Catalonia TV System and Social TV

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international news agencies: state of the art and preliminary results. En Meso, K. ... networks (SN) and mobile apps (MAP) to the Social TV characteristics. The. STII is an .... application XIPTV although they have preferred to develop own apps.
2016 Reports

Catalonia TV System and Social TV Pablo Gómez-Domínguez / April 2016 Social TV is one more step in the evolution of enhanced TV and interactive TV in a new media ecosystem. The emergence of this new communication media paradigm has no exactly date but it has a concrete place: The United States of America (USA). In the Anglo-Saxon media market TV started a hybridization to new formats and platforms. Nowadays this is a high-treated issue in the academia and specialized press, but it’s necessary to continue the analysis, to explore in the proximity and to develop definitions. In this context, the Audiovisual Production Observatory (APO – Observatori de la Producció Audiovisual) of Universitat Pompeu Fabra proposes an applied research over Catalonia TV System. The study comprises a sample of 53 TV Stations, TV3 (public TV channel in Catalonia), 8TV (main commercial channel) and the local public and commercial TV network (Xarxa de Televisió Local). The main goal is to evaluate the production of these corporations in the Social TV areas: web platforms, social networks and mobile applications. We apply a mixed content analysis that contains qualitative and quantitative variables. This analysis use three original matrix with some categories adapted from Cesar and Geerts (2011)1 and Freixa, Ribas and Codina (2015)2. The content analysis enables us to examine systematically the web, social networks and mobile apps production. This analysis has no precedents in Catalonia and Spain so this is an original contribution of the APO. In sum, this evaluation is a multiple case study focusing on the two communication levels in Catalonia, the regional and the local, to study:


Cesar, P., Geerts, D. (2011). Understanding Social TV: a survey. Proceedings of the Networked and Electronic Media Submmit, 94-99. 2 Freixa, J., Ribas, I and Codina, LL. (2015). Comparative analysis of mobile web applications for the main international news agencies: state of the art and preliminary results. En Meso, K., Agirreazkuenaga, I. y Larrondo, A. (Eds.), Active Audiences And Journalism. Analysis Of The Quality And Regulation Of The User Generated Contents. País Vasco: Universidad del País Vasco.


2016 Reports

The presence and production of corporative social networks’ profiles of

 

TV Stations The possibilities of participation in TV’ web platforms The presence and possibilities/tools of participation available in mobile markets

About the possibilities of participation, it’s necessary to explain Cesar and Geerts’ (2011) categories to measure the interactivity level of web and mobile platforms:    

Content selection and share: tools to send information through links or applications to recommend the platform or invite other users Direct communication: tools to send audio, video or text messages to other users (f.e. via chat) to comment the content in real time Follow-up and actualization: tools to visualize in real time and share the content with a selected set of social networks Community: tools to create or participate in a community around the content of the webpage

Finally, the evaluation of Social TV production in Catalonia allow us to conclude: 1. In general terms, these televisions are presents in social networks through their corporative profiles, but the daily average use of the accounts is nearly to 0. 2. The web platforms have the clear function to offer video-on-demand (VOD) services and, with difficulty, the user will find tools to participate, communicate with others (ex. via chat) or synchronize the content with social networks. 3. The mobile apps are far of become a second-screen spaces and, for now, there are an extension of web platform’s VOD services. The results in each Social TV area enable us to affirm that the Catalonia TV System is, right now, a Broadcasting System instead of a digital adapted one. The user is a passive consumer of the Catalonia TV stations web platforms and mobile apps. To change this situation is necessary to build participative spaces for active users which means an interactive platforms designed to adapt TV products to digital ecosystem. 2

2016 Reports

Finally, this study includes and original contribution to the analysis of Social TV production. This is a Social TV Integration Index (STII) that groups three indicators to calculate the level of adaption of web platforms (WP), social networks (SN) and mobile apps (MAP) to the Social TV characteristics. The STII is an aggregated average that offers a clear view of the position of each TV in each Social TV space and as a whole of TV System. The research has been carried out between November 2015 and February 2016, and the data for each area are: 

Social Networks: 11 – 21 January, 2016

 

Web Platforms: 25 – 30 January, 2016 Mobile apps: 26 January – 16 February, 2016

Main results This is a selection of the main results, graphics and tables, of each Social TV area and a ranking of Catalonia’ TV System integration implementing the Social TV Integration Index (STII)

The Catalan TV per broadcast system In general terms, the vast majority of TV stations (24) offer broadcast by DTT, streaming and VOD service. Otherwise, there are a great number of stations (14) that only offer DTT and VOD services without streaming. Only a minority of stations (2) broadcast in DTT and offers streaming service without VOD. These results are summed up in the following graphic:


2016 Reports

Graphic 1. Distribution of TV Stations according to broadcast system Number of TV stations per broadcast system DTT, VOD and Streaming


VOD and Streaming


DTT and Streaming









Source: Compiled from own data

Social networks The results about presence of corporative profiles in the social networks are shown in the Graphic 2. Facebook and Twitter are the TV’s favorite social networks, probably for the massive number of users, with an 88.9% of presence in both networks. Also, TV Stations respects the user’s concentration criteria in Youtube where we found a 70.4% of corporative profiles. Lastly, Instagram, a relatively newest network, has the lowest number of profiles with 31.5% in the total sample of TVs.


2016 Reports

Graphic 2. % of corporative profiles in Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and Facebook

Presence of TV corporative profiles in social networks
















Source: Compiled from own data

The data about the average of publications show some usage patterns of the corporative profiles in each network. As we present in the following graphic, the Facebook accounts that publishing a daily average between 0 and 2 posts represents the 62% of the total profiles. Twitter presents a similar daily average use with 23% of profiles publishing 2 tweets and only a 9% or accounts publishing 20 or more tweets per day. Here the informative role of a great number of TV Stations, linked to local content, plays a fundamental role in the number of Twitter publications. In other hand, Instagram and Youtube present, as we called, a casual use of the accounts. In both cases, the higher percentage of TVs shows an interval between 0 and 0.5 publications per day. In the Youtube case, the percentage of channels that upload more than 1 video represents only the 20% of the sample, in front of those that not arrived to 1 publication that represents the 40% of the sample.


2016 Reports

Graphic 3. Daily average of corporative profiles publications in Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Daily average of publications of corporative profiles in social networks