Cemetery trail - Friends of Dean Road & Manor Road Cemetery [PDF]

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Twitter. Facebook www.scarboroughcemeteries.co.uk/projects/proj ect-blog ... 24. Robert Heritage. Skipper of the Steam. Trawler “Condor” which hit a mine near.
18. Pantland Hick, several members of this well known family are buried here. The family included a Mayor, 1883/4; and a steamship owner who died in 1900 19. Genevieve Lord MBE 1910 - 1989 , Awarded Freedom of the Borough of Scarborough, she worked with many charities. Author of Scarborough’s Floral Heritage 20. Anne Wright, died 1896 aged 91. A generous benefactress, who built a Cottage Hospital on Spring Bank. After this closed the money was used to open the Anne Wright Ward at the Scalby Road Hospital in 1936 21. David Hunter 1860 - 1927, Yorkshire Cricketer. A wicket keeper who played 517 first class games between 1888 and 1909 22.John Barry 1803 - 1866, Architect who built Albermarle Church. The top of his gravestone reflects the design of the church 23. Robert Laughton 1869 - 1924, Hotel Keeper who ran the Victoria and Pavillion Hotels in Scarborough. Father of Charles Laughton, Hollywood film star; and Tom Laughton who kept to the family business and became the keeper of The Royal Hotel 24. Robert Heritage, Skipper of the Steam Trawler “Condor” which hit a mine near Cloughton. He drowned 29th May 1915 aged 44 25. Harry Frith, killed during the Bombardment of Scarborough 16th December 1914, aged 45. His only son Private Ernest Harold Frith of 2nd Yorks. He was killed in action Poziers France 1918 aged 19 26. Joseph Raspottnic, late of Volkermarkt Austria, known as Sybil! and his wife Julia, (married in 1904). Both died soon after in 1907 and 1908 aged 36 and 32

27. Adelaide White, (stone known fondly as ‘the music stone’), born in Arras France in 1852. Married Vincent Charles White, her ‘sweetheart’ in 1909 and died in 1915 aged 63. Vincent wrote the music after her death and when played on a piano it sounds like Edwardian chamber music 28. Thomas Whittaker 1813 - 1899, A temperance advocate born in Lancashire. He worked in the mills where he witnessed the evils of drink! Opened the Temperance hotel in Scarborough, which was very unpopular with local wine and spirit merchants and nearby ale houses 29. Leonard Thompson 1834 - 1930, Cemetery Superintendent. He designed and laid out Manor Road Cemetery in 1870 when Dean Road Cemetery no longer had sufficient space 30. Thomas George Johnson, Major, (later Capt.), 13th Hussars. Died in 1908 aged 84. He took part in the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War 31. Henry Vandyke Carter MD, died Scarborough 1897 aged 65. Son of Henry Barlow Carter, famous artist. Honourable Surgeon to Queen Victoria, illustrator of Grays Anatomy. He lived at 2 Belgrave Crescent 32. James Paul Moody, 6th Officer on board the Titanic, went down with the ship on the 15th April 1912. He is commemorated on the grave of his Mother, Evelyn Louisa Lammiman Moody 33. John William Baird, Flt. Lt. RAF, killed in action 1st July 1940 aged 23 34. Frank Allen Roberts 1866 - 1939, Doctor of Medicine and Civil Surgeon attached to the 2nd Wilts. Regt. who fought in the Boer War

35. Charlotte Jollie 1861 - 1936, wife of Rev W Rowe Jollie MA “Deputy Clerk of the Closet to the King”! 36.Abraham Moore, Builder of the Avenues off Dean Road, named using his initials ABEMOR; Ashville, Beechville, Elmville, Mayville, Oakville and Roseville. His son Percy died of wounds received in action in France 1917, aged 22. 37. Francis Prince, first interment in Dean Road Cemetery in May 1857, aged 52. A Farmer and Publican at The Ship Falsgrave

Find Out More... From the Mortuary follow the Robin markers to the Secret Garden

Friends of Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery


Secret Garden Project www.scarboroughcemeteries.co.uk/ projects/the-secret-garden

Cemetery Trail and Education Pack

38. James Weadley, Killed at the Battle of the Shiloh, American Civil War 6th April 1862, aged 36. A member of Walkers 2nd Tennessee Confederate Infantry. Had been builder and landlord of the Bull and Sun in Bridlington. Left England with his family and brother in 1860

Project Blog

39. Joseph Newington Carter 1834 - 1871, artist. Son of Henry Barlow Carter who died in Torquay

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40. George Fawcett Gibson 1851 - 1955, a member of Scarborough Borough Council for 36 years, a hotel keeper with his family on North Marine Road 41. Ed Ruston Reed AB Seaman died on the Invicible at the Battle of Jutland. Killed in action 31st May 1916 aged 22. Also his brother Pte Thomas W M Reed 20th Hussars, died in hospital 21st September 1914 aged 23 42. James Westcott, Steam Trawler owner in Brixham Devon. Travelled with the fishing fleet in the 1850’s via Ramsgate, Kent to Hull to settle in Grimsby where he became a trawler owner. Buried in Scarborough near his wife and her family

