CF202 Plymouth Syllabus.pdf - Minnesota State University, Mankato

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(a) Investment Planning for Financial Professionals. Hirt, Block, Basu, McGraw- Hill, 2006. (b) Keir's Investment Planning. Keir Educational Resources, Revised ...
MINNESOTA STATE UNIVERSITY – MANKATO Financial Planning Certificate Program SYLLABUS Investment Planning (CFIN202) Fall 2009 (Plymouth Section) Instructor:

George A. Loomis, CFP Focus Financial Network, Inc. 1000 Shelard Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55426

Required Text and Materials:

(a) Investment Planning for Financial Professionals Hirt, Block, Basu, McGraw-Hill, 2006 (b) Keir’s Investment Planning Keir Educational Resources, Revised February 2009 (c) Investment Planning, Case Studies 2009 Keir Educational Resources, Revised March 2009 (d) HP10Bii Financial Calculator User’s Guide Hewlett Packard Company, ©2000 (e) Handouts and other materials, as presented


Radisson Hotel and Conference Center 3131 Campus Drive Plymouth, MN 55441 763-559-6600

Class Dates: Mondays 4:00 – 7:00 PM

November 16, 23, 30 December 7, 14, 21, 28 January 4, 11, 25 February 1, 8, 15, 22

If you have questions regarding topics scheduled or discussed in class, feel free to call me: Home: 952-474-5986 Office: 952-225-0310 - best contact Cell: 612-840-3765 E-mail: [email protected]

Plymouth Section (Fall 2009)

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All sessions will have Required Advance Reading in both the Hirt-Block-Basu and Keir texts, as well as representative test questions in the Keir booklet. Because our class time together is highly concentrated it is critical that each participant complete all of the reading and the relevant questions prior to each class session. “Catching up later” is an extremely questionable strategy. Attendance, Preparation, Quizzes, Participation Mid-Course Examinations (2) Final Examination Percentage of Overall Class Grade: Session (01) 11/16/09

Subjects and Reading

Course Orientation, Introduction, Basic Investment Concepts, Securities Markets, Pre-Class Preparation

20% 50% 30% 100%

CFP Board Subject Areas

1, 2, 12, 34

Hirt-Block-Basu: read chapters 1,2, pages 1-25 Keir reading: pages 7-13 Keir questions: Chap. 1, #1-26

(02) 11/23/09

Overview of Instruments, Time Value of Money Pre-Class Preparation

11, 12, 34

Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapters 2,3,4, pages 25-70 Keir reading: pages 183-189, 207-208 Keir questions: Chap. 9, #1-28, Chap. 10, #63-80 HP10Bii Financial Calculator User’s Guide, as necessary

(03) 11/30/09

Investment Risk and Return, Portfolio Management Pre-Class Preparation

35, 36, 37

Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 5,6 Keir reading: pages 38-47, 60, 100-102 Keir questions: Chap. 3, #1-37, Chap. 4, #1-5, Chap. 5, #45-58

(04) 12/07/09

First Mid Course Examination

(05) 12/14/09

Modern Portfolio Theory, Asset Allocation Pre-Class Preparation

39, 42

Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 7,8 Keir reading: pages 66-70 Keir questions: Chap. 4, #38-40

(06) 12/21/09

Asset Pricing Models Pre-Class Preparation


Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 9

Plymouth Section (Fall 2009)

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(07) 12/28/09

Fundamental Analysis Pre-Class Preparation


Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 10 Keir reading: pages 26-29, 96-102 Keir questions: Chap. 2, #1-27, Chap. 5, #26-44

(08) 01/04/10

Equity Valuation Pre-Class Preparation


Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 11 Keir reading: pages 60-66 Keir questions: Chap. 4, #6-37

(09) 01/11/10

Second Mid Course Examination


(00) 01/18/10

No Class – Martin Luther King Holiday


(10) 01/25/10

Bond Valuation Pre-Class Preparation


Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 12 Keir reading: pages 124-134, 147-153 Keir questions: Chap. 6, #1-53, Chap. 7, #1-32

(11) 02/01/10

Mutual Funds, Other Pooled/Packaged Investments Pre-Class Preparation


Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 13 Keir reading: pages 198-207 Keir questions: Chap. 10. #1-62

(12) 02/08/10

Derivative Instruments and Trading Pre-Class Preparation


Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 14, 15 Keir reading: pages 166-173 Keir questions: Chap. 8, #1-37

(13) 02/15/10

Taxation and Tax Strategies Pre-Class Preparation

53, 55

Hirt-Block-Basu: Chapter 16 Keir reading: pages 13-16 Keir questions: Chap. 1, #38-40

Course Review and Test Taking Strategies (14) 02/22/10 Final Examination

Plymouth Section (Fall 2009)

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