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Category: Application Software. ABSTRACT. Work-Tools ... a linguistic coherence, which finds applications in the sciences of ... I apple eating L1. I eat apple etc.
Linguistic Resources for Automatic Natural Sign Language Generation

Category: Application Software ABSTRACT Work-Tools (W. T) a Linguistic Resources for Automatic Natural Sign Language Generation is a proposal for a modern glottodydactic. The purpose is to conduct a scientific description of a natural language of the signs, which is to discourse speech, lemma and syntax, which has a linguistic coherence, which finds applications in the sciences of information and communication. It replaces WT because it is not just a text and textual partitioning and playback corpus, but it is above all a communicative model of non-verbal L1 natural language switching in verbal L2 in accordance with the manipulative and transformative rules of transferring from a code all 'other. Finally, thanks to the use of fixed phrases and the insertion of free sentences, it is possible to introduce, in real-time, a translation that is specialized and faithful in the code of the conveyance language, that is, L2. Therefore the software is: 1) DB of 2000 sentences Fixed between marks and not of the Italian language of the signs and of the Italian language; 2) a writing corpus in which it is possible to organize the text in free sentences and fixed phrases, in accordance with the grammatical rules and the syntactic relations of the natural language that one proposes with the data transfer from L1 to L2; 3) a transcoding and faithful translation of text or textual parts from L1 to L2, by slider, with the advantage of specialized production in the various cognitive domains.

It is a valid support for the inclusion of the DS, not only, but for all those who intend to communicate in a short time, with synthetic texts and specialists.

Keywords: Corporal phraseology; Dictionary for consultation translation and translation. 1) INTRODUCTION During an ultradecennal experimentation conducted at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Salerno, in collaboration with other Research Centers and in particular with the Laboratoire d'Automatique et Linguistique (CNRS - Paris 7), it was developed new methods for linguistic research. It was essentially based on the construction of syntactic vocabularies, which, with the help of data-processing opportunities, aim at the most complete and formalized description of a given language. The research is part of the Grammar Program of the Italian Language and LS (L.G.L.I.) (Elia, Landi, Bucciarelli 2000, pp. 7-10). The theoretical reference model is represented by the grammar "to operators and arguments" (Harris 1957, 1963, 1970). The activity focused on deepening the methods for linguistic research and aimed at identifying the modalities of application curricular applications for a modern glottodydactic.

Work-Tools is Linguistic Resources for Automatic Natural Language is a proposal for inclusive didactics. The user uses linear-dominant interactive models, ITS (Intelligent Tutoring System) models, and becomes a builder of their own knowledge. It acquires the potential of semantic and syntactic dimensions and the possibility of subjective expansion of the linguistic heritage, which will allow it to be unusual mobility in the linguistic space. The aim is to carry out a scientific description and production of a natural language to the analysis of the lemma and syntax speech, for a correct translation and trans codification production, which has a linguistic coherence found in applications in the sciences of information and Of communication. 2)OPERATING HYPOTHESIS It needed to build a software that could solve the production of written texts; with the correct transcode from one natural code to the other, that is, the L1 native language to L2 native language of reception, but meant breaking the knot between these two moments of the reformulation of the Syntagmatic axes, the manipulation of the intonational transformations in the transition phase from L1 (including socio-linguistic implications of the speaker) to L2 with a faithful transcoding in the switching in how and with which reference models? Ex: I apple eating L1 I eat apple etc. The reference works of the study were:

 Max Silberztein for a detailed description of the sentence and for electronic versions, to which I myself worked in the POLO DSN team at the University of Salerno  G. Aston for l The usefulness of the fixed phrase in the production of dialogues  Rosalee Wolfee project with scientifically comprehensible corpus for ASL description and switching in American Sign Language. 3) REFERENCE MODELS Max Silberztein 1993 built the first dictionary for the treatment of natural language as well as the French dictionaries DELAC-DELACF for composite words, for doctoral research from 1986 to 1989 at the LADL (University of Paris 7-CNRS), to which The undersigned participated, the supervision of Prof. Maurice Gross, describes context structures and plausibility.

