chandra observation of polaris - IOPscience

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The Astronomical Journal, 139:1968–1974, 2010 May  C 2010.


The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

CHANDRA OBSERVATION OF POLARIS: CENSUS OF LOW-MASS COMPANIONS∗ Nancy Remage Evans1 , Edward Guinan2 , Scott Engle2,3 , Scott J. Wolk1 , Eric Schlegel4 , Brian D. Mason5 , Margarita Karovska1 , and Bradley Spitzbart1 1

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, MS 4, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA; [email protected] 2 Department of Astronomy, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085, USA 3 Center for Astronomy, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, Australia 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Texas, San Antonio, 1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249-0697, USA 5 US Naval Observatory, 3450 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20392-5420, USA Received 2009 January 6; accepted 2010 March 3; published 2010 April 8

ABSTRACT We have observed Cepheid Polaris (α UMi A: F7 Ib [Aa] + F6 V [Ab]) with Chandra ACIS-I for 10 ks. An X-ray source was found at the location of Polaris with log LX = 28.89 erg s−1 (0.3–8 keV) and kT = 0.6 keV. A spectrum this soft could come from either the supergiant or the dwarf, as shown by comparable coronal stars. Two resolved low-mass visual companions, “C” and “D,” are not physical members of the system based on the lack of X-rays (indicating an age older than the Cepheid) and inconsistent proper motions. Polaris B is not an X-ray source, consistent with its early F spectral type, and probably does not have a lower mass companion itself. A possible more distant member is identified, and an additional less plausible one. This provides a complete census of companions out to 0.1 pc covering a mass ratio range of an order of magnitude and a ΔV of nearly 15 mag. Key words: binaries: general – stars: variables: Cepheids – X-rays: stars Online-only material: color figure

tude differences up to 4. For stars in clusters of ages comparable to a Cepheid like Polaris, fewer companions are found at wide separations than are seen in T Tau systems, implying an evolutionary effect, such as disruption by passing objects. Patience et al. also found a greater prevalence of low-mass companions in systems with a high-mass star. Analysis of Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) JHK data for three young associations (Taurus-Auriga, Chamaeleon I, and Upper Scorpius) by Kraus & Hillenbrand (2007a) found separations from 150 to 4500 AU (0.0007 to 0.0022 pc). The wide binaries of their sample have the same mass–maximum separation relation as found in field binaries by Reid et al. (2001). The Reid et al. data, however, only include systems up to about 1.5 M . Extrapolation to total masses of 6 M (typical of a system containing a Cepheid) would predict huge separations, much larger than the 0.1 pc = 21,000 AU, thought to be the break point where a weakly bound companion would be disrupted by external interactions. Finding wide systems is important to constrain the history of interactions. Thus, novel techniques have probed extended values of separations and mass ratios, although the existing cluster studies have tended to focus on multiple systems among stars of 1 M and smaller. The present study targets a young higher mass star. As we will demonstrate, an X-ray observation probes a much larger range in the magnitude difference and a much larger range in mass ratios. The Chandra observation of Polaris was intended to provide not only a census of possible companions in the vicinity, but also determine whether the close visual binary itself is an X-ray source.

1. INTRODUCTION The properties of stellar multiple systems reflect both the star formation process and also any subsequent interactions either between members or with external objects. Compilations of the parameters of multiple systems (mass ratio, separation, and eccentricity) are the tools for investigating such processes. These compilations can address a number of issues, such as differences between high-mass star formation and low-mass star formation, whether high-mass stars have low-mass companions in the proportions predicted by the initial mass function (IMF), and if the properties (e.g., mass) of wide companions are different from those of close companions. At present very little is known about low-mass companions of high-mass stars; the topic of this study focuses on the specific case of the nearest Cepheid Polaris. An X-ray observation provides a novel way to conduct a census of low-mass companions around massive stars thanks to their youth. ROSAT X-ray studies of clusters comparable in age to a moderate-mass (4–5 M ) supergiant like Polaris, such as the α Per cluster (50 Myr old), show that essentially all the lowmass stars later in spectral type than mid F are detected (Randich et al. 1996). Since low-mass companions of supergiants must be young, they will have much higher X-ray luminosities than field stars. This is particularly valuable in distinguishing genuine wide low-mass companions from the numerous unrelated field stars. The X-ray selection method of probing low-mass companions (small mass ratios) of fairly massive stars can add important information about the characteristics of binary/multiple systems, an area which has benefited greatly from new technical developments and new surveys. For instance, high-resolution studies of clusters using the Near-Infrared Camera on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and from speckle interferometry using telescopes as large as Keck (Patience et al. 2002) have found companions from 26 to 581 AU (0.0001 to 0.0028 pc), with magni∗

