RII40715. Certificate IV in Civil. Construction Supervision. Secure Your Employment as a Civil Leading Hand or Superviso
Secure Your Employment as a Civil Leading Hand or Supervisor RII40715
Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision Contact Us Today Global Training Institu te 1800 998 500 admin@globalt rainin g.ed u.au +61 754573334 w w w.globalt rainin g.ed u.au
R T O N o. 31192
RII40715 Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision Supervisors, Foreman, Gangers and Leading Hands - develop your Supervisory career in your field of civil construction, civil infrastructure, civil works or civil engineering.
Most major Civil Companies now expect their supervisors to hold this qualification. So, gain your Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision online and develop Your Career with your current company or know that you will now have a better chance of picking up a new job as a supervisor with another firm. Use this to: • gain new skills • gain recognition for the skills you already have • help towards a promotion or better job • fast track further studies…
Just like our hundreds of past students, you too can graduate with your Certificate IV in Civil Construction and make your family proud.
Frequently Asked Questions Who is Global Training Institute?
When you complete your qualifications with Global Training Institute, you’ll be training with Australia’s Leading Online Training Company.
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO No 31192) we have been delivering Diploma level qualifications for over 10 years to thousands of students throughout Australia and overseas.
Organisations like the Australian Federal Police, Liverpool City Council and Fulton Hogan choose to train their people with Global Training Institute.
With VET FEE-HELP and our 100% Risk Free Guarantee, choosing to complete your Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision with Global Training Institute will be a safe decision for you.
Who Is the Certificate IV in civil Construction Supervision Course Recommended For? Civil supervisors who don’t have formal civil supervision qualifications: • Leading Hand/Team Leaders • Supervisors • Foreman What Are The Entry Requirements For This Course?
Entry Requirements for this qualification include all of the following: •
Currently employed in Civil Construction as a leading hand or supervisor, or able to undertake these roles on a training basis e.g. (run pre-start meetings, complete safety forms…) • Have access to a workplace where you can do practical workplace projects e.g. Run meetings, make improvements • Age 21 Years or over • Certificate IV Entry - Year 10 pass or Cert III or 2 Years relevant Industry Experience or Proof of skills - provide a current resume or 2 Referees to testify to your ability to complete the course • Fluent in written and spoken English – formulate correct paragraphs • Motivation and a strong reason to complete and gain your qualification + As part of the enrolment process, you will be contacted to discuss your enrolment. For other entry pathways, please contact Global Training Institute How Can This Training Be Completed? • • •
Online- includes unlimited Training and Assessing sessions – via phone or skype (daytime or nighttime). Distance - we can post you the information. Pop-up Campus – we may be able to meet with you in a library or coffee shop... Spend a day or 2 with your Trainer face-to-face to work through as many units that you have experience for. Company In-house Training. Contact us to discuss a program designed just for your Company. Workshops are available and where possible, assessments will be conducted during the workshops with only practical activities to be completed between sessions – no exams, no essays. Minimum numbers apply.
What Is Included In My Course? Everything you need is included. All you need is internet access for uploading your assessments and checking your results. Your course includes:
“The support team at GTI were very approachable and great at communication. This training program was very diverse, well rounded and helped me to better understand what is expected in my role. The practical assessments were helpful in developing work skills as I experienced on the job training. Overall, the course was done well, easy to understand and well set out. I would recommend this course to civil superintendents.” Kieren Walters (Cert IV in Civil + Cert IV in FML) “Completing this course has impacted me greatly. I surprised myself by pushing on through the course, when before, I would have just given up. I now find processes to undertake a task easier to understand. The support systems were great. I received a one on one trainer which was really helpful. I would definitely recommend this course to Civil Supervisors, Foreman and Leading Hands that want to move up the ladder. It is easy to enrol, you can work at your own pace and the support along the way really helps.” Ross Whyte (Cert IV Civil + Cert IV FLM)
“The help provided by the Global Support Team was really great, helpful and appreciated. The whole course helped me be more aware of what is involved and the skills needed in my present work position as a Supervisor. I would recommend this training to anyone as it helps formalize your current position within the industry.” David Thom
Is My Qualification going to be Recognised by Employers? Yes. Your qualification is Nationally Recognised throughout Australia and is regarded highly by employers. How Many Subjects Do I Need To Complete? 12 subjects must be completed to gain this qualification.
