Chamber Flash - Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce

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Aug 5, 2016 - attending the celebration of our nations best or .... thinkers and not a single book .... Email marketing
Chamber Flash Creating opportunities that drive commerce and promote business.

August 5, 2016

Upcoming Events Chamber Board Meeting & Orientation Monday, August 8th, 4 PM—JMCR Chamber Leads Exchange Group Thursday, August 18th, 4 PM—JMCR University of Central Missouri First Day Back to School Monday, August 15th R-VI School District First Day Back to School Thursday, August 25th FREE One-On-One Business Consultation Monday, August 29th, By Appt Only—JMCR Eggs & Issues Sponsored by CenturyLink Tuesday, August 30th, 7:30-8:30 AM 445 E. Gay St, Rooms B&C For more information see page 21

Chamber University Mike Keith Insurance Free lunch provided! Wednesday, August 31st, 11:45-1PM—JMCR Ribbon Cutting World Finance Corporation Thursday, September 1st, 11:30 AM 120 E. Cooper, Suite 1 Chamber Leads Exchange Group Tuesday, September 6th, 8 AM—JMCR Member Relations Meeting Wednesday, September 7th, 3:30 PM—JMCR PAINT THE TOWN RED! Tuesday, September 6-8th—See pg. 14 GET THE RED OUT! Thursday, September 8th, 4-6:30 PM Located on Holden Street

Inside this issue: Chamber Annual Awards & Social


Ribbon Cuttings


Member News


New Chamber Benefits Chamber Info, Chamber Board and Staff Featured Chamber Sponsors

20-22 23 24

For all events RSVP to [email protected] or 660-747-3168.


Please note our reservation policy: No-shows to charged events will be billed. If you are interested in attending a committee meeting please contact the Chamber office at 660-747-3168. 2 3

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the 55th year celebration of Central Missouri Community Credit Union at 620 N. Maguire St., Warrensburg, MO. Celebrating in 60’s style today was their wonderful staff dressed to impress. Anchoring the ribbon is Executive Director Suzanne Taylor and Ambassador Casey Lund, owner of Warrensburg Collison as Carol White, President of Central Missouri Community Credit Union surrounded by staff prepares to cut the ribbon. For more information contact Central Missouri Credit Union at 660-747-3311 or visit their web page at 4

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Western Missouri Medical Center’s Level III Stroke Center Designation at 403 Burkarth Rd., Warrensburg, MO. Chamber Board Chair Scott Patrick started the event off by welcoming our guests, Mayor Casey Renfrow, our speaker Dr. David Glover, Chamber members and friends and family. He spoke about how adding this addition will greatly help our hospital and area in this much needed critical time in case of a stroke. Darinda Reberry also spoke and said, “Care during the ‘golden hour’ is important to the treatment and recovery of stroke patients.” She went on to add that Western Missouri Medical Center is now a referral center, meaning that they are able to provide life-saving treatment and thankful for the wonderful emergency responders. David Glover, MD, a board-certified family and sports medicine physician at Central Family & Sports Medicine spoke about his own experience after suffering from a stroke. He presented to WMMC where the designated stroke team was activated. Per the protocols, he received a CT within 10 minutes and a plan of treatment was determined. He was then transported to a facility where the clot would be retrieved and back to normal within three hours from the onset of his symptoms. He said, “Saving lives is about more than life and death, it’s about saving the life you built.” Anchoring the ribbon is Chamber Board Chair Scott Patrick and Chamber Ambassador Joe Warren, while Dr. David Glovers prepares to cut the ribbon surrounded by WMMC staff, family and friends. For more information contact Western Missouri Medical Center at 660-747-2500 or visit their web page at 5

Friday July 29th Chamber Executive Director, Suzanne Taylor along with UCM Intern Andie Sumpter, represented the Chamber while attending the celebration of our nations best or the best at Whiteman Air Force Base. With the leadership from Military Affairs Committee members Marie Robison and SueAnn Carter, twelve gift bags full of Warrensburg’s generosity was shared with the quarterly award winners from the 509th Bomb Squadron and the 20th Attack Tent Unit. Whiteman Air Force Base honors their top military personnel on a quarterly basis and the next award program will be October 2016. Please consider joining the wonderful group of Chamber members that contribute to this special event. A “BIG SHOUT OUT” and thank you to the all the Chamber members that once again gave from their businesses; gift certificates, gift cards and promotional items. Please note the highlighted businesses that have contributed to this program continuously over the past ten years:

