CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION In terms of section 22(2)(b) of the Accreditation for Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, 2006 (Act 19 ...
CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION In terms of section 22(2)(b) of the Accreditation for Conformity Assessment, Calibration and Good Laboratory Practice Act, 2006 (Act 19 of 2006), read with sections 23(1), (2) and (3) of the said Act, I hereby certify that:-
SAIBA ENGINEERING CC Co. Reg. No.: 2002/028988/23 RICHARDSBAY Facility Accreditation Number: LVUP059 is a South African National Accreditation System accredited Inspection Body to undertake TYPE A Inspection provided that all SANAS conditions and requirements are complied with This certificate is valid as per the scope as stated in the accompanying schedules of accreditation, Annexure “A” and “B”, bearing the above accreditation number for
INSPECTION OF PRESSURE EQUIPMENT The facility is accredited in accordance with the recognised International and National Standards
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and SANS 10227:2012 The accreditation demonstrates technical competency for a defined scope and the operation of a management system While this certificate remains valid, the Accredited Facility named above is authorised to use the relevant SANAS accreditation symbol to issue facility reports and/or certificates
________________________________________________________________________ Dr E Steyn Acting Chief Executive Officer Effective Date: 30 April 2014 Certificate Expires: 29 April 2018 This certificate does not on its own confer authority to act as an Approved Inspection Authority as contemplated in the Pressure Equipment Regulations. Approval to inspect within the regulatory domain is granted by the Department of Labour.
ANNEXURE A – Manufacturing Inspection
SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION Facility Number: LVUP059 TYPE A Permanent Address: SAIBA Engineering CC 58 Mackarel Street Meerensee Richards Bay 3901
Postal Address: P O Box 101242 Meerensee Richards Bay 3901
Tel: Fax: Cell:
(035) 753-2245 086 628 4269 082 376 1680 E-mail:
[email protected]
Issue No.: Date of Issue: Expiry Date:
16 22 April 2014 29 April 2018
Nominated Representative:
Design Verification Engineers:
Technical Signatories: Manufacturing
Mr SR Lalla
Mr SI Bester Mr SR Lalla
Mr SR Lalla Mr JAA Muirhead Mr C Swarts
Pr. Eng 850123 Pr. Cert. Eng 200290009
Technical Manager: Mr SR Lalla
IPE 344 IPE 055 IPE 463
Quality Manager: Mr SR Lalla
Field of Inspection
Type and Range of Inspection
Standards and Specifications
Regulatory: The supply of services as an inspection Design Verification and New Manufacture authority for Inspection of Pressure Inspection. Equipment as defined in the Pressure Equipment Regulation, Government Notice Pre-Shipment Inspection No. R734 of 15 July 2009
ASME I, VIII Div 1 & B 31.3, BS 1113 & BS 2790 PD 5500 EN 13445-5
Pre-Commissioning Inspection Re-Certification Inspection Page 1 of 1
Original Date of Accreditation: 30 April 2003
Acting Field Manager
ANNEXURE B – In-Service Inspection
SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION Facility Number: LVUP059 TYPE A Permanent Address: SAIBA Engineering CC 58 Mackarel Street Meerensee Richards Bay 3901
Postal Address: P O Box 101242 Meerensee Richards Bay 3901
Tel: Fax: Cell:
(035) 753-2245 086 628 4269 082 376 1680 E-mail:
[email protected]
Issue No.: Date of Issue: Expiry Date:
04 22 April 2014 29 April 2018
Nominated Representative:
Technical Manager: (CP-PV)
Technical Manager: (CP-B)
Mr SR Lalla
Mr SR Lalla
Mr SR Lalla
Quality Manager: Mr SR Lalla
Technical Signatories: (CP-PV) Mr SR Lalla PV 159 Mr S Rajkoomar (1) PV 282 Mr DP Singh PV 485 Mr JAA Muirhead PV 204 Mr JB van Wyk PV 536 Mr S Rajkoomar (2) PV 710 Mr N Singh PV 747 Mr S Young PV 661 Mr C Swarts PV 623
Technical Signatories: CP-B) Mr SR Lalla B 077 Mr S Rajkoomar (1) B 221 B 228 Mr S Rajkoomar (2) B 212 Mr C Swarts B 231 Mr DP Singh
Field of Inspection
Type and Range of Inspection
Standards and Specifications
Regulatory: The supply of services as an inspection authority for Inspection of Pressure Equipment as defined in the Pressure Equipment Regulation, Government Notice No. R734 of 15 July 2009
In-Service Inspection of Pressure Equipment
In-service inspection procedures generally in accordance with: NBIC 23 API 510- In-service Pressure Vessels API 570 In-service Piping API 653 In-service Tanks
Original Date of Accreditation: 23 September 2011
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Acting Field Manager