Practitioner Certificate in Enterprise and. Solution Architecture in order to continue my professional development and p
‘CCP allows me to carry out my role with professionalism, and gain recognition from colleagues, customers and the IT security industry.’ William Davies
William Davies is an information security professional, employed by one of the world’s leading mobile communications providers to provide IA guidance and risk management for a number of public sector systems. He was also among the first to achieve CESG Certified Professional (CCP) certification following the scheme’s much anticipated launch. CESG is the information security arm of GCHQ, and the UK’s National Technical Authority for Information Assurance. They developed the CCP scheme to address the UK’s growing need for specialists in IT security.
As a direct result of his CCP certification, William gained CESG Listed Advisor Scheme (CLAS) membership – checking off a career goal – and was able to move roles. Certified through BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, William was so impressed with the experience that he now volunteers as an assessor for the scheme.
CESG Certified Professional IA architect
‘I chose to certify with BCS because of their reputation and standing within the professional community.’ William Davies
As the information security arm of GCHQ, CESG is building a network of certified IA professionals to address the IA skills gap and develop cyber security capability within the UK.
For William, a key benefit of achieving CCP certification was his subsequent eligibility to join the CLAS membership scheme. CCP certification is a prerequisite to the scheme which approves private sector consultants to give IA advice to the public sector.
William Davies took part in the CCP pilot, certifying with BCS. ‘Achieving CCP certification enabled me to obtain CLAS membership,’ says William, ‘which had been one of my career goals.’
As a CLAS consultant, William has been able to move roles within Vodafone. Following his certification, he also successfully managed his first customer platform accreditation independently, a project he cites as the biggest achievement in his career so far.
AT A GLANCE • Straightforward yet rigorous assessment process • Independent validation of IA skills and experience • Prerequisite for CLAS membership
to certify with BCS because of their William’s career in IT began when he left reputation and standing within the university: ‘I studied BSc Computing and professional community. Information Systems,’ he says ‘before the time of high speed internet ‘Throughout I have found the people at ‘Having CCP certification helped me connectivity, when online gaming and BCS a real help and a pleasure to work demonstrate to my employer, colleagues with. It was because of them, and to chats via IRC were considered geeky and customers that I’m skilled and not cool.’ support the CCP community, that I competent in my role,’ he says. decided to volunteer to become an His degree took him into an IT support assessor. I now help to shape the function where he began to specialise in The CCP scheme certifies IA scheme and ensure others find it a professionals at three levels, against IT security. His first significant role was smooth process. specific roles defined within IA. for the NHS, supporting the networks Certification is awarded to those and infrastructure in more than 60 ‘A number of my colleagues have already who demonstrate they can apply their general practice surgeries across used BCS for their CCP certification on skills, knowledge and expertise at a Bristol. From there he moved to my recommendation because of the consistently high standard in Cable & Wireless, six years before their professional and friendly team there. real-world situations. acquisition by Vodafone. ‘I’m now studying for the BCS William achieved his certification with Today, as a security assurance Practitioner Certificate in Enterprise and BCS – one of only three bodies licensed consultant with Vodafone, William Solution Architecture in order to by CESG to deliver the scheme. As the provides IA guidance and risk continue my professional development standards authority for IT, BCS is management to design, build and run a and pursue my career ambitions.’ well-placed to verify IA competence and number of protectively marked public Find out more about developing your has developed a transparent yet sector IT systems. He’s also heavily career through the CESG Certified involved with the support and delivery of rigorous assessment process. Professional scheme at services as part of the Public Sector ‘I was aware of the CCP certification Network and G-Cloud. through my contacts within the CLAS community,’ says William, ‘and I chose
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