Oct 1, 2013 ... COVERGIRL “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Movie Ticket Offer. Mail–In
Form. Purchase $20 or more in COVERGIRL products (before tax) ...
COVERGIRL “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Movie Ticket Offer Mail–In Form Purchase $20 or more in COVERGIRL products (before tax) in a single transaction between 10/1/13 and 12/31/13 and receive a code for one adult movie ticket to see “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” (up to $14 value). Offer only valid for purchases made at participating retailers. Participating retailers include: Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kroger, H-E-B, Giant Eagle, ShopRite, Harris Teeter, Ulta. How It Works: Receive a code for one (1) Adult Movie ticket to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire when you purchase $20 in COVERGIRL products from a participating retailer. Mail-in offer forms from a non-participating store will not be honored. Sales tax is not included towards $20 in purchased products. Qualifying purchases must be made 10/1/13 through 12/31/13 and indicated on one (1) original cash register receipt from a participating retailer. Your completed request must be postmarked no later than 1/07/14 and received at the address below by 1/14/14. Limit one (1) movie ticker per person/household address (No P.O. Boxes). To receive your code for one free movie ticket, please do the following: 1. Complete “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Movie Ticket Offer Mail-Form. 2. Include your original store identified cash register receipt dated 10/01/13 through 12/31/13 showing purchase of $20 or more of COVERGIRL products. Circle all qualifying products. 3. Mail to: COVERGIRL Catching Fire Movie Ticket Program, PO BOX 583079, Minneapolis MN, 55458-3079. If receipt does not specify product names, write the last five (5) digits of the product UPC numbers on the lines below. 4. Receive one (1) code via mail to be used towards one (1) eMovie Cash™ Certificate 5. Go to www.cgmovieticket.com and follow on-screen prompts and instructions to enter and submit your code and any other required information. 6. In return you will receive an eMovie Cash™ Certificate (“Certificate”), which will constitute one (1) adult admission ticket to “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.” 7. Download and print your Certificate, and present it at any participating theater in the 50 U.S./D.C. to see “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” (For a list of participating theaters, see www.emoviecash.com/locator. 8. You must present your Certificate at a participating theater no later than 1/31/14 or it will be deemed void and ineligible for admission. Please Print
UPC Code (last 5 digits)
Name: ____________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State: ______________________ Zip: ___________
Telephone: _________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________
Telephone number and email address will only be used to provide order status and clarify information. See below for all qualifying products and additional terms. Official mail-in offer form and original cash register receipt must be obtained from participating retailers. You may check the status of your request by contacting [1-866-658-8522]. Trust is the cornerstone of our corporate mission, and the success of our business depends on it. P&G is committed to maintaining your trust by protecting personal information we collect about you, consumers. For the full details of our Privacy Statement visit http://www.pg.com/privacy/english/privacy_notice.shtml. For Official Terms & Conditions, visit www.cgmovieticket.com/tc.html.