Causal inference with two versions of treatment Raiden B. Hasegawa, Sameer K. Deshpande, Dylan S. Small and Paul R. Rosenbaum1 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
arXiv:1705.03918v1 [stat.ME] 10 May 2017
Abstract. Causal effects are commonly defined as comparisons of the potential outcomes under treatment and control, but this definition is threatened by the possibility that the treatment or control condition is not well-defined, existing instead in more than one version. A simple, widely applicable analysis is proposed to address the possibility that the treatment or control condition exists in two versions with two different treatment effects.
This analysis loses no
power in the main comparison of treatment and control, provides additional information about version effects, and controls the family-wise error rate in several comparisons. The method is motivated and illustrated using an on-going study of the possibility that repeated head trauma in high school football causes an increase in risk of early on-set dementia. Keywords: Causal effects, closed testing, full matching, intersection-union test, randomization inference, sensitivity analysis, versions of treatment.
What are versions of treatment?
Commonly, the effect on an individual caused by a treatment is defined as a comparison of the two potential outcomes that this individual would exhibit under treatment and under control; see Neyman (1923), Welch (1937) and Rubin (1974). Implicit in this definition is the notion that the treatment and control conditions are each well-defined. In particular, it is common to assume that there are “no versions of treatment or control”; see Rubin (1986). The effects of a particular drug would exhibit multiple versions if it had a different effect if taken before or after eating, a different effect if taken in the morning or the evening, 1
Raiden Hasegawa and Sameer K. Deshpande are PhD students and Dylan Small and Paul Rosenbaum are professors in the Department of Statistics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6340 US. 26 April 2017.
[email protected].
a different effect if consumed with or without some particular food or other drug. Such versions are a conceptual possibility for most treatments. Is this conceptual possibility a material concern when reporting results for a single treatment-control comparison?
offer a simple, widely applicable analysis that clarifies the extent to which the possibility of two versions of either the treatment or control introduces uncertainty about the effects caused by the treatment.
Possible versions of control in a study of football and dementia
There is evidence that severe repeated head trauma accelerates the on-set of Alzheimer’s disease (Graves et al. 1990, Mortimer et al. 1991), with specific concern about the risks faced by professional football players and boxers (McKee et al. 2009, Lehman et al. 2012). It is unclear whether there is also increased risk from playing football on a team in high school, but there have been several recommendations against tackle football in high school (Bachynski 2016, Miles and Prasad 2016). Does high school football accelerate the on-set of dementia? A recent investigation used data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, comparing men who played football on a high school team to male controls who did not play football (Deshpande et al. 2016). The small number of people who engaged in sports other than football with high incidences of head trauma such as soccer, hockey, and wrestling were excluded from both football and control groups. One outcome was the score on the delayed word recall (DWR) test at ages 65 and 72. The delayed word recall test was designed as an inexpensive measure of memory loss associated with Alzheimer disease; see Knopman and Ryberg (1989). In this test, a person is asked to remember a list of words that is then read to the person. Attention then shifts to another activity, and after a delay, the person is asked to recall as many words from the list as possible. The DWR score is the number
of words remembered. On average, in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, performance on the delayed word recall test declined by half a word from age 65 to age 72.
It is useful
to keep that half-word, 7-year decline in mind when thinking about the magnitude of the effect of playing football. A comparison of football players to all controls is natural, and might be conducted without second thought. Among the controls, however, some played a non-collision sport like baseball or track while others played no sports at all. An investigator might reasonably seek reassurance that this natural comparison has not oversimplified these two version of “not playing football.” At the same time, the investigator does not want to sacrifice power in the main comparison en route to obtaining this reassurance by subdividing the data into many slivers of reduced sample size and correcting for multiple comparisons. The method we propose achieves both of these objectives.