2. OBSERVATION 2.1. Polaris As with many fairly massive stars, the Polaris system has several components. Polaris Aa is a supergiant, and, in fact, is the nearest classical Cepheid, albeit with a very low pulsation

Based on observations made with the NASA Chandra Satellite.


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B 30.0


D 30.0

14:00.0 38:00.0




Right ascension

Figure 1. Chandra ACIS-I image of the central 3 surrounding Polaris. Circles indicate locations of five possible members of the system: A = Polaris Aa + Ab; B is the brightest visual component (also a proper motion companion); C and D are possible fainter members.

amplitude. The Hipparcos distance is 130 pc, which indicates that it is pulsating in the first overtone mode (Feast & Catchpole 1997; van Leeuwen et al. 2007). Polaris also is a spectroscopic binary with a known orbit (see the summary in Kamper 1996) and inclination (Wielen et al. 2000). Recently, the Cepheid Aa and the spectroscopic companion Ab were resolved with HST at a separation of 0. 17 (Evans et al. 2008). The flux at 2200 Å indicates that the companion is of spectral type of F6 V, and preliminary masses for Aa and Ab were determined (4.5 M and 1.3 M , respectively). There is an additional star, Polaris B, 18 away of spectral type F3 V. Its proper motion suggests that it is a bound long-period member of the system (Evans et al. 2008; Kamper 1996). Finally, two fainter and more distant visual companions, C and D, have been proposed as physical members. 2.2. The Chandra ACIS Pointing Polaris was observed with the Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) for 10 ks on 2006 February 9 (ObsID 6431). Full details of the instrument are available in Weisskopf et al. (2002). The four “I” CCD chips at the best focus provide a 16. 9 × 16. 9 field. The data were processed with An Archive of Chandra Observations of Regions of Star Formation (ANCHORS) pipeline (B. Spitzbart et al. 2010, in preparation; Currie et al. 2009).6 ANCHORS is made up of many Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO) routines, and is especially designed to process Chandra observations containing many point sources. It uses WAVDETECT (Mexican hat wavelet detection) to find sources, with a threshold set an expectation of one false positive in the field.7 Recursive blocking is used to match the blurring of the off-axis point-spread function (PSF). For the field center (at Polaris), a 2 pixel (0. 87) wavelet scale was used. 6 7

See See

Counts are extracted at point-source positions using a PSF appropriate to the off-axis distance and a background determined from an annulus around but well away from each source. Although the Polaris field does not approach the richness of young clusters for which the package was designed, ANCHORS processing allows us to compare possible young stellar sources in the vicinity of the Cepheid with the numerous ANCHORS samples from galactic clusters of comparable age, on as similar a basis as possible. Figure 1 shows the central 3 of the field, smoothed to highlight the sources. Positions of the five possible members of the Polaris system (A = Aa + Ab, B, C, and D) are marked. Additional X-ray sources are present. However, as discussed in Section 4, only two have counterparts in the 2MASS catalog (Cutri et al. 2003), and we conclude that the others likely are background active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This point is discussed further in Section 4.3. We focus on the Polaris source first. 3. THE POLARIS X-RAY SOURCE Because the close companions Aa and Ab are not resolvable by Chandra (only separated by 0. 17), the identification of which is the true coronal source (or whether both are) must rely on characteristics of the X-ray flux and spectrum. The interpretation is complicated by the fact that the supergiant (F7 Ib) and the main-sequence companion (F6 V) have very similar temperatures. The CIAO Sherpa fit to the spectrum is shown in Figure 2. In general, a fit to a source with only 40 net counts is not robust; however, the event lists show that the spectrum has a well-defined characteristic, namely that the flux is dominated by photons of 1 keV or less, thus it must be a soft source. The fit fixed NH to be 1020 cm−2 , which corresponds to E(B − V ) = 0.02 mag, since Polaris has a very small E(B − V ), indistinguishable from 0.00 within the uncertainties. The fitted temperature for a Raymond–Smith model is kT = 0.57 ±



