Feb 29, 2012 ... and 9.4.7 in Houghtalen et al (2010) (In these problems in the text, use the
equations provided in class). As a second part for problem 9.4.1, ...
CE 401 Homework Assignment 5 Due Wednesday 29 February 2012 Read Chapter 9 in Houghtalen et al (2010). Work problems 6.5.3, 6.5.4, 9.4.1, 9.4.4, 9.4.6, and 9.4.7 in Houghtalen et al (2010) (In these problems in the text, use the equations
provided in class). As a second part for problem 9.4.1, rework for a case where the flow depth in the channel on the downstream side of the weir is 3.6 m. As a second part for problem 9.4.4, rework for a channel flow depth downstream of the weir equal to 1.32 m. Also, work the following problems: (1)
A hydraulic jump occurs in a trapezoidal channel with side slopes of 1:1 and bottom width 6.0 m. The steady flow rate is 9.5 m3/s. The difference between the sequent depths across the jump is 0.5 m. What are the sequent depths on the jump? What is the critical depth for this condition?
Water is ponded behind a vertical sluice gate at a depth of 5.5 m in a rectangular canal. If the gate is 8 m wide, find the gate opening height required to release 50 m3/s through the gate with free flow. How will the flow rate be affected if the depth downstream of the gate rises to 4 m?
Rework problem (2) for a radial gate with a radius of 3 m and a trunnion set at 1.5 m above the channel bed.
These problems do not need to be turned in for grading (since you are working on your computer program to be turned in by or before 9 March). However, you are responsible to understand how to work these problems in preparation for the Midterm I exam on 9 March.