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venture is an online Services exchange for the logistics solutions called. 'takemyshipment.com'. PT: Tell us something a
RI District: 3140

April, 2012

Powai Tarang E-Magazine of the Rotary Club of Bombay Powai

h t n o M e n i z a g a M e h t g Celebratin For Private Circulation Only

Editor Edited by:

Nikhil S. Gurjar

Editorial team members: Latha Vanamali, Joint Editor Kalpana Jaishankar, Team Member Dipanwita Dutt, Patron

Copyrights reserved, February 2012 No part or whole of this work may be reproduced without prior permission from the editor.

Key office bearers of President: Treasurer: President Elect: Public Relations: Thrust Areas: Projects Medical: Projects Vocational: Youth:

the Rotary Club of Bombay Powai: Dipanwita Dutt Secretary: Rakesh Aggarwal Vice President: Deepak Deshpande Club Administration: Pankaj Shah Membership: Ashok Nandy TRF: Bharati Shenvi Project Non-Med: Latha Vanamali Polio Plus: R. Vanamali Club Trainer:

Ameeta Vohra Ashok Singh Naval Khanna Shree Krishna Bhave Dr. Dayasagar Kalpana Jaishankar Adarsh Sakhuja Divyesh Thakrar

For any questions, comments, suggestions or clarifications on the contents given here, please feel free to contact Mr. Nikhil S. Gurjar at 961 942 8209


Dear Friends, Its the Magazine Month and we are back with another edition of Powai Tarang. Well, this is the fifth edition of ours and we are looking forward to the next one in June. Our magazine contributions have truly come from the hearts and souls of the entire RCBP family... I would like to thank all the contributors for their overwhelming support once again. The editorial team has had its share of an action-packed year so far with a challenging task of coordinating articles, editing them and of course, publishing them. I would like to take this opportunity to compliment all the contributors for their excellent works. You all are in our hearts... and in such situations, like they say, emotions need no vehicle... They just flow across the boundaries of silence... So friends, even if some of us have personally not discussed your good work, our pride in showcasing your work speaks more than anything else. So, let us, in true spirits, keep it up! Only last month, some of my friends who saw our magazines asked me if I had taken to designing!!! Well, I told them that I was a management consultant designing strategies. As far as graphics designing went, I was never known to be one. Yet, just thought I would try my hands at the magazine layout and publishing designs. But when someone (especially a designer by profession) asks you such a question, well, its probably the best compliment one could get. And it means a lot to me for I assure you, its been no easy task for an amateur like me. Coming back, this edition actually comes in the new fiscal year... a year that is likely to see a little more of recovery in growth. So, whats new now in this edition? Well, we have tried to focus on a wide variety of topics ranging from entrepreneurship, risk management to humor on politics and the changing roles of men :-) And I would fail if I didn't congratulate Riya, my 7 year old daughter, who has been a constant source of encouragement when it comes to publishing the magazine. With interesting stories, paintings and concepts, she just keeps our creative cells alive and ticking for yet another of our editions. With that note, happy reading. Yours in Rotary Service, Nikhil Gurjar Chief Editor 1


From The Editor's Desk The Shri Ganeshaya Namah to our magazine! Another Edition from the Team, this is a unique one as we have made significant changes to stay in line with the expectations of our fellow members. The current write-up is contributed by Nikhil S. Gurjar, the current issue editor


In This Issue

2 The Menu Card as we called it... Also called the 'Table of Contents' this is an unusual way to release the 'Tang' into the Tarang!

President Speaks President Dipanwita Dutt giving us the club message for the month.


Secretary Speaks Secretary Ameeta Vohra brings in an additional perspective to the activities of RI.


Monthly Message From The RI President This section will provide us the details of the monthly message from the RI President. In this Issue, we have included the April 2012 message from Rotary International President Kalyan Banerjee.


District Governor Says A special message from the DG Dr. Vijay Jalan from his recent GML


Straight Talk

8 A Member's Interview. In this Edition, we bring you new perspectives on Entrepreneurship and a new perspective from the environmental controls industry from our member Mr. Kishore Degwekar who is known as a serial entreprenuer and is also the first Major Donor of RCBP

The Leading Edge A special regular where any member can talk about the current developments and the needs in his/her field, business or profession. In this Edition, we bring you an article on 'Risk Management Simplified' from none other than our member who is a management consultant: Adarsh Sakhuja 2



Laugh On!

