CDMTCS Research Report Series Weighted Finite Automata and ...

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Weighted finite automata are used to describe fractal images (cf. [CD93, CK93]). In particular, they play some rôle in the computation of the contraction ...
CDMTCS Research Report Series

Weighted Finite Automata and Metrics in Cantor Space Ludwig Staiger Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

CDMTCS-196 September 2002

Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

Weighted Finite Automata and Metrics in Cantor Space∗ Ludwig Staiger† Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Institut für Informatik, D–06099 Halle, Germany

Abstract We show how weighted finite automata define topologies on the set of all ω-words over a finite alphabet X. Moreover, we give a characterization of these topologies in terms of topologies on X ω induces by languages U ⊆ X ∗ . Keywords: Weighted Finite Automata, ω-words, topologies Category: F.4.1.,F.1.1.

Contents 1

Notation and Preliminaries



The U-δ -topology in X ω



Metrics on X ω Defined by Weighted Finite Automata


∗ presented

at the Workshop “ Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications”, March 4 – 8, 2002, Dresden, Germany † Electronic mail: [email protected]

Weighted Finite Automata and Metrics in Cantor Space


Weighted finite automata are used to describe fractal images (cf. [CD93, CK93]). In particular, they play some rôle in the computation of the contraction coefficients for so-called Multiple Recursive Function Systems (MRFS are a combinations of finite automata with iterated function systems). This is explained in more detail in [FS01]. Here in a finite automaton A = (X, (0, ∞), Z, z0 , f , g) with output monoid ((0, ∞), ·) to each transition the contraction coefficient of the mapping ϕx corresponding to the input letter x ∈ X is assigned. The resulting output g(s, w) is an upper bound to the contraction coefficient of the mapping ϕw := ϕx1 ◦ · · · ◦ ϕxn (w = x1 · · · x2 ). In case the contraction coefficients of ϕw for w → ξ ∈ X ω converge to zero the corresponding MRFS “ draws a point for ξ ∈ X ω ”. The set of all such ξ can be described topologically by a suitable topology (depending on the automaton A (cf. [FS01]). Another kind of topology on X ω are the U-δ -topologies introduced in [St87] (cf. also [DN92]). Here the distance between two ω-words ξ , η ∈ X ω depends of the number of their common prefixes in the given language U ⊆ X ω . In the present pager we give a relationship between both topologies. It turns out that every automaton-definable topology is a U-δ -topology for a suitable U ⊆ X ∗ . An construction for U ⊆ X ∗ from a given automaton is described. Conversely, we derive a property of automaton-definable topologies which proves that not every U-δ -topology can be defined by a weighted automata. A last result shows that for every regular language U ⊆ X ∗ the corresponding U-δ -topology is definable by a WFA.


Notation and Preliminaries

By IN = {0, 1, 2, . . .} we denote the set of natural numbers. Let X be our alphabet of cardinality |X| = r, r ∈ IN, r ≥ 2. By X ∗ we denote the set of finite strings (words) on X, including the empty word e. We consider the space X ω of infinite sequences (ω-words) over X. For w ∈ X ∗ and η ∈ X ∗ ∪ X ω let w · η be their concatenation. This concatenation product extends in an obvious way to subsets W ⊆ X ∗ and B ⊆ X ∗ ∪ X ω . We will refer to subsets of X ∗ and X ω as languages or ω-languages, respectively. By “v” we denote the prefix relation, that is, w v η if and only if there is an η 0 such that S w · η 0 = η, and A(η) := {w : w ∈ X ∗ ∧ w v η} and A(B) := η∈B A(B) are the languages of finite prefixes of η and B, respectively. In the study of ω-languages it is useful to consider X ω as a metric space (Cantor space) with the following metric (cf. [Th90, St97]) ρ(η, ξ ) := inf{r−|w| : w @ η ∧ w @ ξ } = r1−|A(η)∩A(ξ )| .


Then (X ω , ρ) is a compact metric space. The open balls IBε (ξ ) of radius ε ∈ (0, 1] with center ξ in (X ω , ρ) can be described as IBε (ξ ) = {η : ρ(ξ , η) < ε} = wξ ,ε · X ω where wξ ,ε ∈ A(ξ ) and |wξ ,ε | = b− logr εc + 1. Thus open sets in Cantor space (X ω , ρ) are sets of the form S W · X ω = w∈W w · X ω . As usually, closed sets are complements of open sets. Countable intersections of open sets are known as Gδ -sets. In Cantor space, we have the following characterization of Gδ -sets (cf. [Th90, St87, St97]). We define for a language U ⊆ X ∗ its δ -limit, U δ , as the set consisting of all infinite words in X ω having infinitely many prefixes in U, U δ = {ξ ∈ X ω : |A(ξ ) ∩U| = ∞} .