Alewel’s Country Meats Brown’s Shoe Fit Co. Central Missouri Community Credit Union Country Kitchen CrossEyed Cricket Dairy Queen Grill & Chill of Warrensburg Euphoria Finnane Robison Dental F&C Bank Heroes Restaurant Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches Old Drum Coffeehouse and Bakery Oriental Cuisine Pack ‘N’ Mail Rib Crib Ridgeview Café Rudy’s Frame Shop & Gallery 6

Sonic Drive In The Daily Star Journal The Go-Go Bean University of Central Missouri Athletics University of Central Missouri, Performing Arts Series University of Central Missouri, Military & Veteran Services Wanda Skelton State Farm Insurance Warrensburg/ Concordia

Contact: Mike Greife News Bureau Manager [email protected] 660-543-4708

UCM Launches ‘The UCM Experience Kickoff’ for Incoming Freshman First year students entering the University of Central

join the group Friday morning, Aug. 12. Following

Missouri this fall will receive a head start on learning

Freshman Convocation, students will be treated to

about college life as they participate in the UCM

brunch, followed by the exploration of opportunities

Experience Kickoff Aug. 11-14.

offered by the university’s academic colleges. Following

Sponsored and coordinated UCM Office of Student

lunch, the afternoon breakout sessions will cover a

Experience and Engagement, the new program was

variety of topics, offering important information for

created to alleviate the apprehension that often

incoming college freshmen. Students will end the day

accompanies the move to college, easing the transition

with a movie on the football field in Audrey Walton

into the freshman year.

Stadium following entertainment by the Marching Mules

"The move to college can be daunting for students and

marching band.

their families as they adjust to campus life," said Emily

Saturday brings more breakout session conducted by

Bergsieker, assistant director of Student Activities.

faculty and staff volunteers, with an opportunity to visit

"UCM developed this program to allow new students to

the Engaged Community Fair, where students can learn

arrive on campus a few days before upperclassmen,

more about Warrensburg and what it has to offer.

giving them time to learn about their new home away

Magician Todd Migliacci will provide evening

from home and acquire the initial information and skills


they will need for a successful start to a rewarding

The UCM Experience participants will have an

college career."

opportunity to attend worship services on Sunday

Freshman students living in university housing will

morning. Following lunch, small group sessions will

arrive with their families on Thursday evening, Aug. 11, continue, with the Union Experience in the Elliott with move-in scheduled for 5-8 p.m. The Mule Team,

Student Union providing a variety of opportunities for

made up of student volunteers, will be joined by faculty, entertainment and fun from 8-11 p.m. staff and the executive board of Spotlight, the student

Residence halls will open or occupancy by

programming organization, in assisting with the move-

upperclassmen at 10 a.m. Sunday.

in. Events for student begin later that evening with floor

Learn more about the UCM Experience Kickoff at

meeting and social gatherings in the residence halls.

Commuting and non-traditional freshman students will 7

The City of Warrensburg would like to remind residents that the “Back to School Sales Tax Holiday” will be Friday, August 5th-Sunday August 7th, 2016. Both Johnson County and the City of Warrensburg will be honoring the tax free holiday weekend. The three-day sale will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Friday and run through Sunday. We encourage everyone to shop locally and benefit from this great occasion and take advantage of all the local savings. Mayor, Casey Renfrow expressed, “Tax free weekend is an exciting time for our community. I’m anxious to see how many families benefit from purchasing tax exempt items as they prepare for the upcoming school year.” The following items will be tax exempt in Warrensburg: Clothing and shoes up to $100 on a single item • No tax exemption on accessories such as jewelry, scarves, watches, ties, belts, headbands, umbrellas, etc. School supplies up to $50 per purchase

