Challenges in Web Information Retrieval - Springer Link

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Wide Web. For building the successful web retrieval search ... Wide Web. In order to give the best according to the needs of users, a ..... specific sites or domains.
Challenges in Web Information Retrieval Monika Arora1, and Uma Kanjilal2, Dinesh Varshney3,4, Department of IT, Apeejay School of Management, Dwarka Institutional Area, New Delhi, India 2 Department of Library and Information Science, Indira Gandhi Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110 068,India 3 School of Physics, Devi Ahilya University, Khandwa road Campus, Indore, M. P. India 4 Multimedia regional Centre, Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (open) University, Khandwa road Campus, Indore- 452001, M. P. India 1

Abstract— The major challenge in information access is the rich data available for information retrieval, evolved to provide principle approaches or strategies for searching. The search has become the leading paradigm to find the information on World Wide Web. For building the successful web retrieval search engine model, there are a number of challenges that arise at the different levels where techniques, such as Usenet, support vector machine are employed to have a significant impact. The present investigations explore the number of problems identified its level and related to finding information on web. This paper attempts to examine the issues by applying different methods such as web graph analysis, the retrieval and analysis of newsgroup postings and statistical methods for inferring meaning in text. We also discuss how one can have control over the vast amounts of data on web, by providing the proper address to the problems in innovative ways that can extremely improve on standard. The proposed model thus assists the users in finding the existing formation of data they need. The developed information retrieval model deals with providing access to information available in various modes and media formats and to provide the content is with facilitating users to retrieve relevant and comprehensive information efficiently and effectively as per their requirements. This paper attempts to discuss the parameters factors that are responsible for the efficient searching. These parameters can be distinguished in terms of important and less important based on the inputs that we have. The important parameters can be taken care of for the future extension or development of search engines

Key words: Information Retrieval, Web Information Retrieval, Search Engine, Usenet, Support Vector machine I.


Search engines are extensively important to help users to find relevant retrieval of information on the World Wide Web. In order to give the best according to the needs of users, a search engine must find and filter the most relevant information matching a user’s query, and then present that information in a manner that makes the information most readily presentable to the user. Moreover, the task of information retrieval and presentation must be done in a scalable fashion to serve the hundreds of millions of user queries that are issued every day to a popular web search

engines [1]. In addressing the problem of Information Retrieval (IR) on the web, there are a number of challenges researchers are involve, some of these challenges in this paper and identify additional problems that may motivate future work in the IR research community. It also describes some work in these areas that has been conducted at various search engines. It begins by briefly outlining some of the issues or factors that arise in web information retrieval. The people/User relates to the system directly for the Information retrieval as shown in Figure 1. They are easy to compare fields with welldefined semantics to queries in order to find matches. For example the Records are easy to find for example bank database query. The semantics of the keywords also plays and important role which is send through the interface. System includes the interface of search engine servers, the databases and the indexing mechanism, which includes the stemming techniques. The User defines the search strategy and also gives the requirement for searching .The documents available in www apply subject indexing, ranking and clustering [2] .The relevant matches easily found

Figure1: IR System Components

by comparison with field values of records. It will be simple for the database it terms of maintenance and retrieval of records but for the unstructured documents it is difficult where we use text. II. INFORMATION RETRIEVAL ON THE WEB SEARCHES The some criteria for searching will give the better matches and also the better results. The different dimensions of IR have become vast because of different media, different types of search applications, and different tasks, which is not only a text, but also a web search as a central. The IR approaches to search and evaluation are appropriate in all media is an emerging issues of IR. The information retrieval involved in

141 T. Sobh, K. Elleithy (eds.), Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9112-3_24, © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010



the following tasks and sub tasks: 1) Ad-hoc search involve with the process where it generalizes the criteria and searches for all the records, which finds all the relevant documents for an arbitrary text query; 2) Filtering is an important process where the users identify the relevant user profiles for a new document. The user profile is maintained where the user can be identified with a profile and accordingly the relevant documents are categorized and displayed; 3) Classification involve with respect to the identification and lies in the relevant list of the classification, this works in identifying the relevant labels for documents; 4) Question answering Technique involves for the better judgment of the classification with the relevant questions automatically frames to generate the focus of the individuals. The tasks are described in the Figure 2.The Field of IR deals with the

