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In a causally continuous spacetime, the past and future of a local observer ... simple spacetimes are causally continuous; causally continuous spacetimes are ...
Commun. math. Phys. 35, 287—296 (1974) © by Springer-Verlag 1974

Causally Continuous Spacetimes S. W. Hawking Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

R.K. Sachs* DAMTP, University of Cambridge, and Departments of Mathematics and Physics, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA Received August 8, 1973 Abstract. Causally continuous general relativistic spacetimes are defined and analyzed. In a causally continuous spacetime, the past and future of a local observer behave continuously under small perturbations of the metric or small changes in his location. Causally simple spacetimes are causally continuous; causally continuous spacetimes are causally stable. Possible reasons for taking causal continuity as a basic postulate in macrophysics are briefly discussed.

0. Introduction

Throughout this paper we consider macrophysics and use a nonquantum, general relativistic, time-oriented spacetime to model physical spacetime. What global properties does spacetime have? There seem to be three main possibilities. First, there might conceivably be causality violations, even at the macroscopic level. Some important models, such as certain Kerr metrics, do have self-intersecting causal curves ([3,9]). But macroscopic causality violations would imply a drastic alteration of standard physics. As yet, we have neither empirical evidence nor compelling theoretical arguments that causality violations occur. Now suppose macroscopic causality violations cannot occur. We should presumably use models which remain causal even if the spacetime metric is perturbed slightly, since quantum and other limitations mean our macroscopic models and measurements are imprecise. Formally, this means using stably causal spacetimes ([7,9]). Stable causality is perhaps the most plausible global assumption to make. Finally, it may be that we should work exclusively with stably causal spacetimes which obey further restrictions. For example, globally hyberbolic spacetimes have a global Cauchy surface and are stably causal; asymptotically simple and empty spacetimes have, in addition, a behavior "at infinity" similar to that of Minkowski space ([11,12,9]). But observations, especially observations of the cosmological microwave background, * Supported by grants from the NSF, SRC, and Guggenheim foundation.


S. W. Hawking and R. K. Sachs

show that the universe as a whole is not asymptotically simple and empty ([8,9]). Moreover, there are no convincing physical arguments for supposing a global Cauchy surface exists: even if one does exist we apparently have no way of knowing all the data it carries; in any case we seem to be continually and rather directly getting new information from the big bang. Many useful models are not globally hyperbolic ([9]). In this paper we characterize and discuss a restriction we shall call causal continuity. Roughly, a causally continuous spacetime is stably causal, has no really big gaps (gaps of "dimension" more than 2), and is not too "concave" at infinity. For such a spacetime, the ideal point boundary of Geroch, Kronheimer, and Penrose [6] has a consistent causal structure ([2]) and a certain algebraic system (complete lattice) determined by the spacetime behaves continuously ([2]). Causal continuity is intermediate between stable causality and global hyperbolicity; it is a moderately plausible candidate for a fundamental restriction on macroscopic spacetime. In Section 1 following we use a simple example to illustrate various "peculiar" features a spacetime can have. There may be observers who, intuitively speaking, can almost peek around infinity or a singularity but not quite. A small change in position or perturbation of the metric may have a drastic effect on pasts or futures. Judging how "late" an event is by the "size" of the region from which it can receive signals may lead to a discontinuous function. In Section 2 we show, under appropriate restrictions, that a spacetime either has all these pecularities or none of then. We define a causally continuous spacetime essentially as one which has none of them. We prove that a causally simple spacetime ([9]) is causally continuous and that a causally continuous spacetime is causally stable. We list how causal continuity is related to various other global conditions that are sometimes used. Though even our results are of mainly technical interest, we have tried to confine the most technical parts to the proofs and a footnote, which the reader may omit without esential loss of context. 1. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, M is a time-oriented spacetime whose metric g has signature ( —, +, +, + ) 1 . 1 We shall use the terminology and notation of Hawking and Ellis ([9]) and of Bishop and Goldberg ([1]). A spacetime is time-orientable iff there is an everywhere timelike vector field on it. A time-orientation can then be specified by designating one such vector field, say X, as future-directed. A C 1 curve φ : E-+M is then future-directed iff g(φ*e, φ^e)^0 and g(φ*e, Xφe) < 0 for all ee E. Thus a future-directed C 1 curve is everywhere timelike or lightlike and its tangent vanishes nowhere. M is causal iff each such curve is 1-1.

