardt 1936: 39; Antoine 1942: 45; Koch 1956: 393; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus (Paralitoborus) olcesii atlantis Antoine, 1931. – Gebien 1939: 451. Litoborus olcesii atlantis Antoine, 1931. – Kocher 1958: 133.


Type data. Syntypes, (Oued Nfis; Talaat-n’Yacoub). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Wadi Nfis, Talaat-n-Yacoub (Antoine 1931); Sous, AïtBaha (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 15).

L. rugosus rugosus (Thunberg, 1821) Opatrum rugosum Thunberg, 1821b: 52. Phylax olcesii Fairmaire, 1871: 392. – Champion 1895: 104. Litoborus olcesei Fairmaire, 1871. – Reitter 1904: 112 (comb.); Gebien 1910: 310; Escalera 1914: 329; Kocher 1958: 133; Ferrer 2009: 120 (syn.). Litoborus (Paraitoborus) olcesii olcesii Fairmaire, 1871. – Antoine 1931: 201; 1942: 45; Reichardt 1936: 39; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1956: 393; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Litoborus rugosus (Thunberg, 1821b). – Ferrer 2009: 120.

Type data. Opatrum rugosum Thunberg, 1821. (ZIUU). Phylax olcesii Fairmaire, 1871. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Agadir, Mogador, wadi Nfis, “El Kureimat” (Escalera 1914); Morocco: Haha, Tachguelt (Antoine 1931); Telmest, Bigoudine (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 15).

Figure 16. Distribution of the subgenus Paralitoborus (Part 3 of 3).



L. sternalis (Fairmaire, 1884a) Litoborus sternalis Fairmaire, 1884a: 446. – Champion 1895: 104; Gebien 1910: 310; Escalera 1914: 329. Litoborus (Paralitoborus) sternalis Fairmaire, 1884a. – Antoine 1931: 198; 1942: 45; Reichardt 1936: 38; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1948: 411; 1956: 393; Kocher 1958: 134; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Casablanca (Escalera 1914); Morocco. Rabat, Berrechid, Fedhala, wadi Mellah, Nefifik, Akreuch and Oued Beht, Tedders, Dradek, Bouskoura (Antoine 1931) (Fig. 14).

L. subtilimargo Reitter, 1904 Litoborus subtilimargo Reitter, 1904: 113. – Gebien 1910: 310; Schuster 1919: 30. Litoborus (Paralitoborus) subtilimargo Reitter, 1904: 113. – Antoine 1931: 196; Reichardt 1936: 37; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1948: 411; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Syntypes, (Glaui, Teluet; MNMS). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco: Glaui, Teluet (Escalera 1914); Massif of Siroua, Sarhro (Kocher 1958); Ait Benhaddou (Antoine 1956); El Kelâa des Mgouna (Peyerimhoff 1946: 99) (Fig. 17). Notes. “El Kelâa des Mgouna” probably incorrect localization (Kocher 1958).

Subgenus Hoplambius Reitter, 1904 Hoplambius Reitter, 1904: 114 (subgenus of Melambius). – Schuster 1922: 49; Reichardt 1936: 41; Gebien 1910: 310; 1939: 451; Español 1945: 228; Koch 1948: 432; 1956: 400; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type species. Hoplarion melamboides Reitter, 1904; designated by monotypy. The monotypic subgenus: melamboides.

M. melamboides (Fairmaire, 1893) Type data. Syntypes, (Medéah). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria. Medéah (Reitter 1904); Massif of Mouzaia* (Antoine 1931) (Fig. 16).

Genus Melambius Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Melambius Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 124 [=1854b: 268]. Type species. Opatrum barbarum Erichson, 1841; designated by monotypy.

The genus includes: 27 species and subspecies belong to 4 subgenera (Hadromelambius, Hoplambius, Melambatlasus and Melambius).

Subgenus Hadromelambius Koch, 1948 Hadromelambius Koch, 1948: 432 (subgenus of Melambius). – Antoine 1956: 342 (subgenus of Melambius); Koch 1956: 401 (subgenus of Melambius); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (subgenus of Melambius).

Type species. Melambius telueticus Escalera, 1914; by original designation. The monotypic subgenus: telueticus. Notes. Subgenus interpreted by Antoine (1956) as synonym of subgenus Melambius.

M. telueticus Escalera, 1914 Melambius telueticus Escalera, 1914: 331. – Antoine 1933: 227; Kocher 1958: 139. Melambius (Melambius) telueticus Escalera, 1914. – Reichardt 1936: 42; Gebien 1939: 451; Antoine 1942: 43; 1956: 365. Melambius (Hadromelambius) telueticus Escalera, 1914. – Koch 1948: 432; 1956: 401; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Hoplarion melamboides Fairmaire, 1893: cxlviii. – Champion 1895: 118. Melambius (Hoplambius) melamboides (Fairmaire, 1893). – Reitter 1904: 114 (comb.); Reichardt 1936: 41; Gebien 1910: 311; 1939: 451; Koch 1948: 432; 1956: 400, Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria*, Tunisia* (Koch 1956).

Subgenus Melambatlasus Koch, 1948 Melambatlasus Koch, 1948: 433. – Antoine 1956: 342 (subgenus of Melambius); Koch 1956: 400; Kocher 1958: 135 (subgenus of Melambius); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286 (subgenus of Melambius).

Type species. Micrositus hebes Antoine, 1933; by original designation. Species and subspecies composition (14): androgynus, anemophilus, asniensis, cacuminorum, cultriger, hebes, hassani hassani, hassani jejunus, lasciniosus, meridionalis, mirus, pauliani, rugatithorax, venustus.

M. androgynus Antoine, 1942 Melambius (Hoplariobius) androgynus Antoine, 1942: 31. – Antoine 1946: 52; Koch 1956: 400. Melambius (Melambatlasus) androgynus Antoine, 1942. – Koch 1948: 433; Antoine 1956: 362; Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) antoinei Koch, 1945: 421. Melambatlasus antoinei (Koch, 1945). – Koch 1948: 433. Melambius (Melambatlasus) antoinei (Koch, 1945). – Antoine 1956: 362 (syn.); Kocher 1958: 137.


Type data. Melambius (Hoplariobius) androgynus Antoine, 1942. Syntypes, Y and X (Ait Toutline). Micrositus (Hoplariobius) antoinei Koch, 1945. Holotype, (Demnat; MNHN; leg. Paulian and Villiers); Paratype, 3 spec. (Demnat; MNHN; leg. Paulian and Villiers); 1 spec. (Demnat; Sammlung Frey; leg. Paulian and Villiers). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Région de Demnate, Ait Toutline (Antoine 1942); Tizi Tamarout (Demnat) (Koch 1945) (Fig. 18).


M. asniensis Antoine, 1942 Melambius (Hoplariobius) asniensis Antoine, 1942: 28. Melambius (Melambatlasus) asniensis Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1956: 364; Kocher 1958: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Melambatlsus asniensis Antoine, 1942. – Koch 1956: 400 (comb.).

Type data. Syntypes, Y and X (Asni). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Asni (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 18).

M. anemophilus Antoine, 1942

M. cacuminorum (Antoine, 1936)

Melambius (Hoplariobius) anemophilus Antoine, 1942: 30. Melambius (Melambatlasus) anemophilus Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1956: 363; Kocher 1958: 137; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Melambatlasus anemophilus (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 400 (comb.).

Micrositus cacuminorum Antoine, 1936: 73. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Micrositus (Platyolus) cacuminorum Antoine, 1936. – Gebien 1939: 453. Melambius (Hoplariobius) cacuminorum (Antoine, 1936). – Antoine 1942: 29 (comb.). Melambatlasus cacumonorum (Antoine, 1936). – Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 400. Melambius (Melambatlasus) cacuminorum (Antoine, 1936). – Antoine 1956: 363; Kocher 1958: 137; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data . Syntypes, “une douzaine d’exemplaires” (Tizi n’Telouet). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Tizi n’Telouet (alt. 2 200 m) (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 19).

Figure 17. Distribution of the subgenus Hadromelambius.



Type data. Sytntypes, (Djebel Rhat, Tiersal, Tizi n’Ait Mallahl). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Djebel Rhat, between Tiersal and Tizi n’Ait Mallahl (2000– 2800 m) (Antoine 1936); Tizi n’Icheden (Koch 1945) (Fig. 19).