Ludwig Staiger

Theorem 1 In Cantor space, a subset F ⊆ X ω is a Gδ -set if and only if there is a language U ⊆ X ∗ such that F = U δ . For more background on metric topology see e.g. [Ku66].


The U-δ -topology in X ω

The paper [St87] considered another metric topology on X ω which turned out to be useful in connection with the study of sequential mappings. In this section we derive some fundamental properties of this topology and relate it to the usual topology in Cantor space. Definition 1 For a language U ⊆ X ∗ and ξ , η ∈ X ω we set  0 , if η = ξ ρU (η, ξ ) := 1−|A(η)∩A(ξ )∩U| r , otherwise. This metric, in some sense, resembles the metric ρ in Cantor space; in fact, ρ = ρX ∗ . Moreover, since ρU (ξ , η) ≥ ρ(ξ , η), the U-δ -topology refines the topology of the Cantor space. In particular, every closed (or open) set in Cantor space is also closed (or open, resp.) in the U-δ -topology of X ω . The open balls in (X ω , ρU ) are given as follows  , if ∀η(η 6= ξ → ρU (ξ , η) ≥ ε),  {ξ } ω , if ε > r, and IBε,U (ξ ) = X  w · X ω , otherwise. ξ ,ε Here wξ ,ε is defined by wξ ,ε ∈ A(ξ ) ∩U and |A(wξ ,ε ) ∩U| = b− logr εc + 2. The following topological properties of (X ω , ρU ) are useful for our considerations. A point ξ is called an accumulation point of F provided ∀ε(ε > 0 → ∃η(η ∈ F ∧η 6= ξ ∧ρU (ξ , η) ≤ ε)). The following is an easy consequence of Definition 1. Corollary 2 A point ξ ∈ X ω is an accumulation point of the whole space (X ω , ρU ) if and only if ξ ∈ U δ . As (X ω , ρU ) is a metric space, the smallest closed (with respect to ρU ) subset of X ω containing F, CU (F), satisfies CU (F) = F ∪ {ξ : ξ ∈ X ω ∧ ξ is an accumulation point of F in (X ω , ρU )} .


A point ξ ∈ CU (F) which is not an accumulation point of F is called an isolated point of F. Thus, ξ is an isolated point of X ω iff there is an ε > 0 such that IBε,U (ξ ) = {ξ }. The set of isolated points of (X ω , ρU ) is referred to as IIU := X ω \U δ . It should be mentioned that an arbitrary set of isolated points of X ω is open. In case U δ = 0, / every point of (X ω , ρU ) is isolated. Thus, in contrast to the compactness of the Cantor space, in general, we have only the following. Theorem 3 (X ω , ρU ) is a complete metric space. The close relationship between U-δ -topology and the topology of the Cantor space is documented in the following case of accumulation points.

Weighted Finite Automata and Metrics in Cantor Space


Theorem 4 Let U ⊆ X ∗ . Then ξ ∈ U δ is an accumulation point of F in (X ω , ρU ) if and only if ξ is an accumulation point of F in (X ω , ρ). Proof. Let ξ be an accumulation point of F in (X ω , ρU ). Then for every n ∈ IN there is an ηn ∈ F \{ξ } such that ρU (ξ , ηn ) ≤ r−n . Since ρ(ξ , ηn ) ≤ ρU (ξ , ηn ), ξ is also an accumulation point of F in Cantor space. In order to prove the converse consider ξ ∈ U δ . Then the function ψξ : A(ξ ) → IN defined by ψξ (w) := |A(w) ∩U| is monotone and surjective and satisfies ρU (ξ , η) ≤ r1−ψξ (w) whenever w ∈ A(ξ ) ∩ A(η). Let ξ be an accumulation point of F in Cantor space, that is, for every n ∈ IN there is an ηn ∈ F \ {ξ } such that ρ(ξ , ηn ) ≤ r−n . Then there is a word wn ∈ A(ξ ) ∩ A(ηn ) such that |wn | ≥ n. By construction, ρU (ξ , ηn ) ≤ r1−ψξ (wn ) . Since the function ψξ is monotone and surjective, limn→∞ ρU (ξ , ηn ) = 0, and ξ is also an accumulation point of F in U-δ -topology. ❏ From Eq. (2) we obtain immediately the following relation between closed sets in Cantor space and in U-δ -topology. Corollary 5 Let C (F)  := CX ∗ (F)  be the smallest closed set containing F in Cantor space. Then CU (F) = F ∪ C (F) ∩U δ = C (F) ∩ (F ∪U δ ) . As a consequence we obtain Corollary 5.2 of [St01]. Corollary 6 Every set F ⊇ U δ is closed in (X ω , ρU ). It was mentioned above, every set J ⊆ IIU of isolated points is an open set in (X ω , ρU ), and every set of the form W · X ω is open in Cantor space. Then Corollary 5 yields Corollary 7 E ⊆ X ω is open in (X ω , ρU ) iff E = W · X ω ∪ J for some W ⊆ X ∗ and J ⊆ IIU . The following theorem provides a simple condition when two languages U,V induce the same topology on X ω . Theorem 8 If U δ = V δ then the U-δ -topology and the V -δ -topology of X ω coincide, that is, {E : E is open in (X ω , ρU )} = {E : E is open in (X ω , ρV )} . If U δ 6= V δ then the U-δ -topology and the V -δ -topology of X ω do not coincide. Proof. The first assertion is immediate from Corollary 7, and the second one follows from the fact that {ξ } is open in (X ω , ρU ) and not open in (X ω , ρV ) whenever ξ ∈ V δ \U δ . ❏ According to Theorem 8 one has a great variety of languages inducing the same topology. In [St87] and [St97, Section 1.4] the possibilities, depending on the ω-language U δ , of defining the U-δ -topology via languages V having special properties, e.g. as V = V · X ∗ or V = A(V ), are considered. We conclude this section with showing that the space (X ω , ρU ) is not compact unless U δ = X ω . To this end we recall that a complete metric space (X , d) is compact iff every family of open S sets {Ei : i ∈ I} which covers X , that is, i∈I Ei = X , contains a finite subfamily {Ei : i ∈ I 0 } which also covers X (e.g. [Ku66]). Theorem 9 The space (X ω , ρU ) is compact if and only if U δ = X ω .