Full matching of football players and controls
We matched the 591 male football players to all 1,190 male controls who did not play football and did not play a contact sport. The match controlled for several factors that may affect later-life cognition, including the student’s IQ score in high school, their high school rank-in-class recorded as a percent, planned years of future education, as well as binary indicators of whether teachers rated him as an exceptional student, and whether his teachers and parents encouraged him to pursue a college education. We also accounted for aspects of family background like parental income and education. The match was a “full match,” meaning that a matched set could contain one football player and one or more controls, or else one control and one or more football players. A full match is the form of an optimal stratification in the sense that people in the same stratum are as similar as possible subject to the requirement that every stratum contain
at least one treated subject and one control; see Rosenbaum (1991). Although the proof of this claim requires some attention to detail, the key idea is simple: if a matched set contained two treated subjects and two controls, it could be subdivided into two matched sets that are at least as close on covariates and are typically closer.
It is sometimes
misleadingly said that a stratification “uses all of the data” when some strata contain only treated subjects or only controls, but most methods of inference ignore such strata when estimating the treatment effect, so such a stratification may mechanically discard information, perhaps to no advantage. See Hansen and Klopfer (2006) for an algorithm for optimal full matching, Hansen (2007) for software, and Hansen (2004) and Stuart and Green (2008) for applications.
The match was constructed using Hansen’s optmatch
package in R. In a full match, there are I matched sets, i = 1, . . . , i and ni individuals, j = 1, . . . , ni , in set i. If individual ij played on a football team in high school, write Zij = 1; otherwise, P i Zij , the total number write Zij = 0. The number of football players in set i is mi = nj=1 P P of individuals is N = Ii=1 ni , and the total number of football players is M = Ii=1 mi . In a full match, min (mi , ni − mi ) = 1 for every i. To explore versions of treatment, we constructed three matched samples. Each sample used all M = 591 football players.
The first matched sample used all controls, that is,
every male who played neither football nor another contact sport. The second matched sample used only controls who did not play any sport. The third matched sample used controls who played a non-collision sport, such as baseball. Table 1 describes the structure of the three matched samples, giving the frequency of sets of size (mi , ni − mi ), as well as the number of sets, I, the number of individuals, N , and the number of football players, M . Obviously, the samples overlap extensively, because they all use all M = 591 football players; however, the three matches differ in structure, partly because there were only
N − M = 975 − 591 = 384 controls who played a non-collision sport in the third match.
Review of randomization inference without versions of treatment
If there were no versions of treatment or control, then individual ij would have two potential delayed word recall scores, rT ij if he played football and rCij if he did not, where we observe only one of these, namely Rij = Zij rT ij + (1 − Zij ) rCij , and the effect caused by playing football, namely δij = rT ij − rCij , is not observed for any individual; see Neyman (1923) and Rubin (1974). Fisher’s (1935) sharp null hypothesis of no effect says H0 : rT ij = rCij , i = 1, . . . , I, j = 1, which we henceforth abbreviate as H0 : rT ij = rCij , ∀i, j or as H0 : δij = 0, ∀i, j.
The treatment has an additive constant effect if there exists some
constant τ such that δij = rT ij − rCij = τ , ∀i, j. The hypothesis Hτ0 specifies a particular numerical value τ0 for τ and asserts Hτ0 : δij = τ0 , ∀i, j, and it is manifested in the observable distribution of Rij by a within-set shift in the distribution of Rij by τ0 . For instance, H2.6 says δij = 2.6, ∀i, j. The treatment effect is constant if Hτ0 is true for some τ0 , and Fisher’s hypothesis H0 of no effect is true if Hτ0 is true with τ0 = 0. If Hτ0 were true, then Rij − τ0 Zij = rCij would satisfy Fisher’s hypothesis of no effect, H0 , and it is commonplace to test Hτ0 by replacing Rij by Rij − τ0 Zij and testing H0 . The treated-minus-control difference in means in set i is:
Di =
Pn i
j=1 Zij
Pn i
j=1 (1
− Zij ) Rij
n i − mi
Pn i
j=1 Zij rT ij
Pn i
j=1 (1
− Zij ) rCij
n i − mi