Figure 2: Proposed Model of Search

relevance, evaluation and interacts with the user to provide them according to their needs/query. IR involves in the effective ranking and testing. Also it measures of the data available for the retrieval. The relevant document contains the information that a person was looking for when they submitted a query to the search engine. There is many factors influence a person’s to take the decision about the relevancy that may be task, context, novelty, and style. The topical relevance (same topic) and user relevance (everything else) are the dimensions, which help in the IR modeling. The retrieval models define a view of relevance. The user provides information that the system can use to modify its next search or next display. The relevance feedback is the how much system understand user in terms of what the need, and also to know about the concept and terms related to the information needs. The phases uses the different techniques such as the web pages contain links to other pages and by analyzing this web graph structure it is possible to determine a more global notion of page quality. The remarkable successes in this area include the Page Rank algorithm [1], which globally analyzes the entire web graph and provided the original basis for ranking in the various search engines, and Kleinberg’s hyperlink algorithm [2,3], which analyzes a local neighborhood of the web graph containing an initial set of web pages matching the user’s query. Since that time, several other linked-based methods for ranking web pages have been proposed including variants of both PageRank and HITS [3, 4], and this remains

an active research area in which there is still much fertile research ground to be explored. This may refer to the recent work on Hub and researchers from where, it identifies in the form of equilibrium for WWW sources on a common theme/topic in which we explicitly build into the model by taking care of the diversity of roles between the different types of pages [2]. Some pages, are the prominent sources of primary data/content, are considered to be the authorities on the topic; other pages, equally essential to the structure, accumulate high-quality guides and resource lists that act as focused hubs, directing users to suggested authorities. The nature of the linkage in this framework is highly asymmetric. Hubs link heavily to authorities, and they may have very few incoming links linked to themselves, and the authorities are not link to other authorities. This, is completely a suggested model [2], is completely natural; relatively anonymous individuals are creating many good hubs on the Web. A formal type of equilibrium consistent model can be defined only by assigning the weights to the two numbers called as a hub weight and an authority weight .The weights to each page in such a way that a page's authority weight is proportional to the sum of the hub weights of pages that link to it to maintain the balance and a page's hub weight is proportional to the sum of the authority weights of pages that it links to. The adversarial Classification [5] may be dealing with Spam on the Web. One particularly interesting problem in web IR arises from the attempt by some commercial interests to excessively heighten the ranking of their web pages by engaging in various forms of spamming [4]. The SPAM methods can be effective against traditional IR ranking schemes that do not make use of link structure, but have more limited utility in the context of global link analysis. Realizing this, spammers now also utilize link spam where they will create large numbers of web pages that contain links to other pages whose rankings they wish to rise. The interesting technique applied will continually to the automatic filters. The spam filtering in email [7] is very popular. This technique with concurrently involved the applying the indexes the documents III. AN APPROACH OF RETRIEVAL IN USENET ARCHIVE The UseNet archive is considered to be less visible document collections in the context of general-purpose search engines, which is conservatively estimated to be at least 800 million documents. The UseNet archive, have 20 newsgroups data set used in text classification tasks—is extremely interesting. UseNet started as a loosely structured collection of groups that people could post to. Over the years, it evolved into a large hierarchy of over 50,000 groups with topics ranging in different dimensions. IR in the context of UseNet articles raises some very interesting issues. One previously explored possibility is to address retrieval in UseNet as a two-stage IR problem: (1) find the most relevant newsgroup, and (2) find the most relevant document within that newsgroup. This 20-years of archive of