M. cultriger Antoine, 1942 Melambius (Hoplariobius) cultriger Antoine, 1942: 33. – Antoine 1946: 53; Koch 1956: 400. Melambatlasus cultriger (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 400 (comb.). Melambius (Melambatlasus) cultriger Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1956: 362; Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Holotype, X (Rich). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Rich (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 19). Notes. Validity of the taxon require confirmation (Kocher 1958).

M. hassani hassani Antoine, 1942 Melambius (Hoplariobius) hassani Antoine, 1942: 26. – Antoine 1946: 52; Koch 1956: 400. Melambius (Melambatlasus) hassani hassani Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1956: 362; Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, 6 spec. (region de Demnate; leg. Hassan). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Région de Demnate* (Antoine 1942); Ait Chitachen (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 18).

M. hassani jejunus Antoine, 1956 Melambius (Melambatlasus) hassani jejunus Antoine, 1956: 362. – Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. (Toufliat; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Toufliat (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 18).

M. hebes (Antoine, 1933) Micrositus hebes Antoine, 1933: 228. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Micrositus (Platyolus) hebes Antoine, 1933. – Gebien 1939: 453; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Melambius (Hoplariobius) hebes (Antoine, 1933). – Antoine 1942: 47. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) hebes (Antoine, 1933). – Koch 1945: 420. Melambatlasus hebes (Antoine, 1933). – Koch 1948: 433 (comb.); 1956: 400. Melambius (Melambatlasus) hebes (Antoine, 1933). – Antoine 1956: 361; Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. (Taddert).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Taddert (Antoine 1933); Tizi n’Tichka (Koch 1945); Ait Rbah, Tessaout (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 18).

M. lasciniosus Antoine, 1956 Melambius (Melambatlasus) lasciniosus Antoine, 1956: 364. – Kocher 1958: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. (Talmest; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Talmest (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 19).

M. meridionalis Antoine, 1951 Melambius (Hoplariobius) meridionalis Antoine, 1951: 317. – Antoine 1956: 361; Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data . Syntypes, “Several” spec. (Tiouit; V.1949; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Massif of Sarro: Tiouit (Antoine 1951) (Fig. 19).

M. mirus Antoine, 1956 Melambius (Melambatlasus) mirus Antoine, 1956: 361. – Kocher 1958: 135; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Holotype, (Bou Naceur; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Reggou, east of Bou Naceur (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 19).

M. pauliani (Koch, 1945) Micrositus (Hoplariobius) pauliani Koch, 1945: 413. Melambius (Hoplambius) pauliani (Koch, 1945). – Antoine 1946: 53. Melambatlasus pauliani (Koch, 1945). – Koch 1948: 433 (comb.); 1956: 400. Melambius (Melambatlasus) pauliani (Koch, 1945). – Antoine 1956: 363; Kocher 1958: 137; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data. Sytntypes, 2 spec. (Djebel Maoutfoud), 1 spec. (Djebel Tarkedit), 1 spec. (Djebel Ayachi; IX). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: massif of Rhat (Tarkedit) (Antoine 1956); Morocco. Grand Atlas: Ayachi (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 19).

M. rugatithorax Antoine, 1951 Melambius (Hoplariobius) rugatithorax Antoine, 1951: 316. – Antoine 1956: 364; Kocher 1958: 137; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285.

Type data . Syntypes, 7 Kocher).

XX (Tirhelrit; leg.


Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Grand Atlas: Tirhelrit (Antoine 1951) (Fig. 18).

M. venustus Antoine, 1942 Melambius (Hoplariobius) venustus Antoine, 1942: 32. – Antoine 1946: 53. Melambius (Melambatlasus) venustus Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1956: 362; Kocher 1958: 136; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285. Melambatlsus venustus (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 400 (comb.).

Type data. Holotype, Y (West of Outat el Hadj). Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Middle Atlas. West of Outat el Hadj (Antoine 1942) (Fig. 18).


1946: 51 (subgenus of Melambius); 1956: 346 (subgenus of Melambius); Español 1945: 227 (subgenus of Melambius); Koch 1948: 432 (subgenus of Melambius); 1956: 400 (subgenus of Melambius); Kocher 1958: 135 (subgenus of Melambius); Viñolas 1990: 54; Ferrer 1991: 281; Iwan 2001: 355; 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 285 (subgenus of Melambius).

Type species. Opatrum barbarum Erichson, 1841; designated by monotypy. Species and subspecies composition (13): barbarus, bidens, breviusculus breviusculus, breviusculus syrtanus, denticollis, mideltensis, otini, rotroui, rungsi, schrammi, sulcatus, teinturieri, tuniseus.

M. barbarus (Erichson, 1841) Subgenus Melambius Mulsant et Rey, 1854 Melambius Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 124 [=1854b: 268]. – Lacordaire 1859: 273; Desbrochers des Loges 1881: 117; Seidlitz 1894: 412; Reitter 1904: 108 (subgenus of Melambius); Escalera 1914: 331; Schuster 1922: 49 (subgenus of Melambius); Reichardt 1936: 41 (subgenus of Melambius); Gebien 1910: 310 (subgenus of Melambius); 1939: 451 (subgenus of Melambius); Normand 1938a: 303 [=1938b: 366]; Antoine 1942: 25 (subgenus of Melambius);

Opatrum barbarum Erichson, 1841: 181. Melambius barbarus (Erichson, 1841). – Mulsant and Rey 1854a: 124 [=1854b: 269]; Lacordaire 1859: 273; Mulsant and Godart 1865: 25; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1938; Baudi di Selve 1876a: 53 [=1876b: 213]; Iwan 2001: 359. Melambius (Melambius) barbarus (Erichson, 1841). – Reitter 1904: 115; Gebien 1910: 311; 1939: 452; Reichardt 1936: 43; Español 1945: 231; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Figure 18. Distribution of the subgenus Melambatlasus (Part 1 of 2).



Figure 19. Distribution of the subgenus Melambatlasus (Part 2 of 2).

Type data. Unknown. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria*, Egipt*, Syria* (Mulsant and Rey 1854a); Algeria. Oran S. (Baudi di Selve 1876a) (Fig. 20).

M. bidens Antoine, 1932 Melambius bidens Antoine, 1932: 188. – Kocher 1958: 139. Melambius (Melambius) bidens Antoine, 1932. – Gebien 1939: 452; Antoine 1942: 51; 1956: 366; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Holotype, (Tizi Azourei). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Massif of Likoumt: Tizi Azourei (Antoine 1932) (Fig. 21).

Melambius (Melambius) breviusculus breviusculus Fairmaire, 1871. – Koch 1956: 401; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria* (Reichardt 1936); Oran (Reitter 1904); “Telrhemt” (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 20). M. breviusculus syrtanus Normand, 1938 Melambius breviusculus syrtanus Normand, 1938a: 303 [=1938b: 366]. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, “Certains exemplaires capturés à Fériana”. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Tunisia: Feriana (Normand 1938a) (Fig. 20).

M. breviusculus breviusculus Fairmaire, 1871 M. denticollis Escalera, 1913 Melambius breviusculus Fairmaire, 1871: 390. – Desbrochers des Loges 1881: 117; Champion 1895: 104; Normand 1938a: 303 [=1938b: 366]. Melambius (Melambius) breviusculus Fairmaire, 1871. – Reitter 1904: 114; Reichardt 1936: 42; Gebien 1910: 311; 1939: 452; Koch 1948: 433; Kocher 1958: 138.

Melambius dentollis Escalera, 1913: 48. – Escalera 1914: 332; Antoine 1931: 187. Melambius (Melambius) dentollis Escalera, 1913. – Reichardt 1936: 43; Gebien 1939: 452; Antoine 1942: 43; 1956: 365; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Kocher 1958: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.



Figure 20. Distribution of the subgenus Melambius (Part 1 of 2).

Type data. Syntypes, (Tizi n’Test; MNMS; leg. Escalera). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Marocco. Tizi n’Test (Escalera 1913); Haut Oued N’fis, Tizi Ouchedden (Antoine 1931); Marocco. Goundafa Valley (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 21).

Type data. Syntypes, 3 spec. (Msoun). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Marocco. Msoun (Antoine 1942); Berguent (Aïn Bni Mathar), Bou Arfa (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 21).

M. rotroui Antoine, 1951 M. mideltensis Antoine, 1932 Melambius mideltensis Antoine, 1932: 188. – Kocher 1958: 139. Melambius (Melambius) mideltensis Antoine, 1932. – Gebien 1939: 452; Antoine 1942: 43; 1956: 366; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, 30 spec. (Djebel Ayachi). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Djebel Ayachi (Antoine 1932); Valley of Moulouya (Antoine 1956); Sidi Ali, Midelt (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 21).