and it would be unbiased for the average treatment effect in set i, namely δ i = n−1 i
Pn i
j=1 δij
if treatments were randomly assigned within each matched set. If Hτ0 were true, then: (i) P δ i = τ0 for every set i, (ii) the average δ = I −1 Ii=1 δ i also equals τ0 , and (iii) Rij −τ0 Zij = rCij . Therefore, if Hτ0 were true and treatments were randomly assigned within matched
sets, then: (i) Di would be unbiased for τ0 = δ i = δ, (ii) Di − τ0 would be unbiased for zero, (iii) Di − τ0 would equal the difference in means (1) computed from Rij − τ0 Zij = rCij . Until §6, we restrict attention to random assignment of treatments within matched sets; however, §6 considers sensitivity of inferences to departures from this assumption. Fisher (1935), Pitman (1937), and Welch (1937) used the randomization distribution of the mean difference to test Fisher’s H0 in matched pairs and balanced designs, but full matching does not yield a balanced design. How should within-set randomization distributions be combined into an overall test? Tukey (1986, p. 72) suggested: “us[e] randomization to ensure validity — leaving to assumptions the task of helping with stringency.” For instance, a model may suggest an efficient statistic that is then compared to its randomization distribution. In that spirit, consider the Gauss-Markov type model with Rij = θi +Zij τ +eij where θi , i = 1, . . . , I, and τ are fixed parameters, the eij are independent with expectation zero and constant variance σ 2 , and Zij is randomly assigned within matched sets independently of the eij . Under this n o ni 1 2 = σ = σ 2 ni / (ni − 1) model, E (Di ) = τ and var (Di ) = σ 2 m1i + ni −m mi (ni −mi ) i because min (mi , ni − mi ) = 1.
The minimum variance unbiased estimate τb of τ com-
bines the Di linearly with weights inversely proportional to var (Di ), that is, with weights
proportional to (ni − 1) /ni . We use the randomization distribution of τb computed from Rij − τ0 Zij to test Hτ0 and to set 1 − α confidence limits for an additive treatment effect
τ by inverting α-level randomization tests of Hτ0 , as implemented in the senfm function of the sensitivityfull package in R with option trim=Inf; see Rosenbaum (2007, 2015). For discussion of inverting a test to obtain a confidence interval, see Lehmann and Romano (2005, §3). For randomized matched pairs, ni = 2, Baiocchi et al. (2010, Proposition 2) show that a large sample α-level randomization test of Hτ0 using the mean is valid as a test of the hypothesis that the average treatment effect is τ0 , or the hypothesis that δ = τ0 ,
rejecting a true null hypothesis about δ with probability at most α, even if the δij are not constant. The mean is the simplest of Huber’s M-statistics, but we may use the randomization distribution of other M -statistics in the sensitivityfull package to compute a robust confidence interval for a constant effect τ ; see Maritz (1979) and Rosenbaum (2007; 2015) for detailed discussion. In either case, write Ic for the shortest closed interval, Ic , containing all of the values τ0 not rejected by a two-sided α-level test, so Ic is a standard two-sided 1 − α confidence interval for a constant effect. Typically, Ic is the intersection of two one-sided 1 − α/2 confidence intervals; see Shaffer (1974). In particular, ignoring versions of treatment, using the first match in Table 1, and assuming that treatments are randomly assigned within matched sets, we obtain a randomizationbased 95% confidence interval of [−0.308, 0.099] for τ , that is, for a constant effect of playing football on the number of words remembered in the delayed word recall test. Because this confidence interval includes zero, the hypothesis of no effect is not rejected at the 0.05 level.
Because this confidence interval excludes all τ with |τ | ≥ 1/3, constant effects of
±1/3 word remembered have been rejected as too large. It is important that “no effect” is plausible, but equally important that large effects, positive or negative, are implausible values for a constant effect, τ .
Our goal is to avoid lengthening this interval for τ as
we explore possible versions of the control, while controlling the family-wise error rate at α, conventionally α = 0.05. This simultaneous inference is possible if the exploration of versions of treatment takes a specific form. Incidentally, had we built the confidence interval for τ using the default M -estimate in the senfm function, rather than the mean with option trim=Inf, then the 95% randomization interval for τ would have been [−0.315, 0.096]. Generally, use of robust procedures is advisable, but we do not do so in this example to simplify its presentation, as the robust procedures give similar answers in this short-tailed example.