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Figure 2. Spectrum of source A in Figure 1. Histogram is a Raymond–Smith model based on CIAO package Sherpa. Residuals are shown below. (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)

Figure 3. Comparison of the X-ray spectrum from Figure 2 of Source A (asterisks), the stacked cool star ONC spectrum from COUP (solid, arbitrarily scaled), and the Sherpa fit to Pleiad H ii 980 (dashed, arbitrarily scaled).

0.12 keV with a flux of 3.8 × 10−14 erg cm−2 s−1 from 0.3 to 8 keV. Using the Hipparcos distance to Polaris of 130 pc, this becomes LX = 7.7 × 1028 erg s−1 . The ACIS-I CCD detector has a red leak, meaning that optical photons occasionally register on the image. According to Table 5.4 of the updated ACIS Calibration Report,8 at a photospheric temperature of 6500 K a star of V = 1.79 such as Polaris will produce one photoelectron per 3.3 s frame in the central pixel. A single electron would not create a false event detection on ACIS as a minimum of 40 electrons in the central pixel are required for event detection. The effect of the light leak would be a 1 ADU energy shift, which is approximately 5 eV, and is well below the energy resolution of ACIS-I.

Table 1 Main-sequence X-ray Luminosities

3.1. Identity of the Polaris X-ray Source 3.1.1. The Main-sequence Star

In this section, we consider main-sequence (or slightly above the main sequence) stars comparable in age to the supergiant to see how they compare with the Polaris X-ray flux and spectrum. The Cepheid is essentially the same age as the supergiant α Per (and the α Per cluster), and distinctly younger than the Pleiades. Meynet et al. (1993) list ages of 50 and 100 Myr for these clusters, respectively. We use the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP; Feigelson et al. 2005), a very deep Chandra exposure of the much younger (1 Myr) Orion nebula, as a first comparison. Feigelson et al. created a stacked spectrum of 820 unsaturated cool stars. Figure 3 compares the Polaris energy distribution (from Figure 2) with the stacked Orion spectrum. The latter clearly is much harder. This is in agreement with the general trend of enhanced activity and coronal temperature in stellar youth, and a rapid decrease in both with increasing age. A second comparison is the Pleiades, which has been partially observed with both Chandra (Krishnamurthi et al. 2001; Daniel et al. 2002, hereafter DLG) and XMM-Newton (Briggs & Pye 2003). The stars of interest are the late F (or early G) main-sequence stars with spectral types comparable to Polaris Ab. Binary companions complicate the interpretation of the spectra, and are 8



Spec. Type

log LX

kT (keV)