15 Sgetting to the Tickle-Bones... Here is Latha Vanamali giving us a compilation of jokes and some inspirational notes on laughter therapy in her article Bindaass

Know Thy Rotarian Featuring the Profile of a Rotarian In this Edition, we bring you the profile of our newest member Sujen Shah and his wife Deepti Shah


The Kool Dude's Korner An article from our cool dude (R/Children). In this Edition we bring you a short comic-strip like story from our 7 year old Kool Dude Riya N. Gurjar as she writes on The Little Rose


The Open Page An article from any Rotarian. This time, we have a witty version of a unique transformation as Vanamali talks to us about how life has changed over the years in his article focusing on the lighter side... From Corporate to House Husband


List of Projects Planned/Completed An overview of Projects and Activities: Past, Present and Future! In this Issue, we cover the months of January to April yet again. Some of the most Fulfilling moments for our members as we showcase the important activities of RCBP


The Last Piece A one page article for the last page. And this time, we have a one-page article from our Member Vivek Govilkar as he speaks on Honesty and Politicians


The Rotarian Crystal Ball Inner Back Cover Behold the Future as it Unfolds! That's right! Well, the activities and events for the quarter by none other than our meeting co-ordinator for the Quarter Jaishankar 3


Rotary Special Special Rotary Information.... In this Edition, bring you information on how Rotary International is embracing new technologies in E-Clubs... What are They? As submitted by Club Trainer Divyesh Thakrar

PRESIDENT SPEAKS Hello Friends ! Don’t let challenges limit us …….. let’s challenge our limits !!!!!!! The road to serve is not always smooth & free …. But obstacles don't have to stop us . If we run into a wall, we shouldn’t turn around and give up. But figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. The barriers of life seem formidable, But you’ll find that when you challenge them they have no will. It’s end of the road only if one quits ……. The best thing is to find a different route to reach your destination …… which for all us Rotarians is “service to humanity”……. Wherever, whenever, whichever, whatever & however it may be. Everyone can serve / give ….. anytime & anywhere …… You don't have to have a college degree . You don’t need intelligence or brilliance …… You also don’t need money ……You only need a heart full of grace & a soul generated by love. Living For Others, is the rule of Nature . Nothing in the Nature lives for itself…………. Rivers don't drink their own water. Trees don't eat their own fruit. Flowers don't spread fragrance for themselves. Sun doesn't give heat for itself. “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” ~Mohammed Ali Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water, it will make ripples throughout the entire pond …….. So, let us all be guided in our thoughts & actions by what William Penn said ……. “I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” Keep participating in & enjoying Rotary Yours in Rotary Service , Dipanwita Dutt 4


Dear Friends,

We are in the last quarter of this year. Our big achievement in this year is that our club has attained the EREY (every Rotarian every year) status. I must congratulate each and every member of the club for their unstinted support which got the club this prestigious honor. Another feather in the cap of our club is that Rtn. Kishore Degwekar has become a major donor and the same calls for a round of applause.

It is high time that our club should initiate a project which renders substantial benefit to the downtrodden segments of rural populace. It should be an ongoing project in the foreseeable future. This will not only broaden the area of vocational services (which was the main objective of this year’s fund raiser) but also give ample opportunity to all the rotarians to participate in our projects. The collaborative effort and close coordination displayed by the rotarians have enabled the club to achieve greater heights. I am sanguine that all the Rotarians and anns will continue to make efforts in future too. YIR, Ameeta Vohra Club Secretary



April 2012 My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary, In this issue, you will read about what Rotary is doing to combat one of the most pressing humanitarian crises facing us today: hunger. It is, I think, common knowledge that when we talk about food shortages, the problems we face are nearly always local. There is more than enough food produced in our world to feed everyone in it. The problem is getting the food where it is needed, and helping people in the poorest regions achieve food security. In so many parts of the world, subsistence farming practices are the only way food can be acquired, and a few months of poor weather, or even a single storm, can mean catastrophe. It is unfortunately also the case that the parts of the world where food supplies are the most vulnerable are often those that receive the least attention when disaster does strike. But this is one of the greatest advantages of Rotary: our local presence in so many parts of the world, and our ability to see, and react to, crises when they occur. More important than this, however, is our commitment to a long-term approach to addressing the root causes of hunger. There is a great deal that all of us in Rotary can do about global hunger, but as always, we rely on the work of local Rotarians to bring help to where it is needed the most. And there is little question that when we look at the world today in terms of poverty and hunger and extreme material want, the place we need to be looking first is Africa – which is why Africa is also where we should be looking to expand. Rotary’s Reach Out to Africa initiative seeks to increase Rotary club membership in Africa, mobilize African Rotarians to address local needs, and raise awareness of African issues among Rotarians in more developed regions. It is just one way to connect the people who need help with the people who want to give it but may not know where to begin. There is no question that the obstacles to global food security are significant. But they are not insurmountable, and the Rotary model is perhaps one of the most promising paths forward for development – if we continue our work to build Rotary into an ever more effective agent of global change. Kalyan Banerjee President, Rotary International 6


March 2012 GML My fellow Rotarians, The main event during any Governor term in office always comes down to be the District Conference. Words cannot express the joy and satisfaction one gets after you have completed a successful District Conference. It was truly overwhelming to see the enthusiasm and support meted out by all those in attendance. More than 40 meetings culminated into a conference of substance, one of a different format. A format that did not allow people to just give speeches, but to have an intimate interaction with the audience. This conference heralded several changes, and for the sole reason that we truly believe change is the only thing that is constant. I wish to thank each and every one who was there to be a part of this paramount point in my tenure. It wouldn't have been possible without the support of all the members of my home club, RC of Bombay North. But really pushing this Conference to a new pinnacle was the conference team led by Chairman Vijay Lazarus. He is a man who literally spent several hours day and night to keep every member of the team charged, including me. All the anxiety, the hardwork and the sleepless nights finally bore fruit when the RI President Representatiove Ron Beaubein said in his closing remarks, "I have been an RI President Rep for over 55 District Conferences and this was by far the best." Yes friends, Force XI has proven its mettle once again. Vijay