CHALLENGES IN WEB INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Usenet is the largest to serve as a powerful reference tool. This repository can be used as the insight to the history and culture of the Internet. The Google Groups was very popular with more than 700 million postings in more than 35,000 topical categories Along these lines, previous research has examined building models of newsgroups, communication patterns within message threads, and language models that are indicative of content [11 - 13]. Still, questions remain of how to go about using such factors to build an effective ranking function [8] and how to display these results to the users. This can also attempt to compute the quality or reliability of an author independent of the query, much as PageRank [1] does for the Web. Such a computation would operate on a graph of relatively modest size since, for example, if we were to filter authors to only those that had posted at least twice in a year to the same newsgroup, we would be left with only on the order of 100,000 authors. This is a much more manageable size than the web graph which has several billion nodes. Computing community structures rather than pure linear structures as in posting threads can also generate interesting insights as to how various authors and groups participate in and influence discussions. More recently, work on filtering technologies in the context of information retrieval [8] has also focused attention on building better models of the likely content in messages and routing them to appropriate people, bringing together work on user modeling, IR, and text analysis. An advantage of working with the UseNet archive is the fact that it improves many of the infrastructural problems that might otherwise slow research in the web domain, such as building HTML parsers, properly handling different languages and character sets, and managing the exceptional volume of available data (even small potions of the Web would require several hundred gigabytes to store). For the smaller scale problems, making the archive relatively easy to store, index and process on a single machine. It is a challenging task to use the rich structure of the bulletin board domain (i.e., author information, posting content, thread history, etc.) to predict both the label and score for new postings. More generally, improving ranking methods for UseNet or bulletin board postings is an open area of research with many interesting similarities to the web, but also with very many significant differences that make it a fascinating subject of further. There is another classification technique named, as Support Vector Machines (SVM) is a Kernel-based technique. Other techniques such as Bayes point machines, Gaussian processes and kernel principal component analysis represents a major development in machine learning algorithms. The Support vector machines (SVM) is based on the group of supervised learning methods which can applied to the principles of classification or regression. Support vector machines represent the extension to nonlinear models. However, because there is no theoretical tool to predict which kernel will give the best results for a given dataset, experimenting with different kernels is the only way to identify the best function [7]. This


can be implemented where the huge dataset can be divided based on the criteria. The actions can be defined based on the roles separated. The latest filtering tool can be applied and course of action can be seen further. The latest search engine ‘INDRI’ which is focused on the research articles and tried to be efficient and effective one i.e. the Indri search engine is designed to address the following goals: a) The query language should support complex queries involving evidence combination and the ability to specify a wide variety of constraints involving proximity, syntax, extracted entities, and document structure, b) The retrieval model should provide superior effectiveness across a range of query and document types (e.g. Web, crosslingual, ad-hoc2), c) The query language and retrieval model should support retrieval at different levels of granularity (e.g. sentence, passage, XML field, document, multi-document), and d) The system architecture should support very large databases, multiple databases, optimized query execution, fast indexing, concurrent indexing and querying, and portability. IV. ARCHITECTURE OF SEARCH ENGINE The retrieval system should be fast at indexing and retrieval, and still be able to handle the complex data and information needs. In addition, this system was required to handle concurrent indexing and querying. Indri Search engine is based on the original interference network retrieval frame work [10]. The cast retrieval as inference in simple graphical model. It is en extension to the original model [9]. This also incorporates of probabilities and also supports multi languages in network environment. At the time of indexing the belief nodes are created dynamically based on the query. This are derived from the link matrices. Firstly it combines the evidence from the parents in various ways and secondly it allows fast inference by making marginalization computationally tractable. Information need node is simply a belief node that combines all the network evidence into a single value. The documents are ranked according to P(I|,,D).It is an extension of INQUERY. The structured query language follows the term weighting, ordered and unordered windows and the synonyms. It gives the additional features as language modeling construct, add flexibility to deal the fields via context and also generalization of passage retrieval. Finally, as this system is meant to be usable in an academic setting, we wanted the code to be clear and easy to modify. During the development of the system, we constantly made decisions that supported one goal at the expense of another. However, we believe that the Indri system has achieved a functional balance between its design goals: 1) Parsing: Indri parsers the variety of the document formats like TREC formatted text, XML, HTML, and plain text documents. These parsers translate the documents into an intermediate representation, called a Parsed Document that also have the indexer can store directly. These parsers can be configured to pass tag information from documents on to the indexer so that this can be used for querying document structure. Indri provides a small library of Transformation objects for parsing


ARORA ET AL. When the write completes, the old in-memory index is deleted, and the copy on disk takes its place. V. WORLD'S LARGEST COLLECTION OF WEB DOCUMENTS The Google is considered to be a world’s largest and most comprehensive collection of web documents. It immediately finds the information what we need by using the following services:

Figure 3: Indri working Model.