Polaris H ii 956 H ii 980 H ii 1122

F7 Ib A7 V + F6 B6 IV + G F4 V + K

28.89 29.31 29.60 29.06

0.6 0.57 0.56 0.45

thought to be the origin of the X-rays in many of the B, A, and early F stars that appear unexpectedly as X-ray sources. Both DLG and Briggs & Pye (2003) discuss several of these sources. In particular, DLG note three of this type, H ii 956, H ii 980, and H ii 1122. They are listed in Table 1 with classifications, X-ray luminosities, and temperatures taken from DLG. (For H ii 980, the temperature is the mean of the values from two pointings.) The count rates for these sources indicate that the spectra would be mildly piled up, but since H ii 980 and H ii 956 are far offaxis, saturation is avoided. H ii 1338 is a similar but fainter system, for which the spectrum was not modeled by DLG. In all three cases, DLG argued that the late F/G star was the dominant source of X-rays. The B6 IV and A7 V primaries in H ii 980 and H ii 956, respectively, are not expected to have coronal emission, making the late-type secondary stars the likely X-ray sources. The spectrum and light variation of H ii 1122 resemble those of H ii 980 and H ii 956 rather than a harder K star, hence the assignment of the X-rays to the F-type primary. The spectra are distinctive in that they are very soft (Table 1), with no indication of a second harder component. Figure 3 illustrates the spectrum of H ii 980 as an example. The Polaris spectrum and that of H ii 980 are very similar: very soft with the flux concentrated below 1 keV. Table 1 shows that the LX of Polaris is only slightly less than that of the Pleiades F/G stars. Hence, the F6 V companion is a plausible source of the Polaris X-rays. 3.1.2. The Supergiants

As an F7 Ib supergiant, Polaris Aa lies in a complex area of the X-ray H-R diagram, near the Linsky–Haisch “coronal–wind” dividing line. Warmer stars have a hot corona; cooler stars have cool winds. Intermediate between these groups are a few

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3.1.3. Additional Diagnostics

Table 2 Supergiant X-ray Luminosities Star

Spec. Type

Distance (pc)

log LX

kT (keV)

Polaris α Per Canopus α Aqr β Aqr β Cam β Dra

F7 Ib F5 Ib F0 II G2 Ib G0 Ib G1 Ib-IIa G2 Ib-IIa

132 187 96 230 190 310 110

28.89 29.66 30.5 29.56 28.81 30.99 30.79

0.6 0.6 0.7


Note. a From Reimers et al. (1996).

“hybrid” stars, possessing both (Hartmann et al. 1981). Part of the complexity results from the fact that a star passes that location several times with different structural properties, for instance, both before and after the red giant phase. The longest lived interval, however, is the post red giant He shell burning phase, the “blue loop.” X-ray observations have uncovered a diversity of properties for yellow supergiants. Using ROSAT, H¨unsch et al. (1996) found that X-ray detected giants usually are relatively soft sources, unless they are very active (e.g., in a short period binary). Reimers et al. (1996) described a group of hybrid supergiants and bright giants (luminosity classes Ib and II, respectively), also from ROSAT data. Two of their luminous G stars, β Cam and β Dra, have particularly strong coronal emission. Ayres et al. (2005) recently have reevaluated several of the hybrid stars focusing on β Aqr, α Aqr, β Cam, and β Dra based on Chandra HRC-I pointings for the first two objects. Table 2 summarizes their results, including X-ray luminosities derived from their distances and X-ray fluxes. Table 2 shows that Polaris is most similar to the X-ray faintest of the four supergiants, β Aqr. The supergiant α Per (F5 Ib) is a close match to Polaris Aa: an He burning blue loop star of nearly the same temperature, though it is not a variable. It was detected in a pointed ROSAT PSPC observation of the eponymous cluster (Prosser et al. 1996). We have retrieved the data and fit the spectrum using the CIAO Sherpa package with an absorbed APEC model with a power law for the background. The low column density (2 × 1021 cm−2 ) is appropriate for the small reddening (E(B − V ) = 0.09 mag; Meynet et al. 1993). The temperature is kT = 0.6 keV. The preferred model has an Fe abundance below solar and possibly enhanced O abundance. The LX from the fit is included in Table 2. In addition, a Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG) spectrum has been obtained of the F0 II star Canopus (Testa et al. 2004). One notable result of the Testa et al. analysis is that Canopus has a much lower X-ray surface flux than the lower luminosity G supergiants. Table 2 contains the approximate LX and temperature (from 2 T fits) of a lowresolution version of the HETG observation (Westbrook et al. 2008), to make them comparable to the other results. Although no full amplitude Cepheid had been detected in X-rays previously (Evans et al. 2002), recently detections have been obtained with the XMM-Newton satellite of the Cepheids β Dor (P = 9.84 d) and δ Cep (P = 5.37 d; Engle et al. 2009). Full discussion is in preparation, but both have LX and a soft spectrum similar to Polaris. Neither β Dor nor δ Cep has any indication of being a close binary. Thus, it is possible that Polaris Aa is a similar type of coronal source.