Straight Talk An interview with Major Donor Kishore Degwekar as he speaks of emerging trends in the Environmental Controls Industry and Entrepreneurship. Here is the interview conducted by our interviewer Nikhil S. Gurjar PT: At the outset, let me congratulate you for being the first Major Donor of RCBP. I am glad this is timely and our members would definitely like to hear you speak on certain issues. But before that, tell us something about yourself. Frankly speaking, I do not think that my story is so fascinating! I am a regular guy born in the 50's and hold the middle class values inculcated in me by my parents and elders very dear to my heart. I strongly believe that society at large is responsible for giving us our success, peace and prosperity. We, therefore, hold a debt of the society which must be returned so that many more challenged ones would be benefited. Every human endeavor must result in "greater common good". The Rotary Foundation is serving this goal and therefore in my humble opinion, it must be supported. You can call me a passionate person in so far as, I commit myself 100% to whatever I take up be it business, family, Rotary or Golf!

PT: You have been called a 'serial entrepreneur' by many websites. What has kept you going over the years? As I said it is the passion that keeps me going. We as a family and indeed as a nation were very challenged when we were growing up. As a young person I decided to fight these challenges to my best ability. I think the entrepreneur community in India is committed to wealth creation and in the Indian context this is a good goal to chase. We are all warriors fighting the war against poverty. You would surely know that the SME's contribute 45% of the nation's wealth. I was involved in starting many different businesses with a wide variety of like-minded entrepreneurs. Hence the title, "serial entrepreneur''! Our latest venture is an online Services exchange for the logistics solutions called 'takemyshipment.com'


PT: Tell us something about your company. What exactly are gas detectors? How do they work? What does the industry look like? And who are the major players? I am sure you have heard of the disasters of Bhopal Gas leak in the '80's and of the Jaipur Oil Terminal more recently. Hazardous gases can cause millions of Dollars to go up in flames or can take thousands of lives if not detected and controlled in time. They can be flammable or toxic. The former will cause fires and the latter will result into medical conditions for whoever gets exposed to them. They are there everywhere in the process industries, refineries, petrochemical plants, mines, offshore platforms, power plants, sewers, landfill sites etc. Our Company is a joint venture with a British OEM who are owned by a major publicly listed British conglomerate. Several state-of-the-art technologies e.g. Non-dispersive Infra-red, Catalytic Combustion,

PT: Are gas detectors more of an environment and safety driven requirement (that is a compliance based market) or a operations driven requirement (that is a process based market)? This is a very good question! I am pleasantly surprised to hear this from somebody who is not involved in this market. This is a safety (compliance) driven application. However, the people who write the specs for our equipment are also process engineers. Fortunately for us the awareness of safety in the Indian process industry is rising very fast thanks to the presence of a bunch of overseas process licensors. PT: With Green Technologies gaining momentum and new laws as well as stringent norms coming in place, do you think there has been a surge of fresh opportunities for companies to expand into? If so, what are these new opportunities today? Yes, there is a strong movement for green planet. We have the opportunity to move into "Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems". AAQMS monitors the levels of SOx, NOx, CO and CO2 in the environment. Some of these gases are toxic and the others cause the greenhouse effect which is detrimental from the global warming perspective.

PT: From your business perspective, what do you feel are the two most significant steps the government has to take in the near future? There are already very strong laws in the country for implementation of safety in the hazardous industry. There are several governmental and semigovernmental watchdog organizations e.g. Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization, Directorate General of Mines Safety, National Safety Council etc. who enforce use of safety certified products. It is really down to the individual organizations who operate hazardous industries to have a self scripted code of safety in their plants and have a strong and effective policing to implement that code. The situation is very similar to road safety wherein we have

strong laws and effective policing is also now happening. It is unfortunate that we still find many cases of irresponsible driving behavior on our roads!

mantras for entrepreneurs? Oh my God! Is this not a much discussed subject already? To add further value to the current thought leadership on this subject is a challenge. In my humble opinion, Vision is the greatest asset that an entrepreneur brings to the table. An entrepreneur can see what others can't. He can look 5-10 years into the future. Nobody saw any great business potential in Gas Detectors when we began 24 years ago. Today, we have revenues in excess of INR 300 m. I can very clearly see this figure crossing 1 billion in under five years. The mission follows next. We all must have a strong reason to keep going. That becomes our mission. My mission is to create a significant value for our shareholders and to remain the first choice of our customers for our products.

