CAW / JAZZ TECHNICAL SERVICES – A men d ments to T entative A greement – CAW Airline Local 2002
September, 2012
The following are the amendments to the tentative agreement reached in July 2012 with the employer.
Negotiated: July 2012
Amended: September 14, 2012
Monetary Gains
▪ 2% + 2% + 2% wage increase for all employees ▪ Tech Premium – increased from $0.75 to $1.50 for Tech I and Tech II
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
15 year milestone week ▪ Employees with 15 years or more of employment will receive 40 – 45.6 hours annually in their cashbank, according to their shift length Pension ▪ Employer contribution increased by 1% (from 5% to 6%) in the 3rd year of the agreement. Employee contribution to remain unchanged Shifts ▪ Halifax and London to adjust to 11.4 hour shifts
Strengthened and clarified shift rotation for Heavy maintenance 4,5,5,4 rotation – 2013 8 hour shift only by mutual agreement Heavy base excluded from 3 on 3 off
London Base Closure ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Language clarified Specific dates for ▫ layoff notification ▫ bumping time frame Language strengthened re: 5% performance incentive Members retirement eligible qualify for sick payout upon VSP as per Article 11
Relocation to Halifax ▪ Secondary relocation packages increased from $15,000 to $25,000
Other Gains ▪ Safety footwear allowance → Amount to increase from $160 to $500 per year ▪ Additional work clothing allotment → Reflective jacket and wind breaker pants added to existing clothing allotment ▪ Out of base per diem → Amount will increase from $50 to $80
Mediation / Arbitration Process Issues in dispute specified ▪ Ten hour shift schedule in Toronto ▪ Additional monetary compensation ▪ Some shift issues in the heavy basis
London Base ▪ VSP packages (Voluntary separation packages) ▪ Paid relocations ▪ Additional incentives
▪ No final offer selection Hearing scheduled: Monday, September 24, 2012
CAW-CANADA / JAZZ TECHNICAL SERVICES • Amendments to Tentative Agreement • WWW.CAW2002TCA.CA • September 2012