Cedar Mount Academy's Weekly Bulletin

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Jul 10, 2017 - summer and we wish them all the best in their new roles and we look forwarded to welcoming ... Messages f
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Cedar Mount Academy’s Weekly Bulletin Half Term 6 Hard Work



2017 That’s right… can you believe it? School is almost out for summer! We hope you enjoy the last Academy Bulletin of the year and have a well-deserved rest over summer holidays! See you all in September…


Points of Interest Message from Principal What a great year this has been at Cedar Mount! Thank you to all students, staff and parents for the support that you have shown the school throughout 2016-17. We are delighted that Ofsted have recognised the progress that we have made and we hope that the full report will have been published before term ends. There have been too many successes and great events to list but it is great to see that our students are getting the wide range of opportunities that they deserve in all areas of the curriculum and beyond. We have a number of staff leaving us this summer and we wish them all the best in their new roles and we look forwarded to welcoming new members of the team as they join us in September. For now, I wish you a peaceful and happy summer. Don't forget that school ends at 12.30 on Thursday 20th July and that students return on Tuesday 5th September.

Goodbye from Mrs Naylor I have loved my time here at CMA. I wish CMA staff all the very best! Thank you to all site staff for all their support during my time, they have been great- even giving me a push when my car refused to start! I wish the Y10 form I share with Mr Kedian all the very best for their future and Aaminah will be fabulous as Head Girl!! 10.1 is a brilliant form! I also wish my 4 Food groups in Y9 and Y10 all the very best of luck with your GCSE and your future career. Take care and be happy, Mrs Naylor.

Message from Mrs Dimelow;

Taylor Shaw are hosting a Barbeque today outside the Bistro at lunchtime. Menu; Burgers, sausages, a selection of side dishes and a carton drink or ice cream tub… All for £2.50! Please note; Halal, euro and vegetarian options are available. Many thanks!

Amsterdam Messages from Miss Morris and CMA students; Last week several CMA travelled to Amsterdam with the Humanities department. The students had a brilliant time and the staff were repeatedly amazed at how responsible and well behaved they were. The coach drivers commented on how tidy and quiet they were and the tour guide said it would be a long time before he forgot our group, which we're choosing to interpret as a compliment! We visited; Anne Frank House, a concentration camp, the Jewish History Museum and a synagogue. The students were also given the opportunity to explore the city and behaved impeccably. There wasn't a single occasion when any of them were late back to the meeting point. After we had been dropped off at school on Saturday night, I asked one of the students (who, like many of them, hadn't been abroad before) whether the trip had been worth the wait. She started crying and said it had been the best days of her life so far. It really was a fantastic opportunity for the students and they did us proud. Massive thanks to the staff on the Humanities corridor who kept the ship afloat while we were gone. We promise we won't leave you again... until next year! Here are a couple of articles from students on the trip; “I loved my experience at Amsterdam but there was one day that stood out the most to me which was when we visited a synagogue, a Jewish history museum and my personal favourite, Anne Frank’s House! The synagogue was a very beautiful place and learning about the rituals and services that took place there was fascinating. My favourite part was Anne Frank's House. I've always wanted to visit the Frank's house and it was truly exhilarating to finally be there. It was one of the most amazing and unbelievable moments I've ever experienced and I couldn't believe that I was actually there even when we were walking around. The story told from a teenage Jew of WW2 was mesmerising and truly touching. I would love to visit again in the future!” Mollie Yr9

“Friday was an exceptional day and full of heartbreaking and intriguing stories about a Concentration Camp Vught. We started our day off with a lovely breakfast in the hotel Meininger and continued with are really interesting and educative trip to the Camp Vught. Every minute was like an hour as we were approaching the camp, our hearts filled with some kind of heaviness and timeless sorrow. When we arrived everything was peaceful and it seemed like a normal surrounding, little did we know that a lot of people have lost their loved ones and have died at this sight. Our really wise tour guide showed us around the camp. As we entered smiles from our faces started disappearing and we became more aware of everything that has happened. Firstly we were shown the crematorium and we were told the whole camp story. The camp was built by the first group of Jews who were taken in Nazi custody and unfortunately didn't live long because of starvation and not enough rest. Camp kitchen wasn`t developed so they didn't have proper food or enough clean water. We also found out that in this camp people were executed, they either died from starvation or lack of hygiene. Right before the end of our tour, we were told a really fascinating story about a 17-year-old German boy that tried to go against a Nazi soldier. Sadly other men showed up and he tried to escape but forgot to take his bike. At the time every bike had a number that could be traced and connected to the family which meant that he was going to be found. After a few days he was found and locked in the camp but couldn't get executed because he was underage, so they decided to wait for his 18 birthday to do it. He died when he was 18 years and one day old. Later on, as we left the camp our group decided to divide in two. One part of the group was given free time and the others went to Vincent Van Gogh`s museum. Visiting the museum was a great privilege and pleasure. It was amazing seeing his wonderful and colourful work in person. We ended our day with a decent dinner and some free time around the hotel.” Mia Yr11 Leaver

