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(1993c). Abstract proceedings of the shellfish habitat restoration workshop, St Andrews, New Brunswick. June 15 - 16, 1993. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine ...

Compiled by

James D. Ross, L. Danielle Hubbard, Ruth E. Cordes, Bertrum H. MacDonald, and Peter G. Wells Halifax, Nova Scotia February, 2014

©Environmental Information: Use and Influence, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 2014

Table of Contents



Types of Publications


GOMC Publications by Year of Publication


GOMC Publications by Author/Title


Submission Form for GOMC Bibliography




Preface This bibliography provides a comprehensive record of the publication history of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC), in commemoration of the organization's 25 th anniversary in 2014. The bibliography lists GOMC’s publications, co-publications with GOMC partners, and publications based on the GOMC's work (for a categorization of the publication types see Table 1 on page 4). The publications are listed in two ways. The first presents the publications chronologically by year and alphabetically by the authors’ names within each year; the second presents the publications alphabetically by authors' names and chronologically when more than one publication by an author was produced in a given year. The bibliography was compiled in two stages. The first involved a thorough search for GOMC’s publications conducted by Ruth Cordes in 2006 (see Cordes,R. E., MacDonald, B. H., & Wells,P. G. (2006). Publications of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment and Their Use. Halifax: Dalhousie University). As the 2006 report noted: since the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment (GOMC) was created, it has generated a large and diverse body of publications. Among the array of publications produced directly by GOMC, or in collaboration with other organizations, are action plans, annual reports, technical reports, conference proceedings, conference background documents, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, fact sheets, brochures, maps, a video, and a comprehensive website. In addition, individuals associated with GOMC have prepared conference presentations and published journal articles. (p. 4) An analysis of the use of the publications identified in 2006 was reported at conferences and published as MacDonald, B. H., Cordes, R. E., Wells, P. G. (2007). Assessing the diffusion and impact of grey literature published by international intergovernmental scientific groups: The case of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. Publishing History Quarterly, 23 (1), 30-46. The second step in compiling the present bibliography was completed in 2013. Using search strategies similar to those established by Ruth Cordes, Danielle Hubbard thoroughly examined the GOMC website for publications produced since the 2006 report noted above. The combined results of the searches were initially placed in a Procite database and then migrated to Zotero and exported to Word for final editing by James Ross. The resulting bibliography lists 404 publications produced over the history of GOMC from its creation in 1989 to the summer of 2013. It is hoped that this bibliography, representing the tangible products of the GOMC's first 25 years, will be a useful reference for the GOMC and its partners in all future endeavours to protect and conserve the Gulf of Maine, Bay of Fundy and their watersheds.



Types of Publications

(n = 404)

Council Publications Action plans, work plans, annual reports


Brochures and posters


Conference background papers


Conference reports & Workshop proceedings


Fact sheets








Council-Supported Publications Conference reports and background documents


Other reports




Reprints of Council Authored Documents Mostly “Gulf of Maine Times” articles


Publications Based on Council Work Journal articles


Papers in conference proceedings


Abstracts of conference presentations or papers


Table 1: Types of Publications of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment


Publications by Year of Publication 1989 Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1989a). Agreement on conservation of the marine environment of the Gulf of Maine between the governments of the bordering states and provinces. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1989c). The Gulf of Maine: Sustaining our common heritage. Executive summary. Augusta, ME. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1989d). Turning the Tide: a newsletter on the state/provincial Gulf of Maine Program. Maine State Planning Office. (1989). Marine environmental quality monitoring programs in the Gulf of Maine: An inventory. Augusta, ME. Van Duesen, K., & Johnson-Hayden, A.C. (1989). The Gulf of Maine: Sustaining our Common Heritage. Augusta, ME: Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment.

1990 Barchard, W. W., & Johnson Hayden, A. C. (1990). Design of the Gulf of Maine marine environmental quality monitoring program. Vancouver, BC: Polestar Communications. Camp, Dresser, & McKee, inc. (1990). Gulf of Maine monitoring program monitoring plan: interim report. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990a). Ecological monitoring plan for the Gulf of Maine: Final report, June 1990. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990b). Gulf of Maine action plan, May 1990. [Draft]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990c). Gulf of Maine satellite photo poster [poster]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990d). Our fragile gulf. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990e). Program Highlights. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990f). The Gulf of Maine action plan, first draft.