Melambius (Melambius) rotroui Antoine, 1951: 315. – Antoine 1956: 366; Kocher 1958: 139; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data . Syntypes, 3 spec. (Amguied; leg. Rotrou). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Amguied (Antoine 1951); Morocco. Amsguid (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 20).

M. rungsi Antoine, 1956 M. otini Antoine, 1942 Melambius (Melambius) otini Antoine, 1942: 42. – Antoine 1956: 365; Koch 1956: 401; Kocher 1958: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Melambius (Melambius) rungsi Antoine, 1956: 364. – Kocher 1958: 138; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Holotype, (Tizi n’Test; leg. Rungs).



Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Tizi n’Test (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 21). M. schrammi Antoine, 1956 Melambius (Melambius) schrammi Antoine, 1956: 365. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Melambius schrammi Antoine, 1956. – Kocher 1958: 138.

Type data. Holotype, (Guenfouda; leg. Schramm). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Guenfouda (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 21). M. sulcatus Antoine, 1956 Melambius (Melambius) sulcatus Antoine, 1956: 366. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Melambius sulcatus Antoine, 1956. – Kocher 1958: 139.

Type data. (Engil; leg. Kocher). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Engil (Antoine 1956); Col de Boulmane (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 20).

M. teinturieri Mulsant et Godart, 1865 Melambius teinturieri Mulsant et Godart, 1865: 24. – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1938; Champion 1895: 104. Melambius asperocostatus Fairmaire, 1871: 391. – Champion 1895: 104; Reitter 1904: 114; Gebien 1910: 310; 1939: 452; Reichardt 1936: 43; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Ardoin 1969: 124 (syn.). Melambius (Melambius) teinturieri Mulsant et Godart, 1865. – Reitter 1904: 114; Reichardt 1936: 43; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Ardoin 1969: 124; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Melambius (Hoplambius) teinturieri Mulsant et Godart, 1865. – Gebien 1910: 311.

Type data. Melambius teinturieri Mulsant et Godart, 1865. (Batna; leg. Teinturieri). Melambius asperocostatus Fairmaire, 1871. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria: Batna (Mulsant and Godart 1865); Batna, Mahadit (Reitter 1904) (Fig. 20). M. tuniseus (Levrat, 1859) Philax tuniseus Levrat, 1859: 34. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Melambius tuniseus (Levrat, 1859). – Gebien 1910: 311.

Figure 21. Distribution of the subgenus Melambius (Part 2 of 2).


Melambius (Melambius) tuniseus (Levrat, 1859). – Reichardt 1936: 44; Gebien 1939: 452; Koch 1948: 433; 1956: 401; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Unknown. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Tunisia* (Reichardt 1936).

Genus Melansis Wollaston, 1864 Melansis Wollaston, 1864: 491. – Wollaston 1865: 413; Reichardt 1936: 40; Gebien 1939: 451; Español 1945: 227; 1962: 206; 1975: 239; Koch 1948: 410; 1956: 393; Ferrer 1992: 83; Viñolas et al. 1995: 72; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Liberto and Leo 2002: 19; Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type species. Phylax costatus Brullé, 1838; by subsequent designation. Species and subspecies composition (6): angulata angulata, angulata hierroenses, costata, kaszabi, reyesi, tibicena.


M. angulata angulata Wollaston, 1864 Melansis angulata Wollaston, 1864: 492. – Wollaston 1865: 414; Reichardt 1936: 40; Gebien 1939: 451; Koch 1948: 410. Melansis angulata angulata Wollaston, 1864. – Español 1962: 206; Ferrer 1992: 83; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Liberto and Leo 2002: 26; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, 20 spec. (Santa Cruz; VI. 1858; BMNH; leg. Wollaston). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary islands: La Palma: Los Llanos de Aridane, El Paso, Puntagorda, Juan Adalid (Garcia and Oromi 2000): 57; Ravine of Santa Cruz (Español 1962) (Fig. 22).

M. angulata hierroenses Español, 1962 Melansis angulata hierroenses Español, 1962: 206. – Viñolas et al. 1995: 72; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Liberto and Leo 2002: 26; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Figure 22. Distribution of the genus Melansis.



Type data. Holotype, (El Hierro; MZBE; leg. Fernández); Paratypes, (Valverde; leg. Lindberg, Padrón) (Gomera; leg. Lindberg). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary Islands: El Hierro: El Golfo, El Pinar, Volcán del Tesoro, Tisamar, Valverde; La Gomera: Epina (Garcia and Oromi 2000); El Hierro: Hierro (Español 1962); La Gomera: Chipude (Liberto and Leo 2002) (Fig. 22).

M. costata (Brullé, 1838) Phylax costatus Brullé, 1838: 69. – Gebien 1910: 309. Melansis costata Brullé, 1838. – Wollaston 1864: 492; 1865: 414; Reichardt 1936: 40; Gebien 1939: 451; Español 1945: 220; 1962: 205; Koch 1948: 410; 1956: 393; Ferrer 1992: 83; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Liberto and Leo 2002: 24; Iwan 2004b: 741; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary Islands: Gran Canaria: Los Pechos, Las Lagunetas, Cruz de Tejeda, Bco. de Farragú, Tamadaba, Andén Verde, Tirma (Garcia and Oromi 2000); Tirajana (Wollaston 1865); Degollada de Becerra; Cortijo de Almadero (Liberto and Leo 2002) (Fig. 22).

M. kaszabi Ferrer, 1992 Melansis kaszabi Ferrer, 1992: 83. – Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Liberto and Leo 2002: 26; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. “Holotypo Y y paratipos YX, Gran Canaria, Paso de las Nieves, Cortijo de Huertas, 1700m h. 18.I.1981, Meregalli leg. / Teror, 7.V.1975, Borisch leg. 1 Y, Coll. D. Borisch, Lidingö, Suecia / Arguineguin (26.III.85) 5 ex. / Cueva de las Ninas (24.III.85) 3 ex., Arne Nilsson leg. Tipos en el Museo de Budapest, paratipos en la col. del autor y de Arne Nilsson, Vansbro, Suecia”. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary Islands: Gran Canaria: Cernícalos, Guayadeque, Los Pechos, Hoya del Gamonal, Roque Nublo, Balos, Caldera de los Marteles, Bandama (Garcia and Oromi 2000); Pozo de Las Nieves (Liberto and Leo 2002) (Fig. 22).

M. reyesi García et Oromí, 2000 Melansis reyesi Garcia et Oromi, 2000: 51. – Liberto and Leo 2002: 26; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Punta de Anaga; VII.1998; leg. R. Garcia); Paratypes, X (Punta de Anaga; XI.1992; leg. J.A. Reyes-Betancort), 2 YY and 5 XX (Punta de Anaga; VII.1998; leg. R. Garcia).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary Islands: Tenerife. Punta de Anaga (Garcia and Oromi 2000) (Fig. 22). M. tibicena Liberto et Leo, 2002 Melansis tibicena Liberto et Leo, 2002: 19. – Fernández 2004: 234; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Between Aguimes and Temisas; 9.XII.1998; TFMC; leg. A. Liberto); Paratypes, 3 YY and 8 XX (same data; coll. Piero Leo, Cagliari, Italia; coll. Andrea Liberto Roma, Italia; coll. Departmento de Biología Animal (Zoología) de Universidad de La Laguna, Spain ); Y and 7 XX (ravine Fataga; 6.XII.1998; coll. Rafael García Becerra, Santa Cruz de La Palma, España; coll. Andrea Liberto Roma, Italia; coll. Andrea Liberto Roma, Italia, MNMS; leg. A. Liberto); 2 YY and 2 XX (ravine Tirajana; 7.XII.1998; coll. Piero Leo, Cagliari, Italia, coll. Andrea Liberto Roma, Italia; leg. Liberto); 8 YY and 9 XX (ravine Guayadeque; 23.X.1987; coll. Departmento de Biología Animal (Zoología) de Universidad de La Laguna, Spain; coll. Rafael García Becerra, Santa Cruz de La Palma, España; leg. Rafael García); 5 YY and 3 XX (Los Marteles; 21.IV.1989; coll. Andrea Liberto Roma, Italia; coll. Rafael García Becerra, Santa Cruz de La Palma, España; leg. Rafael García). Distribution . PALAEARCTIC REGION. Gran Canaria. Between Aguimes and Temisas, ravine Fataga, ravine Tirajana, ravine Guayadeque, Los Marteles (Liberto and Leo 2002) (Fig. 22). Genus Melasmana Strand, 1935 Melasmana Stand, 1935: 297. Type species. Phylax lineatus Brullé, 1838; designated by monotypy.