Become a Member You can become a member of the Friends of Dean Road and Manor Road Cemeteries and be part of the ongoing restoration work. Send a cheque for £10 payable to the Friends of Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery to the Membership Secretary, 5 Franklin Street, Scarborough YO12 7JU


1. Dove (Family Vault), Stonemasons. Many fine examples of their work can be found in the cemetery

Dean Road and Manor Road Cemetery Trail

2. Plaxton (Family Vault), Coach builders. A local company established in 1907

le Ave

3. J. W. Carmichael 1799-1868, the first nationally known artist to paint pictures of Scarborough


Beechv ille Ave

Ave Elmville

Mayvil le Ave

Oakvil le Ave


Peasholm Glen


Glen Bridge


4. Solomon Theakston 1810-1875, had a library and book shop in St Nicholas Street in 1828. Expanded in 1844 to include a wallpaper shop, ticket office for the Spa, and a newspaper office. He printed a local guide book with pictures drawn by H.B. Carter (artist)

Dean Road

Secret Garden


41 39 40

36 27 26 23 21 24 22 28 25 20 18 19 West Circle

17 16 15 14 31


4 56 7 8




East Circle

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1 2


32 34 33

Manor Road

37 38


6. William Hugh Coverley (War Grave), a Flight Officer for the RAF, killed in air combat during the Battle of Britain September 1940. He was 23

Mortuary Chapel


1. Dove 2. Plaxton 3. Carmichael 4. Theakston 5. Swinney 6. Coverley 7. Benson 8. Beauclerk 9. Sarony 10. Sharpin 11. Fernandes

12. Normandale 13. Walker 14. Rooke 15. Owston 16. Hick 17. Rooke 18. Hick 19. Lord 20. Wright 21. Hunter 22. Barry

23. Laughton 24. Heritage 25. Firth 26. Raspottnic 27. White 28. Whittaker 29. Thompson 30. Johnson 31. Carter 32. Moody 33. Baird

5. Charles Roy Swinney, Flt. Lieut. RAF Pathfinders, flew Lancaster Bombers. On 14th Jan 1944 he was attacked by the Luftwaffe and his was one of 38 aircraft shot down that night. He was 26

34. Roberts 35. Jollie 36. Moore 37. Prince 38. Weadley 39. Carter 40. Gibson 41. Reed 42. Westcott

7. Mamie Benson (real name E Jennings) 1906 - 1995, Scarborough’s Dancing Queen. She founded Benson’s Stage Academy in 1945 and taught many children who became professional dancers. She also raised a lot of money for charity 8. Lord Charles Beauclerk, drowned on 2nd November 1861 whilst attempting to save the crew of the schooner ‘Coupland’ and the lifeboat ‘Amelia’. He was awarded a rare posthumous silver medal by the RNLI 9. Oliver Sarony 1820 - 1879, Society photographer involved with the painting of the Prince of Wales surrounded by Scarborough subjects at the Spa. He sold ‘places and faces’ for up to 100 guineas. He was awarded a silver medal by the RNLI for his part in the rescue of the crew described in No. 8 above.

10. John Fairgray Sharpin 1821 - 1895, was the first manager of the Crown Hotel and Mayor in 1853/4. He was responsible for the creation of the “Peoples Park” formally known as Ramsdale Valley which lay between the Spa and Valley Bridge, now part of Valley Gardens 11. Dudley Luis De Fernandes, 2nd Lieut Bedford Regt. Killed in action at Ypres 1914 aged 21. Mentioned in dispatches from Field Marshall Sir John French for gallant and distinguished service in the field 12. Samuel Ward Normandale, Skipper of the Steam Trawler “Strathord”. On February 23rd 1920 the Trawler was blown up by a stray German mine. The skipper along with all nine crew members were lost. He was aged 32 13. James Walker, Skipper of Steam Trawler “Jack Johnson” also hit a mine on the 4th September 1920. All 10 crew drowned 14. Dr William Foster Rooke, eldest son of Dr Charles Rooke (Druggist and Herbalist), continued his fathers business in the emporium opposite the station 15. Charley Owston, accidentally killed at Rugeley Camp (army training camp in Staffordshire) 13th November 1917 aged 18 years 16. Alex Hick RN (War Grave), Leading Seaman on HMS Iphigenia, killed on a daring raid at Zebrugge 23rd April 1918 aged 24 17. Dr Charles Rooke 1808 - 1872, Druggist and Herbalist. Fellow of the Geological Society. Had an observatory and museum in his house at Belle Vue Cottages, Falsgrave