KMOS August Pledge Chamber Members, we need THREE members to help answer the phones on August 28th from 5:30pm-10:00pm for International Night in honor of Worldview returning to KMOS? Starting at 6:00 pm with Rick Steves, followed by a new show about Downtown Abbey and ending with an episode of Maigret from Worldview. If you would like to help out, contact the Chamber of Commerce at 660-747-3168.   8 9 10

Entrepreneurs/Small Business Volunteers Sought to Work with Students to Develop New Businesses Wednesday, August 24, 2016 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Elliott Union Ballroom (238-240) University of Central Missouri – 500 S. Holden Street – Warrensburg, Missouri Honorary Host and Keynote Speaker: Regional Entrepreneur of the Year - Danny O’Neill, Bean Baron and Founder of The Roasterie. O’Neill launched the high-quality coffee producer in 1993, and has grown it progressively over the last 23 years to include a broad line of specialty coffees, teas, and other products. An outspoken advocate of Kansas City entrepreneurship, he opened the first Roasterie Café in Brookside in 2005. The company has escalated to include three cafés and a roasting factory with event space. He serves on a number of advisory boards for Kansas City companies and associations. O’Neill credits the Roasterie’s success to his mentors and advisors, including Barnett Helzberg – former Owner and President of Helzberg Diamonds and Founder of the Helzberg Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program which pairs seasoned, successful entrepreneur mentors with less -experienced entrepreneur mentees. During our BIG IDEA workshop activities, Entrepreneur -Mentors will work with teams of students to develop a range of compelling value propositions for targeted customer segments in the campus community. Next, they will explore marketing pathways, distribution channels, key partnerships, activities and resources required, and projected financials. The process also includes networking elements that provide students the chance to connect with potential mentors and advisors. Lunch with Keynote Presentation by Danny O’Neill – O’Neill will share his own entrepreneurial journey, the impact of mentoring on his life and business, and his ideas about the future of new business opportunities in the region. Entrepreneurs will have the chance to

network with one another over lunch, as well. The event will culminate with a Preliminary BIG IDEA Business Pitch Contest where 18 teams will compete for recognition as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize winners – followed by an open networking forum for Entrepreneurs and students to continue their conversations. Please contact Dan Jensen, Program Coordinator, ([email protected], 660-543-8039) to register or for more information. BIG IDEA Conference Agenda – Wednesday, August 24, 2016 8:30 a.m.. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 11

Registration and Networking including Roasterie Coffee and Teas Welcome “Speed Networking” with Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Students BIG IDEA Workshop – Entrepreneur -Mentors work with Student Teams Lunch and Keynote Presentation – Danny O’Neill, Bean Baron, The Roasterie Preliminary BIG IDEA Business Pitch Workshop BIG IDEA Business Pitch Competition Awards and Closing Remarks Open Networking 12 13 14 15


and I went on our spring vacation, I encouraged her to By Gayle Hallgren-Rezac, Judy pack a copy of Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief Thomson, Darcy Rezac History of Humankind. I had just finished the book and I Here is a summer reading list was dying to talk to her about with books by it. It’s so provocative and mathematicians, historians, raises so many questions economists and original about human history that I thinkers and not a single book knew it would spark great about summer in the conversations around the Hamptons! What gives? dinner table. It didn’t That’s because it’s Bill Gates' disappoint.” 5 Books to Read This Summer list. He offers up his Gates ends his review of list every year, and this year Sapiens with this comment: there are five books that “Those are big questions as aren’t on many other lists. It's old as the history of our definitely worth checking out. species. After you finish this (View the short video version book I have no doubt that, like here.) me, you’ll want to get together with some of your favorite One book caught our summer Homo sapiens to try to -reading interest because Bill answer them.” Gates said, “When Melinda

It is time to partner with UCM Athletics!! Let your Business be a part of the Team 98.5 The BAR/1450 KOKO is the Flagship station for University of Central Missouri Athletics! We have you covered from pre-game to post-game in Mules Football, Mules and Jennies Basketball and Mules Baseball. Our very own Greg Hassler is the Voice of the Mules so don’t miss out and let your business be a part of the Team. UCM Sponsorship Basic Package 2 :30 sec commercials per Mules Football; Men’s and Women’s Basketball and Mules baseball games Investment: $1800 (billed Aug – July $150 per month) Added Value: 1 :30 sec commercial in each of the Coaches Shows 16 17

