Course Dates: Course consists of seven 2 to 3 hour-long live meetings (see dates below) totaling approximately 20 hours
CDC310 Course Description
CDC310 - Writing Door and Frame Specifications Online 2013 Door and frame specifications require as much attention to detail as other specification sections. Fire-rated openings (both neutral and positive pressure tested) require particular attention to construction, labeling requirements, reinforcements, hardware preparations, glazing and frame anchors. These specifications must be carefully coordinated with other specifications to ensure the proper materials are provided. This course teaches you how to write clear, concise, correct and complete door and frame specifications using the Construction Specifications Institute’s MasterFormat™ as a guide. You will learn how to: Organize your specifications Use correct specification language Coordinate work in other sections Address product substitutions Prerequisite courses: COR145 - Principles of Specification Writing CDC300 - Using Door and Frame Standards Live Meeting Dates
Course Dates: Course consists of seven 2 to 3 hour-long live meetings (see dates below) totaling approximately 20 hours of instructor-led curriculum, delivered through the DHI Online Education and Membership system. Live meetings will start promptly at 4:30 p.m. (eastern). Each live meeting will be recorded and posted to the podcast folder on day following the live meeting. 1. January
8, 2013 22, 2013 3. February 5, 2013 4. February 19, 2013 5. March 5, 2013 6. March 19, 2013 7. April 2, 2013 2. January
Computer Requirements
Computer System Requirements: High-speed Internet connection* Web Browsers: o Firefox(preferred) o Google Chrome o Internet Explorer o Safari (for Macs) Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 10 or later) Headset with microphone** Optional equipment: o Webcam * For the best student experience, we recommend wired Internet connections. Students in other online courses have reported sporadic connections issues when using Wi-Fi connections. ** A dial-in phone number is available for each live meeting as an alternative to using a headset with microphone. Dial-in access is a toll number: usage rates and charges subject to student's phone service package.
CDC310 Reference Materials
CDC310 Reference Materials Students enrolled in this course need to provide copies of the following reference materials: NFPA Publications: NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, 2013 edition NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2012 edition ICC Publication: ANSI/ICC A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, 2009 edition Manufacturers' technical data catalogs for the following types of doors and frames: Standard Steel Doors and Frames Custom Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Architectural Flush Wood Doors Architectural Stile and Rail Wood Doors Aluminum Storefront Doors and Frames Note: Door and frame manufacturers offer a wealth of technical information on their web sites that is available for downloading at no charge. Select at least three different manufacturers for each category of doors and frames listed above. Optional Reference Materials SDI Publications (for standard steel doors and frames): Steel Door Institute Wherry Associates 30200 Detroit Road Cleveland, OH 44145-1967 Phone: (440) 899-0010 Fax: (440) 892-1404
Web Site: Publications: A250.6-2003 (R2009), Recommended Practice for Hardware Reinforcing on Standard Steel Doors and Frames A250.4-2011, Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Physical Endurance for Steel Doors, Frames and Frame Anchors A250.8-2003 (R2008), Recommended Specifications for Standard Steel Doors and Frames A250.10-1998 (R2011), Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for Prime Painted Steel Surfaces for Steel Doors and Frames A250.11-2012, Recommended Erection Instructions for Steel Frames Steel Door Fact File (under the Technical Data Series section of SDI's web site) Note: SDI makes all of its publications available in pdf format at no charge. There is a charge if you decide to purchase paper copies of the SDI publications. HMMA Publications (for custom hollow metal doors and frames): Hollow Metal Manufacturers Association A Division of National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM) 8 South Michigan Avenue Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: (312) 332-0405
Web Site: HMMA Publications: (HMMA 800-96) Introduction to Custom Hollow Metal (HMMA 801-05) Glossary of Terms for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA 802-07) Manufacturing of Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA 803-08) Steel Tables (HMMA 805-12) Recommended Selection and Usage Guide for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA 810-09) Hollow Metal Doors (HMMA 820-08) Hollow Metal Frames (HMMA 830-02) Hardware Selection for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA-831-11) Recommended Hardware Locations for Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA 840-07) Installation and Storage of Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA 841-07) Tolerances and Clearances for Commercial Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (HMMA 850-00) Fire Rated Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Note: HMMA makes all of its publications available in pdf format at no charge. There is a charge if you decide to purchase paper copies of the HMMA publications. WDMA PUblications (for flush and stile and rail wood doors): Window and Door Manufacturers Association 1400 East Touhy Avenue Suite 470 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Phone: (847) 299-5300 Fax: (847) 2991286
Web Site: WDMA Publications: IS-1A-11, Standard for Architectural Wood Flush Doors ($25.00) IS-6A-11, Standard for Architectural Wood Stile and Rail Doors ($24.00)
AMMA Publication: American Architectural Manufacturing Association (AAMA) 1827 Walden Office Square Suite 550 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Phone: 847-303-5664 Fax: 847-303-5774 Web Site at
Storefront and Entrance Manual Dated 1987, Reprinted 2002 Fee: $150.00 Note: This publication is dated and not current with the all of the aluminum door and frame products that are currently available. If you or your office has a copy of this publication it might be helpful to have it on hand for the aluminum door and frame portion of this course. However, due to the cost of this publication, and its dated content, we do not require students to purchase this publication for this course. AWI Publications: Architectural Woodwork Institute 1952 Isaac Newton Square West
Web Site: Architectural Woodwork Standards, 1st Edition, 2009 Price: $125.00 Note: Contact wood door manufacturers from whom you purchase their products and inquire if they might be able to provide you with a copy of the AWI Architectural Woodwork Standards at a reduced (AWI member discounted) price.