as well. Transformation objects transform a Parsed Document into another Parsed Document; therefore, they can be easily chained together. 2) Indexing: The indexing system builds compressed inverted lists for each term and field in memory. It contains all information necessary to perform queries on that data. In a sense, an Indri index can be considered a set of smaller indexes. The indexer also stores a copy of the incoming document text in compressed form. This text is commonly used to produce document snippets at retrieval time. The index subsystem is capable of storing any text that can be represented in Unicode. 3) Retrieval: When a query is submitted to the Indri system, it is parsed into an intermediate query representation. This intermediate representation is then passed through a variety of query transformations. In the event that the indexes are not on the same machine as the query director process, the query director connects to an Indri daemon on the remote machine which performs some of the query processing. Query evaluation proceeds in two phases. In the first phase, statistics about the number of times terms and phrases appear in the collection are gathered. In the second phase, the statistics from the first phase are used to evaluate the query against the collection. The query evaluation code in Indri incorporates the max-score optimization in order to speed query evaluation [10]. 4) Concurrency: Indri supports multithreaded operation, where document insertions, deletions and queries can be processed simultaneously. In the implementation, we have been careful to arrange data such that locks are held as briefly as possible. Indri stores indexed documents in a repository, which is composed of an ordered set of indexes. At any one time, only one of these indexes can receive new documents; all other indexes are read-only. The index that receives new documents resides in main memory, and contains only a small fraction of the total indexed documents. This means that the majority of indexed documents are in read-only indexes, which simplifies concurrent execution significantly. When the active inmemory index fills, it is marked read-only and written to disk asynchronously. While the write is taking place, a new inmemory index is created to receive any incoming documents.

Google Web Search is the search service offers more than 2 billion documents - 25 percent of which are other than English language web pages. Google Web Search offers users to search the numerous non-HTML files such as PDF, Microsoft Office, and Corel documents. Google's uses the powerful and scalable technology for searches, which is the comprehensive set of information and it delivers a list of relevant results with in less than half-a-second. Google Groups is a 20-year archive of Usenet conversations as is the largest powerful reference tool, offers the insight into the history and culture of the Internet. Google Groups have more than 700 million postings in more than 35,000 topical categories. Google Image Search Comprises of more than 330 million images, Google Image Search enables users to quickly and easily find electronic images relevant based on the variety of topics, including pictures (celebrities, popular travel destinations). The advanced features also include image size, format (JPEG and/or GIF), and coloration. It also restricts the searches to specific sites or domains. The Google Groups Usenet archive uses for the different contexts at Google: Spelling Correction and Query Classification. Spelling correction. The Google [6] uses the spelling corrector that takes a Machine Learning approach that builds a very fine-grained probabilistic context sensitive model for the spelling correction.. The fine-grained context sensitivity can be achieved by analyzing very large quantities of text. It uses a Query Classification into the Open Directory Project. The Open Directory Project (ODP) ( is a large open source topic hierarchy into which web pages have been manually classified. The hierarchy contains roughly 500,000 classes/topics. Since this is a useful source of handclassified information, we sought to build a query classifier that would identify and suggest categories in the ODP that would be relevant to a user query. At first blush, this would appear to be a standard text classification task. It becomes more challenging when we consider that the “documents” to be classified are user queries, which have an average length of just over two words. Moreover, the set of classes from the ODP is much larger than any previously studied classification task, and the classes are non-mutually exclusive despite these challenges, we have available roughly four million preclassified documents, giving us quite a substantial training set. The system architecture in Figure 4 shows that there are five modules: (1) the module of Focused Crawler, which is responsible for collecting data; (2) Data cargo module; (3) the

CHALLENGES IN WEB INFORMATION RETRIEVAL module of Data hub; (4) Query Processor and (5) Graphics UI module. Graphics User line/ boundary

Data hub

Query Processor


Focused Crawler

Data cargo

Figure 4: Working Model of Search Engines

Focused Crawler is highly depends on the topic related data, hence focused crawler is to collect data. A novel score function is presented to evaluate the URLs’ correlation about the specific topic. Three factors contribute to the score. The first one is the content of given web pages, including title, keyword, text and description as defined in INDRI. The second one is the anchor text of the URL and the third one is the link structure of the connected URLs and pages. For those satisfied Web pages, we access them, analyze the content inside, organize them with XML format, and store them into data storage. The hierarchical structure [12] of the data collecting module and the procedure for data parsing. The Data Cargo/Storage Module used the different file formats of xml files: Paper Document, Book Document, Thesis Document, WWW Document, Organization Document, People Document, and Project Document etc. The Module of data center receives the users’ queries and then parses them to get related documents from the storage component. We use Vector Space Model [8] to represent a document. Each word (except for the stop words) in the abstract of document will be an attribute of the vector, and the vector space is stored in the index file. After analyzing all the related documents, data center returns a document list, a hierarchical tree of the documents, and some statistical information according to the application template. In order to reduce the influence of noisy data, WordNet can be used to find the wrongly spelled words and the different words which have the same meaning. On the other hand, we get the stop words adaptively according to the statistics on the appearance of the words. The main task of query processor is to execute query and provide hierarchical clustering results. We partly borrow the thinking from a global frequent item set hierarchical clustering strategy (FIHCP [8]) to build clusters. This algorithm can be summarized in three phases: First, initial clusters are constructed. Second, a cluster (topic) tree is built. Finally, the cluster trees are pruned in case there are too many clusters. Furthermore, we refine the FIHC algorithm in the labeling aspect to give user a better understanding of the clustering result. A friendly browserbased user interface is presented to the end users finally. The users can get some analysis for each sub-topic respectively, the topics are clustered hierarchically [12]. We tried a variety of


