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Karachi Halwa House on a total cost of Rs. 5,52,860/- for distribution to the Sanitation Staff of Health. Department on
CENTRAL INFORMATION COMMISSION August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 F.No.CIC/YA/A/2014/001712 Date of Hearing Date of Decision

: :

18.02.2015 25.02.2015



Shri Subhash Chandra Agrawal Delhi



Shri Sachin Jain, PIO/Dy. Dir. Dr. Ramesh Kumar, PIO(H)/CMO Dr. P.K. Sharma, FAA Health Dept. New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) New Delhi

Information Commissioner


Shri Yashovardhan Azad

: : : : :

09.04.2014 13.05.2014 24.05.2014 10.07.2014 27.07.2014

Relevant facts emerging from appeal: RTI application filed on PIO replied on First Appeal filed on First Appellate Authority (FAA) order on Second Appeal received on Information sought: The appellant sought information regarding distribution of sweets/gifts on several festivals/occasions by NDMC and relevant rules/norms in that regard. Relevant facts emerging during hearing: Both parties are present. The appellant filed an RTI application on 09.04.2014, seeking the above information. PIO(Health) provided point-wise information. FAA/Medical Officer of Health in his order gave detailed explanation to the appellant. The appellant stated that the respondent in point no. 5 of the RTI application has sought further fee, whereas the reply was sent after the stipulated time period of 30 days. Thus, the relevant record should be provided to him free of cost. The respondent present agreed for the same. The appellant further stated that in point no. 2, he had sought specific rules/norms but the respondent has given vague reply. The respondent stated that since they do not have any specific rules/norms in this regard, they cannot provide the information sought. The appellant stated that if there is no such rule/regulation then the same should have been categorically stated.

On query by the Commission as to on what festivals are the sweets distributed, the respondent stated that earlier it was only on Diwali, but now sweets are distributed also on the festival of Holi. Decision: After hearing both the parties and on perusal of record, the Commission directs the respondent to provide information on point 5 to the appellant, free of cost. Further, the CPIO is directed to provide a copy of rule/regulation as sought on Point 2 of the RTI application, if the same is available on record; in case it is not available, then the CPIO is directed to categorically state the same. The information shall be provided to the appellant within two weeks of receipt of this order, under intimation to the Commission. Further, the Commission recommends that the sweets distribution should be done on National Festivals, in order to promote the cultural diversity of the Nation. A copy of this order may be marked to Commissioners, North DMC, South DMC and East DMC for necessary action. The appeal is disposed of accordingly. (Yashovardhan Azad) Information Commissioner Authenticated true copy. Additional copies of orders shall be supplied against application and payment of the charges prescribed under the Act to the CPIO of this Commission. (B.D. Harit) Deputy Secretary & Deputy Registrar

Shri Jalaj Shrivastava ji Honourable Chairman New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg New Delhi-ll0l02

Dear Sir

I am in receipt of your letter DO No F/D/1769/MOH/383/CP dated 27.05.2014 in

reference to published news-item on response to my RTI petition on sweets distributed to NDMC employees on Holi-2014 incurring an exp nse of about rupees 92 lakhs, a new tradition started this year at a time when Uni n government and other public-authorities are supposed to take austerity-measure. I thank you for being so sensitive to the new-items concerning the public-authori , you chair.

Sharing festive-gesture with employees that too in centenary-year l elebrations of NDMC is indeed a welcome gesture. But at the same time, it ShOr d be kept in mind that such steps burden budgets of public-authorities where most citizens in NDMC area earn much Jess than what NDMC employees earn.


herefore new

traditions costing public-authorities sho~ld be avoided. Discontinuin, such practice later to save funds may develop undesIred protests by NDMC emp oyees. Rather demands for such distribution of sweets on other festivals cannot be ruled out which may definitely cause problems for NDMC.

T have also raised other points in my RTI petition which may de r



related points like also if all the 22000 NDMC employees got Holi- weets or not, and mode of distribution of Holi-sweets etc. etc. Appeal-order in Ihis respect is likely to clear these points.

It is my view that filing of my RTI petition on the subject may . e used as an opportunity to discontinue such practice of distributing sweet


employees only on some selected festivals well in advance of c 1 ming Diwali festival. Otherwise problems like mentioned above are likely to be there for NDMC in future . Decision is yours!



Record Holder & RT! AClil'ist)

1775 Kucha Lattushah Dariba, Chandni Chowk DELHI 110006 (India) Mobile .




su [email protected]

Web www. subhashmadhu.com



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