Inference with versions of treatment
Structure of the problem
With two versions of control, say “playing no sport” and “playing a non-collision sport” ′
like baseball, each person has two potential control responses, rCij and rCij , and hence ′
two treatment effects, δij = rT ij − rCij and δij = rT ij − rCij . If rCij = rCij , ∀i, j, then ′
the two versions of control yield the same effects, δij = δij , and so the versions need not be distinguished. Consider the two null hypotheses about additive effects for the two versions of control, ′
Hτ0 : δij = τ0 , ∀i, j and Hτ0 : δij = τ0 , ∀i, j. Here, Hτ0 might be true when Hτ0 is false, ′′
or conversely, but if Hτ0 and Hτ0 are both true, then Hτ0 is true, so the two versions of control yield the same effect τ0 and need not be distinguished. By the definition of Hτ0 , if ′
either Hτ0 or Hτ0 is false, then Hτ0 is false; that is, if there are two versions of treatment or control with different effects, then there is not a constant effect. ′
It is straightforward to test Hτ0 or Hτ0 using the methods in §4 simply by restricting attention to controls of one type or the other.
These tests will be based on a smaller
sample size than the test in §4 because not all of the controls are used. ′
Moreover, if
Hτ0 , Hτ0 and Hτ0 are each tested at level α, then the chance of at least one false rejection would typically exceed α unless something is done to control the family-wise error rate. Understandably, an investigator would like to avoid weakening the inference about Hτ0 by ′
virtue of considering Hτ0 and Hτ0 , and the question is how to achieve the investigator’s goals.
′ ′′ ′ ′′ ′ ′′ and τmax = max τ , τ . If τ = τ = τ , then τmin = τ and Let τmin = min τ , τ
τmax = τ , so the versions do not matter. Our approach in §5.3 is to build two confidence intervals, one interval for τ and another interval designed to contain [τmin , τmax ]. If there
is no need to consider versions of treatment or control because τ = τ
= τ , then with
probability at least 1 − α, both intervals simultaneously cover the true τ .
If τ 6= τ ,
then Hτ0 is false for every τ0 , but with probability at least 1 − α the second interval covers the interval [τmin , τmax ].
Moreover, the first interval for τ is the interval reported in §4
ignoring versions of treatment, so the investigator has received a simultaneous inference ′
about a constant effect τ and about versions of treatment or control, τ and τ , while paying no additional price in power for consideration of versions of treatment. 5.2
Hypothesis tests
Write Hτmin for the hypothesis that τmin = τ0 and Hτmax for the hypothesis that τmax = τ0 . 0 0 The “version method” of testing one specific value τ0 is as follows. Version Method Step 1:
Test Hτ0 in a two-sided level-α test. If Hτ0 is not rejected,
accept Hτ0 , Hτmin and Hτmax , and stop. Otherwise, reject Hτ0 and perform Step 2 0 0 and Step 3. Version Method Step 2: ′′
test Hτ0 against τ
Test Hτ0 against τ ′ > τ0 in a one-sided α/2-level test, and
> τ0 in a one-sided α/2-level test.
If both tests reject, then
reject Hτmin . Otherwise, accept Hτmin . 0 0 Version Method Step 3: ′′
test Hτ0 against τ
Test Hτ0 against τ ′ < τ0 in a one-sided α/2-level test, and
< τ0 in a one-sided α/2-level test.
If both tests reject, then
reject Hτmax . Otherwise, accept Hτmax . 0 0 Proposition 1 considers both a constant treatment effect and two versions of effect, yet controls the family-wise error rate. In §2, every value τ0 is tested, yielding simultaneous confidence intervals for an additive effect τ if it exists, or for the interval [τmin , τmax ] whether or not a single constant effect exists. 9
In the football data in Table 1, consider using the version method with τ0 = −1, meaning that playing football in high school caused you to remember one word less on the Step 1 rejects H−1 with two-sided P -value ≤ 10−10 , saying that a
delayed recall test.