The genus includes: 2 species belong to 2 subgenera (Heliomelasma, Melasmana). Subgenus Heliomelasma Koch, 1948 Heliomelasma Koch, 1948: 408 (subgenus of Melasmana). – Español 1975: 240 (subgenus of Melasmana); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286 (subgenus of Melasmana).

Type species. Melasmana appenhageni Koch, 1948; by original designation. The monotypic subgenus: appenhageni. M. appenhageni Koch, 1948 Melasmana (Heliomelasma) appenhageni Koch, 1948: 408. – Koch 1956: 393; Español 1974: 242; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.


Melasmana appenhageni Koch, 1948. – Español 1962: 204.

Type data. Syntypes, 3YY and 2XX (Teneriffe; in coll. Frey, Munchen; leg. Le Moult). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary islands. Teneriffe (Koch 1948); Fuerteventura. Corralejo (Español 1962) (Fig. 23). Notes. Doubtful locality: “Téneriffe, col. Le Moult” (Español 1962).

Subgenus Melasmana Strand, 1935 Melasmana Stand, 1935: 297 (replacement name for Melasma Wollaston, 1864). – Gebien 1939: 425; Español 1945: 227; 1962: 204 (subgenus of Melasmana); Español 1974: 240 (subgenus of Melasmana); Koch 1948: 407 (subgenus of Melasmana); 1956: 392 (subgenus of Melasmana); Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286 (subgenus of Melasmana). Melasma Wollaston, 1864: 485. – Homonym of Melasma Adams, 1854 (Gastropoda: Thiaridae).

Type species. Phylax lineatus Brullé, 1838; designated by monotypy. The monotypic subgenus: lineatum.


M. lineatum (Brullé, 1838) Phylax lineatus Brullé, 1838: 69. Melasma lineatum Wollaston, 1864: 485 (comb. inval.). – Wollaston 1865: 410; Gebien 1910: 332; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1938. Melasmana lineatum (Brullé, 1838). – Gebien 1939: 425; Oromi and Garcia 1995: 181; Iwan 2004b: 741. Melasmana (Melasmana) lineata (Brullé, 1838). – Stand 1935: 297; Español 1945: 221; 1962: 204; 1974: 238; Koch 1948: 407; 1956: 392; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary Islands. Lanzarote. Haria, Arrecife; Fuerteventura. Corralejo; Isla de los Lobos (Español 1962); La Graciosa: Montana Mojon; Alegranza: Montana Clara, Montana Lobos (Oromi and Garcia 1995) (Fig. 23). Genus Microphylacinus Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011 Microphylacinus Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011: 2.

Type species. Microphylacinus verendus Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011; by original designation. The monotypic genus: verendus.

Figure 23. Distribution of the genera Melasmana and Oreomelasma.



M. verendus Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011 Microphylacinus verendus Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011: 3.

Type data. Holotype, Y (12°15’32’’S 49°22’29’’E; 22–28.II.2001; CASC; leg. Fisher, Griswold et al.); Paratypes 111 spec. (12°15’32’’S 49°22’29’’E, 12°19’22’’S 49°20’17’’E, 18°28’24’’S 47°57’36’’E, 12°54’32’’S 49°6’35’’E, 12°51’49’’S 49°13’33’’E; XII.2000–II.2001; CASC and MIIZ; leg. Fisher, Griswold et al.). Distribution. North coast of Madagascar (Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011) (Fig. 24).

Genus Minorus Mulsant et Rey, 1854

Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Poffader (Koch 1956: 344) (Fig. 25). Notes. Correction of the nomen (Article of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature).

M. gracilicornis Koch, 1956 Minorus gracilicornis Koch, 1956: 338.

Type data. Syntypes, 6 spec. (Garies; VI.1930; SAMC). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Garies (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

Minorus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 41 [=1854b: 185]. – Lacordaire 1859: 239; Gebien 1910: 275; 1939: 414; Koch 1953a: 272; 1956: 285; Iwan 2004b: 739.

Type species. Eurynotus (Minorus) rugicollis Mulsant et Rey, 1854; designated by monotypy. Species composition: sculpticeps, rugicollis, curtus, namaquanus, gracilicornis, hessei, rugiventris, lucigaster, jouberti, sericeus, duodevigintiseriatus, thornei, pilosicollis, barnardi.

M. barnardi Koch, 1956 Minorus barnardi Koch, 1956: 346.

Type data. Holotype: sex not determined (Seven Weeks Poort; SAMC; leg. K. H. Barnard). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Sothern Cape Province. Seven Weeks Poort (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25). M. curtus Koch, 1956 Minorus curtus Koch, 1956: 336.

Type data. Syntypes, 8 spec. (Willowmore; TMNH; leg. H. Brauns). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Willowmore (Koch 1956: 337) (Fig. 25). M. duodevigintiseriatus Koch, 1956 Minorus XVIII-seriatus Koch, 1956: 343.

Type data. Holotype: sex not determined (Poffader; VIII.1950; TMNH; leg. C. Koch et Van Son).

Figure 24. Distribution of the genera Microphylacinus and Phylacinus.


M. hessei Koch, 1956


Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. South-western Cape Province. Clanwilliam (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

Minorus hessei Koch, 1956: 339.

Type data. Syntypes, 7 spec. (Somerset West; III.1930; SAMC; leg. A. J. Hesse). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Somerset West (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

M. namaquanus Koch, 1956 Minorus namaquanus Koch, 1956: 338.

M. jouberti Koch, 1956 Minorus jouberti Koch, 1956: 341.

Type data. Syntypes, 5 spec. (Stallenbosch; SAMC; leg. L. Péringuey). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. South-western Cape Province. Stallenbosch (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

Type data . Syntypes, 24 spec. (Standfontein; XI.1949; TMNH; leg. C. Koch et B. Malkin). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Standfontein (near to mouth of the Olifants River), near Klaver (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

M. pilosicollis Koch, 1956 Minorus pliosicollis Koch, 1956: 345.

M. lucigaster Koch, 1956 Minorus lucigaster Koch, 1956: 341.

Type data. Holotype, sex no determined (Clanwilliam; SAMC; leg. R. Lightfoot).

Type data. Syntypes, 17 spec. (Still Bay; XI.1940; TMNH; leg. G. Van Son). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Southern Cape Province. Still Bay, Mossel Bay, George District (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

Figure 25. Distribution of the genus Minorus.



M. rugicollis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854)

Genus Oreomelasma Español, 1975

Eurynotus (Minorus) rugicollis Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 41 [=1854b: 185]. Eurynotus rugicollis Mulsant et Rey, 1854a. – Lacordaire, 1859: 239; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1914; Gebien 1910b: 276; 1939: 414. Minorus rugicollis (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1953a: 272 (comb.); 1956: 334; Iwan 2004b: 741.

Oreomelasma Español, 1975: 238. – Viñolas et al. 1995: 74; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. (Cape of Good Hope; CCEC or MNHN). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Willowmore (Southern Cape Province), between Klipplaat and Miller, Aberdeen, Meirings Poort, Algoa Bay (Koch 1956: 335) (Fig. 25).

M. rugiventris Koch, 1956 Minorus rugiventris Koch, 1956: 340.

Type data. Holotype, sex not determined (Ceres District; X.1934; SAMC; leg. M. Versfeld). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. South-western Cape Province. Ceres District (Top of Skurweberg, Cold Bokkeveld) (Koch 1958) (Fig. 25).

M. sculpticeps Koch, 1956

Type species. Oreomelasma oromii Español, 1975; by original designation. The monotypic genus: oromii.

O. oromii Español, 1975 Oreomelasma oromii Español, 1975: 241. – Oromi 1982: 272; Viñolas et al. 1995: 74; Garcia and Oromi 2000: 51, Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Cumbres de Jandia; V.1974; MZBE; leg. P. Oromi); Paratypes, 7YY and 5XX (MZBE; leg. P. Oromí). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Canary islands. Fuerteventura. Cumbres de Jandia (Español 1975) (fig. 23).

Genus Otinia Antoine, 1942 Otinia Antoine, 1942: 22. Type species. Otinia iblanensis Antoine, 1942; designated by monotypy.

The genus includes: 9 species belong to 3 subgenera (Antoineius, Orophylaxus and Otinia).

Minorus sculpticeps Koch, 1956: 332.

