CERTIFICATE COURSE ON - University & Industry Alliance

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Dec 13, 2012 ... University & Industry Alliance. Room # 302, IBA. University of Dhaka, Dhaka- 1000. Phone: 8653400. Cell: 0171 4002424, 0168 6641995.


nnovations are important for both countries and organizations, driving economic growth and helping firms to remain competitive. Consequently, safeguarding the innovative capacity of manufacturing and service industries is of the utmost importance for nation builders and managers alike. Innovations are new product forms resulting from latest technology, new product attributes, or unique combinations of resources. Innovations that provide higher levels of value compared to existing products are those that are most likely to successfully penetrate the market and build customer franchise. Apart from incremental innovations, radical innovations often require more behavioral change from customers/users.


Business innovation is the ultimate source of any country’s long-term economic competitiveness and quality of life. In today’s turbulent business environment innovation often involves external acquisition of technology and/or close collaboration with customers, suppliers and competitors. The course focuses on the issues of how to analyze, design and manage new product processes in innovationdriven firms. Because The program also pays attention to other forms of new business development, including entrepreneurship and new venturing, i.e. how established firms spin off promising business initiatives.

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University & Industry Alliance Room # 302, IBA University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000

For registration & other information please contact:

Phone: 8653400 Cell: 0171 4002424, 0168 6641995 Fax: 880-2-8615583 E-mail: [email protected]


Web: www.uni-alliance.edu.bd

U&I Alliance is a not-for-profit center of the University of Dhaka, engaged in delivering high quality management and educational consulting services to business and industry. Adding on to its own resource base, the centre is mandated to provide support to business and industry, in partnership with other public and private sector providers in this field. These include various specialized centres of the university encompassing a wide range of disciplines and partner institutions within and outside the country.






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U&I Alliance


10 Learning Objectives Upon completion of the

Certification All participants

Certificate in Innovation, working professionals will be able to lead their organizations and teams to creating growth through innovation. Specifically, they will acquire the skills of innovating, linking innovation to corporate strategy, and realizing new growth opportunities.

successfully completing the course will be awarded a certificate issued by University & Industry Alliance, University of Dhaka.

This comprehensive certificate program offers the opportunity to: • Learn fundamentals of Innovation Management (Core concepts, understandings and tools) • Learn about the latest developments (Recent advances and future trends) and • Learn about industry Applications of Innovation (Linking theory and real-world)

Registration & Fees

For registration please complete the attached form and send it to the following address along with a pay-order, bank draft or crossed cheque of Tk. 12,500/(Taka twelve thousand five hundred) only drawn in favour of ‘University & Industry Alliance’. The fees are inclusive of teaching materials, lunch & refreshments and certification costs.

2 Who is it For The course is designed for mid to

senior level managers and executives from Banks & Non Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI), manufacturing & marketing oriented firms like pharmaceuticals, FMCGs, power, telecommunications, textiles, non-government development agencies and others.

Registration is on a first-come first-served basis.

8 Course Coordinator Javed Mahmud

MBA (Victoria University, Australia), MBA (IBA, DU), MSc (Applied Physics & Elec., DU)


Director - Partnership Development University & Industry Alliance, University of Dhaka

7 Venue & Time The classes

Core Faculty Dr. Judith Hollows

will be held at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka on Thursday 13th December and Friday 14th December from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm with breaks for Lunch and Prayers.


is the Director and Professor of Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies (MACFAST), Kerala, India. She has 25 years teaching experience; her fields of expertise include Innovation Strategies, New Product Development, Design Management and International Business & Comparative Management. She has published 12 chapters in books and has many refereed journal articles. Dr. Hollows has a PhD and MPhil from the University of Hong Kong. She did her BA (Hons.) in Social Administration from Nottingham University, UK.

Mode of Delivery An interactive


Dr. Hollows has acted as consultant for the Hong Kong SAR Government, Asian Productivity Organization – Tokyo and Research Grants Council - Hong Kong. She has also worked as President, Executive Director and Manager at Mercedes Benz UK and in two west end of London hotels.

Key Contents • • • • • • •


learning approach will be applied in the course to ensure active participation. The theories and applications will be discussed in details and the candidate will be challenged to think, derive and process the concepts. The methods to be used include lecture sessions, group dialogs, workshops and case studies.


Innovation as a Core Business Process What are the Innovation Capabilities in Bangladesh? Global Innovation Index Innovation Paths for Developing Economics Can Bangladesh be a Lead Economy? Development of the Bangladeshi Middle Class as a Driver of Innovation Building the Innovative Organization Developing an Innovation Strategy

Other Key Resources Professor G M Chowdhury has been a faculty at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka since 1985. He is currently the Director of the Institute. Professor Chowdhury has an MBA from the Aston Business School, Aston University, and holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Chemistry from University of North London. He also has a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies (DMS) from Kingston Business School, Kingston University and a Diploma in Marketing from The Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK to his credentials.

He has a wide range of experience in teaching and consulting at home and abroad in the fields of Marketing, Organizational Development and Strategic Management. Besides IBA, he served as the Director, MBA Program for the Dhaka Campus of Victoria University of Melbourne, Australia. He has worked as consultant for a broad spectrum of organizations including UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, World Bank, Swedish Development Corporation (SDC), Katalyst, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism.

Prof. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury is the Vice-chancellor of the State University of


Bangladesh (SUB) and a former Director of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka. He has a Ph.D. in Management Science from the Imperial College of London University. He was a commonwealth scholar to the UK. Prof Chowdhury teaches Strategy and Operations Management. He has held teaching positions in the UK and Kuwait before joining IBA as Associate Professor in 1984. His publications have appeared in leading journals in the UK, the USA and the Fareast, in some of which he also served as member of the editorial team. Prof. Chowdhury was the chairperson of the editorial board of the Journal of Business Administration published from Dhaka and is a regular writer in professional and popular journals. Prof. Chowdhury’s consulting experience includes work for UNCHS, UNDP, USAID, World Bank and WHO. He has served as members of Dhaka University Senate and the SEC, Govt. of Bangladesh.