Then come the various business strategies of marketing, sales, manufacturing and so on. There is no business which guarantees a smooth ride throughout its life cycle. We all PT: Moving on to have to face the tough times. The entrepreneurship, what do you 'never say die' attitude comes think are the right success handy during those rough rides. 9


Electrochemical sensing etc. are employed for detection of different flammable and toxic gases. This is a niche product but it has a significant market in India. The only other company who offers fully integrated fire and gas detection solutions in India is Honeywell Process Solutions.


Rotary meetings of many overseas clubs in the U.S. and the U.K. I have held all important Rotary offices of our club and have been in the District team for many years. The Objects of Rotary i.e. "to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise" has helped us in keeping our But yes, some of these are focus on service to the customers. universal 'mantras': ''High ethical standards in 1. Do not spend before you have business'' have boosted our image started earning. in the market place. 2. Do not spend a buck if it won't "The development of come back multiplied. acquaintance as an opportunity 3. Do not spend until you have covered most if not all the risks. 4. Focus on value maximization. There is a subtle difference between ''earning profits'' and ''creating value". Profit comes from revenues exceeding costs. Value comes from assets, designs, processes, technology, market share, USP, vision and strategy. A film would sell on "Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment". A hotel would sell on "Location, location, location”. A business would sail on "Valuation, valuation, valuation". PT: Tell us about your association with RI. How has RI helped you in professionally and personally over the years? I joined the Rotary movement in 1996. I was very impressed with the Objects and Motto of Rotary. I used to be a 100% attendee Rotarian in the beginning of my Rotary career. I have even visited the Rotary HQ in Evanston, Chicago and met several Rotary leaders there. Moreover, I have attended the

others. The water of the sea becomes sweet when it is received by the clouds". God willing, I would like to continue to give, ''till it hurts!"

PT: Younger readers would always look forward for guidance and advise. Anything you would like to tell our younger readers in this context. I always have two pieces of advice for all young recruits at DI. 1. Focus and 2. Follow up. I am serious about everything and so is my spouse Dr. Varsha. My advice to youngsters would be to be very serious about their studies, jobs, hobbies, social networking, community service and what have you. A clear and sharp focus on what you want from life helps a great deal. We also must follow up on whatever we begin. Any project without the proper follow-up will end up in a disaster. I am a passionate Golfer! If you lose focus even for a millisecond in Golf or do not follow through, your shot will end up in a disaster! And yes, one very important, for service" has helped widen our strong and passionate advice to all network of friends, well-wishers youngsters. "Take up Golf as and customers. soon as possible" for Golf imitates Life PT: It is indeed motivating to and vice versa!! be a Major Donor. If you could single out one factor that motivated you the most to be a Major Donor, what would that be? The one motivating factor was the 'trust and belief in the RI's agenda, policies, procedures in delivering humanitarian service around the world'. As stated before, 'giving' gives us a lasting satisfaction. But as Chanakya said, ''Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to 10

An insight into the world of Risk Management as provided by our own member Adarsh Sakhuja

Risk Management is one of the less understood processes of management decision making, though in recent times it has been acknowledged as an increasingly important one. Knowingly or unknowingly we all take risks in our professional and personal lives. I am attempting here to provide some basics which may help you to manage these risks in a structured way. Let me point out here that the process of managing risks is similar in business as it is

in personal life. The variables influencing the process and stakes in the outcome however, may be different in each situation. Further the risks may span from financial to emotional to reputational. We all set objectives; some for long term- like education and marriage of children, buying property etc. and some for short term-like going on a vacation to a particular place in the coming holidays. We want to achieve the best in these objectives in terms 11

of quality with the most efficient use of resources like cost and time. In order to do so we take certain decisions and for taking these decisions we need information. The quality of decisions taken in turn influences the achievement of the objectives. The ideal situation would be to have the complete and timely information and thereafter have a certainty about the outcome of our decisions. However in real life situations-business or personal-we never have complete information and we can never be totally sure of the outcome. (Just recall our own RCBP Projects in terms of planning, targets and the actual outcome). The inevitable gap in the required and available information and the uncertainty of the outcome can be reduced by making assumptions about the missing information and foreseeing the possible outcomes other than the targeted one through a structured approach. To be aware of and identify the uncertainty is the first step in the process of Risk Management. Uncertainty does not always mean a downside-a less than expected outcome called risk but can also eventually lead to an upside- a better than expected outcome called opportunity.( Blessing in disguise!) The next step is to make an assessment of the impact of this uncertainty or risk. This needs


Risk Management Simplified


some experience and a professional can be of help here. The impact of the risk is a combination of the likelihood of its happening and the severity it will have on our objective if it actually happens. (Remember, we are presently foreseeing an event yet to happen). For a Mumbaikar, the likelihood of a traffic jam any day is high but the severity it may have may not be very high (barring exceptional situations like taking a critically ill patient to hospital). The likelihood of a flood or a terrorist attack on the other hand, may not be high but its severity may be major or even catastrophic. The third and the most important step is how we respond to the risk or how we manage it. Our response to the risk depends on the assessed impact of the risk and the preparedness we have to deal with it. The better the preparedness the less is the net impact it has on us. In other words if we are well prepared we are in a position to take bigger risks. And that is where the upside or the opportunity side of a structured risk management comes into play. An increasing number of companies adopting structured risk management today are doing so not just because they want to reduce the downside but also to uncover and enhance their business opportunities. This is becoming inevitable in an ever increasing globally competitive environment.