Type data. Syntypes, 3 spec. (Garies; XI.1949; TMNH; leg. C. Koch). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Garies (North-western Cape province), Spectakel, Kleinzee, Kamieskroon (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

M. sericeus Koch, 1956 Minorus sericeus Koch, 1956: 343.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Clanwilliam; VII.1946; TMNH). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Clanwilliam (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

M. thornei Koch, 1956 Minorus thornei Koch, 1956: 344.

Type data. Syntypes, 7 spec. (George District; VIII.1931; SAMC; leg. C. Thorne). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Southern Cape Province. George District (Koch 1956) (Fig. 25).

Subgenus Antoineius Koch, 1948 Antoineius Koch, 1948: 418 (subgenus of Orophylaxus). – Antoine 1956: 348 (subgenus of Otinia); Koch 1956: 396; Kocher 1958: 141 (subgenus of Otinia); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286 (subgenus of Otinia).

Type species. Melambius (Hoplariobius) inermis Antoine, 1942; by original designation. Species composition (4): espanoli, inermis, kocheri, vidali.

O. espanoli Antoine, 1956 Otinia (Antoineius) espanoli Antoine, 1956: 350. – Kocher 1958: 142; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, (Tahar Souk). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Tahar Souk (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 26).

O. inermis (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) inermis Antoine, 1942: 35. – Antoine 1946: 53.


Otinia (Antoineius) inermis (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1956: 349 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 141; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) jeanneli Koch, 1945: 420. – Antoine 1946: 53. Orophylaxus (Antoineius) jeanneli (Koch, 1945: 420). – Koch 1948: 418; 1956: 396; Kocher 1958: 141. Otinia (Antoineius) jeanneli (Koch, 1945: 420). – Antoine 1956: 349 (syn.); Español 1967: 41.

Type data. Melambius (Hoplariobius) inermis Antoine, 1942. Syntypes, 6YY and X (Timhadit, Dayet Hachlaf, Enjil, Aguelmane de Sidi Ali). Micrositus (Hoplariobius) jeanneli Koch, 1945. Holotype, 1 spec. (Ras el Ma; leg. Jeannel). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Timhadit, Dayet Hachlaf, Enjil, Sidi Ali (Antoine 1942); Azrou, Ras el Ma, Aïn Leuh (Koch 1945) (Fig. 26). Notes. Infrasubspecific nomen Micrositus disparis ab. inermis (Escalera 1925b: 379; Gebien 1939: 450).


Otinia (Antoineius) kocheri (Antoine, 1946). – Antoine 1956: 349 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 142; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, 5 spec. X (Tighelrit; leg. Kocher and Peyerimhoff). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco (Grand Atlas). Tighelrit (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 26). O. vidali (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) vidali Antoine, 1942: 27. Otinia (Antoineius) vidali (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1956: 349 (comb.); Kocher 1958: 141; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Melambatlasus vidali (Antoine, 1942). – Koch 1956: 400 (comb.).

Type data. Holoptype, (Ras Foughal; leg. Vidal). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Ras Foughal (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 26). Subgenus Orophylaxus Koch, 1948

O. kocheri (Antoine, 1946) Melambius (Hoplariobius) kocheri Antoine, 1946: 54.

Orophylaxus Koch, 1948: 417 (subgenus of Orophylaxus). – Antoine 1956: 348 (subgenus of Otinia); 1962: 52 (subgenus of Otinia); Koch 1956: 396 (subgenus of Orophylaxus); Kocher 1958: 140

Figure 26. Distribution of the subgenera Antoineius, Orophylaxus and Otinia.



(subgenus of Otinia); Leo 1994: 138 (subgenus of Otinia); Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286 (subgenus of Otinia).

Type species. Phylax incertus Mulsant et Godart, 1865a; by original designation. Species and subspecies composition (4): incerta disparis, incerta incerta, lacouri debduensis, lacouri lacouri.

O. incerta disparis (Escalera, 1925) Micrositus disparis Escalera, 1925: 377. – Antoine 1942: 42. Allophylax incertus disparis (Escalera, 1925). – Reichardt 1936: 31; Gebien 1939: 450. Melambius (Hoplariobius) disparis (Escalera, 1925). – Antoine 1946: 52. Orophylaxus (Orophylaxus) incertus disparis (Escalera, 1925). – Koch 1948: 418; 1956: 396. Otinia (Orophylaxus) disparis (Escalera, 1925). – Antoine 1956: 350 (comb.); 1962: 52; Kocher 1958: 141. Otinia (Orophylaxus) incerta disparis (Escalera, 1925). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Otinia (Orophylaxus) disparis f. occidentalis Antoine, 1956: 350. Otinia (Orophylaxus) disparis var. occidentalis Antoine, 1956. – Kocher 1958: 141.

Type data. Micrositus disparis Escalera, 1925. Syntypes. (Ain Leuh, Ain Tumilili, Timadit, Aguelman Si Ali Mohamed). Otinia (Orophylaxus) f. occidentalis Antoine, 1956. Syntypes. Y and X (El Ksiba). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Ain Leuh, Ain Tumilili, Timadit, Aguelman Si Ali Mohamed (Escalera 1925); El Ksiba, Plateau des Lacs (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 26).

O. incerta incerta (Mulsant et Godart, 1865) Philax incertus Mulsant et Godart, 1865: 23. – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1937; Reitter 1904: 112; Gebien 1910: 309. Allophylax incertus incertus (Mulsant et Godart, 1865). – Reichardt 1936: 31; Gebien 1939: 450. Melambius (Hoplariobius) incertus (Mulsant et Godart, 1865). – Antoine 1942: 41. Orophylaxus (Orophylaxus) incertus incertus (Mulsant et Godart, 1865). – Koch 1948: 417; 1956: 396. Otinia (Orophylaxus) incerta incerta (Mulsant et Godart, 1865). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Philax oxyholmus Fairmaire, 1876: 38. – Koch 1948: 417; Gebien 1910: 309; 1939: 450. Micrositus serripes Desbrochers des Loges, 1881: 119. – Gebien 1910: 309; Koch 1948: 417. Phylax serripes (Desbrochers des Loges, 1881). – Champion 1895: 104.

Type data. Philax incertus Mulsant et Godart, 1865. (Sidi bel Abbes; leg. M. Lefranc). Philax oxyholmus Fairmaire, 1876: Probably in MNHN. Micrositus serripes Desbrochers des Loges, 1881: Syntypes, (Lalla Marghnia).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria. Sidi bel Abbes (Mulsant and Godart 1865); Lalla Marghnia (Desbrochers des Loges 1881) (Fig. 26).

O. lacouri debduensis Antoine, 1962 Otinia (Orophylaxus) lacouri debduensis Antoine, 1962: 52. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Otinia (Orophylaxus) lacouri var. debduensis Antoine, 1962: 52. – Kocher 1964: 114.

Type data. Syntypes, X and Y (Gada de Debdou; 22.IV.1962; leg. Antoine). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco: Gada de Debdou (Antoine 1962) (Fig. 26).

O. lacouri lacouri (Antoine, 1942) Melambius (Hoplariobius) lacouri Antoine, 1942: 41. Otinia (Orophylaxus) lacouri (Antoine, 1942). – Antoine 1956: 350 (comb.); 1962: 52; Kocher 1958: 140. Otinia lacouri (Antoine, 1942). – Iwan 2004b: 741. Otinia (Orophylaxus) lacouri lacouri (Antoine, 1942). – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, 4 spec. (Jorf Ouazene; Antoine collection). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Jorf Ouazene (Oujda) (Antoine 1956) (Fig. 26).

Subgenus Otinia Antoine, 1942 Otinia Antoine, 1942: 22. – Español 1945: 227; 1967: 41; Koch 1948: 416; 1956: 396; Antoine 1956: 348 (subgenus of Otinia); 1962: 52; Kocher 1958: 140 (subgenus of Otinia); Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286 (subgenus Otinia).

Type species. Otinia iblanensis Antoine, 1942; designated by monotypy. The monotypic subgenus: iblanensis.

O. iblanensis Antoine, 1942 Otinia iblanensis Antoine, 1942: 23. Otinia (Otinia) iblanensis Antoine, 1942. – Antoine 1946: 51; 1956: 351; Koch 1956: 396; Kocher 1958: 140; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) embergeri Koch, 1945: 419. – Antoine 1946: 51 (syn.).