Causally Continuous Spacetimes





Fig. 1.2. The spacetime A is reflecting; the spacetime B is not

Let S Q M be a subset. The chronological past I [S] of S consists of those events which can signal to some observer in S at a speed less than the speed of light. Formally, /"[5] = {zeM: there is a future-directed timelike curve from z to some s e S}. Similarly, the causal past J~ [S] of S is defined by J~ [S~\ = {z e M: z e S or there is a future-directed curve from z to some 5 e S}. If S is open, its (chronological) common past IS is the largest open set each event of which can signal to each observer in S at a speed less than that of light. Formally, [S = Interior {ze M: for all seS there is a future-directed timelike curve from z to s}. Unless S is empty, / ~ [ S ] 2 | S . / + [S],J + [S], and | S are defined dually; dual results will often be taken for granted. If z is an event, we abbreviate ^ [{*}] by /±(z) and similarly for J 1 . +

Proposition 1.1. For all z, | / (z)2 J~(z). Proof. For all z, /~(z) is open and I~(z)QI~(w) for all wel ([9,13]). The proposition follows. •



Call M reflecting if the following condition holds: for all events x and y in M,I + (y)2I + (x) iff I~(x)2I~(y)l if M is causal this definition corresponds to the definition of past and future reflecting in Kronheimer and Penrose [10]. Fig. 1.2 shows one spacetime that is reflecting and one that is not. Each of the two spacetimes is conformal to a submanifold of 2-dimensional Minkowski space. The shaded regions represent closed subsets which have been amputated, say because the conformal factor, whose precise form is irrelevant here, blows up as one approaches the boundary. Similarly, the dots in Fig. 1.2.A represent missing points. More realistic models may have a similar behavior at singularities or at infinity.


S. W. Hawking and R. K. Sachs +


The spacetime 1.2.B is not reflecting since I (y)2I (x) but I~(x)^I~(y). It has various related properties which might be regarded as unphysical. y can send signals to events arbitrarily close to x, but x cannot recieve any signals from within Q. It it occurs locally, such behavoir + is pathological ([15]). In addition, j / (x) contains the open set Q, so + •ll {x) is much larger than /~(x). Moreover, a small change in location or small perturbation of the metric can result in a sudden increase of / ~ (x). And thus the "size" of /~(x) is much smaller than the size of the chronological past of some neighboring events. All these phenomena are interrelated. In the rest of this section we give some definitions and propositions useful in analyzing each phenomenon when one has a general time-oriented spacetime M. The next section discusses the interrelations in detail. Proposition 1.3. The following conditions are equivalent. A) M is reflecting; B) for all events v and w in M, ve Closure [J + (w)] iff we Closure [•/•»];

C) for all events z in M, [I+(z) = Γ (z) and | / " (z) = I+ (z). Proof. In any case Closure [mJ± {z)] = Closure [/*(£)] ± = {weM:I {z)2I±(w)} ([9,13]). Thus condition A and condition B are equivalent. Now suppose w e j / + (z); then I~(w)QI~(v) for all v e I+ (z). If M is reflecting, I + (w) 21 + (v) for all such v,ve Closure [/ + (w)] for all such υ, thus z 6 Closure [/ + (w)j, and finally we Closure [7 ~(z)]. Thus lI+(z)Q Closure [/"(z)] if M is reflecting. Now in any case Interior {Closure [/"(z)]} = /"(z) ([9,13]). This result, Proposition 1.1, and the dual argument show that condition A implies condition C. For the converse, suppose I + (w)2I+(v). Then ll + (υ)2[l + (w) by the way in which common pasts were defined. If condition C holds, I~(v) 2I~(w). Dually, condition C and Γ(v)2I" (w) imply / + (w) 2 / + (υ). • 1.4. Metric Perturbations. In Fig. 1.2.B, perturbing g slightly may cause J~(x) to increase suddenly to include all Q. To analyze such behavior, suppose "g is another Lorentzian metric on M. ~g is called larger than g if the lightcones of g are everywhere broader than those of g. Formally, g>g iff, for every non-zero vector V,g(V,V)^0 implies g(V, V)g'>g. Then we Closure [J~(z; #')] so there is a t; φ w such that t; G Closure [J"(z; #')] and that weJ~(v;g') ([9,13]). We have / eClosure [J~(z;g)] and w e Γ ( ϋ ; ^ ) ς Γ ( z ; g ) £ J~(z;g). Thus Js- (z) = Π J"(*; 0) 2 Π Closure [J~ (z; g)~\ 2 Closure [Js"(z)] . 9>9


In particular, Js~(z)2 Closure [J~(z)] for all events z. A peculiarity in Fig. 1.2.B is that Closure [ J " ( z ) ] φ J s " ( 4 corresponding to a lack of smoothness under small perturbations of the metric. 1.6. Inner and Outer Continuity. In Fig. 1.2.B moving x slightly to the left or up gives a sudden increase in I~(x). To analyze such behavior, suppose F is a function which assigns to each event z in M an open set F(z) in M. F is called inner continuous if, for any z and any compact set C Q F{z), there is an open neighborhood U of z such that C g F(w) for all events u in (7. Similarly, F is owίer continuous if, for any z and any compact set KQM-Closure F(z), there is such a neighborhood U with KQM-Closure [F(u)] for all u in (7. Proposition 1.7. (compare [5]). /"(z) is inner continuous. Proof. Suppose CQΓ{z) is compact, {/"(w): we/~(z)} is an open covering of C. Choose w x ,..., wn to determine a finite subcovering. Then P) J+(wm) = (7 is an open neighborhood of z with the required property.