constant effect would have to be τ > −1 to be plausible. Step 2 yields P -values ≤ 10−10 ′
in favor of τmin > −1. Step 3 does not reject at for both H−1 and H−1 , so it rejects Hτmin 0 the 0.05 level, so we cannot assert τmax < −1. Had treatment assignments been randomly assigned within matched sets, it would be implausible that playing football reduced words remembered by one word, whether or not there are two versions of the effect of not playing football. Proposition 1 In testing Hτ0 , Hτmin and Hτmax , the probability that the version method 0 0 falsely rejects at least one true hypothesis is at most α. If Hτ0 is false, then the probability that the version method falsely rejects at least one true hypothesis is at most α/2. Proof. Recall from §5.1 that if Hτ0 is true, then Hτmin and Hτmax are both true. Also, if 0 0 ′′
Hτ0 is false then (i) either Hτ0 is false or Hτ0 is false or both are false, so (ii) either Hτmin 0 is false or Hτmax is false or both are false. If Hτ0 is true, then at least one false rejection 0 occurs if and only if Hτ0 is rejected in Step 1, and this happens with probability at most α because a level-α test has been used. Therefore, for the remainder of the proof, without ′′
further mention, assume that Hτ0 is false. If Hτ0 and Hτ0 are both false, then Hτmin and 0 Hτmax are both false, and there are no true null hypotheses for the version method to falsely 0 reject, so the probability of at least one false rejection is 0 ≤ α/2. So the only remaining ′
possibilities are that one of Hτ0 and Hτ0 is true and the other is false. There are several ′′
parallel cases, so consider one of these. Suppose Hτ0 is true with τ ′′ = τ0 but Hτ0 is false because τ ′ > τ0 ; then Hτmin is true and Hτmax is false, so at least one false rejection occurs 0 0 if and only if Hτmin is rejected in Step 2. To falsely reject Hτmin in Step 2 we must falsely 0 0 ′′
reject the true hypothesis Hτ0 in a level-α/2 test in Step 2, and the chance of this is at 10
most α/2. The other parallel cases are proved in the same way. The version method combines several familiar ideas. The relationship between Steps 1 and 2 and 3 is similar to the closed testing method of Marcus, Peritz and Gabriel (1976). Step 2 and Step 3 are each instances of intersection-union testing; see Lehmann (1952), Berger (1982) and Laska and Meisner (1989).
The version method is an instance of
testing-in-order in the sense of Rosenbaum (2008, Proposition 3). 5.3
Interval estimates
Interval estimates are obtained by inverting the test in §5.2. Apply the version method in §5.2 to every possible value τ0 ∈ (−∞, ∞). Define Ic to be the shortest interval containing all the values τ0 not rejected in Step 1. Here, Ic is the usual confidence interval from §4 for a constant treatment effect.
Define Imin to be the shortest ray [e τmin , ∞) containing
all values τ0 not rejected by Steps 1 and 2 of the version method. Define Imax to be the shortest ray (∞, τemax ] containing all values τ0 not rejected by Steps 1 and 3 of the version
method. Define Iv = Imin ∩ Imax . Here c in Ic is for constant effect and v in Iv is for versions of effect. Each of the three comparisons in Table 1 yields a 1−α confidence interval for a constant effect; however, they are not simultaneous confidence intervals, and the chance that at least one interval fails to cover its corresponding parameter is greater than α. In contrast, Ic and Iv will have simultaneous coverage of 1 − α, where Ic is the interval in Table 1 using all controls, and Iv is the union of the three intervals for the three comparisons in Table 1. Proposition 2 makes two statements. First, if the treatment effect is actually constant, ′
δij = δij = τ , ∀i, j, for some τ , then the probability that Ic and Iv both contain τ is at least ′
1 − α. Second, if the treatment effect is constant for each version, δij = τ ′ and δij = τ ′′ , ∀i, j, then the probability that Iv contains both τ ′ and τ ′′ — or equivalently contains both
τmin = min (τ ′ , τ ′′ ) and τmax = max (τ ′ , τ ′′ ) — is at least 1 − α. ′
Proposition 2 If the effect is constant, δij = δij = τ , ∀i, j, then Pr (Ic ⊇ τ and Iv ⊇ τ ) ≥ 1 − α.