Type data. Otinia iblanensis Antoine, 1942. Syntypes, 20 spec. (Massif du Bou Iblane; leg. M. Otin). Micrositus (Hoplariobius) embergeri Koch, 1945. Holotype. (Massif du Bou Iblane; leg. Emberger). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Morocco. Middle Atlas: Massif du Bou Iblane (Antoine 1941); Bou Naceur (Kocher 1958) (Fig. 26).



Genus Peyerimhoffius Koch, 1948

Genus Phylacinus Fairmaire, 1896

Peyerimhoffius Koch, 1948: 420. – Koch 1956: 397; Iwan 2004b: 739; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Phylacinus Fairmaire, 1896: 349. – Gebien 1910: 276, 1939: 415; Ardoin 1967: 179; Iwan 2004a: 739; Iwan 2004b: 768; Schawaller 2010: 279; Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011: 4.

Type species. Philax plicatus Lucas, 1846; by original designation. The monotypic genus: plicatus.

Type species. Phylacinus asperipennis Fairmaire, 1896; designated by monotypy. Species composition (5): asperipennis, ferreri, fisheri, kavanaughi, peyrierasi.

P. plicatus (Lucas, 1846) Philax plicatus Lucas, 1846: 326. Micrositus plicatus (Lucas, 1846). – Mulsant and Rey 1854a: 157 [=1854b: 301] (comb.); Lacordaire 1859: 272; Reichardt 1936: 45. Micrositus (Hoplariobius) plicatus (Lucas, 1846). – Gebien 1939: 452. Peyerimhoffius plicatus (Lucas, 1846). – Koch 1948: 420 (comb.); 1956: 397; Iwan 2004b: 741; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 286.

Type data. Syntypes, (MNHN; leg. Chevrolat, Deyrolle, Godard). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Algeria. Constantine, Boufarik, Bou Berak, Teniet el Had, Medea, Berrouaghin, Draa el Mizan (Koch 1948) (Fig. 27).

P. asperipennis Fairmaire, 1896 Phylacinus asperipennis Fairmaire, 1896: 349. – Gebien 1910: 276, 1938: 415; Ferrer 1998: 359; Iwan 2004a: 739; Iwan 2004b: 771; Schawaller 2010: 279, Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011: 5.

Type data. Lectotype, Y (MNHN; leg. Fairmaire); Paralectotype, X (MNHN; leg. Fairmaire). Distribution. North coast of Madagascar: Soalala (Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011) (Fig. 24).

Figure 27. Distribution of the genera Peyerimhoffius and Psammoardoinellus.



P. ferreri Iwan, 2004 Phylacinus ferreri Iwan, 2004: 771. – Schawaller 2010: 279, Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011: 6.

Type data. Holotype, X (“Réserve Nat. de Tsimanampetsosa”; 20.V.1991; MZUF); Paratypes, X (“Réserve Nat. de Tsimanampetsosa”; 20.V.1991, MZUF), X (JFCS). Distribution. South coast of Madagascar: Réserve Nat. de Tsimanampetsosa, 25°34’54’’S, 45°10’6’’E; 24°39’13’’S, 43°59’48’’E; 22°13’59’’S, 43°21’59’’E; 24°6’02’’S, 43°45’36’’E; 22°48’8’’S, 43°25’14’’E (Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011) (Fig. 24).

P. fisheri Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011 Phylacinus fisheri Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011: 4.

Type data. Holotype, Y (16°19’15’’S 46°48’38’’E; 26.III-1.IV 2001; CASC; leg. Fisher, Griswold et al.); Paratypes, 152 spec. (16°19’15’’S, 46°48’38’’E; 16°13’ 41’’S, 46°8’37’’E; 16°16’2’’S, 46°2’55’’E; 20°3’50’’S, 47°40’ 18’’E; III–IV 2001 and 25.III.2000; CASC and MIIZ.; leg. Fisher, Griswold et al. and M. E. Irwin et E. I. Schlinger). Distribution. North coast of Madagascar: “Ampijoroa Station Forestiere” and “Foręt de Tsimaloto” (Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011) (Fig. 24).

P. kavanaughi Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011

Type species . Isocerus sardiniensis Ardoin, 1972; by original designation. The monotypic genus: sardiniensis.

P. sardiniensis (Ardoin, 1972) Isocerus sardiniensis Ardoin, 1972: 240. – Iwan and Löbl 2008: 287. Psammoardoinellus sardiniensis (Ardoin, 1972). – Leo 1980: 34 (comb.); 1994: 133; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 287.

Type data . Holotype, X (Buggerru beach; 4.V.1969). Distribution. PALAEARCTIC REGION. Sardinia: Buggerru beach (Ardoin 1972); Fontanamare di Gonnesa, Portixeddu (Capo Pecora) (Leo 1980) (Fig. 27). Notes. Incorrect interpretation by Español and Viñolas (1993) – Psammoardoinellus sardiniensis was treated as Melambiophylax sardous Baudi, 1876 (Leo 1994).

Genus Pseudemmallus Koch, 1956 Pseudemmallus Koch, 1956: 355.

Type species. Pseudemmallus aspericollis Koch, 1956; designated by monotypy. The monotypic genus: aspericollis.

P. aspericollis Koch, 1956

Phylacinus kavanaughi Iwan, Kamiński et Aalbu, 2011: 14.

Pseudemmallus aspericollis Koch, 1956: 355.

Type data. Holotype, Y (12°15’32’’S 49°22’29’’E; 22-28.II.2001; CASC coll. Fisher, Griswold et al.; Paratypes, same data, 59spec. (CASC and MIIZ). Distribution. North coast of Madagascar: 12°15’32’’S, 49°22’29’’E (Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011) (Fig. 24).

Type data. Holotype, sex not determined (Salt Pan; VII.1949; TMNH; leg. C. Koch et G. Van Son). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Salt Pan (Zoutpansberg District) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 5).

P. peyrierasi Ardoin, 1967

Genus Silvestriellum Koch, 1956

Phylacinus peyrierasi Ardoin, 1967: 179. – Iwan 2004: 772, Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011: 14.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Sahafary; V.1966; MNHN; A. Peyrieras). Distribution. North and east coast of Madagascar: Sahafary, 12°28’8’’S 49°14’32’’E (Iwan, Kamiński and Aalbu 2011) (Fig. 24).

Silvestriellum Koch, 1956: 362. – Iwan 2004b: 739.

Type species. Silvestriellum alatum Koch, 1956; by original designation. Species composition (2): alatum, scleronoide.

S. alatum Koch, 1956 Silvestriellum alatum Koch, 1956: 365.

Genus Psammoardoinellus Leo, 1980 Psammoardoinellus Leo, 1980: 34. – Leo 1994: 133; Iwan and Löbl 2008: 287.

Type data. Syntypes, Y and X (North Baringo; I.1938; National Museum of Kenya (Coryndon Museum), Nairobi, Kenya; leg. D. G. Macinnes).



Distribution . AFROTROPICAL REGION. East Africa (British East Africa). North Baringo (2700 ft.) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 28).

Type species. Tragardhus (Mitragardhus) nodosus Koch, 1956; designated by monotypy. The monotypic genus: nodosus.

S. scleronoide Koch, 1956

T. nodosus Koch, 1956

Silvestriellum scleronoide Koch, 1956: 366. – Iwan 2004b: 741.

Tragardhus (Mitragardhus) nodosus Koch, 1956: 379.

Type data. Syntypes, Y and X (St. Louis; VI.1912; M.C.B.; leg. Stappers). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. Central Africa (Belgian Congo). St. Louis, Kigoma, North Rukwa (Tanganyika Territory), Mwamgongo, Urungu (near Bismarckburg) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 28).

Type data. Syntypes, 4YY and X (Junction of Mfolozi Onkudu Rivers; VII.1905; MST; leg. I. Trägårdh). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Junction of Mfolozi Onkudu Rivers (Zululand) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 29).

Subgenus Tragardhus Koch, 1956 Genus Tragardhus Koch, 1956 Tragardhus Koch, 1956: 369. Type species: Tragardhus (Tragardhus) glandipleurum Koch, 1956; by original designation.

Tragardhus Koch, 1956: 379 (subgenus of Tragradhus).

The genus includes: 4 species belong to 2 subgenera (Mitragardhus, Tragardhus).

Type species. Tragardhus (Tragardhus) glandipleurum Koch, 1956; by original designation. Species composition (3): biapicalis, glandipleurum, stigmaticus.

Subgenus Mitragardhus Koch, 1956

T. biapicalis Koch, 1956

Mitragardhus Koch, 1956: 379 (subgenus of Tragardhus).