Session 1
Live Meeting Dates Session 1 Date: January 8, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Course Introduction Purpose of Specifications Review of COR145 - Principles of Specification Writing Understanding CSI Section Format
Homework assignments: Read Tech Talk, Writing Door and Frame Specifications Class Assignment: Writing
Session 2
Session 2 Date: January 22, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Writing hollow metal door and frame specifications: PART 2 PRODUCTS Homework assignment: Write PART 2 - PRODUCTS for standard hollow metal doors and frames Session 3
Session 3 Date: February 5, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Review of Session 2 homework assignment Writing PART 3 EXECUTION for standard hollow metal doors and frames
Homework assignment: Write PART 3 - EXECUTION for standard hollow metal doors and frames Session 4
Session 4 Date: February 19, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Review of Session 3 homework assignment Writing PART 1 - GENERAL for standard steel doors and frames
Homework assignment: Write PART1 - GENERAL for standard steel doors and frames Session 5
Session 5 Date: March 5, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Review Session 4 homework assignment Writing PART 2 PRODUCTS for architectural flush wood doors Writing PART 2 - PRODUCTS for architectural stile and rail wood doors
Homework assignments: Write PART 2 - PRODUCTS for architectural flush wood doors Write PART 2 - PRODUCTS for architectural stile and rail wood doors Session 6
Session 6 Date: March 19, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Review Session 5 homework assignments Write PART 2 PRODUCTS for aluminum entrance doors and frames
Homework assignment: Write PART 2 - PRODUCTS for aluminum entrance doors and frames Session 7
Session 7 Date: April 2, 2013 Time: 4:30 p.m. (eastern) Duration: 2 to 3 hours Topics Covered: Review of Session 6 homework assignment Assembling your standard steel door and frame specification: Putting it all together
End of Course Exam Due Date: April 9, 2013 Part A: Answer 25 multiple choice questions (online exam) Part B: Submit complete 3-PART open proprietary specification for Standard Steel Doors and Frames (MS Word format only)
TUITION POLICIES The tuition policies below have been developed to encourage students to be certain that they will be able to participate in a class prior to registering for it.
A $40.00 administration fee will be applied to cancellations received prior to the class start date. Registration fee refunds or transfers will not be issued for students who cancel or “drop out” of a course after the third online meeting of a course. Students dropping out of a course, prior to the third online course meeting, may request (in writing) a partial refund or transfer of two-thirds of the course registration fee. Registrations for classes that require successful completion of prerequisite courses will not be accepted until the prerequisite courses are completed.
Students submitting challenge exams as prerequisites for attending future classes are required to submit challenge exams no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the start date of the future class. Students who fail a challenge exam are strongly encouraged to register for a training course (online or face-toface) rather than retaking a challenge exam.
CLASS ATTENDANCE Students are responsible for taking corrective action should an online class date conflict with their schedule. We strongly urge students to separate themselves from other duties during class time and to set aside time for assignments. Therefore: Students who miss a class session will be required to listen to the audio recording (podcast) of the missed session before the next class. Should poor class attendance impact the student's final grade, it is fully the responsibility of the student.
Students taking the CDC310 Course will need to obtain the required reference materials before the online class begins. Students can either download the PDF’s from the respective websites or purchase the hard copy through DHI. Please click on the link below to download the Technical Literature order Form:
NFPA Publications: NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, 2013 edition NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2012 edition
ICC Publication: ANSI/ICC A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, 2009 edition
Manufacturers' technical data catalogs for the following types of doors and frames: Standard Steel Doors and Frames Custom Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Architectural Flush Wood Doors Architectural Stile and Rail Wood Doors Aluminum Storefront Doors and Frames
Note: Door and frame manufacturers offer a wealth of technical information on their web sites that is available for downloading at no charge. Select at least three different manufacturers for each category of doors and frames listed above.
Please see the course syllabus for a listing of optional reference materials.
On-time completion of assignments and exams for online courses is mandatory for each student. Failure to complete online course assignments and exams results in an automatic “no-grade” for the course. Students who fail an online course or receive a “no-grade” may retake the course or take ONE TIME FREE challenge exam online. In certain cases, an extension of time to complete an assignment or exam might be allowed. Requests for extension are required to be submitted to the moderator or lead instructor, in writing, no less than 3 business days prior to the assignment or exam deadline – approval or denial of the extension requests will be issued in writing.
DHI Online Education Registration Form
CDC310 – Writing Door and Frame Specifications January 8 – April 2, 2013 This course will be presented online: Registration Fee: $1108 Member/$1408 Non-member Registration Deadline: Friday, January 4, 2012 **Please see “Tuition Policies” on the following page
DHI ID Number: _________________
Member Non-Member
Name: __________________________________________ Company: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State/Province: ___________ Zip/Postal Code: ___________ Phone: _______________________ Fax: _________________________ email (required): ____________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION PAYMENT: Check enclosed (Payable in U.S. dollars to Door and Hardware Institute) VISA
Card Number: ______________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____/____ Card Holder’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS: Check here if the credit card billing address is the same as the address listed above. Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State/Province: ___________ Zip/Postal Code: ___________ PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN TO: Attn: Hanne Sevachko Door and Hardware Institute 14150 Newbrook Drive, Suite 200 Chantilly, VA 20151-2232
[email protected] Phone: (703) 222-2010 Fax: (703) 222-2410
Accounting Use Only.