Dinner. Celebrating. 150 years of IGEM. The Savoy Hotel. London www.igem.org
.uk/150 ... contact Lesley Ecob on 01509 678 167 or email
Gala Dinner Celebrating 150 years of IGEM
The Savoy Hotel London www.igem.org.uk/150
This is your opportunity to be part of a very special evening to mark IGEM’s 150th Anniversary since it was first formed in 1863. Companies can support the gala dinner and raise their profile during the event by sponsoring a specific aspect of the evening. All packages will include a focused marketing campaign that will be promoted prior to the dinner through branded material, website, inclusion in Gi and other multimedia channels. Packages available*: Gold Sponsor packages x 3 Dinner Wine sponsor Entertainment and Table Decoration sponsors Benefits of Sponsoring Event Association with a highly prestigious event
Opportunity to significantly raise your company profile with other partners
Network opportunities with top industry players
Environment in which real business can be concluded
Introduction to key industry decision makers
Platform to position yourself as an industry leader in the gas Industry
Benefit from the quality of our commercial and strategic partners
To discuss all sponsorship packages available in more detail please contact Lesley Ecob on 01509 678 167 or email
[email protected] Thanks to sponsors so far:
Platinum Sponsor
Drinks Reception Sponsor
*Packages are subject to terms and conditions.
Table Gift Sponsor
Sponsorship Package Application Form Gala Dinner, Friday 6th December 2013
My company wishes to sponsor:
Please circle which bronze package you would like.*
Gold Package
Gold Sponsor
£4,000 + VAT
Silver Package
Dinner Wine
£3,000 + VAT
Bronze Package
£2,000 + VAT
Table Decoration
*Due to limited no. of packages available IGEM will operate on a first time first serve basis. Terms and Conditions apply.
Gold Package: £4,800.00 (£4,000 + VAT)
Bronze Package: £2,400.00 (£2,000 +VAT)
Silver Package: £3,600.00 (£3,000 + VAT) Please tick relevant box.
I authorise payment of £ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incl.VAT PAYMENT METHOD Payment can be made using one of the following methods: Cheque payable to IGEM (enclosed) Invoice, please provide purchase order number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Card Number: Start Date:
Expiry Date:
Issue No:
Exact Name on card:
Security Code:
(if applicable)
Signature of Card Holder:
A confirmation letter and VAT receipt/invoice will be sent to you.
BOOKER DETAILS Contact name:
Address: Tel: (Direct Dial)
Email: Company Name and Address for invoicing if different from above:
Please complete and return to: Lesley Ecob PA to the CEO of IGEM, IGEM House, High Street, Kegworth, Derbyshire DE74 2DA or email completed form to
[email protected] You can also download this form from the Events Calendar section at www.igem.org.uk
Table Booking Form
Gala Dinner, Friday 6th December 2013 I / My company wish(es) to reserve:
Table(s) for 10 @ £1,100 + VAT
(£1,300 + VAT if booked after 30/04/13)
Place(s) @ £110 + VAT per person
(£130 + VAT if booked after 30/04/13)
Tables for 10:
to 30/04/13
£1,320.00 (£1100 + VAT)
After 30/04/13
£1,560.00 (£1,300 + VAT)
Individual places:
to 30/04/13
£132.00 (£110 + VAT)
After 30/04/13
£156.00 (£130 + VAT)
Please tick relevant box.
I authorise payment of £ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incl. VAT PAYMENT METHOD Payment can be made using one of the following methods: Cheque payable to IGEM (enclosed) Invoice, please provide purchase order number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Card Number: Start Date:
Expiry Date:
Issue No:
Exact Name on card:
Security Code:
(if applicable)
Signature of Card Holder:
A confirmation letter and VAT receipt/invoice will be sent to you. Cancellation policy: In the event of cancellation of your booking: Not later than 30/05/13: Not later than 30/06/13: Full refund less £10 admin charge per person 50% refund
After 31/07/13: No refund
BOOKER DETAILS Contact name:
Address: Tel: (Direct Dial)
Email: Company Name and Address for invoicing if different from above:
Please complete and return to: Lesley Ecob PA to the CEO of IGEM, IGEM House, High Street, Kegworth, Derbyshire DE74 2DA or email completed form to
[email protected] You can also download this form from the Events Calendar section at www.igem.org.uk
Celebrating 150 years of IGEM www.igem.org.uk/150