In exploring the source of the X-rays, it is useful to consider other diagnostics such as high-excitation UV emission. As an example, Figure 2 in Ayres et al. (2005) shows that dwarfs produce more coronal X-rays for a given luminosity in the intermediate-temperature C iv than supergiants. C iv is not detected in IUE spectra of Polaris (Evans 1988), nor in δ Cep or ζ Gem (Schmidt & Parsons 1984a). However, it is detected but phase-dependent in several Cepheids, such as long-period l Car (Schmidt & Parsons 1982) and β Dor (Schmidt & Parsons 1984a). IUE is not ideal for detecting C iv in these stars because of elevated FUV photospheric emission and significant scattered light. The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) is much less affected by these issues, and transition region lines have been detected in both Polaris and β Dor (Engle et al. 2009). Furthermore, in β Dor, the FUV emission lines vary in strength with pulsation phase. The cooler chromospheric plasma also provides important distinctions between stars in this area of the H-R diagram, namely the profiles of the Mg ii h and k lines. Schmidt & Parsons (1984b) found such emission in β Dor, δ Cep, ζ Gem, η Aql, and l Car. Both the strength and shape of the profiles vary with phase. For Polaris (Evans et al. 2002), only weak emission is seen, but it is present in two observations. Although it is weaker than that of the hybrid nonvariables β Aqr (G0 Ib) and α Aqr (G2 Ib), Polaris is a warmer star than these, so a weaker Mg ii emission is to be expected. In summary, high-temperature plasma is occasionally seen in Cepheid spectra, although not as frequently as in the cooler nonvariable supergiants. At the same time, Cepheid pulsation is an additional complication that must be taken into account in assessing the FUV activity of these supergiants. 4. CENSUS OF POSSIBLE COMPANIONS AROUND POLARIS 4.1. Companions C and D The Chandra ACIS image also provides information concerning the more distant visual companions in the system, namely, the fainter stars C and D (Burnham 1894). Recovering their present-day positions in the glare of the Cepheid and very close to the celestial pole is challenging. Positions are available from the end of the 19th century from Burnham (1894). In order to derive current positions, Polaris was “recessed” to the earlier epochs (by BDM) and used to determine the relative positions of C and D at those epochs. These positions were then precessed to 2000, providing two estimates of the positions today, which are listed together with their means in Table 3. Modern confirmation of these companions was provided by Daley (2006), using a focal plane bar mask. His approximate V measures are listed in Table 3. Photometry of these stars is difficult because of contamination from much brighter Polaris. At the distance of Polaris, C and D would have approximate MV of 8.2 and 8.7 mag, respectively. Using the zero-age main sequence absolute magnitudes of Schmidt-Kaler (1982), these correspond to roughly K7 and M0. Component D also matches a 2MASS source (Cutri et al. 2003). Since K is the only band with A quality data, we use that value: K = 12.15 mag. At a distance of Polaris, this would be MK = 6.6 mag. Using the energy distributions of Kraus & Hillenbrand (2007b), this corresponds roughly to an M3 star. As shown in Figure 1, there are no obvious X-ray sources at the positions of C or D. We have made the following estimate of the flux limit. We use five counts for a conservative detection


EVANS ET AL. Table 3 Distant Companions

Property Star C 1884.74 1890.79 Mean V Log LX 0.3–8 keV Star D 1884.74 1890.79 Mean V Log LX 0.3–8 keV