Ludwig Staiger

Proof. If U δ = X ω then Theorem 8 shows that the topology of U δ = X ω coincides with the topology of the Cantor space, thus is (X ω , ρU ) is compact. Assume U δ 6= X ω , that is, there is a ξ ∈ IIU . Then {ξ } is open in (X ω , ρU ). Consider the language Lξ := {wx : w ∈ A(ξ ) ∧ x ∈ X ∧ wx ∈ / A(ξ )}. Lξ is infinite and the family Oξ := {E : E = {ξ } ∨ E = v · X ω for some v ∈ Lξ } is an infinite family of pairwise disjoint non-empty open sets covering the whole space. Thus Oξ cannot contain a proper subfamily covering X ω . ❏


Metrics on X ω Defined by Weighted Finite Automata

Another way to describe non-standard metrics on X ω is to use weighted finite automata assigning to an input word a positive real number. In [CK94, DK94] this behaviour led to the computation of real functions. Following the ideas of [FS01] we use weighted finite automata to generate metrics on X ω . We consider weighted finite automata of the following kind. Definition 2 A (deterministic) weighted finite automaton (WFA) is a tuple A = (X, (0, ∞), Z, z0 , f , g) where X, Z are finite nonempty sets of input letters and states, resp., z0 ∈ Z is the initial state, f : Z × X → Z is the transition function and g : Z × X → (0, ∞) is the output function. As usual we extend the state transition and output functions to the domain Z × X ∗ via f (z, e) := e , f (z, wx) := f ( f (z, w), x) , g(z, e) := 1 and g(z, wx) := g(z, w) · g( f (z, w), x) , where “g(z, w) · g( f (z, w), x)” is the usual multiplication of real numbers. As it was explained in [FS01] for valuations, the output function g yields a metric in X ω defined by A : Definition 3 Let A be a weighted finite automaton. Define  0 , if ξ = η ρA (ξ , η) := inf{g(z0 , w) : w ∈ A(ξ ) ∩ A(η)} , if ξ 6= η . Lemma 10 If A is a deterministic weighted finite automaton then ρA is a metric on X ω . Proof. Obviously the function ρA is nonnegative, symmetric in its arguments and vanishes to zero only if the arguments coincide. Finally, ρA satisfies the ultra-metric inequality ρA (ξ , η) ≤ max{ρA (ξ , ζ ), ρA (η, ζ )}, because A(ξ ) ∩ A(η) contains at least one of the sets A(ξ ) ∩ A(ζ ) or A(η) ∩ A(ζ ). ❏ Next we are going to show that every topology on X ω defined by a WFA is equivalent to a suitably chosen U-δ -topology. Theorem 11 For every WFA A there are a k ∈ IN and a language U ⊆ X ∗ such that q ρA (ξ , η) ≤ ρU (ξ , η) ≤ k ρA (ξ , η) .