Response to risks can be classified as: Avoiding: If a risk is too big for me to handle or too complicated to understand, it is best not to get exposed to it. Our being in a situation is called Exposure. For example I may not be concerned about( not directly exposed) to the exchange rate of US Dollar on day to day but if I need to buy Dollars to import something or to travel abroad, I get exposed to the dollar rate as it will affect my Rupee cost. Accepting: If a risk is too small I may accept it as it is without doing anything about it. Sharing: A risk may be big for me

alone to accept but also unavoidable not to take. In such cases I must share it with others who have either a stake in the outcome of the objective ( client,supplier…) or with someone who is better positioned to handle it (Consultant..) This is normally done through a contract condition spelling out the obligation of each stakeholder. Transferring: Such risks which are triggered from external sources and are beyond my control should be transferred to a 12

third party who buys it at a price e.g. an insurance company. Our response to a risk could be one of the above or a combination of more than one. Reducing: Risk assessment is not a onetime exercise as the likelihood and severity of the risk keeps changing due to external factors, our vulnerability or even our own changing objectives. So whatever way one responds to the risk a periodic monitoring of its impact must be done and measures taken to reduce it. Reduction can be done by minimizing the likelihood of its happening and reducing the severity if it actually happens. One important consideration in risk management is its cost. There can be a tendency- particularly after having incurred a loss- to be overcautious ( A man using both a belt and suspenders after having once lost his pants!). An objective cost-benefit analysis should be done to decide on the response. Obviously the perceived benefit should be more than the cost. Taking risks in business and life in general is mandatory; assessing and managing risks is optional. An ignorant person remains at the first level, taking blind or half assessed risks and suffering the consequence; a wise person on the other hand selects the option of intelligently managing the risks and thereby expands opportunities in life.



What are they??? Information on E-Clubs at Rotary by none other than our Club Trainer Divyesh Thakrar Rotary e-clubs are clubs that meet online. For many members, this new way of experiencing Rotary offers the benefits of a Rotary club, with added flexibility. Other than meeting online to conduct club business, Rotary e-clubs are essentially the same as any other Rotary club: club members carry out service projects, support The Rotary Foundation, and socialize and network with each other. The main difference? E-clubs are accessible 24/7. After more than an hour of debate, district representatives at the 2010 Council on Legislation voted to make e-clubs a permanent part of Rotary International. The measure, approved by a vote of 430 to 85, received loud applause. E-clubs became official in July 2010. Club members range from

young professionals to retirees. Eclubs attract members who live in different places throughout the year, have family or work commitments, travel frequently, or have limited mobility. Also, any Rotarian can make up a missed meeting by participating in an eclub online meeting. The addition of Rotary e-clubs reflects the growth of online communities and the sheer number of Rotarians -- and potential new members --who are already meeting and interacting online. Enactment 10-06 defines e-clubs as Rotary clubs that meet electronically. A separate amendment, approved by a vote of 311 to 197, allows for two eclubs per district. E-club members have the same responsibilities as other Rotarians to conduct service projects and promote The Rotary 13

Foundation. Submitted by seven Rotary e-clubs along with the RI Board of Directors, the measure makes permanent the six-year-old e-club pilot project, which is set to end on 30 June. Some of the pilot eclubs meet solely through online forums, while others combine electronic with in-person meetings. Each e-club makes that determination for itself. Noting that the average age of an e-club member is 47, supporters of the enactment noted that the clubs are an effective way to recruit younger Rotarians. “If our organization is to grow globally, we must embrace new ways to invite young members,” said Lucinda General, the representative from District 5510 (Arizona, USA). The 14 e-clubs boast 360


members in 30 countries and geographical areas, and 586 service projects. E clubs conduct meetings in Chinese, English, Finnish, Greek, Portuguese, and Spanish. Collectively, they have contributed almost US$150,000 to the Foundation. Although each eclub is based in a specific district, its membership can be drawn from anywhere in the world. Other e-clubs may choose to focus their membership on a particular region or community. Meeting formats Rotary e-clubs offer a variety of meeting formats such as webinars, videoconferencing, message boards, instant messaging, or Skype to facilitate either simultaneous or asynchronous communication. Before an e-club meeting, a club representative posts content for that week’s meeting. Club members then attend the meeting online to discuss topics and plan projects. Some Rotary e-clubs even supplement their meetings with inperson meetings. Service projects E-clubs facilitate international service by initiating projects or collaborating with other Rotary clubs around the world. At the same time, an e-club might focus on a particular geographic region with local community service projects where members participate in person.

Advantages / Benefits “This will allow Rotarians with physical disabilities or [scheduling] restraints to meet regularly and conduct service projects through the Internet,” said RI Director Antonio Hallage as he presented the proposal to the Council. Representatives from Rotary's 531 districts are convening in downtown Chicago this week to consider more than 200 proposals, some that would make changes to RI constitutional documents.