If Interested in any of the office items, please call or email: Kayley Ward [email protected]

Linksys Ip Phone SPA941 Quantity: 9 Price: $20 each

HP Printers 3600N Quantity: 2 Price: $250 each

Cisco Ip Phone SPA 504G Quantity: 4 Price: $20 each 18

Enhanced Enterprise Zone receives state approval SUE STERLING Staff writer Warrensburg – The state approved the first Johnson County Enhanced Enterprise Zone, Program Administrator Tracy Brantner said Thursday. The Missouri Department of Economic Development website showed the state approved the zone, designated as the 137th in the state, July 27. “We’re on the map,” Brantner told the zone Advisory Board on Thursday. State approval means the Enhanced Enterprise Zone Advisory Board can accept applications from businesses that want to locate or expand in the zone “The exciting part is we’re in business,” board Chairman Richard Lloyd said, adding some projects may be close to applying. Application must be made to the board, which determines if the business qualifies. If the board approved, then the County Commission will consider a resolution to establish the abatement level based on jobs created, investment made and wages paid. Abatements begin when the project is approved. The construction period will count toward the years of total abatement. The county assessor will assess existing property to establish real estate and personal property tax bases.

After construction, the business must notify the zone board in writing. The program offers real estate tax abatements. The zone encompasses parts of Warrensburg; all of Centerview, Holden and Leeton; parts of the Chilhowee, Crest Ridge, Holden, Kingsville, Leeton and Warrensburg school districts; and the Holden Business Park, Show Me Industrial Park, Shamrock Business Park and Warrensburg Industrial Center. The advisory board set guidelines businesses must meet to locate in the zone, and developed qualifications and abatement levels for exceeding minimum requirements. Businesses meeting minimum requirements must make an investment of $100,000 and add two employees to received a 50 percent tax abatement for 10 years. Businesses exceeding the minimum investment, the average payroll and the minimum number of employees can receive additional abatements. To apply, contact Brantner at the Johnson County Economic Development Corp. office at the Johnson County Courthouse, 300 N. Holden St. or call the office at (660) 7470244. 19 20

Looking for an easy gift? Look no further!

Gift Certificates Available!

The Chamber has Gift Certificates with over 50 local Chamber

participants in denominations of $5, $10, $20 & $50.

Click here to read all about it!

Click here to find out more

Call the Chamber office today at 660 747-3168 or click on the certificate to find out more!

Interested in increasing your brand awareness? There are many benefits of Chamber Sponsorship! Call the Chamber today for more information at 660-747-3168

other by offering members-only discounts to other current Chamber members. Show your M2M card to receive these great deals! Our Member 2 Member Discount Program is designed to encourage Chamber business members to support each

LOOKING You do not have to be a Chamber Member to attend!

Contact the Chamber office if you need a M2M card. To see a list of participating members CLICK HERE

Next group:

Tuesday Aug 18th 4 PM

If you refer 4 New Member to become a part of our Chamber, your next year’s membership is FREE! To find out more information Click Here


LEADS? Come build relationships and make connections at the

Chamber Leads Exchange Group! Two meetings each month: First Tuesday at 8 AM

Third Thursday at 4 PM In the Jack Moore Community Room at the

Chamber of Commerce 21

Member Services Small Business & Technology Development Centers Funded by the Small Business Administration, the SBTDCs assists businesses with marketing, strategic planning, one-on-one business consultation, financial analysis planning, and a series of hands on development programs for entrepreneurs. The Chamber works to bring these services to your attention, and Chamber members receive a discount on training classes. Contact Jeff Samborski with the Jackson County SBTDC at 816-252-5051 or [email protected], or Kelly Dyer with the Missouri Chamber SBTDC at 573-634-3511 or [email protected].