Weighted Finite Automata and Metrics in Cantor Space


Proof. Define the language U ⊆ X ∗ via w ∈ U :⇔ ∃n(n ∈ IN ∧ g(z0 , w) ≤ r−n ∧ ∀v(v @ w → g(z0 , v) > r−n )) . To every w ∈ U we assign the value n(w) := max{n : g(z0 , w) ≤ r−n }. Thus n(e) = 0 and u, w ∈ U, u @ w, imply n(u) < n(w). Then |A(v) ∩ U| ≤ m + 1 yields min{g(z0 , v0 ) : v0 v v} ≤ min{r−n(w) : w ∈ A(v) ∩ U} ≤ r−m . Letting A(v) = A(ξ ) ∩ A(η), this proves the first inequality. Now, choose k ∈ IN such that rk ≥ max{g(z0 , w)/g(z0 , wx) : w ∈ X ∗ ∧ x ∈ X}. We are going to show that for words u, w ∈ U such that v ∈ / U for all v, u @ v @ w, the inequality n(w)−n(u) ≤ k holds true. Let n(u) = m and n(w) = n. Since g(z0 , u) > r−(m+1) and v ∈ / U for v, u @ v @ w, we have 0 −(m+1) 0 g(z0 , v ) > r for all v @ w. This holds, in particular, for the word w0 @ w with |w0 | = |w| − 1. Thus rk ≥ g(z0 , w0 )/g(z0 , w) > r−(m+1) /r−n , whence k ≥ n − m. Observe that, by definition, the empty word e ∈ U and g(z0 , e) = 1 = r0 and assume that |A(v) ∩ U| = m + 1. Let A(v) ∩ U = {e, w1 , . . . , wm } where e @ w1 @ . . . @ wm . Applying repeatedly n(wi ) − n(wi−1 ) ≤ k (w0 := e) one obtains n(wm ) ≤ k · m. As wm is the longest word in A(v) ∩U, each v0 v v satisfies r · g(z0 , v0 ) > g(z0 , wm ) and, since n(wm ) ≤ k · m we have g(z0 , wm ) ≥ r−k·m+1 . Consequently, min{g(z0 , v0 ) : v0 v v} ≥ r−k·m . Again letting A(v) = A(ξ ) ∩ A(η), this proves the second inequality. ❏ As limn→∞ ρU (ξn , ξ ) = 0 iff limn→∞ ρA (ξn , ξ ) = 0 our Theorem 11 shows that a sequence (ξn )n∈IN converges to a limit ξ with respect to the metric ρA if and only if it does so with respect to ρU . Thus we obtain the following. Corollary 12 If U is defined as in Theorem 11 then the WFA-topology defined by A and the U-topology coincide. So far we have shown that every topology defined by a WFA is definable as a U-δ -topology for a suitable language U ⊆ X ∗ . Next we are going to show that the converse is not the case. To this end let Ult := {w · vω : w, v ∈ X ∗ } be the ω-language of all ultimately periodic ω-words. As for languages, by IIA we denote the set of isolated points of the space (X ω , ρA ). Proposition 13 If IIA ⊇ Ult for some WFA A then IIA = X ω . Proof. Assume ξ ∈ / IIA . Then lim infw→ξ g(z0 , w) = 0. Since A is a finite automaton there is an infinite family (wi )i∈IN of prefixes of ξ such that limi→∞ g(z0 , wi ) = 0 and f (z0 , wi ) = z for some z ∈ Z. Choose wi and w j in such a way that wi @ w j and g(z0 , wi ) > g(z0 , w j ). Define v ∈ X ∗ by the identity wi · v = w j . Then g(z, v) = g(z0 , w j )/g(z0 , wi ) < 1. Hence, liml→∞ g(z0 , wi · vl ) = 0, and the ω-word wi · vω ∈ Ult does not belong to IIA . ❏ The next proposition gives the announced example. Proposition 14 There is a language U ⊆ X ∗ such that IIU = Ult but there is no WFA A such that IIA = Ult. Proof. The ω-language Ult is countable, and every subset F ⊆ X ω having a countable complement is a Gδ -set. According to Theorem 1 there is a language U ⊆ X ∗ such that U δ = X ω \ Ult. Proposition 13 proves that IIA = Ult is impossible. ❏ Next, we exhibit a class of languages for which the U-δ -topology is definable by a WFA.


Ludwig Staiger

Proposition 15 If U ⊆ X ∗ \ {e} is a language accepted by a finite automaton then there is a WFA A such that ρU = ρA . Proof. Let B = (X, Z, z0 , f , Z f in ) be a finite automaton accepting U, that is, U = {w : w ∈ X ∗ ∧ f (z0 , w) ∈ Z f in )}. Set A := (X, Z, (0, ∞), z0 , f , g) where the output function g : Z × X → (0, ∞) is defined as follows  −1 , if f (z, x) ∈ Z f in and g(z, x) := r 1 , otherwise. It is easy to see that g(z0 , w) = r−|{v:e@vvw∧v∈U}| . This proves our assertion.

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