... students curious about the continued presence of a course should contact the professor. Questions? Please contact th
Web Help Desk. The IT Help Desk is the best tool for all tech-related questions, problems, or reports: http://www.wpunj.
information about passwords, including troubleshooting a password change. 3. Finding Courses. After logging in you'll se
Mar 7, 2016 - ... support tickets for the Blackboard learning management system. ... Tickets are routed to the team best
Documentation for the students using Blackboard can be found in the IT Wiki: http://www.wpunj.edu/itwiki/. In the Bb/Stu
2. On the ensuing interface unclick the boxes associated with the courses you need to hide [2], then click Submit [3]. Q
2. On the ensuing interface unclick the boxes associated with the courses you need to hide [2], then click Submit [3]. Q
In the example below I've unselected, thereby hiding, the second course. Click on Submit before you leave this page. For
The best browser to use with Blackboard is Google Chrome. This link is good for both ... blocking software or toolbars.
Mar 7, 2016 - Manage a Blackboard Help Desk Request - Faculty ... opening and managing support tickets for the Blackboar
The best browser to use with Blackboard is Google Chrome. This link is good ... Yahoo, Google, MSN, Optimum Online, et a
Where are my Blackboard (Bb) course shells? Students do not have to do anything to add sections to their Bb sites. Stude
learn by integrating education technology into their classrooms using grants from the american recovery and reinvestment
are steadily augmenting the manner in which faculty can deliver course content. These advances will .... Familiarity wit
Center for Extended Education. Table of ..... rights to download software, update computer settings, etc. Commitment to
Tips for Success. II. Making Internet Connections ... Getting Results | Module 5 | Sec 1: Introduction and Intended Outcome www.league.org/gettingresults/. 1.
Suppose we want to find the roots of a certain function f . The idea of the ... x is the point of intersection of this tangent line with the x axis then 1 x is given by ... 1. 0 = x as a starting approximation of the root. Solution: The equation of t
[email protected] ...... Tuxpaint drawing program. Voicethread creates online slide show with text or voice ...... drawing program for ages 3-12 www.tuxpaint.org/.
and engineering courses have supplementary web- ... Writing a wiki-article as a learning activity or creating a .... content of the wiki site they are creating as their.
Help students understand when they should expect to see Blackboard (Bb) course shells, ... Bb support cannot activate co
Center for Teaching with Technology CTT Learning Space – Cheng Library 120K Office Library 120e – Phone 973-720-2659
Where are my Blackboard courses? Learning Objective: Help students understand when they should expect to see Blackboard (Bb) course shells, why they might not see all their current courses listed, why they see courses from previous semesters, and whom to address about a “missing” course. 1. How and when are students added to course shells? A database of currently enrolled students manages course population by adding students who have just enrolled and removing students who have dropped. 2. When is the database active? The database runs every three hours beginning two days prior to the start of a semester and students should not expect to see courses listed before that time. Students newly enrolled in a course should expect at least a three hour lag before the see the new course listed on their Blackboard site. 3. Why don’t I see all of my courses? Course shells become visible to students after they are activated by the instructor teaching the course. Over 75% of courses are activated at some point during the semester, but the timing is up to the instructor. Students taking section -80 classes should see their courses in Blackboard by the first day of the semester. Students taking traditional classes can ask their instructors if they plan on using Bb during the semester. Bb support cannot activate courses on behalf of the instructor, so students curious about the whereabouts of a course should contact the professor. 4. Why am I seeing courses from last semester . . . or three years ago?! Faculty are responsible for activating and deactivating their Bb course shells. Some keep shells open for students working on an incomplete or as a favor to students preparing for a professional exam. Bb support cannot de-activate courses on behalf of the instructor, so students curious about the continued presence of a course should contact the professor. Questions? Please contact the Help Desk: www.wpunj.edu/helpdesk