What Subjects Are Included In This Qualification? The following subjects or units of competency are generally included; some of these may be very familiar to you: • Supervise Civil Works RIICWM401D • Supervise Civil Works Contractors RIICWM402D • Prepare Civil Works Bill of Quantities RIICWM504D • Implement Operational Plan BSBMGT402 • Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs to meet Legislative requirements BSBWHS401 • Apply Site Risk Management System RIIRIS401D • Implement Continuous Improvement BSBMGT403 • Promote Team Effectiveness BSBWOR402 • Develop Work Priorities BSBWOR404 • Administer Contracts LGACOM401A • Implement Workplace Information System BSBINM401 • Show Leadership in the Workplace BSBMGT401
How Long Does It Take To Complete? 8 weeks – 12 months depending upon your previous experience and how much time you can allocate to completing your qualification. All the resources and assessments are available to you 24/7, so you can get in and complete as fast as you want. How Much Time Do I Need To Spend Each Week?
5 - 6 hours per week on average should enable you to complete 1 subject each month. Some subjects take less time, others take more. How Do I Complete My Qualification?
How Do I Enrol? To enrol and get started this week, simply head back to our website by clicking here. Click on the ‘Enrol Now’ button and follow the Easy Steps.
If you would like us to organise a program just for your company, then just give us a call. We run workshop programs for many civil companies.
Benefits For You Here’s 7 reasons to complete your Certificate IV in Civil Construction with Global Training Institute… • •
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Accredited – Gain a formal, nationally recognised qualification Fast and Simple – Get started straight away. No minimum completion time unlike other RTO’s who say you must take 2 years – if you want to finish it in 6 weeks, or 3 months you can. Internet access is all you need. Easy for international or remote location study – everything available online or via a USB and folder posted to you Achievable – Assessment is project based. No exams. No essays. Well supported. Practical – implement your new skills and strategies straight into your workplace, assessments often relate to your work Affordable & Risk Free – A fraction of some course costs. VET FEE-HELP loan (no upfront fees) or payment plans available. Trial your qualification and if you aren’t happy, you aren’t locked in! Actionable – Practical skills and strategies that can be implemented straight into the workplace. No workbook completion required; No exams; No essays. Convenient – No airlines. No travel. Study online, anywhere, anytime, day or night when it suits you. Comes with solid support from Trainers and Staff.
Your Future Studies & Career Path
Completing your Certificate IV in Civil Construction qualification with us at Global Training Institute opens many career and study path options for you including: Advancing Your Career…
Your New Skills and Recognition “I am definitely going to use the time management, project management and budgeting skills that I have picked up from this course in my work. I have also learnt a lot of up-to-date management strategies and knowledge. It opens your mind up to change and betters your skills in dealing with situations.” Michael Brough – Supervisor, Campbelltown City Council “The unit Manage Budgets & Financial plans gave me additional knowledge and skills in this area. This will attribute to successfully completing a learning goal identified in my last performance appraisal.” Amanda Souvlis
Your Promotion “Hi Anne, just letting you know I was successful with my application for the Works Overseer Position that was advertised at Burdekin Shire Council. I am starting the new job next Monday. I am sure it was the Diploma’s that got me across the line, thanks to Shane and yourself. Kind Regards Robert Potter” Diploma of Civil Construction Management + Diploma of Local Government (Operational Works)
Better Job For You
“Hi Anne, Hope this is alright to get your training out to my company. I mean it sincerely, that without your help and support to complete my two qualifications, I would not have landed my dream job. Thanks” Scott. From: Scott Campbell Diploma of Civil Construction Management + Diploma of Project Management “Completing my course has helped me secure work in the area I wanted to move into and helped me professionally.” Grant Quincey Diploma of Business 2014 “The Diploma qualifications helped me greatly to get a new position with a company that I really enjoy and came with a great package.” Tony Grey – Executive, McConnell Dowell Career Outlook for the Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision
Furthering Your Education… Future Studies & University
Future Study Options – Gain University Entrance and Fast Track a Bachelor Degree… Completing your Certificate IV in Civil Construction with us at Global Training Institute, opens many future study options for you including: Entry into 1. Diploma qualifications with us here at Global Training Institute or another RTO. And Save Time and Dollars $ and Gain Credits Your Certificate IV in Civil Construction will give you Course Credits and reduces the amount of subjects and time you have to do for your Diploma. Each University or RTO may vary with the amount of credit they give you, based on units you have completed, but for example: • Gain up to 5 unit credits towards a Diploma here at Global Training Institute. • Completing an Advanced Diploma before University entry will give you even more credits towards your University Degree, and save you even more $ and time! Some of our students have now completed Certificate IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma qualifications with us.