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1990g). The Gulf of Maine: Sustaining our common heritage [brochure]. Huntsman Marine Science Centre. (1990). The environmental impacts of finfish culture: Summary: Gulf of Maine working group aquaculture workshop, March 1-2, 1990. St. Andrews, NB. Maine State Planning Office & Canadian-American Center of the University of Maine. (1990). Gulf of Maine: Sustaining our common heritage: Proceedings of an international conference held in Portland, ME, December 10-12, 1989. Augusta, ME & Orono, ME.

1991 Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991a). Annual report [1990/1991]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991b). Comparative assessment of Canadian federal and provincial laws protecting the marine environment of the Gulf of Maine. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991c). Comparative assessment of state laws protecting the marine environment of the Gulf of Maine. Retrieved from http://unicorn.csc.noaa.gov/docs/czic/KF5627.Z95%5FC66%5F1991/8D4DC5.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991d). Formalizing the Gulf of Maine initiative: Institutional arrangements for implementing the Gulf of Maine initiative. Portland, ME. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991e). Funding the Gulf of Maine program: An exploration of non-government funding options, tax implications regarding charitable giving, and a review of exemplary efforts of coordinated water body protection. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991f). Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. Annual Report. Fredericton, NB. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991g). Gulf of Maine environmental quality monitoring program: an initial plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991h). Gulf of Maine project. Augusta, ME. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991i). Gulf-links: A resource guide to coastal organizations in the Gulf of Maine region. Augusta, ME.


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991j). Habitat mitigation efforts in the Gulf of Maine: Stemming the tide of environmental degradation: A report to the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991k). Our common heritage [video]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991l). The Gulf of Maine action plan 1991 - 2000. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/council/internal/documents/gomcactionplan_19912000_final_optimized.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991m). The Gulf of Maine action plan 1991-2000. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991n). The Gulf of Maine action plan executive summary. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/council/internal/documents/actionplan19912000_execsumm_optimized.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991o). The Gulf of Maine action plan: July 1991 [draft]. Retrieved from http://unicorn.csc.noaa.gov/docs/czic/GC1021.N77%5FG94%5F1991/95D34F.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991p). The Gulf of Maine: Action plan executive summary. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1991q). The Gulf of Maine: Environmental quality monitoring plan [executive summary]. Maine Department of Environmental Protection. (1991). Gulfwatch mussel pilot project of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. Augusta, ME. Underwood, P., Waterman, M., & Keeley, D. (1991). Building a regional consensus for ecosystem management. The Gulf of Maine experience. New York: American Society of Civil Engineers.

1992 Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992a). Annual report 1991/1992. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992b). Assessing U.S. and Canadian laws and programs affecting the marine and coastal environment of the Gulf of Maine. Portland, ME. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992c). Evaluation of Gulfwatch: 1991 pilot project of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. 7

Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992d). Gulf of Maine educators and communicators workshop, Portland, Maine, April 1992: Summary proceedings. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992e). Gulfwatch Project: Standard procedures for field sampling, measurement and sample preparation. Gulfwatch pilot period 1991-1992. Augusta, ME. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992f). Non-point source water pollution control in the Gulf of Maine: A report to the Gulf of Maine Council; & Nonpoint source water pollution in the Gulf of Maine: Appendix, summaries of federal and state/provincial statutes and state nonpoint management plans. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992g). The nomination of the Gulf of Maine estuary to the National Estuary Program. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992h). What is the Gulf of Maine EDIMS? [brochure]. Gulf of Maine Council Secretariat, Data and Information Management Committee. (1992). Gulf of Maine prototype information system user needs assessment and conceptual system design. Concord, NH. Maine State Planning Office & Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1992). Gulf of Maine watershed with major river basins [poster]. Augusta, ME. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/images/maps/watershedmap-hires.jpg Oceans Institute of Canada. (1992). Gulf of Maine [action plan] workshop, Sheraton Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21-22 April 1992: Final report. Halifax, NS. Portland Marine Debris Task Force. (1992). A strategy to reduce marine debris in Portland, Maine Portland, ME. Urban Harbors Institute, University of Massachusetts at Boston. (1992). Proceedings of the Gulf of Maine scientific workshop, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 8-10 January 1991. Boston, MA.