Sports Presentation Evening Congratulations to everyone who received an award at last night’s Sports Presentation Evening held at CMA. It was a fantastic turn out and we’re all very proud of those that have been recognised for their achievements in PE/ Sport over the year. It really was a night to remember…

Women’s History Performance Message from Mr Al-Ghailani; During the holidays, 6 of our students from Year 8 and 9 (Saliem, Shanena, Mia, Esohe, Fatou and Isatou) will be doing two live performances of their own drama called ‘Top of the Bill’. They have been having sessions for a number of weeks and with additional sessions in the holidays are creating their own unique drama piece, and they will act as characters showing the role of women in the police force and changes that happened. It’s a bit of a walking performance where they will be taking you around the museum creating different scenes and scenarios. The final performances are taking place at Greater Manchester Police Museum (City Centre) on Saturday 29th July with two showings (1.30pm and 4pm). If anyone would like a ticket (it is free), please let me know and I can reserve you one, or alternatively book tickets yourself using the contact on the flyer below. You can pick up flyers in reception and the staff room if you want one!

City Pathways Message from Mr Roberts; A small cohort of Cedar Mount students have been attending the City Pathways Programme this year from which we have received amazing feedback from both staff and students. This Friday they attended an awards ceremony where Tafara and Alex received an award. Tafara won best dressed student and David won student of the year. Not only did they both receive certificates but Alex was also awarded with a 2017 Manchester City top. If you see either of the students around the academy please congratulate them.

Class of the Year! Message from Miss Pereira; On Friday 7th July I accompanied two of our Year 8 students to the Hilton Hotel. They were representing their class (8RS1), who had been shortlisted to the final 3 of Class of the Year in the Manchester Evening News School Awards. Miss Morris had nominated the class for their excellent attitude to learning and their commitment to fundraising for charity. Djavan Pedro and Sahara Hayat were a credit to themselves and the Academy, telling other schools how proud they are to attend Cedar Mount. They received red carpet treatment throughout and were highly praised by representatives of other schools across Manchester.

Student Leadership News! Message from Miss Gill; Today myself, Mr Mellen and Miss Wyatt held interviews to appoint our new Head boy/Head girl and their deputies. We were all so impressed with the passion, commitment and pride shown by all 10 candidates and found it hard to choose between them. After some deliberation it is my pleasure to announce the following appointments: Head boy - Elijah Kalambayi Head girl - Aaminah Afzal Deputy Head boy - Callum Hadfield Deputy Head girl - Aliza Naeem Please congratulate them all. Their hard work starts straight away when they will be helping to interview for Year captains in years 7-9. All students involved were very impressive, which is great news for the future of the academy. - Mr Mellen

The Jazz Ticket Message from Miss Patrick; On Thursday 13th July 7 CMA students took part in The Jazz Ticket at the Royal Northern College of Music. If you see the following students around school this week please congratulate them on an unbelievable performance at the Royal Northern College of Music last night. Robyn Fletcher Ethan Minchion Josh Rolland Vlad Bogdan Joel Shebioba Damien Harriott Elie Kalambayi- has been recognised for his drumming talents and asked to perform in London this summer with the professionals at Tomorrow’s Warriors. After a long day of rehearsals, sound checks, networking with professional musicians and then performing in front of a 5 other Manchester school bands and a large audience, they performed a beautiful version of ‘How High The Moon’ by Ella Fitzgerald and received a rapturous applause and standing ovation! Please check our twitter pages too to see more updates. @CedarMountHigh @CedarCPA I am ever so proud of their fabulous achievements. Below is some feedback from Fish Krish, Special Projects Coordinator at Tomorrow’s Warriors; It was a really wonderful evening and I think we all felt that Cedar Mount were the stars of the show. They certainly seemed to be the group that travelled the furthest with The Jazz Ticket… It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you on TJT and we really appreciate the support and enthusiasm that you have brought to the project.

Yr 11 Prom 2017 Message from Miss Scholes; The Project 11 Team would like to say a particularly huge thank you to all the people who donated to the prom shop this year. We had quite a number of students who made great use of it and all the students looked amazing at prom. Could we please say a particular thank you to: Louise and Lizzie of; LunaBelle Balloons They provided all our balloon decorations at a hugely discounted price.