La formalisation des langues : lapproche de NooJ. ISTE : London (426 p.)

Fig.1 expression of a figure in the translation of a text 3.1 ASTON G Aston argues that the phrase phraseology of fixed phrases in the automatic construction of speech is necessary, but above all can be a valid support for those who strive to

integrate into the social life in which we speak a natural language (L2) different from its own as: Anche Sinclair (1987: 324; 1991: 101) proposed his idea of the “idiom principle” as central to language production and comprehension, based on the use of phraseological items which are retrieved and elaborated as wholes. 3)REFERENCE MODEL An Avatar to Depict Sign Language: Building from Reusable Hand Animation. Available from: An essential component of an automatic speech‐to‐sign translator is a method of representing and depicting the target language. Unlike many spoken languages, sign languages do not have a universally‐ accepted written form, and depicting it convincingly is an open question. The goal of our work is to develop a representation capable of synthesizing novel utterances of American Sign Language (ASL) as realistic and…

Naturalness in automated signed language generation on/309151681_An_Avatar_to_Depict_ Sign_Language_Building_from_Reusa ble_Hand_Animation

THE CHALLENGE Structure an operating software that should have the following requirements: The validity conferred by experience and based on the reference models; Reproduce texts or fixed texts; Rephrase precise phrases, namely transferring and switching from one natural code to another; Translation in real time. It therefore needed to be introduced into the DBWT Fixed phrases, that is, noncompositional, but at the same time a place of production where to include free phrases as well? From this experience emerges the new digital-computational WT consisting of several interacting moments, because by enhancing the spheres of linguistic knowledge, qualitatively improves IT output. The software consists of the following steps: Data storage Envisages the creation of a morphologic, syntactic-semantic parser that is able to make structural choices based on codes such as The position of a certain constituent, as well as of fixed structures, formulas used in various parts of the text in analysis, in order to understand the transcription systems. These results in a taxonomy of phrases or textual parts that transforms and reduces the sentence, the limbs in fixed texts coded in acronyms. It builds a DB for interfaces and ADT stack implementations and FIFO queues, where very useful algorithms will be

dealt with and serve as the basis for many of the metadata and taxonomic implementations. For example, we can talk about queuing (join) operations to combine two queues into a single queue, which type of data may have multiple instances, and which we can assign to variables like the one: This storage phase is aimed at analyzing the various probabilities of transforming morphema and syntax into significant reduced elements. The grammatical morpheme is the hindering unit of morphology and performing the phonological analysis of the significant elements of the modern ones; it is possible to obtain constant reductions of the same. The module is therefore morphological, because it codifies and brings together into taxonomies, prefix, suffix, conjunctions, etc. The most difficult is the synthesis of the significant elements of the word, that is, of the modern lexical, in the case where we refer to words that convey the "content" of the message we intend to convey. Finally, code reduction is extended to fixed structures and textual parts.

allows the structuring of fixed sentences and free sentences, but at the same time it allows you to aggregate, formulate, add and produce texts with the Following features: I)

call from the acronym db and the addition of free sentences

2) Insert video objects of the LIS play reproduction 3) Reproduction of the sentence in the syntagmatic axis of the Italian language code, with the advantage of the re-formulation of the axes. At this stage the text repeats the aggregation text in the syntagmatic axis and with the Manipulation of the natural language by the user required. 4) Real-time translation In real-time and on sliding band the text is displayed again


Finally, you can insert objects such as documents, files, and images at archiving. PRODUCTION AND DATA TRANSMISSION PHASE Writing files that encode and transcode in real time, that is, with a simple recall (using acronyms),

Text production technologies in an acronym company are a real breakthrough for reproduction of fixed and pre-established languages.


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