Vol. 139 Table 4 Possible Companions

R.A. J2000

Decl. J2000

02h 35m 25.s 09 02h 35m 36.s 81 02h 35m 31s  13.8 mag  27.18 erg s−1

+89◦ 15 39. 2 +89◦ 15 42. 8 +89◦ 15 41

02h 30m 41.s 38 02h 31m 1.s 02 02h 30m 51s  14.3 mag  27.40 erg s−1

+89◦ 14 29. 2 +89◦ 14 28. 5 +89◦ 14 29

limit for a point source near the field center. (A 1 radius detect cell has an encircled energy of 90% for ACIS-I and with a background of much less than a count, five counts correspond to  5σ .) For source C, the 9829 s of exposure results in a limiting count rate of 0.0005 counts s−1 . We used PIMMS (Chandra Cycle 7) and a Raymond–Smith model with abundance of 0.2 solar and log T = 6.8, and NH column density  1.0 × 1020 to estimate a flux of 4.0 × 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1 . At the 130 pc distance of Polaris (van Leeuwen et al. 2007), this corresponds to log LX = 27.18 erg s−1 . Unfortunately, star D fell in a gap between the CCD chips. We applied an exposure map to estimate that the effective exposure in this location was only 60% that of star C, leading to an upper limit of log LX = 27.40 erg s−1 . By way of comparison, the Chandra Pleiades observations (DLG) indicate log LX  29 for the six active K stars in the field. All but one of the active M stars has log LX  28. Among the low-mass stars classified by DLG as inactive are a K2 V star with log LX 27.85. There also are four M stars (judging from the optical magnitudes), one with log LX = 28.17 and the rest are upper limits. All the inactive M stars in the Pleiades field are fainter than 19.0 mag, equivalent to approximately 18.7 at the distance of Polaris. Thus, the only possibility not ruled out by the upper limits on C and D is an M star. A similar conclusion can be reached from the ROSAT PSPC observations of the α Per cluster (Randich et al. 1996). Essentially all the G and K stars and two-thirds of the M stars in the α Per cluster were detected at log LX  28.8. Since C and D would be late-K/early-M stars at the Polaris distance, it is highly likely that the Chandra exposure would have detected them if they were as young as the Cepheid. A final argument that C and D are not physical companions of Polaris comes from their proper motion. Assuming a face-on orbit (i.e., a lower limit on separation), C and D would be at about 5000 and 10,000 AU, respectively, from Polaris. Their motion of 9. 7 and 28. 8, respectively, since Burnham’s time is inconsistent with orbital motion and also at variance with the proper motion of Polaris which has moved only 5. 2 in the past century. The conclusion is that they are unrelated stars. 4.2. Companion B As seen in Figure 1, star B also is not a conspicuous Xray source. As noted previously, B has a proper motion which is consistent with the orbital motion in a wide orbit (Evans et al. 2008; Kamper 1996), and a radial velocity similar to the γ (systemic) velocity of the Cepheid (Usenko & Klochkova


J021006.2+891626 Src 1

J021454.3+890852 Src 2


J 13.64 H 12.90 K 12.75 MK a 7.18 M4 0.9 keV 12.7 28.3 erg cm−2 s−1 254 0.16 pc

J 10.77 H 10.40 K 10.28 MK a 4.71 K5–K7 0.9 keV 8.3 28.1 erg cm−2 s−1 462 0.29 pc

Sp. type Med energy Counts log LX a Sep Sepa

Note. a If the star is at the distance of Polaris, 0.3–8 keV.