And Darren Hall of:

For the supply of our congratulations banner. Huge thanks to everyone else who helped with the organisation of the prom. It was a huge success and everyone had a fabulous time. Congratulations to Prom King and Queen too…

Rushbrook Primary Academy 1st Birthday Bash Message from Miss Losztyn; 15th

On Saturday July the students listed on the right performed 3 Hairspray numbers at Rushbrook’s 1st Birthday Bash. Although the sound system and weather were against us, the students did a remarkable performance and it was lovely to see how supportive they were of each other. If you see them around the academy, please congratulate them on their efforts; especially Ruby who played the leading role and also Ruwayda, who stepped in as a main role last minute due to another student letting us down. Also, a special thank you to Miss Patrick for all your hard work and support and Miss Kaplanidis, thank you for attending to support our students. Thanks to you both and well done to all students involved - Mr Mellen Massive thank you to Miss Losztyn as well... We couldn’t have done it without all your hard work. - Miss Patrick

Abbigail Sacha Robyn Crystal Ethan Sharifa Ruby Caroline Blumartha Sharon Shanena Esther Jainaba Joy Marcia Favour Ruwayda Vanessa Shannon Saliem

Reading for Pleasure and Summer Reading Challenge Message from Miss Molloy;

Bringing BookBenches to the city! (10 July – 10 September 2017) Manchester is a world-class city committed to working with residents, schools and partners to boost life chances and increase employability and earnings potential through reading, in support of the Manchester Strategy; Our Manchester. Read Manchester BookBench Project! “I am so delighted to see these colourful benches around Manchester, created by talented children and communities across the city. The imaginative designs really show how they have been inspired by the different books they’ve read, which is what the Read Manchester campaign is all about. Following a BookBench trail is a brilliant way for families to spend time together and talk about books - I hope it will encourage you to read more when you get home. Reading for just 10 minutes a day is enough to make a huge difference to a child’s future. The benches are being displayed at some fantastic places across the city, and many of them are holding exciting events to celebrate the project. Don’t miss out – see the What’s On listings for more details. Enjoy the BookBench trail and let’s make Manchester a city that falls in love with reading!” (Nick Sharratt Author, illustrator and Read Manchester ambassador)

How to Get Involved! Go on a BookBench Trail! (58 colourful BookBenches in 24 cultural venues) Every decorated bench tells a special story and together with a jam-packed summer of book-themed events and activities it is hoped that they will encourage all generations to pick up a book and get reading. Families are encouraged to visit and enjoy the BookBenches over the summer - it is hoped that everyone will be inspired to pick up a book and read it – to relax, escape, learn and be inspired!

Please see Trail Map and What’s On at BookBench Display Venues (More information can be found at www.readmanchester.org.uk)

Accept the challenge and take part in Manchester Reading Ahead! Take part in Manchester Reading Ahead and challenge yourself to read six things this summer. Record, rate and review them in a special diary and you’ll get a certificate when you finish. Remember you can pick up a Reading Diary at your local library if you haven’t already registered with Miss Molloy at CMA.

Record what you read in your reading diary and get a certificate when you complete 6 new reads & then you will be entered into the Manchester Prize Draw!

This challenge runs until 30th September 2017

Reading for Pleasure and Summer Reading Challenge

Maths Roadshow Message from Miss Mears; CMA students attended a Maths Roadshow held at Altrincham Girls Grammar School recently. They spent the morning solving some difficult mathematical puzzles, but, just to make things a bit more interesting, the puzzles were all written in French, Spanish or German. The first problem the pupils were given was the “firewords” puzzle below.

Congratulations go to Wanel and Fahim who beat all of the other schools to win the overall prize for finding the best word in a foreign language that cost exactly £1. All of the pupils showed their determination and resilience when faced with some challenging tasks and were able to successfully find many of the correct solutions. Jack and Sahara completed the most puzzles for Cedar Mount Academy with an impressive 21 correct solutions. Well done!

Well done to the following students for gaining the highest amount of Cedar Points from 10th- 18th July… Year 7 Achievement Points

Year 8 Achievement Points

Year 9 Achievement Points

Year 10 Achievement Points

Ashir 11 Awaisul 10 Daramfon 10 Muhammad 10 Noman 10

Sohaib 9 Maheen 9 Azanul 9 Favour 9 Ali 8

Angelica 13 Bushra 13 Ifaz 11 Aya 11 Rahid 9

Jawad 10 Hubert 9 Alexander 8 Ali 8 Ibrahim 8

Cedar-Mount-Academy @CedarMountHigh www.youtube.com/channel/Cedar-Mount-Academy

What’s on @ CMA


Wallop Zones by Michael Vaughan

Open Evening

Values Hard Work Respect Aspiration CMA Attendance whole school attendance for this academic year-93.46%

Weekly Word Search It’s that time of the week again! Let’s see how good you are at solving this week’s word search. The first person from KS3 lunch and the first person from KS4 lunch to take their completed word search to Student Services will get a sweet treat! Good luck!