Constant Contact’s Chamber Program provides their effective marketing tools, for FREE! Included benefits:

Want a great way to save on all your office supplies? Stop by the Chamber office to pick up an Office Depot Store Purchasing Card OR

 Email marketing for up to 5,000 contacts (discounted

thereafter)  Event, survey, and social marketing tools  Custom branded email templates  Support and advice from award winning coaches and

click the National Chamber Program logo above for information on how you can

local marketing experts  Product discounts - up to 25% off!


Contact the Chamber for more information!

is a live online resource presented in simple language and designed to help you manage your most important resource — your employees! Chamber members have exclusive access to this great resource at Forgot your log in information? Call the Chamber office at 660-747-3168 and we’ll provide it. Don’t forget you can also sign up to receive updates.

The Jack Moore Community Room is available to rent for meetings, seminars, or other events. Chamber members receive a significantly reduced rental rate. The room includes a kitchenette with a sink and refrigerator, is wheelchair accessible, and bathroom facilities are available in the depot waiting area.

New Overtime Regulations Webinar and Other FLSA Issues Click Here to watch The You Tube video

Call the Chamber office to make a reservation. New Chamber members receive a free marketing consultation, a one-time Buy 1, Get 2 Free advertisement deal, and a free 6-month subscription. Contact the Advertising Director for information. 22

Board of Directors 2016 – 2017 Scott Patrick, Chair Warrensburg R-VI School District P.O. Box 638, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-7823 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Casey Lund, Chair Emeritus Warrensburg Collision 220 West Young St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 429-2011 Fax: (660) 429– 6405 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Sharri Carter, Chair Elect Johnson County Community Health Services 723 PCA Rd., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-6121 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Steve Fox, Secretary Fox Heating & Cooling LLC 448 E. Gay St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-2992 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018 Jeff Florida, Treasurer F&C Bank P.O. Box 157, Holden, MO 64040 (660) 732-5516 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018 Scott Crist Western Missouri Medical Center 403 Burkarth Rd., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-2500 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017 Jeff Franklin J.W. FRANKLIN CO. 123 E. Gay St., Ste.ES-V, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-9854 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018

Jeff Huffman University of Central Missouri, Military & Veteran Services Elliott Union 117, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 543-8039 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Dan Jensen University of Central Missouri, Management Department Dockery 400 G, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 543-8039 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Susan Kraus WILS West-Central Independent Living Solutions 601 N. Ridgeview Dr., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 422-7883 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019 Steve Latour Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters P.O. Box 54, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-2222 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2017

Mission The Greater Warrensburg Area Chamber of Commerce create opportunities that drive commerce and promote business.

Purpose The Greater Warrensburg Area Chamber of Commerce is a community that supports business, values education and empowers leaders

The Chamber Flash is a twice-monthly email publication, out on the FIRST and THIRD Fridays of each month. It’s a great way for Chamber members to share information about their businesses! It also keeps members up to date with member benefits, networking events and other activities.

Melissa Livengood AdvoCare, Independent Distributor 454 NW 900th Rd., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-3381 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2019

Space in the Chamber Flash is an included member benefit for Chamber members only. E-mail your print ready ad in JPG format to [email protected] by noon Wednesday for Friday publication.

Joe Warren The Daily Star-Journal P.O. Box 68, Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-8123 [email protected] Term Expires: June 2018

You must resubmit your flyer each week you would like it published.

Suzanne Taylor, Executive Director Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce 100 S. Holden St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 (660) 747-3168, Ext 224 [email protected]

Chamber Staff Suzanne Taylor, Executive Director [email protected] Leanne Larson, Office Manager [email protected] Brooke Samack, Communications Coordinator [email protected]

Get Connected. Stay Connected.

Andie Sumpter, Chamber Intern [email protected] 23

Non-members, upon their request, receive this publication as a courtesy service.

The Chamber Flash is compiled and written by Communications Coordinator Brooke Samack. Interested in membership or sponsorship? Contact the Chamber office, 660-747-3168 or email [email protected].

Please share the Chamber Flash with your staff, colleagues, friends and family!

Thank You To Our Featured Sponsors

Thank You To Our Friends of the Chamber




Click on each logo for information about the state and national Chambers of Commerce: 24