If the effect is constant for each version, δij = τ ′ and δij = τ ′′ , ∀i, j, then
Pr (Iv ⊇ τ ′ and Iv ⊇ τ ′′ ) ≥ 1 − α. Proof. In Step 1 of the version method, Hτmin and Hτmax are not rejected whenever 0 0 Hτ0 is not rejected, so Ic ⊆ Iv .
If the treatment effect is constant, δij = δij = τ =
τ ′ = τ ′′ , then Ic is a 1 − α confidence interval for τ , so Pr (Ic ⊇ τ ) ≥ 1 − α, with the trivial consequences that Pr (Ic ⊇ τ and Iv ⊇ τ ) ≥ 1 − α and Pr (Iv ⊇ τ ′ and Iv ⊇ τ ′′ ) ≥ 1 − α.
So, for the remainder of the proof, suppose that the treatment effect is not ′
constant but is constant for each version, δij = τ ′ and δij = τ ′′ , ∀i, j with τ ′ 6= τ ′′ , so τmin = min (τ ′ , τ ′′ ) < max (τ ′ , τ ′′ ) = τmax .
When the version method is applied with
τ0 = τmin , the hypothesis Hτmin is true, and by Proposition 1 the chance that Hτmin is 0 0 falsely rejected is at most α/2, so Pr (Imin ⊇ τmin ) ≥ 1 − α/2 and Pr (τmin ∈ / Imin ) ≤ α/2. When the version method is applied with τ0 = τmax , the hypothesis Hτmax is true, and by 0 Proposition 1 the chance that Hτmax is falsely rejected is at most α/2, so Pr (Imax ⊇ τmax ) ≥ 0 1 − α/2 and Pr (τmax ∈ / Imax ) ≤ α/2.
It follows from the Bonferroni inequality that
Pr (τmin ∈ / Imin or τmax ∈ / Imax ) ≤ Pr (τmin ∈ / Imin ) + Pr (τmax ∈ / Imax ) ≤ α/2 + α/2 = α. As τmin < τmax , if τmin ∈ Imin = [e τmin , ∞), then τmax ∈ Imin . In parallel, if τmax ∈ Imax = (∞, τemax ], then τmin ∈ Imax . Then, as required, 1 − α ≥ Pr (Imin ⊇ τmin and Imax ⊇ τmax ) = Pr (Imin ⊇ {τmin , τmax } and Imax ⊇ {τmin , τmax }) = Pr (Imin ∩ Imax ⊇ {τmin , τmax }) = Pr (Iv ⊇ {τmin , τmax }) = Pr Iv ⊇ τ ′ , τ ′′ . 12
Interval estimates in the football study
The upper third of Figure 1, marked Γ = 1, shows 95% intervals for the football study, assuming that treatments are randomly assigned within matched sets. First, there are the three conventional intervals, as narrow lines in Figure 1, for τ , τ ′ , and τ ′′ , corresponding to the three comparisons in Table 1. Each of the narrow lines is a 95% confidence interval, but each runs a 5% chance of error, so the chance that at least one interval fails to cover its corresponding parameter is greater than 5%. Obviously, we could make the three intervals longer, say using the Bonferroni inequality, so that the simultaneous coverage is 95%, but many investigators would find this unattractive because it would reduce the power of the conventional, primary analysis focused on τ that uses all of the controls. In contrast, the thick lines in Figure 1 are Ic and Iv and they have simultaneous coverage of 95% in the sense of Proposition 2. Notably, Ic = [−0.308, 0.099] is the interval for τ from §4, so consideration of Iv has not reduced power for inference about a constant effect. The versions Iv = [−0.357, 0.219] is slightly longer than Ic , but both intervals are compatible with no effect and both intervals are quite incompatible with an effect of half a word, ±0.5.
For comparison, recall from §2 that average performance on the delayed
word recall test declined by half a word from age 65 to age 72.
