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Augusto Ernesto Rapalini Universidad de Buenos Aire-CONICET ... Bracco, Laura León, Mercedes Prámparo, Esperanza Cerdeño, and Víctor Contreras.


José A. Salfity and Rosa A. Marquillas

SCS PUBLISHER Salta, Argentina

Cenozoic Geology of the Central Andes of Argentina / dirigido por José A. Salfity y Marquillas Rosa A. - 1a ed. - Salta : SCS Publisher, 2011. 458 p. : il. ; 27x21 cm. ISBN 978-987-26890-0-1 1. Geología. I. José A. Salfity, dir. II. Rosa A., Marquillas, dir. CDD 558

It is suggested that references to this book and their chapters are written in the following way: Salfity, J.A., and Marquillas, R.A., eds., 2011, Cenozoic geology of the Central Andes of Argentina: Salta, SCS Publisher, 458 p. Folguera, A., and Zárate, M., 2011, Neogene sedimentation in the Argentine foreland between 34°30’S and 41°S and its relation to the Andes evolution, in Salfity, J.A., and Marquillas, R.A., eds., Cenozoic geology of the Central Andes of Argentina: Salta, SCS Publisher, p. 123-134.

Language review: María Marta Michel Reception of peer reviews, edition and bibliographical reference check: Henry R. Estrada Review and correction of illustrations in digital format: Omar Enrique López Publication design, diagramming and digitalization of originals: Rosanna Caramella de Gamarra Cover artwork: ADV Group

© SCS Publisher

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To purchase this book, request information at the following address: [email protected] ISBN: 978-987-26890-0-1 Copyrighted according to Argentine Law 11.723 Printed at Artes Gráficas S.A., Salta, Argentina Printed in Argentina

The editors would like to thank the referees whose opinions and constructive criticism have improved the quality of all contributions and thus of the entire volume. They are: Ricardo Alonso Universidad Nacional de Salta-CONICET Luis Álvarez Universidad Nacional de Salta Pablo Caffe Universidad Nacional de Jujuy-CONICET Esperanza Cerdeño Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales-CONICET Alberto Cione Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CONICET Carlos Costa Universidad Nacional de San Luis-CONICET Cecilia del Papa Universidad Nacional de Salta-CONICET Luis Fauqué Universidad de Buenos Aires Igor J.C. Gavriloff Universidad Nacional de Tucumán-CONICET Klaus Heine University of Regensburg Rafael Herbst Universidad Nacional de Tucumán-CONICET Fernando Hongn Universidad Nacional de Salta-CONICET Jonas Kley Institut für Geowissenschaften, Univerität Jena Alejandro Kramarz Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales «Bernardino Rivadavia» Carlos Oscar Limarino Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET Vera Markgraf Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder Claudia Montalvo Universidad Nacional de La Pampa André Nel Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris Silvio Peralta Universidad Nacional de San Juan-CONICET Mirtha Quattrocchio Universidad Nacional del Sur-CONICET Víctor Ramos Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET Augusto Ernesto Rapalini Universidad de Buenos Aire-CONICET Marcelo A. Reguero Universidad Nacional de La Plata José Luís Silvestro Dezzi YPF, Buenos Aires Luís Spalletti Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CONICET Pablo Teta Universidad de Buenos Aires Alejandro J. Toselli Universidad Nacional de Tucumán-CONICET Daniel Udrizar Sauthier Centro Nacional Patagónico-CONICET Gonzalo Veiga Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CONICET Gustavo Vergani Repsol-YPF, Buenos Aires José Germán Viramonte Universidad Nacional de Salta-CONICET Haroldo Vizán Universidad de Buenos Aires Guiomar Vucetich Universidad Nacional de La Plata-CONICET Juvenal J. Zambrano Universidad Nacional de San Juan Roland Zech University of Bern, Institute of Geography and two referees who chose not to disclose their names.


