Cerebral Carbohydrate Metabolism during Severe ... - SAGE Journals
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Fifteen freedivers and seventeen non-diver controls ... non-divers, and could sustain normal CDO2. ... production constitute a rescue mechanism when hyp-.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University, New York, New York, and *Department of. Obstetrics and .... methods (YSI 23A Glucose Analyzer, Yellow Springs In ..... the technical assistance of Ms. Sharon Knopp and Ms.
vertebrate appendage regeneration: What is its role? How is it regulated? A postulation that regenerating vertebrate appendages facilitate glycolytic.
Sep 12, 2012 - 27 Kaloostian P, Robertson C, Gopinath SP, Stippler M, King CC, Qualls C et al. Outcome .... 49 Hoffman WE, Miletich DJ, Albrecht RF.
Ginsberg MD, Graham DI, Welsh FA, Budd WW (1979) Diffuse cerebral ischemia in the cat: III. .... Loveday BE, Russell NJ (1989) Dextromethorphan attenu.
... Animal Care and. Use Committee of the University of Pittsburgh School of ... potension (50 mm Hg) and a high-pressure neck tourni ..... Newberg et aI., 1984).
hydrate metabolism compared with control subjects (7.6. 1.1% in the IGT group and 4.1. 0.9% in the GDM group vs. 10.9. 1.1% in control subjects, P. 0.04 and P.
Jan 19, 2006 - Carbohydrate metabolism during prolonged exercise and recovery: ...... Summary of net nitrogen balance is presented, whereby mean flux data.
closely related to carbohydrate metabolism, especially to starch and sucrose ..... Table 2 Summary of alignment of L. davidii var. unicolor RNA-seq libraries.
Abnormal carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy, such as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and gesta- tional diabetes (GDM), is a relatively fre-.
Can systems biology improve our understand- ..... contains one binding site for G-
3-P and another for NAD , an oxidizing ogent. ..... Visit the companion website.
ken, Japan 755. Address ... its centre on a line drawn between the external au ditory meatuses and 1.5 cm ..... The authors wish to thank Mr. David Myers for.
brain (Kety, 1957). Owen et ai. (1967) ... mans exposed to 3 weeks of starvation have con firmed the reduction in glucose metabolism by. Received March 16, 1993; final revision received May 24,. 1993 ... ing period of at least 1 hr, blood samples wer
M. J. Souter. M. V. Merrick. I. R. Piper. Cerebral blood flow and metabolism in severe brain injury: the role of pressure autoregulation during cerebral perfusion.
Cerebral Carbohydrate Metabolism during Severe ... - SAGE Journals
reduced to 10 ± 1 by occlusion of the Grachio-cephalic artery. Cerebral blood flow was measured with micro spheres, and arterial and sagittal vein blood ...
Cerebral Carbohydrate Metabolism during Severe Ischemia in Fetal Sheep
Conrad R. Chao, A. Roger Hohimer, and John M. Bissonnette Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Summary: The effect of cephalic hypotension on brain metabolism was studied in 10 unanesthetized, normoxic (PaOZ >17 mm Hg), late-gestation fetal lambs. Perfusion pressure (cephalic arterial minus sagittal venous pres sure) was 40 ± 1 mm Hg (SEM) during control and was reduced to 10 ± 1 by occlusion of the Grachio-cephalic artery. Cerebral blood flow was measured with micro spheres, and arterial and sagittal vein blood samples were analyzed for oxygen content, glucose, and lactate. During the occlusion, oxygen consumption decreased from 125 ± 8 to 95 ± 4 (p < 0.05) (all values !-LmollOO g-I min-I), and glucose uptake increased from 20 ± 3 to 25 ± I (p