1993 Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993a). 1989-1992 Gulf of Maine program accomplishments. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993b). Abstract proceedings of the aquaculture-environment interaction workshop, February 24-25, 1993 [St. Andrews, NB].


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993c). Abstract proceedings of the shellfish habitat restoration workshop, St Andrews, New Brunswick. June 15 - 16, 1993. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993d). Annual report 1992/1993. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993e). GOMC presentation. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993f). Gulf of Maine region congressional (US) briefing, February 26, 1993. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993g). Proactive pollution prevention plan for Rockland Harbor. Report developed by the Rockland Harbor Debris Council. Boston MA. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993h). The Gulf of Maine program: Success through cooperation. Funding request. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1993i). Working together, we make a difference [brochure]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & Collaboration of Community Foundations for the Gulf of Maine Ecosystem. (1993). A survey of marine related organizations in the Gulf of Maine Region: Identifying regional priorities and sources of support for current activities. Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine. (1993). Gulf of Maine data and information systems: workshop proceedings: 3-5 November, 1993, the University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. Hanover, NH.

1994 Freshley, C., Wells, P.G., & Ricketts, P.J. (1994). Reducing marine debris in the Gulf of Maine measuring success one port at a time [poster abstract]. Dartmouth, NS: Coastal Zone Canada Association. Gulf of Maine Conference. (1994). A Living Landscape: A Field Trip to the Southern Bight of Minas Basin, August 2, 1994. Wolfville, NS. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994a). Evaluation of Gulfwatch 1992: Second year of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994b). Gulfwatch project: Standard procedures for field sampling, measurement and sample preparation: Gulfwatch implementation period 1993-2001.


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994c). Marine environmental quality in the Gulf of Maine. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994d). Participants recommendations to the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment from the sustaining our common heritage conference, August 2-4, 1994 [Wolfville, NS]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994e). Sustaining our common heritage: Gulf of Maine conference: Executive summary. August 2-4, 1994 ,Wolfville NS. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994f). The Gulf of Maine conference: Sustaining our common heritage. August 2-4, 1994, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. [conference registration brochure]. International Joint Commission. (1994). Atmospheric deposition to the Gulf of Maine: Interim Report [Workshop report, St. Andrews NB, June 21-22, 1994 and background paper]. Maine State Planning Office. (1994). The Gulf of Maine: Sustaining our common heritage: 1994 update. Augusta, ME. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (1994). Gulf of Maine point source inventory: A summary by watershed for 1991. The national coastal pollutant discharge inventory. Silver Spring, MD. Provincetown Marine Debris Task Force. (1994). Strategies to reduce marine debris in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Provincetown, MA. Sowles, J. W., & Gulf of Maine Monitoring Committee. (1994). Gulfwatch: Assessing toxic contamination in the Gulf of Maine [poster abstract]. Dartmouth, NS: Coastal Zone Canada Association. US Fish and Wildlife Service. (1994a). Wetland Trends for Selected Areas of the Casco Bay Estuary of the Gulf of Maine (1974-77 to 1984-87). US Fish and Wildlife Service. (1994b). Wetland Trends for Selected Areas of the Coast of Massachusetts, from Plum Island to Scituate (1977 to 1985-86). US Fish and Wildlife Service. (1994c). Wetland Trends for Selected Areas of the Cobscook Bay/ St. Croix River Estuary of the Gulf of Maine (1975-77 to 1983-85). US Fish and Wildlife Service. (1994d). Wetland Trends for Selected Areas of the Gulf of Maine, from York, Maine to Rowley, Massachusetts (1977 to 1985-86). Hadley, MA.