2008). Discussions of the classification, and the optical and ultraviolet spectra (Turner 1977; Evans et al. 2008; Usenko & Klochkova 2008) suggest F3 V. Since this spectral type is at the division between the cooler bright coronal sources and the hotter noncoronal stars, the lack of X-rays is understandable. The Xray flux upper limit at B would be the same as for companion C (log LX = 27.18 erg s−1 ). Again, the best comparison in terms of age is the α Per cluster. Randich et al. (1996) find upper limits for early F stars in their ROSAT observations of log LX = 29.0–29.5 erg s−1 . The lack of X-rays does mean, however, that B is not itself a binary with a lower mass companion earlier than mid-M, or so. 4.3. Other Companions Finally, we consider whether the ACIS image reveals any other possible companions. To this end, we have evaluated the Xray sources that match stars in the 2MASS point-source catalog (Cutri et al. 2003). At the distance of Polaris, for example, an M0 V star would have K = 10.78 mag (using the calibration of Kraus & Hillenbrand 2007b), and would easily be within the range of 2MASS (if beyond the glare of Polaris). There are numerous sources on the image, but only two in addition to Polaris itself have 2MASS counterparts (Table 4): CXOANC J021006.2+891626 (Src 1) and CXOANC J021454.3+890852 (Src 2). (All 2MASS photometry in Table 4 is A quality.) To investigate whether these stars are possible companions to Polaris, we list the absolute magnitude values of the 2MASS photometry at the distance of Polaris, which can be compared with the energy distributions of Kraus & Hillenbrand (their Table 5). These correspond reasonably well to M4 and K5–K7. At the age of Polaris, these stars would still be a little above the main sequence, but since the evolutionary tracks are approximately vertical for these masses spectral-type estimates are minimally affected. Although the sources are weak (12.7 and 8.3 net counts, respectively, for Srcs 1 and 2), they are clearly soft sources, both with median energies of 0.9 keV. This is consistent with a coronal star rather than an AGN. We estimated the X-ray luminosities with PIMMS as previously described obtaining log LX = 28.3 and 28.1 (Table 4) at the distance of Polaris. These estimates are significantly lower than for active Pleiades K stars, which have log LX > 29. Two of the five active M stars in DLG have log LX in the range of Src 1. There also is one object, HHJ92, which DLG list as an inactive star with a comparable X-ray flux. On this basis, Src 1 plausibly is related to the Polaris system. Src 2 is less likely, but cannot be absolutely ruled out.

No. 5, 2010


As a final consideration for these candidates, Src 1 and 2 are separated from Polaris by 254 and 462 , respectively, corresponding to 0.16 and 0.29 pc in projected distance, close to the standard outer limit expected for bound companions. In summary, these attributes cannot conclusively prove that these two stars are physical companions of Polaris. However, they do not rule out this possibility either. We must add a small qualification to the first paragraph in this section. In Figure 1, there is an X-ray source about 10 to the SE of the A circle. An optical counterpart for this source would not appear in 2MASS because it would be within the glare of Polaris itself. However, exposures of the field were obtained with the HST WFPC2 using the F218W filter (2200 Å). A combined image (exposure time 300 s) showed nothing at the position of the SE X-ray source. Based on the brightest noise features, any star at that position would be more than 8 mag fainter than Polaris B (H. E. Bond 2009, private communication) in the ultraviolet. Polaris B is an F3 V star with V = 8.7 mag (Evans et al. 2008), and any possible stellar counterpart would be both much fainter and much cooler. Interpretation is complicated somewhat because the F218W filter has a red leak, which can contribute significantly in the case of a cool star. A less precise estimate (H. E. Bond 2009, private communication) comes from the inspection of Kitt Peak 2.1 m CCD images. No star is visible at the X-ray position down to about 14–15 mag in V. The wings of the overexposed Polaris image preclude higher precision. Nevertheless, this visible observation avoids the complications of large extrapolation from the ultraviolet and the presence of red leak. Additional information comes from double star observations, which did not list a star in that location. Racine & Wesemael (2008) cite the resolution of Sirius A and B which have a magnitude difference of 10 mag and a separation between 3 and 10 . The Washington Double Star Catalog (Mason, Wycoff, & Hartkopf)9 lists 355 confirmed pairs with separations less than 20 arcsec and magnitude differences greater than 7 mag, so such systems were routinely recorded. In the Burnham Double Star Catalog, Burnham specifically states that there is nothing closer than Polaris B seen with his 36 telescope. Aitken (1945) examined every star brighter than 9.0 mag and records no further companions. All these approaches indicate that the SE source is most likely a background AGN. 5. DISCUSSION 5.1. Parameter Space To illustrate the challenge of distant companion identification for bright primaries, we did a search of the 2MASS pointsource catalog 8 around Polaris (comparable to the Chandra ACIS-I imag). Approximately 200 sources were found (roughly excluding artifacts around such a bright central source). Thus, the “youth criterion” (requiring X-ray flux for sources likely to be young enough to be Cepheid companions) is a powerful discriminant that sifts plausible low-mass resolved companions down to two. X-ray observations are equally powerful for detecting much less massive close (unresolved) companions in systems where the primary itself is not expected to produce X-rays (such as late B stars). The point-source flux that would be detected in our Chandra image, of course, depends on the distance off axis 9