“I have now completed 5 qualifications with Global Training Institute. My Diploma of Civil Construction Management, Diploma of Project Management, Diploma of Management, I then went on and completed my Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction and my Advanced Diploma of Project Management. The Diploma qualifications helped me greatly to get a new position with a company that I really enjoy and came with a great package.” Tony Grey – Executive, McConnell Dowell “I have 3 x Diplomas with Global Training Institute and am now completing my Advanced Diploma so I can go to University. I now work overseas in Laos and have sessions with my Trainer via skype and emails, and I use the online area for everything. The courses have all been great and it made me confident to apply for higher positions, which I now have. The support from Global is excellent. The supplied materials were very helpful to use for developing my work skills. I am able to use my former experience and evidence in my assessments. I would recommend the training to others 100% - very good school, good Trainers and very helpful staff.” Michael Schroers (Poeyry Civil Company)
Here’s what other Students have said about completing their Certificate IV in Civil Construction with Global Training Institute… “The help provided by the Global Support Team was really great, helpful and appreciated. The whole course helped me be more aware of what is involved and the skills needed in my present work position as a Supervisor. I would recommend this training to anyone as it helps formalize your current position within the industry.” David Thom (Thiess) “The qualification backed up what I do day to day. I learned more about company policies and environment factors which I’m now more aware of at work. It was a very accommodating course because it allowed me to do it in my own time and at times which suited me. It did not interfere with my work days and therefore would certainly recommend the training to others. The staff were always very supportive at all times. Excellent.” Paul Abbott “Excellent. Others should do this course to better their knowledge around civil and being a supervisor/foreman. The support processes were very helpful and precise. This course has taught me to plan ahead to know where you’re going and what you want to achieve. The Office gives very helpful and precise support throughout the duration of this course. I would definitely recommend this to others!” Shannon Clelland (Golding Contractors)
Payment and Funding Options Gaining your new qualification is easy with the following payment and funding options to help you. To find the current fees and payment plan options, simply click the ‘Enrol Now’ button on the Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision webpage - click here.
1. Payment Plans Our simple payment plans allow you to pay for your course over its duration. 2. Tax Rebate – Individuals
Your course may be 100% Tax Deductible if you are paying for it and it relates to your work. Confirm your individual situation with your Tax Adviser. To see how much you may be refunded click on the ‘Payment Options and Savings’ toggle on the webpage - click here.
Enrol Now
Graduate with your own RII40715 Certificate IV in Civil Construction Supervision. Start to get Qualified today!
To get started, head back to our website by clicking here. Then click the ‘Enrol Now’ button and follow the Easy Steps. If you would like to discuss how this course will suit you, or you have any questions, simply give us a call on 1800 998 500.
We are looking forward to helping you achieve your Qualification and seeing you at Graduation. Shane, Anne and the Team at Global Training Institute