US Fish and Wildlife Service, Gulf of Maine Project & Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1994). Identification of species for priority habitats.. Falmouth, ME. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/casco/gomclist.htm http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gbay/gomclist.htm

1995 Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, US Department of State. (1995). Land based sources of pollution: An inventory of the Gulf of Maine. Washington, DC. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1995a). A sea beside the sea [brochure/poster]. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1995b). Economic prospects for the Gulf of Maine region. [S.l.]. Retrieved from http://web.archive.org/web/19980204000219/rossby.unh.edu/edims/documents/economic /economic.html Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1995c). Environmental quality monitoring program: Strategies for implementing the initial plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1995d). Gulf of Maine reference handbook. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1995e). Summary report of activities: 19911994. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & Maine State Planning Office. (1995). Our common heritage, Gulf of Maine. Vol. 1, Winter/Spring 1995. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment, Maine State Planning Office, & New Brunswick Department of the Environment. (1995). Our Common Heritage, Gulf of Maine, 30. International Joint Commission. (1995). Atmospheric deposition to the Gulf of Maine. Ottawa, ON. Jones, Stephen H. (1995). Using indicators of environmental quality: Environmental science considerations (pp. 205–210). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from http://darwin.nap.edu/books/NX001952/html/ National Academy Press. (1995). Improving interactions between coastal science and policy: Proceedings of the Gulf of Maine symposium, November 1-3, 1994, Kennebunkport, ME. Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://darwin.nap.edu/books/NX001952/html/


Osprey Press of the Chewonki Foundation. (1995a). The wild gulf almanac: Educational resources about habitats and ecosystems in the Gulf of Maine watershed. Wiscasset, ME. Osprey Press of the Chewonki Foundation. (1995b). The wild gulf: Teaching each other about the Gulf of Maine watershed: An introductory workbook and poster series. Wiscasset, ME. Waterman, M. (1995a). The Gulf of Maine action plan. London, Boston: Graham & Trotman. Waterman, M. (1995b). Marine protected areas in the Gulf of Maine. Natural Areas Journal, 15(1), 43–49.

1996 Brown, W. S., & Garrison, K. M. (1996). Integrated environmental data and information management systems for marine research and resource management in the Gulf of Maine. Proceedings of Eco-Informa '96, 11, 613–618. Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996a). Dredging Fundy’s depths: Seabed mining in the Bay of Fundy . Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/mining.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996b). Dykes, dams and dynamos: The impacts of coastal structures . Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/coastal.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996c). Expanding Fundy’s harvest: Targeting untapped treasures. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/underuti.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996d). Farming Fundy’s fishes: Aquaculture in the Bay of Fundy. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/aquacult.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996e). Fundy issues [fact sheets] Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/fundy_issues.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996f). Fundy’s watery wastes? Pollution in the Bay of Fundy. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/pollutio.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996g). Heeding the Bay’s cry: The Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Project Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/bofep %20original.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996h). Right whales, wrong places? North Atlantic right whales in the Bay of Fundy. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/right.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996i). Sandpipers and sediments: Shorebirds in the Bay of Fundy. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/sandpipe.htm 12

Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996j). The seaweed forest: Rockweed harvesting in the Bay of Fundy. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/rockweed.htm Clean Annapolis River Project. (1996k). Tides of change: Natural processes in the Bay of Fundy. Annapolis Royal, NS. Retrieved from http://www.bofep.org/natural.htm Collaboration of Community Foundations in the Gulf of Maine. (1996). Bridging the gulf: A watershed of watersheds: A US and Canadian citizen’s conference on environmental monitoring in the Gulf of Maine. Conference report, May 30 - June 1, 1996, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, Maine. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996a). Action plan: 1996 - 200. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/action_plan/action_plan.pdf; http://www.gulfofmaine.org/council/publications/action_plan1996-2001.pdf; Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996b). Annual report 1995-1996. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996c). Evaluation of Gulfwatch 1992: Second year of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996d). Evaluation of Gulfwatch 1993: Third year of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996e). Evaluation of Gulfwatch 1994: Fourth year of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gulfwatch/94report.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996f). Evaluation of Gulfwatch 1995: Fifth year of the Gulf of Maine environmental montioring plan Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gulfwatch/95report.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996g). Marine protected areas in the Gulf of Maine: A survey of marine users & other interested parties. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/mpas/survey.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1996h). Project year 1997 work plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & Fisheries and Aquaculture New Brunswick. (1996). Proceedings of the 2nd shellfish habitat restoration workshop: June 18-19, 1996, Hilton Hotel/Trade and Convention Centre, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & Maine State Planning Office. (1996a). An analysis of the implementation and distribution of the report: Land based sources of pollution: An inventory of point sources in the Gulf of Maine.


