Jul 4, 2016 - course! Free parking is available in the downtown ... Redevelopment and Economic Development web pages or
Celebrate Independence Day with Our Fourth of July Parade & Fireworks
In This Issue
Come out and celebrate America's birthday at our annual Fourth of July Parade & Fireworks, hosted by the Greater Temple Terrace Chamber of Commerce. This popular event draws thousands of visitors and residents to our shady, treelined streets.
Temple Terrace Library
The parade will take place on Monday, July 4, starting at 10 a.m. It will begin at the corner of Whiteway Drive and Gillette Avenue. Parade units will head south on Gillette, west on Druid Hills, then south on Ridgedale Road to the Ridgedale Sports Complex near Temple Terrace Elementary School. Evening festivities will begin at 6 p.m. on the first
Fourth of July Parade New City Manager Hired
Economic Development Activities Municipal Election Citizen Board Vacancies Do You Have Copies of the Beacon? City Hall Clsoed
Evening festivities will begin at 6 p.m. on the first fairway of the Temple Terrace golf course. There will be a variety of food vendors, live music and other entertainment. There is no charge to attend. Many thanks to the Bulluck Law Group, this year's presidential title sponsor. Fireworks will light up the sky at 9:15 p.m. and can be viewed from the first fairway of the golf course. Lawn chairs and blankets are OK, but please do not bring personal fireworks of any kind to the golf course! Free parking is available in the downtown redevelopment area (corner of Bullard Parkway and 56th Street) and on residential streets except where "No Parking" signs are posted. For more information, contact the chamber at (813) 9897004.
New City Manager Hired Charles W. Stephenson has been hired as Temple Terrace's new city manager. Stephenson, 62, has been director of Temple Terrace's Community Development Department since 2008. He came to the City in 2004 after an eightyear stint as building director for the City of Key West. In related news, Ian Kemp has been named the city's new fire chief, and Karl Langefeld has been hired as the city's new director of Leisure Services, which oversees the Parks & Recreation Division and the Temple Terrace Public Library. Congratulations to all!
DJ Kitty Coming to the Temple Terrace Library! America's most fabulous feline is coming to Temple Terrace. That's right, DJ Kitty is coming to the Temple Terrace Public Library on Saturday, July 23 at 1 p.m. The musicloving mascot for the Tampa Bay Rays will be here to promote the "Reading with the Rays" program, urging youngsters to make reading a part of their everyday lives. There will be book giveaways and an opportunity for kids to meet DJ Kitty and take photos. This free event is sponsored by Suncoast Credit Union in partnership with the City. For more information, call the library at (813) 5066770.
Economic Development Activities Picking Up Steam
The City is exploring several promising opportunities to move redevelopment and economic development forward. Some of these efforts include: * Preparing cityowned property at I75 and Fowler Avenue for potential sale * Working with the Tampa Innovation Alliance on a new regional master planning effort * Reviewing submittals for cityowned property in the redevelopment area * Administering more than $400,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds for new ADA sidewalks and street repairs * Considering the creation of a new Economic Development Advisory Board * Launching new community events in the redevelopment area * Establishing new economicsfocused zoning throughout the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA). For more information on these efforts, including timelines, master plans, marketing efforts and additional learning resources, visit the City's new Redevelopment and Economic Development web pages or contact the City Redevelopment Director at
[email protected]. Redevelopment http://www.templeterrace.com/193/Redevelopment Economic Development http://www.templeterrace.com/411/Economic Development
Municipal Election on Nov. 8, 2016 The ballot for the Nov. 8, 2016 General Election will include the Temple Terrace municipal election. Temple Terrace voters will elect a mayor and two City Council members. Temple Terrace elections are nonpartisan. Candidates run at large and are elected to fouryear terms. Candidates must be residents of, and domiciled in, the city or areas annexed by the city, or a combination thereof, for two years immediately prior to the date of the election, and must remain residents of the city during their tenure in office. Qualifying to run for public office in Temple Terrace will begin at noon on Monday, Aug. 29, 2016 and end at noon on Friday, Sept. 2, 2016. If you are interested in becoming a candidate and running for office in Temple Terrace, please contact the City Clerk's office at (813) 5066440. You may also pick up a Candidates Handbook at the City Clerk's office weekdays during regular business hours. The clerk's office is located on the first floor of City Hall.
Temple Terrace Citizen Board Vacancies Citizen boards serve as a vital link to the City of Temple Terrace and its
elected officials. You can be the voice that contributes to positive, meaningful changes in our community. Members of all Temple Terrace boards must be residents of the city and remain residents of the city during their term in office. In addition to city boards, residents may be appointed by the City Council to serve as the city's representative on numerous intergovernmental boards and committees. If you're interested in learning more about serving on a local board or committee, please visit our website at www.TempleTerrace.com (under Board Vacancies) or call the City Clerk's office at (813) 5066440.
Old Copies of the Beacon Sought The Temple Terrace Public Library has partnered with Hillsborough County and the University of South Florida to make formerly published newspapers available online for research. Now, librarians are reaching out to the public as well. For the past eight months, personnel from USF's Special & Digital Collections have been scanning and digitizing paper copies of the Temple Terrace Sentinel (19401946) and Temple Terrace News (19481949). The City also has been working with USF grad students to digitize the Temple Terrace Beacon, which was published from 1931 until sometime in the 2000s. Unfortunately, the City's collection only contains issues dating from about 1978 to 1995. We would love to complete the collection. If you have old issues of the Temple Terrace Beacon you can lend, so that we can scan them, please contact the Temple Terrace Public Library at (813) 5066770.
City Hall Will Be Closed July 4 Temple Terrace City Hall and other government offices will be closed Monday, July 4, 2016 in observance of Independence Day. There will be no residential trash collection or curbside recycling that day. Trash will be picked up on your next regularly scheduled day. Commercial garbage collection will not be affected by the holiday. The afterhours, holiday and emergency number for Public Works is (813) 5066590. The Temple Terrace Public Library and Omar K. Lightfoot Recreation Center also will be closed. The Family Recreation Complex will be open July 4 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call (813) 5066600. Forward this email
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