CB80 Filtering for Open Items

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CB80 Filtering for Open Items. Fill in Cash Code with location with “P” followed by your 3 digit school number: “PXXX”. Fill in Transaction Code with “MAN” for ...
CB80 Filtering for Open Items Fill in Cash Code with location with “P” followed by your 3 digit school number: “PXXX” Fill in Transaction Code with “MAN” for Manual Then click on the Filter Box

On the Enable Filter cell select the drop down and select “Y” for Yes On the Status select the drop down and select “O” for Open to see your un-reconciled items

Once the Enable Filter and Status are filled out then click “OK”.

Fill in an “R” for Reconciled under FC Fill in the last day of the month that you are reconciling in the Date column

When you are finished, click the Change button at the top of the screen