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DEKRA Certification GmbH * Handwerkstraße 15 * D-70565 Stuttgart * www. dekra-certification.de page 1 of 1. CERTIFICATE. ISO 9001:2008. DEKRA ...

ISO 9001:2008 DEKRA Certification GmbH hereby certifies that the company

Striebel & John GmbH & Co. KG

Scope of certification: Development, design, production and sales of electrical distribution systems Certified location: D-77880 Sasbach, Am Fuchsgraben 2-3

has established and maintains a quality management system according to the above mentioned standard. The conformity was adduced with audit report no. A12111642. This certificate is valid from 2015-07-18 to 2018-07-17 Certificate registration no.: 50710461/2

Lothar Weihofen DEKRA Certification GmbH Stuttgart; 2015-07-17 DEKRA Certification GmbH * Handwerkstraße 15 * D-70565 Stuttgart * www.dekra-certification.de page 1 of 1