Douglas W. Vincent, of District 7080 (Ontario, Canada), said eclubs presented an opportunity too valuable not to embrace. "This is not taking anything away from Rotary; it’s adding to Rotary."

Comments / Concerns Some representatives expressed concern that e-clubs would introduce unintended side effects if they were made permanent. “As the number of e-clubs increases, “I was worried that the e-club there may be a situation in which there is division between the e-clubs and the ordinary Am Glad, clubs. I don’t think It ain't about our that this is clubs! :-) something we would want,” said Chohei Hashimoto, of District 2650 (Japan). Others noted that too many questions remained unanswered about e-clubs. "Which PETS [presidentselect training seminar] does the president of the eclub attend, assuming he or she is not physically in the district? How does the district governor do his/her official visit?" asked Chris Offer, the measure wouldn’t pass,” said representative from District 5040 Gerald Sieberhagen, of District (British Columbia, Canada). “Do 9270 (South Africa). “Anyone who we have to develop specific online had taken the time to visit an e- training for one club in the club site before this meeting district? There are probably more would have seen the huge value e- questions than answers today.” clubs offer to the organization. There’s a huge opportunity for There are 6 E Clubs in India. more e-clubs to be chartered.” 14


Bindaass :-)

Inspirational Notes from the Laughter Therapy Session and a compilation of Jokes by none other than Latha Vanamali

Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. In addition to the domino effect of joy and amusement, laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. Laughter is your birthright, a natural part of life that is innate and inborn. Infants begin smiling during the first weeks of life and laugh out loud within months of being born. Even if you did not grow up in a household where laughter was a common sound, you can learn to laugh at any stage of life.

laughter, as you might with working out, and build from there. Eventually, you’ll want to incorporate humor and laughter into the fabric of your life, finding it naturally in everything you do. So laugh bindaas!!

During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criterion was, which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized. "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub " "Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup." "No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"

Begin by setting aside special times to seek out humor and While waiting for my first appointment 15

in the reception room of a new dentist, I noticed his certificate, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered that a tall, handsome boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30 years ago. Upon seeing him, however I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was too old to have been my classmate. After he had examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended the local high school. "Yes," he replied. "When did you graduate?" I asked. He answered, "In 1964." "Why, you were in my class!" I exclaimed. He looked at me closely and then asked, "What did you teach?" At an auction in Manchester a wealthy American announced that he had lost his wallet containing £10,000 and would give a reward of £100 to the person who found it. From the back of the hall a Scottish voice shouted, "I'll give £150!"


Meet the New Shahs! Name: Sujen Chandravadan Shah Father's name: PP Rotary Chandravavadan Shah. Mothers name: Mrs Kokila Shah, Housewife. Qualification: Masters Commerce Wife: Deepti Shah

Railway Station, Mumbai 400078. Occupation: Proprietor of Merit International International trade of chemicals and pharmaceuticals dealing mainly with Asian countries. Webstie: www.meritasia.com

Hobbies: Running, Skiing, Music, Trekking, Traveling, Etc. Spouse Hobbies: Running, Cooking, Traveling And Reading.

in Office address: F 189, Dreams I am into international trade of The Mall, Bhandup West , near chemicals and pharmaceuticals 16


working with me. Deepti is also a marathoner like me and took part in Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon this year. We both love traveling and have explored Maharsahtra extensively since our marriage. We realised our 'backyard', that is Maharashtra, is as pretty a place as any in the world. My intentions of joining RC Bombay Powai is to build on my past association with Rotary and be more active adult rotarian. Lets make RCBP a vibrant club and the No 1 club in our district. Viva RCBP!


mainly doing business with China. We mainly do indenting from our My mother is active with own office in Shanghai for Hiranandani Gardens Laughter imports into India. Club. We did call laughter club members in one of our meeting My family has a long history of to show us few tricks about being association with Rotary. My happy. fatther was a rotarian from RC Mumbai Central , he also presided I also took part in Rotary Youth that club in 80’s. As a child i have Exchange Programme as a attended number of rotary teenager from India to Canada for functions. My father was into period of one year. Attended pharmaceutical manufacturing of number of Rotary Meetings in formulation. My brother Smitesh Canada. It was wonderful Shah is handling this experience and given an pharmaceutical business at opportunity would like to share present. The company name is those experiences with our rotary Calyx Chemicals. My father was club. also the PP of the Jain Centre in Hiranandani and President of the My wife Deepti is a qualified Powai Senior Citizen Association. interior designer currently


A Story by our Kool Dude, the 7 year old Riya N. Gurjar

Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Jane. She loved to play and she loved Roses. She was a good student in school. Her favorite subject was EVS (Environmental Studies)

Her teacher told her that we should grow plants for good environment. Plants reduce pollution. So, Jane decided to grow her own plant.


She sowed the shoots and watered them everyday. She took good care of them by giving them enough fertilizer. Jane knew that more fertilizer might pollute the soil.

Seeing her good work, her mother was happy with her and gave her Shaabaashi.