D In Fig. 1.2.B, I~(z) is not outer continuous. / " ( x ) | K but in each open neighborhood of x there is a u such that I~(u)2 K. 1.8. Global Time Functions. Let ί be a real-valued function on M. t is a C° global time function if it is continuous and is monotonic increasing along every future-directed curve. Now it is always possible to find an additive measure H on M which assigns positive volume H[Ό~\ to each open set U and assigns finite volume H[M] to M (this result is due to Geroch [5]). Indeed one can find many such measures. Even if M is orientable it may be that none of these are directly related to the Lorentzian volume element ]/ — g dAx. Given H we can ask whether setting t±(z)= +H[7 ± (z)] determines C° global time functions ί 1 on M. It is intuitively plausible that in Fig. 1.2.B, ί~ will be discontinuous at x no matter how H is chosen.


S. W. Hawking and R. K. Sachs

2. Causal Continuity A time-oriented spacetime M is (past and future) distinguishing if, + + for all events z and w, I~(z) = I'(w) or I (z) = I (w) implies z = w (compare reference [10], Section 1). A distinguishing spacetime is causal. A causal spacetime need not be distinguishing (for counterexamples see [10] and [9]) but in most intuitive discussions one can regard causality and distinction as essentially equivalent conditions. Throughout this section M is a time-oriented, distinguishing spacetime. We analyze how the various peculiarities discussed in Section 1 are interrelated. Suppose t+ and ί~ are as in Subsection 1.8. Theorem 2.1. The following four conditions are equivalent. A) M is reflecting; B) I+ und I~ are outer continuous; C) t+ and t~ are C° global time functions; D) Jf(z) = Closure [J ± (z)] for all events z. Proof. A~»B. Suppose condition A holds and KeM — Closure [/~(z)] is compact. If v e Closure I~ (w) for all wel + (z) then v e Closure [/" (z)] by the argument used in proving Proposition 1.3. Thus {M-Closure [/" (w)] : w e I + {z)} is an open covering of K. As in Proposition 1.7 we choose a finite subn

covering determined by w x ,..., wn and U = f] I ~ (wm) is a neighborhood m=l

whose existence guarantees outer continuity. Dually, I + (z) is outer continuous. B-*C. Suppose we are given zeM, a measure H, and ε > 0 . Choose a compact KQM- Closure [/" (z)] such that H [M - Closure {/" (z)} - X ] < ε and choose an open neighborhood U of z such that KQM — 1~[Ό~\. Then for all UEU, t~(u) — t~(z)t~(y). Dually, t+ is also monotonically increasing along every future-directed curve. C-+A. Let Γ be a smooth, timelike, past-directed curve with past

endpoint zeM. +

For all events xveΓ — z,I~(w)2lI + {z)2I~(z)- L e t

Q~ II (z) — Closure \_I~{z)~\. Since t~ is continuous, Q must be empty.

Causally Continuous Spacetimes


Fig. 2.2. The spacetime N, with I (z) separated from I (w), which corresponds to future infinity in N, by S

Thus ll + (z) = l (z). The dual argument, and Proposition 1.3, show M is reflecting. (A-C)-^D. Suppose A-C hold, zeM, and wel + (z). We will first show that there is a larger metric g such that / ~ (w) 2 J ~~ (z g). N = I ~ (w) is connected and open, so N is a spacetime. N inherits a time-orientation from M; N is reflecting since M is reflecting and no future-directed or past-directed curve in M can leave and reenter N; similarly, N is distinguishing. Thus we can find a C° global time function t+ on JV, as in part C. For all i; e Closure [/" (z)], ί + (ι;) ^ ί + (z) = a < 0. Define S = {ve N :t + {v) = a/2}. S is a boundary of the past set given by t+ g such that x is a causal point of (M, g). Consequently there is some j such that x is a causal point of (M,g—jω®ω). Let jx=j/2. If x were not a strongly causal point of (M, # x ) there would b e a y φ x such that y e J " ( x ; # J and | / + (y; grj 2 Γ(x; gx) ([10,9,13]). This would contradict the fact that x is a causal point of (M, g — jω(χ)ω). We now show that for some j \ , each point of Uι is a (strongly) causal point of (M, g — j x ω(χ)ω). In fact, we can choose a finite number of points

Causally Continuous Spacetimes


x,y,... G Closure [ t / J , an open neighborhood Ux,Uy9... for each, corresponding metrics gx,gΓ... and functions jxjy9... as above such that the open neighborhoods cover Closure [L/J and each point of Ux is strongly causal with respect to gχ9 etc. Choose j x such thatjΊ