Caught You Caring Campaign! - Bullying Awareness Week

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Caught You Caring Campaign! Here is a simple, but very effective idea that you can use to recognize young people in your
Caught You Caring Campaign! Here is a simple, but very effective idea that you can use to recognize young people in your school who are helping to make their schools and communities safer and more caring places to live, learn and play in. How does it work? Teachers, principals, coaches, cafeteria staff, school bus drivers, parent volunteers etc. will randomly “catch students caring” and give them a prize voucher. The adult-nominators will fill out and sign the voucher. The youth nominees will take it to the office where they will drop it into the Caring Kids draw box (Students and/or staff can create and decorate this box). Student names will be drawn and announced regularly. This could be done at the end of each day/week/month/term depending on how often the school wishes to recognize students. Student vouchers can stay in the box until the end of the term, even if they win a daily or weekly prize. To be eligible to win during the week of the draw, you must also not have been late for school, missing school or been in trouble for any reason. Schools may choose to have a “Grand prize” draw at their year-end school awards/recognition assembly. (Prizes can be purchased by the school or donated by local business or community groups).

--------------------------------------------------------------Caught You Caring Voucher CLEARLY write your name, class or homeroom number. An adult will fill out brief description of why you were caught caring and sign this paper. Drop it into the Caring Kids draw box in the office. Your name will be entered into a special Caring Kids prize draw in your school. Student Name: _____________________________ Class: ___________ This student was caught caring when he/she … _________________________________________________________ Adult Signature: _____________________________