Contributing Authors ........................................................................................................................ 13 Preface ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Paleogeographic, magmatic and paleoenvironmental scenarios at 30ºS during the Andean orogeny: Cross sections from the volcanic-arc to the orogenic front (San Juan, Argentina) ....................................... 23 María Susana Alonso, Carlos Oscar Limarino, Vanesa Dafne Litvak, Stella Maris Poma, Julieta Suriano, and Marcela Beatriz Remesal High-T metamorphism, crustal melts, and a large igneous province: The Paleozoic to Cenozoic margin of the Central Andes, N Chile and NW Argentina ......................................................................... 47 Raúl Becchio, Friedrich Lucassen, and Gerhard Franz Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Neogene deposits of Puchuzum, San Juan, Argentina .................. 65 Adriana Bracco, Laura León, Mercedes Prámparo, Esperanza Cerdeño, and Víctor Contreras Miocene-Pliocene stratigraphy of the San Luis Province, Argentina ........................................................... 75 Jorge O. Chiesa, Alberto C. Basaez, Juan J. Navío, Natalia P. Lucero, Guillermo E. Ojeda, and Edgardo N. Strasser Tectosedimentary evolution of the La Troya and Vinchina depocenters (northern Bermejo Basin, Tertiary), La Rioja, Argentina ....................................................................................................................... 91 Patricia Lucía Ciccioli, Carlos Oscar Limarino, Sergio Alfredo Marenssi, Ana María Tedesco, and Alfonsina Tripaldi Calibration of the Chasicoan-Huayquerian stages boundary (Neogene), San Juan, western Argentina ....................................................................................................................................... 111 Víctor Hugo Contreras and Juan Alberto Baraldo Neogene sedimentation in the Argentine foreland between 34°30’S and 41°S and its relation to the Andes evolution .................................................................................................................................... 123 Alicia Folguera and Marcelo Zárate Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Aisol Formation (Neogene), San Rafael, Mendoza ......................... 135 Analía M. Forasiepi, Agustín G. Martinelli, Marcelo S. de la Fuente, Sergio Dieguez, and Mariano Bond Structural setting and diachronism in the Central Andean Eocene to Miocene volcanotectonic basins ............................................................................................................................................ 155 Estanislao Godoy Cenozoic Geology of the Central Andes of Argentina / 9


Geology and metal ore deposits in the Argentine Puna ............................................................................. 169 Sergio A. Gorustovich, César R. Monaldi, and José A. Salfity Fragmented Paleogene foreland basin in the Valles Calchaquíes, NW of Argentina ................................. 189 Fernando Hongn, Cecilia del Papa, Jaime Powell, Patricio Payrola, Ivan Petrinovic, and Ricardo Mon New Miocene mammal assemblages from Neogene Manantiales basin, Cordillera Frontal, San Juan, Argentina .................................................................................................................................... 211 Guillermo Marcos López, María Guiomar Vucetich, Alfredo Armando Carlini, Mariano Bond, María Encarnación Pérez, Martín Ricardo Ciancio, Daniel José Pérez, Michelle Arnal, and Adriana Itatí Olivares U-Pb zircon age of the Yacoraite Formation and its significance to the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Salta basin, Argentina ...................................................................................................... 227 Rosa A. Marquillas, José A. Salfity, Stephen J. Matthews, Massimo Matteini, and Elton Dantas Quaternary environmental and climate changes in the Central Andes ..................................................... 247 Jan-Hendrik May, Roland Zech, Andreas Schellenberger, Christoph Kull, and Heinz Veit Clustering of Pleistocene rock avalanches in the Central Andes (Mendoza, Argentina) ........................... 265 Stella M. Moreiras Palynostratigraphy and paleoclimatic inferences of the Balbuena and Santa Bárbara Subgroups (Salta Group Basin, Cretaceous-Paleogene): correlation with Patagonian basins ...................................... 283 Paula Liliana Narváez and Wolfgang Volkheimer Fossil sigmodontine rodents of northwestern Argentina: Taxonomy and paleoenvironmental meaning ..................................................................................................................... 301 Pablo E. Ortiz, J. Pablo Jayat, and Ulyses F. J. Pardiñas Quaternary tectonic activity in the piedmont of Cordillera Frontal (33°S-34°S), Mendoza .................... 317 Laura Perucca, Marcelo A. Zárate, and Adriana E. Mehl Quaternary active transpression in the north of Western Precordillera (San Juan and La Rioja, Argentina) ................................................................................................................................... 329 Laura Perucca and Hugo Bastías Paleogene insects from Maíz Gordo Formation, northwest Argentina: Taphonomy, diversity and paleobiogeography ............................................................................................................................... 337 Julián Fernando Petrulevičius Eocene vertebrates of northwestern Argentina: annotated list ................................................................... 349 Jaime E. Powell, M. Judith Babot, Daniel A. García López, M. Virginia Deraco, and Claudia Herrera 10 / Cenozoic Geology of the Central Andes of Argentina


The southern Central Andes paleomagnetic data base revisited ................................................................ 371 Claudia B. Prezzi Altiplano-Puna elevation budget ................................................................................................................ 383 Claudia B. Prezzi, Hans-Jürgen Götze, and Sabine Schmidt The Central Andes lithospheric structure from 3d gravity modeling ....................................................... 395 Claudia B. Prezzi, Hans-Jürgen Götze, and Sabine Schmidt Late Cenozoic mammals from the northwest of Argentina ........................................................................ 411 Marcelo A. Reguero and Adriana M. Candela Late Cenozoic geology and geomorphology of the Loma de Las Tapias area, San Juan, west central Argentina ................................................................................................................................ 427 Graciela M. Suvires and Víctor Hugo Contreras Mass wasting as a geologic hazard in the Province of Salta, Argentina ...................................................... 437 William J. Wayne

Formations index .............................................................................................................................. 455

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