Sensitivity to departures from random assignment
So far, we have drawn inferences under the assumption that treatments are randomly assigned within matched sets. In an observational study, this assumption lacks support and is typically doubtful if not implausible. We examine sensitivity to bias from nonrandom assignment by assuming that two individuals with the same observed covariates may differ
in their odds of treatment by at most a factor of Γ ≥ 1 due to differences in unobserved covariates; see Rosenbaum (2007; 2017, §9). This yields hypothesis tests that falsely reject a true null hypothesis with probability at most α when the bias in treatment assignment is at most Γ.
Then Γ is varied to display the magnitude of bias that would need to be
present to alter the conclusions of a study. How much bias, measured by Γ, would need to be present to lead us to fail to reject the null hypothesis of no effect of football when, in fact, football causes substantial harm? Aids to interpreting values of Γ are discussed by Rosenbaum and Silber (2009) and Hsu and Small (2013). In particular, in a matched pair with ni = 2, the value Γ = 1.25 corresponds with an unobserved covariate that doubles the odds of playing football and doubles the odds of a worse memory score, while Γ = 1.5 corresponds with an unobserved covariate that doubles the odds of playing football and quadruples the odds of a worse memory score; see Rosenbaum and Silber (2009) and Rosenbaum (2017, §9). The version method in §5.2 and Proposition 1 applies to upper bounds on P -values obtained by sensitivity analyses providing the bias in treatment assignment is at most Γ. Inverting the version method as in Proposition 2 yields the simultaneous interval estimates in §5.3 that have their stated coverage rates providing the bias in treatment assignment is at most Γ. Figure 1 shows the expansion of Ic and Iv as Γ increases from Γ = 1 for randomization inferences to Γ = 1.25 and Γ = 1.5. For Γ = 1.25, the intervals are Ic = [−0.534, 0.328] and Iv = [−0.574, 0.464].
For Γ = 1.5, the intervals are Ic = [−0.716, 0.517] and
Iv = [−0.771, 0.666]. A bias of Γ = 1.5 together with two versions of not playing football would be insufficient to mask an effect of one word on the memory test, ±1. At Γ = 2, not shown in Figure 1, effects of ±1 word start to be included in the confidence intervals, with Ic = [−0.997, 0.817] and Iv = [−1.082, 0.986].
A bias of Γ = 2 corresponds with
an unobserved covariate that triples the odds of playing football and increases the odds of worse memory performance by five-fold. In brief, there is no sign of an effect of football on memory scores. Could the absence of any sign of an effect reflect a substantial effect and bias in who plays football? To mask a true effect of ±1 word, an unobserved bias would have to be moderately large, Γ = 2.
In discussing randomized clinical trials, Peto et al. (1976, page 590-1) wrote: “A positive result is more likely, and a null result is more informative, if the main comparison is of only 2 treatments, these being as different as possible. . . . [I]t is a mark of good trial design that a null result, if it occurs, will be of interest.” This advice is equally relevant for observational studies. In that spirit, our analysis focuses on the main treatment-control comparison, and subordinates the study of versions of treatment or versions of control. In particular, the main treatment-control comparison is unaffected by the exploration of versions of treatment — the usual confidence interval for a constant effect is reported — despite controlling the family-wise error rate in multiple comparisons that explore the possibility of versions of treatment with different effects. Two confidence intervals are reported, the usual interval for a constant effect and an interval designed to contain both effects if two versions differ. If the effect is constant, then both intervals simultaneously cover that effect with probability ≥ 1 − α, but if there are two versions then the second interval covers both version effects with probability ≥ 1 − α.
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Table 1: Distribution of matched set sizes, (mi , ni − mi ), in three full matches. A 2-1 set contains two treated individuals and one control, while a 1-2 set contains one treated individual and two controls. There are I matched sets, containing a total of N individuals, but each match includes all M = 591 football players. . Comparison (Treated Count)-(Control-Count) Totals 3-1 2-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 I N M Football vs. Control 0 0 401 32 26 14 17 101 591 1881 591 Football vs. No sport 70 6 240 29 15 10 3 72 445 1497 591 3 2 3 0 0 368 975 591 Football vs. Other sport 90 43 227