In a few days, Jane saw a new Rose plant growing in her garden. She was happy that she got her own Little Rose.



Jane knew they had some material to grow plants in the garage. Daddy had taught her how to plant a tree.


From Corporate to Being a House Husband! A Humorous perspective by R. Vanamali on the lighter side of the professional life of an executive who is now working out of home as a Director (Strategic Business Development) managing 12+ channel partners across India ,expanding the channel partner network ,interacting with his HO in Chennai & a senior colleague in Ahmedabad, developing business strategies to being a house-husband! And not to forget work for Rotary 24X7! Hello are you there ? Wife, Thiru Scene Background: (my official boss), insurance agent, Saturday, Time 9.30 – 10.00 am ……. ,Latha away at MOMS’ For some decades till May last KHAANA, Grandson Dhruv year, I had Secretaries who would (waking-up tantrums), working on take these calls from Latha, my a serious business strategy talking bosses (Many years from Delhi , with my boss-partner, Thiru(in then Europe …). They would be Chennai). tuned to say …RV available or not 9.30 AM: Dhruv screaming ‘Dada available depending upon what I , dada , where is my toothpaste ?? was pursuing at that point in I say ‘hold-on’ to Thiru & try time ! provide remote assistance Now ,boy ‘o’ boy , I’ve to rush to pick-up my mobile or answer the door-bell even if I’m halfwrapped in my towel, shaving foam on my cheeks or sometimes even more compromising! Here is a free-run for all your wild guesses!

(sometimes works ,sometimes doesn’t ) .So , I promise to call back & hang-up . 9.35 AM: Missing toothpaste problem solved (though my mind on business issues).Milk & TV (full volume !) time for Dhruv .

9.40 AM: Renewed conversation I used to feel that I’s a good at with Thiru ( try to avoid lengthy multi-tasking professionally, but talk & say will think overissue & on some days while working out revert by afternoon). of home I’m at the limits! 20

9.45 AM: 3 visitors at the door ……Dhobiwala , Kachda Uthanewali , Asst Society Manager for some signature (yours truly is also Jt.Sec ,Glengate Society) .I’ve to use my skills to coerce Dhruv to do a ‘Hercules ‘ with his milk (gulp down in a jiffy) & manage visitors (as per priority) & some shouting at the Dhobi ! 9.50 AM: Dhruv want’s to go for his games at the computer. Landline rings ……….Son, Abhi calling from USA ,wants to skype with Dhruv .A lot of hasty actions to get the technology in place .TV continues to ‘blast ‘ , Driver at the door to collect the Key’s , says tire puncture on 2nd car ,go to fetch money, landline rings …Is this MOMS’ DHAABA , I correct it’s MOMS’ KHAANA .Sorry , but I need some Chappati’s & some Chicken twice a day for my………err…


Status Quo?

dog ! Well , I say that’s a new one on me & possibly MOMS’ KHAANA ,but remaining courteous & cool I tell the lady quickly…please talk with Latha (at the kitchen ) & give her mob no.I try to hang the phone down fast, since I’ve a nasty feeling she may ask whether we also provide ‘dog-walking’ services ! I realize, meanwhile , Javed(my driver) has lost his patience & gone downstairs !So, I call him to give money! Dhruv ,still on skype with his Dad ,wants me to fetch his ‘Bal Vihar’ to read jokes. Go looking for it, meanwhile mobile rings, it’s our business channel partner from Lucknow (great leads & opportunities), Door bell rings .So , I walk to the Door with 3 things in my hand , my mobile pressed to my ears , my purse to give money to Javed,copy of ‘Bal Vihar’ …!

All, this, of course, at the cost of displeasing Dhruv ,who’s still yelling & my son, Abhi in his comfort zone at his California home ,wondering why Dad’s taking so much time !

I’ve gained …..my freedom from disciplined work time & rules ,which sometimes throttles ones creativity & strategic thinking ,this being my main responsibility … Director(Strategic Business Then I get 3 Rotary calls …..one Development ) . from Dipa (about Rotaract), from The fact that the year gone by has District about (District Vocational been fairly successful year for a Group strategy meet) , from start-up company & I’ve managed Mastek for Payment Due letter to play an important role gives me (end March’12) towards Seminar Fee. It’s now past 10 AM ,when I think all ruckus is over & try to renew my business conversation with our channel partners, when I get a call from HSBC bank to urgently visit the Bank for some new investments & signature.