different approaches that explored many different aspects of the classifier model space: independence assumptions between words, modeling word order and dependencies for two and three word queries, generative and discriminative models, boosting, and others. The complete list of methods compared is not included since some portions of the study were conducted in an iterative piecemeal fashion, so a direct comparison of all methods applied to all the data is not possible to provide. Nevertheless, we found that the various algorithms performed as expected relative to previously published results in text classification when training data set sizes were small. Interestingly, as we steadily grew the amount of data available for training, however, we reached a critical point at which most of the algorithms were generally indistinguishable in performance. Even more interesting was the fact that as we moved substantially beyond this critical point by adding even more training data, The classification and the use of a separate model for single word queries), outperformed—by several percentage points in accuracy—every other algorithm employed, even after substantial effort was placed into making them better. Furthermore, most probability smoothing techniques, which generally seem to help in limited data situations, either showed no appreciably improvements or actually decreased performance in the data rich. While the set of alternative algorithms used was by no means exhaustive, and the results here are still somewhat anecdotal, we hypothesize that, as in the case of the abundance of data often can, and usually does, make up for weaker modeling techniques. This can VI. SURVEY INTERPRETATIONS The above discussion can be finalized and be formulated in the criteria or factors required for the search engines. The survey discusses the interesting parameters for the search engine – the Internet users want quality information, and also want it fast. This survey describes the different parameters and based on the frequency as shown in table 1. The table indicates certain important trends as well as some unimportant areas. Further we also obtained certain alarming area to be considered at the first priority. Positive features of search engine practices for Indian users want the comfortably in usage and also the download time. They are also little inclined towards the regularly updates information and also the quality of the data available at the World Wide Web. The less significant areas are organization of the content. They are not aware of that. The less important areas for the search engine users are access of the customer service, quantity of contents, displaying search engine at their website and front page layout. They are least important for them is the look and feel of the website. These users don’t bother about the animation uses. As a search Engine, the least important areas can be ignored or be given the low priority for the assessment of the usage of the search in the development areas of the search engines. The Alarming trends evident from the table.



Table 1: Search Engine users

Factors for online users

Ease Of Use/Navigation of search engine

Frequencies Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






Fast Download Time






Regularly Information






Quality Of Content






Organization Of Content






Access To Customer Service






comfortable with Quantity Of Content






Search Engine webSite







Front Page Layout of the site








time for Fun on internet






the Look And Feel Of The Site






Animated Graphics at the site






include important areas towards consensus building and impact assessment of search engines. The frequency graph representation will give you a clear impact of the above discussions.

Figure: 4 Frequency graph: Factors influenced to search users.

The proposed model of the search engine applied to the tasks and subtasks that directly or indirectly uses the techniques such as indexing, filters, hub, Spam, page rank and hits as discussed. Web information retrieval presents a wonderfully rich and varied set of problems where the discussed can make critical advances. In this paper, we have presented a number of challenges, giving an (admittedly brief) overview of some approaches taken toward these problems and outlining many directions for future work. It also discusses the working Model of Search Engines. The most of the searching and indexing methods for underlying XML data are exploited. As a result, we hope to stimulate still more research in this area that will make use of the vast amount of information on the web in order to better achieve the goal of organizing the world’s information and making it universally accessible. The survey, which was conducted online, gives the significant and nonsignificant parameters according to the web users. The significant are where the search engines have to improve is the ease of use, latest updated and quality of content and the fast download speed. The others parameters discussed that are least important for the Internet users. REFERENCES [1]

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