Tragardhus (Tragardhus) biapicalis Koch, 1956: 385.

Figure 28. Distribution of the genus Silvestriellum.



Type data . Holotype, Y (Zululand; VII.1938; SAMC; leg. F. R. Lawrence). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Zululand (Without specified locality) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 29).

Genus Zadenos Laporte de Castelnau, 1840 Zadenos Laporte de Castelnau, 1840: 210. Type species: Opatrum longipalpe Wiedemann, 1823; designated by monotypy.

The genus includes: 38 species belong to 3 subgenera (Euzadenos, Serridenos, Zadenos).

T. glandipleurum Koch, 1956 Tragardhus (Tragardhus) glandipleurum Koch, 1956: 382. Tragardhus glandipleurum Koch, 1956. – Iwan 2004b: 742.

Type data. Syntypes, 21 spec. (Junction of Mfolozi Onkudu Rivers; VII.1905; MST; leg. I. Trägårdh). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Junction of Mfolozi Onkudu Rivers, Hluhluwe, “Entenadweni” (Koch 1956) (Fig. 29).

T. stigmaticus Koch, 1956 Tragardhus (Tragardhus) stigmaticus Koch, 1956: 384.

Type data. Syntypes, Y and X (Malvern; II.1897; MCDA). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Malvern (Natal) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 29).

Subgenus Euzadenos Koch, 1956 Euzadenos Koch, 1956: 286.

Type species. Eurynotus (Zdenos) delalandei Mulsant et Rey, 1854; by original designation. Species and subspecies composition (35): acutangulus, acutus, algoensis, babylomontis, bevisi, bistriatus bistriatus, bistriatus , bistriatus pluricosta, bohemani, caledonicus, capriciosus, costifer costifer, costifer intercostulatus, crassicornis, delalandei, exarata, externus, georgensis, gnophotoides, incostatus, lawrencei, monticola dilatatus, monticola monticola, mulsanti, natalensis, omeri, riverdalensis, rotundicollis elizabethensis, rotundicollis rotundicollis, ruficornis, sculptus, sulcimargo, tuberculatus, visseri, zuluanus.

Figure 29. Distribution of the subgenera Mitragardhus and Tragardhus.



Z. acutangulus Koch, 1956

Z. algoensis Koch, 1956

Zadenos (Euzadenos) actungulus Koch, 1956: 302.

Zadenos (Euzadenos) algoensis Koch, 1956: 286.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Keurbooms River; I.1931; SAMC; leg. K. H. Barnard). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Keurbooms River (Knysna District) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Type data. Syntypes, Y and 2XX (Algoa Bay; TMNH; leg. H. Brauns). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Algoa Bay (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Z. babylomontis Koch, 1956 Z. acutus (Wiedemann, 1823) Opatrum acutum Wiedemann, 1823: 33. Eurynotus acutus (Wiedemann, 1823). – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1914; Lacordaire 1859: 239; Gebien 1910b: 275; 1939: 414. Zadenos acutus (Wiedemann, 1823). – Koch 1953a: 272 (comb.). Zadenos (Euzadenos) acutus (Wiedemann, 1823). – Koch 1956: 317.

Type data. (Cape of Good Hope; Probably in ZMHB). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Cape Town, Constantia, Strandfontein (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Zadenos (Euzadenos) babylomontis Koch, 1956: 316.

Type data. Syntypes, 3YY and X (Babylons Tower; III.1939; SAMC). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Babylons Tower (South-western Cape Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Z. bevisi Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) bevisi Koch, 1956: 307.

Type data. Holotype, Bark).

Figure 30. Distribution of the subgenus Euzadenos (Part 1 of 5).

Y (Durban; SAMC; leg. C. N.



Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Durban (Natal) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Z. bistriatus pluricosta Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) bistriatus pluricosta Koch, 1956: 299.

Z. bistriatus bistriatus (Fairmaire, 1899) Oncotus bistriatus Fairmaire, 1899: 180. Oncotus bistriatus Fairmaire, 1899. – Gebien 1910: 271; 1939: 393; Koch 1954: 92. Zadenos bistriatus (Fairmaire, 1899). – Koch 1953a: 274 (comb.). Zadenos (Euzadenos) bistriatus bistriatus (Fairmaire, 1899). – Koch 1956: 297.

Type data. (Delagoa; Probably in MNHN). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Maputo (Lourenço Marques), Rikatla, Delagoa, Gollel (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Z. bistriatus paucicosta Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) bistriatus paucicosta Koch, 1956: 298.

Type data . Holotype, X (Inhambane; I.1924; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Inhambane (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Type data. Holotype, X (Nelspruit; I.1939; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Nelspruit (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Z. bohemani (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Eurynotus (Zadenos) bohemani Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 178 [=1854b: 36]. Eurynotus bohemani Mulsant et Rey, 1854a. – Lacordaire 1859: 239; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1914; Gebien 1910b: 275; 1939: 414. Zadenos bohemani (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1953a: 272 (comb.). Zadenos (Euzadenos) bohemani (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1956: 311.

Type data. (Cape of Good Hope; Probably in MNHN). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Table Mountain, Blinkwater Ravine, Orange Kloof, Wynberg, Rondebosch, Karbonkelberg, Hout Bay, Noordhoek (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Figure 31. Distribution of the subgenus Euzadenos (Part 2 of 5).


Z. caledonicus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) caledonicus Koch, 1956: 316.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Hermanus; 1902; SAMC; leg. R. Lightfoot). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Hermanus (Caledon District) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Z. capriciosus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Eurynotus (Zadenos) capriciosus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 40 [=1854b: 184]. Eurynotus capriciosus Mulsant et Rey, 1854a. – Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1914; Gebien 1910b: 275; 1939: 414. Zadenos capriciosus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1953a: 272. Zadenos (Euzadenos) capriciosus (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1956: 290.

Type data. (South Africa; MNHN). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Z. costifer costifer Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) costifer costifer Koch, 1956: 323.

Type data. Syntypes, Y and 2XX (Bredasdorp; SAMC; leg. H. Fry). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Bredasdorp (Southern Cape Province), Mossel Bay, George District, Laingsburg (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Z. costifer intercostulatus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) costifer intercostulatus Koch, 1956: 323.

Type data. Holotype, X (Oudebosch; XI to XII.1928; SAMC; leg. K. H. Barnard); Paratype, X (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Oudebosch (River Zonder End) (South-western Cape Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).

Z. crassicornis Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) crassicornis Koch, 1956: 325.

Type data. Holotype, X (Riversdale; XII.1932; TMNH; leg. T. G. Joubert). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Riversdale (South-western Cape Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 30).


Z. delalandei (Mulsant et Rey, 1854) Eurynotus (Zadenos) delalandei Mulsant et Rey, 1854a: 38 [=1854b: 182]. Eurynotus delalandei Mulsant et Rey, 1854a. – Lacordaire 1859: 239; Gemminger and De Harold 1870: 1914; Gebien 1910: 276; 1939: 414. Zadenos dalalandei (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1953a: 272; Tschinkel 1975: 450; Iwan 2001: 361. Zadenos (Euzadenos) delalandei (Mulsant et Rey, 1854a). – Koch 1956: 287. Eurynotus tenuecostatus Fairmaire, 1897: 117. – Gebien 1939: 414; Koch 1953a: 272 (syn.).

Type data. Eurynotus (Zadenos) delalandei Mulsant et Rey, 1854. (South Africa; MNHN). Eurynotus tenuecostatus Fairmaire, 1897. Probably in MNHN. Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Somerset, Addo Bush, Grahamstown, Resolution near Fort Brown, Van Standens River, Hogsback, Amatola Mts., Keurbooms River, Knysna District, Mossel Bay (Koch 1956) (Fig. 32).

Z. exarata (Quensel, 1806) Blaps exarata Quensel, 1806: 147. – Ferrer 2009: 118. Zadenos (Euzadenos) exarata (Quensel, 1806). – Ferrer 2009: 118. Blaps abrupta Thunberg, 1821a: 167. – Ferrer 2009: 118 (syn.). Zadenos (Euzadenos) lightfooti Koch, 1956: 304. – Ferrer 2009: 118 (syn.).

Type data. Blaps exarata Quensel, 1806. Syntypes, (ZIUU). Blaps abrupta Thunberg, 1821. Syntypes, (ZIUU). Zadenos (Euzadenos) lightfooti Koch, 1956. Syntypes, X and Y (Malmesbury; SAMC; leg. R. Lightfoot). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Malmesbury (South-western Cape Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 32).