There is a lot of background noise .I’ve yet to switch-off the TV, Skype is on ,Dhruv is screaming for his magazine & at the Door I’ve 3 visitors , Javed , the Newspaperwala for payment & a courier guy! I hang-up my mobile telling my channel partner ‘will call back ‘ & attend to visitors! Luckily , a second trip to My friends ……………working retrieve my purse to pay the out of home was ‘my choice’ & frankly despite many chaotic newspaper-wala is saved. moments I may have survived , 21

utmost satisfaction & I truly enjoy these frantic activity-filled morning at B-601, Glengate, Hiranandani, Powai, Mumbai400076


List of Projects Planned / Completed Ashok Singh being felicitated for Record Timing in the Mumbai Marathon

Dr. Sapatnekar talked on Lifestyle Diseases on 27 Feb 2012 (Joint Meeting with Lakeers)

Exchanging Flags with visitors from the RC Club in Germany in the same meeting


Mobile Science Lab Project at our School



Dr. Sadhana Ghaisas speaking on the Role of Cytogenetics in Clinical Research on 20 Feb 2012


Deepak Deshpande speaking on Mojo on 09 Jan 2012

Joint Meeting with Lakers with Kishore Degwekar speaking on Using Online Games for Mental Agility on 05 Mar 2012

Club Mushaira on 10 Mar 2012


Madhav Mhaske delivering a talk on Laughter Therapy... And the exercises thereafter! On 09 Apr 2012

The Rotaract Team Presenting their Annual Report at the RCBP Session. The official handover to the incoming Rotaract Team.



Nikhil S. Gurjar delivering two sessions as a workshop on Systems Thinking in Jan 2012 and 2 Apr 2012


Honesty and Politicians -A Satire written by our Member Vivek Govilkar Blaming all the politicians all the time has become our favorite past time. The Anna Hazare movement has re-validated our belief that all the politicians are corrupt and dishonest. It is a different matter altogether that many of us do not bother to define corruption with full

intellectual rigor. Many of us can justify the inevitability of paying small bribes in government offices. But what about the politicians? Do we really want them to be honest? Are we ready to hear the truth? Are we willing to accept honest politicians and vote for them? If I were a Prime Ministerial candidate, here is what I could deliver as an honest political campaign speech. Friends, ..... well some of you are actually anti-social and perhaps enemies

of the state. So the rest of us will have There is no rule-of- law in many parts to deal with you separately. of our country. Our borders are in Our nation is going through a very totally dangerous conditions. Our difficult phase and we are facing many military and our nuclear power are not challenges. But then there is nothing new good enough to check our enemies. If the about it. It was true in 1947 and it mighty US could not take care of Iraq will be true in 2047. In fact most of and Afghanistan, there is no way we you are actually better-off as compared could solve the Pakistan problem using to the people in military or nuclear weapons. I really do last many not know what could be done to win the centuries. Our hearts of Kashmiries and bring them government may back in the mainstream. Same thing not have done applies to the north-eastern states. anything worth mentioning. But the world community that includes some dedicated scientists and some bloodsucking corporations, has provided vaccines, antibiotics and pain-killers. This has dramatically improved our lives.

In Mumbai and Bengaluru, I do not know how to address the concerns of “sons of soil” and the migrant workers at the same time. Somehow we have to muddle through these situations.

Personally I shall try to induct only honest members in my cabinet. However, there is no way of telling who is clean before the media and CBI find out. True, there are some leaders who are already facing prosecution. But unless you give me a solid majority, it may be difficult keep them out and still make the government survive. I am not as charismatic as Raj, Jaya or Mamta. I am not as entertaining as Lalu or Diggi-raja. I am not as competent an administrator as Narendra-bhai or It is true that half our nation is Nitishkumar. I am not as scholarly as hungry. Many children do not get the Manmohan-ji or enjoy the royal basic education. The US and Euro background of Prince Rahul. economies can completely wreck our But I am sure you will vote for me and economy also. Frankly I do not have give me an overwhelming majority so any solution for this. And I do not that I could try to govern. At least I believe anybody else is also having any shall make a sincere attempt. Jai-Hind. solution. We do not even know how to predict the economic conditions. With a totally honest speech like Therefore we do not have any concrete this, I am sure you all will vote for solutions to offer. We can try out a few me. If that happens, the new era things. If luck is with us, some of them of Indian politics (where we shall may even work. If not, we have to try continue with the current state of out a few other things and the cycle will affairs) will begin. continue. 26

09/04/2012 16/04/2012 22/04/2012 30/04/2012

Speaker Special Event Sports Speaker

Laughter Yoga Mr. Madhav Maske (Games) by Jaishankar Carrom Tournament Thalassaemia Project Mr. Rajiv Sethi, RC of Bombay Seaface

07/05/2012 14/05/2012 21/05/2012 27/05/2012

Club Assembly Speaker Speaker Special Event

Special Guest Mr. Ramon Abrol Photography Marathon Striders Club Membership Development Event

04/06/2012 11/06/2012 16/06/2012 17/06/2012 23/06/2012 30/06/2012

Speaker Speaker Shukriya Function Special Event Special Event

How to write a Will & Why

Student Counseling First Session Student Counselling Second Session


The future as told to us by the Meeting Coordinator of the Quarter Jaishankar!

Magazine designed by: Nikhil S. Gurjar Cover Design by: Nikhil S. Gurjar Powai Tarang is a green initiative of the Rotary Club of Bombay, Powai. Please avoid printing. Save the environment. To know more on Rotary International, visit the website at www.rotary.org The Rotary Club of Bombay Powai meets every Monday at 7:30 pm at the Forest Club, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai.