Cellular Adaptation and Antioxidant Activities in Cross ...

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WB. Saunders Company, Tokyo, p. 557. Cellular Adaptation and Antioxidant Activities in Cross-bred Cows. During Transition Period. Pankaj Kumar Maurya1.
M. Veeraselvam et al.

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Indian Vet. J., August 2013,90 (8) : 11 - 14

Cellular Adaptation and Antioxidant Activities in Cross-bred Cows During Transition Period Pankaj Kumar Maurya 1 , Anjali Aggarwal, B.K. Chaudhari, A.K. Singh and Ovais Aaril Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Kamal - 132:'01, Haryana (Received: 09-08-2012;

Physiological changes during peripartum period associated with rapid differentiation of secretory parenchyma, intense mammary gland growth and the onset of copious milk synthesis and secretion are accompanied by a high-energy demand and an increased oxygen requirement (Gitto et al. , 2002). This increased oxygen demand augments the production of oxygenderived reactants, collectively termed reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excessive production of free radicals and concomitant damage at cellular and tissue levels are controlled by cellular antioxidant defense systems. When ROS are produced faster than they can be safely neutralized by antioxidant mechanisms, oxidative stress results (Trevisan et al. , 2001). During the transition period cows experience oxidative stress which may contribute to peripartrtrient disorder and may be associated with metabolic diseases. The present study was planned to explore the

Accepted : 07-12-2012)

effect of vitamin E and Z.LllC supplementation on cellular adaptations and antioxidant activities during peripartum period.

Materials and Methods The experiment was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee constituted as per the article number 13 of the CPCSEA-rules, laid down by the Government of India. The study was conducted at the Cattle Yard of National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana. For the present study 16 Karan Fries (KF) peripartum cows were selected and divided into two groups, 8 cows kept in Control group and other 8 cows in Treatlneqt ~roup. The cows in the control group were suppremented with no vitamins, while that of the treatment group were given 1,000 IU

'Corresponding author : Email : [email protected]

The Indian Veterinary Journal (August, 2013)


Cellular adaptation and antioxidant activities in cross-bred co vs

vitamin E and 60 ppm zinc per cow per day from 60 days prepartum to 60 days postpartum. , ;. .. . Blood samples (15 mllcow) were collected in sterile heparinised vacutainer (BD Vacutainer™, UK) tubes from jugular vein puncture, posing minimum disturbance to animal, on the days -60, -45, -30, -15, -7, 0, +7, + 15, +30, +45 and +60 with respect to expected date of calving. Day '0' represented the day of calving. For preparation of erythrocyte-lysate, erythrocytes were washed thrice with normal saline (0.9% NaCl) solution and distilled water was added to erythrocyte pellet slowly with constant stirring. Erythrocyte-lysate was quickly stored at -20°C till activities of enzymes were estimated. The erythrocyte-lysate was analyzed for antioxidant enzymes (SOD and Catalase) and plasma was analyzed for total antioxidant activity. Superoxide Dismutase was determined in erythrocytelysate of cows by "Superoxide Dismutase Assay Kit" (Catalog No.706002) and Catalase was determined in erythrocyte-lysate of cows by "Catalase Assay Kit" (Catalog No. 707002). All the above assay kits were purchased from Cayman Chemical Company, 1180 East Ellsworth Road Ann Arbour. MI 481 08, USA. Total antioxidant activity was measured by ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay of Benzie and Strain (1999).

Statistical analy is of data was carried out to find the mean=.SE. Two way ANOVA was done to find ignifican groups and days of e::o..-p~rimen action by using SY TAT 3. (2

Results and Discu


The mean±SE of plasma - ity of control cow~ -a: days before cal'ing and 0 it decreased to 1335.~2= - .5

rrea ment group ~ .31± 15. 72 vs. d Kaur (2005) ~ ... 13 ,uM/L, 30 y of parturiBrezezinska et U.Ol..c.I.'t=.;,~ in total antiaJl;ll1J3,~'nz= parturition in cows.

Table I. Mean±SE of SOD and Catalase in erythrocyte~lysate of cows during the peoa: Days around parturition

-60 -45 -30 -15 -7 0 7 15

SOD (units/min/g Hb) Control


2793.89 Aa ±138.40 3135 .25 Aabc±97.14

2710.42 Aab ±205.29

3118.81AabC±139.38 3500.06Acd ±121.77 3831 .32 Ade ± 122.99 4658. 73A9 ± 105.38 4124 .68 Aef±123.80 4303.51 Af9 ±190.58




3209 .98 Aabc±127.24 2830.99 Aab ±171.95


2445 .01 Ba±116.95 2991.65Abc±150.82

122 43

3000.62Bbc±91.77 3466.27 Bdef±90.85 3858.63 Bf±93.49 3376.70 Bcde ±371.58




3628 .59 Bef±261.91 3066.27Bbcd±119.26 2640.35 Bab ±171 .96

142.'4 1 27 . 6·'-=:::~

2539.20Ba ±201 .94

Superscript - small letters in a row and capital letters in a column differ significantly (P< .

The Indian Veterinary Journal (August, 2013)


Pankaj Kumar Maurya et al.

The mean±SE of SOD activity in erythrocyte-lysate (Table I) of control cows was 2793.89±138.40 urlits/min/g Hb, 60 days before calving and on the day of calving it increased to 4658.73±105.38 units/min/g Hb. However, in treatment group the SOD activity was 2710.42±205.29 units/min/g Hb, 60 days before calving and on the day of calving it increased to 3858.63±93.49 units/min/g Hb. In present study increase in the SOD activity of control and treatment group cows was 66.75% and 42.36%, respectively from 60 days before calving to the day of calving. This increase was more significant (P





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Fig 1. Plasma Total Antioxidant Activity (FRAP value) in control and treatment groups around parturition .

days before calving to the day of calving in control group than treatment group . Chandra and Aggarwal (loc. cit) repor ted that increase in the catalase activity of control and treatment group cows was 20.50% and 10.10%, respectively from 20 days before calving to the day of calving. After parturition it's level starte~ decreasing up to 60 day of lactation. The overall mean (±SEM) of catalase activity in erythrocyte-lysate was found significantly (P