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & Maine State Planning Office. (1996b). Work in progress: Five-year report of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment, 1990-1995. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & New Brunswick Department of the Environment. (1996). Our common heritage, Gulf of Maine. Volume 2, Summer 1996. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment & US Environmental Protection Agency. (1996). Septic system record keeping file and owner’s guide [brochure]. Mucklow, L.C., Wallace, G., & Braasch, E. (1996). Effects of season and species on physiological condition and contaminant burdens in mussels (Mytilus edulis L. and Mytilus trossulus G.): Implications for the Gulfwatch program [MES thesis]. Nova Scotia Department of the Environment. (1996). Shellfish resources in the Gulf of Maine [fact sheet]. Halifax, NS. Parker River Clean Water Association. (1996). Tidal crossing handbook: A volunteer guide to assessing tidal restrictions. Byfield, MA. Retrieved from http://web.archive.org/web/20000826215256/www.parker-river.org/tides/Handbook/ US Fish and Wildlife Service Gulf of Maine Project. (1996). Important habitats in coastal New Hampshire: A pilot project for the identification and conservation of regionally significant habitats. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gbay/gbay.htm (links to report & figures); http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gbay/report1.pdf (figures not included)

1997 Center for Coastal Studies. (1997). Right whales on the brink / Right whales: Guidelines for mariners [brochure and laminated insert]. Retrieved from http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw/dfiles/file_163.pdf [brochure only] http://web.archive.org/web/19990203065717/gulfofmaine.org/library/whales/brink.htm http://web.archive.org/web/20020106063218/gulfofmaine.org/library/whales/guidelines.htm Chase, M. E., & Jones, S. H. (1997). Gulfwatch: Monitoring metal and organic contamination in Mytilus edulis throughout the Gulf of Maine [abstract]. First Five Years of Gulfwatch. Environment Canada, Atlantic Region. (1997). Bay of Fundy issues: A scientific overview. Proceedings of a workshop, Wolfville, NS., Jan. 29th to Feb. 1st, 1996.. Dartmouth, NS & Sackville, NB. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997a). 1997 Marine protected areas project: MPAs bibliography. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/mpas/biblio.htm


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997b). Annual report 1996-1997. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997c). Conservation lands in the Gulf of Maine. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997d). Environmental Requirements for Priority Species in the Gulf of Maine. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997e). Evaluation of Gulfwatch 1996: Sixth year of the Gulf of Maine environmental monitoring plan. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997f). Evaluation of legal mechanisms for establishing marine protected areas in the Gulf of Maine [draft report]. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/mpas/laws.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997g). Final report: Evaluation of the Gulfwatch monitoring program. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gulfwatch/GW-eval.pdf http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/gulfwatch/revu.htm Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997). Gulf of Maine Times. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997h). Gulfwatch environmental monitoring: Review and assessment. Preliminary report to the Gulf of Maine Council. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997i). Gulfwatch project standard procedures: Field and laboratory: Gulfwatch implementation period 1993-2001. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997j). Identification of regionally significant habitats in the Gulf of Maine: A report on the peer review of the Great Bay and Quoddy region pilot projects. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997k). Marine debris project highlights newsletter. Retrieved from http://web.archive.org/web/20000616171338/gulfofmaine.org/library/debris/newsltr.htm Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997l). Marine protected areas in the Gulf of Maine: A report on the results of a workshop, April 24-25, 1997, Freeport, Maine. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/mpas/wrkshp.pdf Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997m). Please help protect our many precious resources. Keep the Gulf of Maine free of litter [sign]. Retrieved from http://web.archive.org/web/20000616171338/gulfofmaine.org/library/debris/newsltr.htm Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997n). Project year 1998 work plan.


Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997o). Tips for successful grant applications: A guide for community groups within the Gulf of Maine watershed. Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment. (1997p). Visit the Gulf of Maine Council website, for Gulf-wide news and events at: gulfofmaine.org [postcard]. Huntsman Marine Science Centre. (1997). Habitat identification of critical species in the Quoddy region of the Gulf of Maine. Vol 1: Text, Vol 2: Maps. St Andrews, NB. Jones, S. H., & Sowles, J. (1997). Gulfwatch’s contribution to the management of the Gulf of Maine [abstract]. Vicksburg, MS: US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Jones, S. H., Chase, M., Sowles, J., Hennigar, P., Robinson, W., Crawford, R., … Pederson, J. (1997). Gulfwatch: a five year mussel monitoring program in the Gulf of Maine [abstract]. Marine Environmental Research Institute. (1997a). Coastal awareness forums. MERI issue book 1: Marine debris: How can we stop trashing our coastline? Brooklin, ME. Marine Environmental Research Institute. (1997b). Coastal awareness forums. MERI issue book 2: Clamming: Can the fishery be restored? Brooklin, ME. Marine Environmental Research Institute. (1997c). Coastal awareness forums. MERI issue book 3: Fisheries co-management: Can fishermen manage themselves? Brooklin, ME. Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management. (1997). Habitat and species restoration in the Gulf of Maine [interim report]. Boston, MA. MIT Sea Grant. (1997). Effects of fishing gear on the sea floor of New England. [Conference proceedings, Ashland, Massachusetts, May 30, 1997.] [abstracts]. Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/mit/mitw97001.pdf Mucklow, L. C. (1997). Effects of season and species on physiological condition and contaminant burdens in mussels ( Mytilus edulis L. and Mytilus trossulus G.) in the Bay of Fundy: implications for the Gulfwatch program [poster abstract]. Hanover, NH: Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine. Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine. (1997a). Mechanisms for improving the integration of science and management in decisions affecting the environmental quality of the Gulf of Maine: workshop at Migis Lodge, Sebago Lake, Maine, June 2-3, 1997. Hanover, NH. Retrieved from http://www.rargom.org/Annual_Reports/Migis_final_report.pdf


Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine. (1997b). Proceedings of the Gulf of Maine ecosystem dynamics: a scientific symposium and workshop, 16-19 September 1996, St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Hanover, NH. Salem Sound 2000. (1997). Salem sound 2000 monitor [newsletter]. Salem, MA. Sowles, J., Harding, G., Jones, S. H., Hennigar, P., & Crawford, R. (1997). Toxic contamination in Mytilus edulis at Gulf of Maine sites monitored by Gulfwatch.[poster abstract]. Hanover, NH: Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine. Woods Hole Research Consortium. (1997). Characterization and mitigation of marine debris in the Gulf of Maine. Duxbury, MA. Retrieved from http://www.gulfofmaine.org/library/debris/gomdeb.htm http://web.archive.org/web/20001011174457/ekman.sr.unh.edu/edims/documents/Debris/ debris.pdf

1998 Boston Harbor Association. (1998). Citizens guide to protecting natural resources of Boston Harbor. Boston, Massachusetts. Brody, S., & Fenton, D. (1998). Building a marine protected areas network in the Gulf of Maine: An ecosystem approach to management [abstract]. St. Andrews, NB & Dartmouth, NS: Huntsman Marine Science Centre & Environment Canada. Clean Annapolis River Project. (1998). Community ecosystems initiatives workshop: Champlain Hall, Cornwallis Park Training and Convention Centre, Clementsport, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, October 15-18, 1998. Conservation Law Foundation & Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant College Program. (1998). Effects of fishing gear on the sea floor of New England. [Conference proceedings, Ashland, Massachusetts, May 30, 1997]. Boston, MA. Retrieved from http://www.clf.org/general/index.asp?id=352 http://nsgl.gso.uri.edu/mit/mitw97003/mitw97003index.html Cornelisen, C. D., & Snow-Cotter, S. (1998a). Improving coastal habitat restoration projects through information exchange and consistent monitoring programs. Charleston, SC: NOAA Coastal Services Center. Cornelisen, C. D., & Snow-Cotter, S. (1998b). Restoration of coastal habitats and species in the Gulf of Maine: A regional perspective (pp. 317–323). Alexandria, VA: Coastal Society.


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