Celebrating 25 Years and Moving Towards the Future

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Aug 3, 2018 - This will be the first time for SIAL to be held in Africa and we are looking forward to celebrate the 25th anniversary of SIAL at the shores of ...
Speciation in Ancient Lakes 8 (SIAL 8)

29 July – 3 August, 2018 Entebbe, Uganda

Celebrating 25 Years and Moving Towards the Future This will be the first time for SIAL to be held in Africa and we are looking forward to celebrate the 25th anniversary of SIAL at the shores of famous Lake Victoria.

Host and Local Organizers Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda (MUST) and Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany (JLU)

Conference venue http://www.laicohotels.com/laico-lake-victoria

Steering committee Organizers Christian Albrecht (Germany), Björn Stelbrink (Germany) & Casim Umba Tolo (Uganda)

Scientific committee Andy Cohen (USA), Douglas Haffner (Canada), Koen Martens (Belgium), Axel Meyer (Germany), Frank Riedel (Germany), James Russel (USA), Walter Salzburger (Switzerland), Oleg Timoshkin (Russia), Risto Väinolä (Finland), Bert Van Bocxlaer (France), Erik Verheyen (Belgium), Thomas von Rintelen (Germany), Frank Wesselingh (The Netherlands) & Thomas Wilke (Germany)

Anticipated topics          

Forgotten, neglected and not so ancient lakes Ancient lake conservation – where are we? Next generation approaches to ancient lake topics Comparative ancient lake studies African issues New horizons in ancient lake research Towards true speciation studies in ancient lakes A look into the past: Paleolakes and deep drilling projects Parasites and health issues PRIDE – evolution and biodiversity of Ponto-Caspian lake systems

Website: sial-online.org/conferences/sial8

Contact: [email protected]

Preliminary program SONDAY – 29 July, 2018 Night:

Icebreaker at Laico Hotel

MONDAY – 30 July, 2018 Morning: Afternoon:

Registration, fixing posters, opening ceremony Session 1 Session 2

TUESDAY – 31 July, 2018 Morning: Afternoon: Night:

Session 3 Session 4 Poster session

WEDNESDAY – 1 August, 2018 Optional excursion 1: Land-based (c. 50 Euro including lunch bag) Optional excursion 2: Cruising Lake Victoria from Entebbe (c. 90 Euro) THURSDAY – 2 August, 2018 Morning: Afternoon: Night:

Session 5 Session 6 Farewell dinner and cultural night at Laico Hotel

FRIDAY – 3 August, 2018 Morning:

Plenary session Poster awards Closing remarks

Registration/Abstract Submission Please register for SIAL 8 by sending your abstract to Björn Stelbrink [email protected] no later than May 31st, 2018. Abstracts should have a max. of 250 words. Please send an unformatted text file of your abstract including authors and affiliations and do not include references. Please indicate whether you wish to give an oral presentation or present a poster and if you are willing to present a poster in case the scientific committee does not select you for an oral presentation. It is intended to publish forthcoming papers of the symposium in a special volume of Hydrobiologia. Conference fees Until March 31st, 2018 (early bird) Regular: Reduced (students, unemployed):

200 Euros 100 Euros

Until May 31st, 2018 (late registration) Regular: Reduced (students, unemployed):

300 Euros 150 Euros

This includes all conference activities, snacks and beverages as well as the lunches and farewell dinner. PAYMENTS Several payment options will be available on the conference website very soon. Student Grants There are three student grants available of up to 400 Euro each for airfare and accommodation plus free registration. All regular graduate students (Master and PhD programs) are encouraged to apply. The application must include an abstract, CV, and a short letter of motivation and should be send electronically to Björn Stelbrink [email protected] no later than May 31st, 2018.

Best Poster Award The scientific committee will award the three best poster presentations at SIAL 8. Accommodation Rooms are reserved at the Laico Lake Victoria conference hotel until March 31st, 2018. A single room (incl. breakfast) is 110 USD (c. 90 EURO) per person and double rooms are available at 80 USD (c. 65 Euro) p.p. sharing (incl. breakfast). Please book directly at Laico Hotel via an email to the booking manager using this email address [email protected]. Refer to “SIAL8”. Bookings after March 31st, 2018 will be at the rates available at that point in time. Alternative accommodation The organizers of SIAL 8 strongly encourage students and young scientists to participate. There are a number of lower budget and even shoestring alternatives to the conference hotel within walking distance. Examples include: The Boma Guest House Executive Airport Hotel Sophie’s Motel Ulrika Guest House La Nest Many other options can be found on the regular booking websites such as booking.com or tripadvisor.com or similar. If you need further assistance don‘t hesitate to contact the organizers.