Jan 22, 2013... within CBSE. ❑ To give students insight in different areas related to CBSE ...
The project can be selected as one of the following alternatives:.
Advanced Component-Based Software Engineering
Course Organization" Ivica Crnkovic"" Mälardalen University" Software Engineering Division"
[email protected]" www.idt.mdh.se/~icc"
Advanced CBSE Page 1, January 22, 2013
CBSE CDT501 " Teachers"
" Ivica Crnkovic (examiner)
Jiale Zhou
Irfan Šljivo
Mahnaz Malekzadeh (Anita)"
Guest lecturers: "Aneta Vulgarakis Advanced CBSE
Séverine Sentilles"
Page 2, January 22, 2013
Course Information" All information is placed on: " Advanced Component-based Software engineering"
http://www.idt.mdh.se/kurser/cdt501/20123 "
Advanced CBSE
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The course goal" To give the students an overview of component-based software engineering " To train students in finding and summarizing particular topics within CBSE " To give students insight in different areas related to CBSE"
Advanced CBSE
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Course Overview" Basic concepts of Component-based software engineering"
What is Component-based software engineering? What is a software component"
Classification of Software component models"
Quality attributes of software components"
Interface and behavior specifications"
Component-based development process"
Component Model ProCom and Behavior & Resource modeling language REMES"
Component-based models for embedded systems"
Advanced CBSE
Page 5, January 22, 2013
The course
Advanced level course (7.5 ETCS)" Master Students - Grades"
Ph.D. students – certificate that you have passed the course" Course elements"
Lectures – Introductions, Insights, Overviews"
Individual work" 1. Report I– A report from a selected topic from Building Reliable ComponentBased Software Systems! 2. Labs (Lab 1 and 2)" 3. Project submission (report)" 4. Project presentation" Advanced CBSE
Page 6, January 22, 2013
Now it is your turn to present yourself!"
Name, etc."
Main interest"
Experience with component-based development"
Expectation from the courses"
Advanced CBSE
Page 7, January 22, 2013
CBSE assignments - Report" Overview of a selected CBSE topic Selection of a specific chapters from “building reliable component-based software systems” "
" 3000 words ± 10%
(8-10 pages) template
Advanced CBSE
Page 8, January 22, 2013
CBSE assignments" 1.
2. Labs (two students can work together)"
2 assignments"
Two practical labs– modeling a system and calculating some propertis (response time and memory usage)"
Advanced CBSE
Page 9, January 22, 2013
Project assignment" 1. Project (individual)"
The project can be selected as one of the following alternatives: Systematic literature review in an area of CBSE Component lifecycle Components and extrafunctional (nonfunctional) properties Deployment Safety or other extrafunctional property and CBSE Etc.
a topic that is related to your research " Written report describing the project results (5000-8000 words), obligatory references! "
2. Individual oral presentation of the project"
Advanced CBSE
Page 10, January 22, 2013
Academic (dis-)honesty" Basic principle: It is not permitted to present as your own something which is created by someone else."
This applies to homework, lab assignments, exams, written and oral reports, etc."
In group/pair work, it is not allowed to let one student (or a few) do all (or most) the work."
Note: Allowing someone else to copy your work also is cheating!"
Discussing solutions with classmates, other friends, or teachers, is allowed, but giving a solution is not allowed" Proper references and quoting is ok, but be careful to avoid plagiarism." A lot of quoting is not a plagiarism, but you can be failed!" If you are not sure, ask one of the teachers!"
Advanced CBSE
Page 11, January 22, 2013
Schedule" 24 Jan 13:15-16:00
Lectures I
31 Jan 13:15-15:30
Lectures II
5 Feb
Lectures II, Intro to Labs
7 Feb
Lectures III, Intro to Labs
7 Feb
report submission
14 Feb 13:15-16:00
Lectures IV
14 Feb 13:15-16:00
Lab 1 submission
21 Feb
Lab 2 submission
7 Mar
R2-216 project presentation (Guest lecture)
15 Mar 13:15-16:00
project submission
June – retry, Project presentation
Advanced CBSE
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Literature" Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson: Building reliable component-based systems" Ivica Crnkovic: CBSE - New Challenges in Software Development (on the Course web page)" Ivica Crnkovic et al: Specification, Implementation and Deployment of Components (on the Course web page)" Ivica Crnkovic, Séverine Sentilles, Aneta Vulgarakis, Michel Chaudron, A Classification Framework for Component Models (on the Course web page)"
Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson: Classification of Quality Attributes"
All reference present on the course web page" "
Advanced CBSE
Page 13, January 22, 2013