Z. externus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) externus Koch, 1956: 299.

Type data. Holotype, Y (St. Lucia Bay; XI.1920; TMNH; leg. H. W. Bell-Marley); Paratype, Y (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. St. Lucia Bay (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Z. georgensis Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) georgensis Koch, 1956: 307.



Type data. Syntypes, 3YY and X (George District; VIII.1931; SAMC; leg. C. Throne). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. George District (Koch 1956) (Fig. 32).

Z. gnophotoides Koch, 1956

Z. lawrencei Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) lawrencei Koch, 1956: 293.

Type data. Syntypes, 4YY and 2XX (Pietermaritzburg; XI.1940; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Natal. Pietermaritzburg (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Zadenos (Euzadenos) gnophoides Koch, 1956: 303.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Louis Trichardt; II.1928; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Louis Trichardt (Zoutpansberg, 4500 ft.) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Z. incostatus Koch, 1956

Z. monticola dilatatus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) monticola dilatatus Koch, 1956: 296.

Type data. Holotype, X (Seven Weeks Poort Berg; II.1932; SAMC; leg. K. H. Barnard). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Seven Weeks Poort Berg (Koch 1956) (Fig. 32).

Zadenos (Euzadenos) incostatus Koch, 1956: 296.

Type data. Holotype, X (Masiene; XII.1923; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence); Paratypes, 2XX (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Masiene (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Z. monticola monticola Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) monticola monticola Koch, 1956: 295.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Seven Weeks Poort Berg; XII.1928; SAMC; leg. K. H. Barnard).

Figure 32. Distribution of the subgenus Euzadenos (Part 3 of 5).


Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Seven Weeks Poort Berg (5,500 – 7000ft.) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 32).

Z. mulsanti Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) mulsanti Koch, 1956: 319.

Type data. (Cape of Good Hope; Probably in MNHN). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Houw Hoek, River Zonder, Bredasdorp, Hermanus, Swellendam, Palmiet River, Rondebosch, Ashton, Mossel Bay (Koch 1956) (Fig. 33).

Z. natalensis Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) natalensis Koch, 1956: 291.

Type data . Holotype, X (Umhlanga; IV.1941; National Museum of Southern Rhodesia, Bulawayo, Republic of Zimbabwe); Paratype, X (Amanzimtoti, VII.1907, DM). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Natal. Umhlanga, Amanzimtoti (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).


Z. omeri Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) omeri Koch, 1956: 300.

Type data. Holotype, Y (Algoa Bay; TMNH; leg. H. Brauns); Paratypes, 3YY (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Algoa Bay (Koch 1956) (Fig. 33).

Z. riverdalensis Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) riverdalensis Koch, 1956: 310.

Type data. Holotype, X (Reversdale Mountains; X.1926; SAMC; leg. K. H. Barnard); Paratypes: 2XX (the same data). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Reversdale Mountains (South-western Cape Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 33).

Z. rotundicollis elizabethensis Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) rotundicollis elizabethensis Koch, 1956: 295.

Type data. Holotype,

Figure 33. Distribution of the subgenus Euzadenos (Part 4 of 5).

Y (Van Staaden’s River;



II.1933; SAMC; leg. R. F. Lawrence); Paratype, Y (the same data) (Fig. 33). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Van Staaden’s River (20 m from Port Elizabeth) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 33).

Z. rotundicollis rotundicollis Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) rotundicollis rotundicollis Koch, 1956: 295.

Zadenos (Euzadenos) ruficornis (Germar, 1824). – Koch 1956: 314.

Type data. (Cape of Good Hope). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Cape Town, Cape Flats (Koch 1956) (Fig. 33).

Z. sculptus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) sculptus Koch, 1956: 324.

Type data. Syntypes, Y and 2XX (Willowmore; TMNH; leg. H. Brauns). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Willowmore (Koch 1956) (Fig. 33).

Type data. Holotype, Y (George; TMNH; leg. H. Brauns). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. George, Robinson Pass, Mossel Bay, River Zonder End, Oudebosch (Koch 1956) (Fig. 34).

Z. ruficornis (Germar, 1824)

Z. sulcimargo Koch, 1956

Pedinus ruficornis Germar, 1824: 141. – Lacordaire 1859: 229. Eurynotus (Zadenos) ruficornis (Germar, 1824). – Mulsant and Rey 1854a: 34 [=1854b: 178]. Eurynotus ruficornis (Germar, 1824). – Gemminer and De Harold 1870: 1914; Gebien 1910b: 276; 1939: 414. Zadenos ruficornis (Germar, 1824). – Koch 1953a: 271 (comb.); Iwan 2001: 361.

Zadenos (Euzadenos) sulcimargo Koch, 1956: 313.

Type data. Holotype, X (Swellendam; XI.1925; SAMC). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Swellendam (Koch 1956) (Fig. 34).

Figure 34. Distribution of the subgenus Euzadenos (Part 5 of 5).


Z. tuberculatus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) tuberculatus Koch, 1956: 305.

Type data. Holotype, Y (George; XI.1913; TMNH); Paratype, (Knysna; X.1949; TMNH). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Keurbooms River, George, Knysna (Knysna District) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 34).


Type data. Holotype, X (Junction Mfolozi; VII. 1905; MST; leg. I. Trägårdh). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Junction Mfolozi and Onkudu Rivers (Natal) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 31).

Subgenus Serridenos Koch, 1956 Serridenos Koch, 1956: 325 (subgenus of Zadenos).

Z. visseri Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) visseri Koch, 1956: 308.

Type data. Syntypes, 3YY and 2XX (Cape Town; 1896; SAMC; leg. F. W. Purcell). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Cape Town, Klak Bay, Saldanha Bay (Koch 1956) (Fig. 34).

Z. zuluanus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Euzadenos) zuluanus Koch, 1956: 292.

Type species. Zadenos (Serridenos) solenopistoma Koch, 1956; by original designation. Species composition (2): solenopistoma, viginticostatus.

Z. solenopistoma Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Serridenos) solenopistoma Koch, 1956: 328.

Type data . Syntypes, 18 spec. (Willowmore; X.1918; TMNH; leg. H. Brauns). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Willowmore (Southern Cape Province) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 35).

Figure 35. Distribution of the subgenera Serridenos and Zadenos.



Z. viginticostatus Koch, 1956 Zadenos (Serridenos) XX-costatus Koch, 1956: 330.

Type data. Syntypes, Y and X (Farm Resolution; VI.1928; TMNH; leg. A. Walton). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Farm Resolution – Fort Brown (Albany District) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 35). Notes. Correction of the nomen (Article of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature).

Subgenus Zadenos Laporte de Castelnau, 1840 Zadenos Laporte de Castelnau, 1840: 210. – Koch 1953a: 272; 1956: 326 (subgenus of Zadenos); Iwan 2001: 355.

Type species. Opatrum longipalpe Wiedemann, 1823; designated by monotypy. The monotypic subgenus: longipalpus.

Z. longipalpus (Wiedemann, 1823) Opatrum longipalpe Wiedemann, 1823: 32. – Lacordaire 1859: 239. Pedinus (Zadenos) longipalpus (Wiedemann, 1823). – Laporte De Castelnau 1840: 210. Eurynotus longipalpus (Wiedemann, 1823). – Gebien 1910: 276; 1939: 414. Zadenos (Zadenos) longipalpus (Wiedemann, 1823). – Koch 1956: 326 (comb.).

Type data. Holotype, (Cape of Good Hope; Probably in ZMHB). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Port Elizabeth, Grahamstown, Port Alfred, Kowie River (Koch 1956) (Fig. 35).

Genus Zoutpansbergia Koch, 1956 Zoutpansbergia Koch, 1956: 388. – Iwan 2004b: 739.

Type species . Zoutpansbergia serricostata Koch, 1956; designated by monotypy. The monotypic genus: serricostata.

Z. serricostata Koch 1956 Zoutpansbergia serricostata Koch, 1956: 388. – Iwan 2004b: 742.

Type data. Syntypes, 35 spec. (Salt Pan and Futie; VII.1949; TMNH; leg. C. Koch et G. Van Son). Distribution. AFROTROPICAL REGION. South Africa. Salt Pan and Futie (Zoutpansberg District) (Koch 1956) (Fig. 5).

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to Harold Labrique (Lyon) and Dariusz Iwan (Warsaw) for the help with preparation of this manuscript. I would like to thank Marcin Gąsior (Warsaw) for the preparation of the maps.

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Received: May 20, 2011 Accepted: June 20, 2011