and the spectrum. However, for illustration, we will use five counts as a source-detection limit. As described previously, this corresponds to a luminosity of log LX = 27.18 at the distance of Polaris. Using the results from the Pleiades (DLG) and the even more appropriate the α Per cluster (Randich et al. 1996), all mid-F to K-type stars should be detected at this level, and a large fraction of M stars as well. It is these low-mass stars that are the most difficult to detect by other means (such as radial velocity studies) in massive star systems. The X-ray census by ACIS provides very strong constraints on other possible Polaris companions. For instance, there is only one possible wide companion (Src 1), and an additional less likely candidate (Src 2). In addition, Polaris B, the F3 star, is not itself a binary with a cooler companion. Thus, the full count for the system, at least down to M stars is three with a plausible fourth and possible fifth. If Src 1 proves to be a physical companion, the indicated mass ratio would be impressive. An M4 V star has a mass of 0.29 M , using the calibration of Harmanec (1988). The mass of Polaris is 4.5 M (Evans et al. 2008), leading to a mass ratio of 0.06. Similarly, the difference in V is more than 15 mag, based on the MV for an M4 V star from Schmidt-Kaler (1982). The smallest mass ratio among confirmed companions is between Ab and Aa, q = 0.28 (Evans et al. 2008). The projected separation between A and B is more than 2000 AU and the separation between Aa and Ab is 17 AU. Tokovinin (2000) has shown that there is an excess of binary systems made up of nearly equal components for periods shorter than 40 days. In contrast, the Polaris Aa + Ab system with a period of 30 years falls into the category of a wider system with a much smaller mass ratio. 5.2. System History In relating the binary/multiple characteristics of the Polaris system to the initial state at the end of the star formation process, two events may alter the configuration. First, the system might have a close encounter with an external object which could catastrophically alter the number of stars or their orbits. A group of well-studied binaries can provide some information about such interactions, but we cannot make further inferences about the Polaris system alone. The second event is that when a close binary primary evolves beyond the main sequence, the two stars can interact, and perhaps coalesce. Since Polaris has already ascended the giant branch, this is a possibility we must consider. We can make a rough estimate of how likely coalescence is. For Cepheids in binaries, there are no known orbits shorter than a year, and in fact the shortest period orbit (Z Lac) is the only one with a circular orbit (Sugars & Evans 1996). This is a good indication that the progenitors interacted and in some cases presumably coalesced at periods shorter than this. Duquennoy & Mayor (1991) determined the distribution of periods in binary systems for solar-type stars. More massive Cepheids might not have this same period distribution, but we will adopt it for the sake of an estimate. If we make the approximation that a system containing a Cepheid would have roughly three times as much mass as a system with two solartype stars, we can adjust the Duquennoy and Mayor distribution and estimate that only one in five Cepheids would have been in a close enough binary to have coalesced somewhere between the main sequence and the red giant phase. Although this estimate is rough, it indicates that the occurrence of a coalesced system among Cepheids is relatively unlikely. Nevertheless, a system as wide as the 30 year Polaris binary provides plenty of room for an



inner close binary to have once been part of a stable hierarchal system. 6. SUMMARY The main results from the Chandra image of the Polaris system are as follows. 1. Polaris A is a soft X-ray source. The X-ray luminosity and soft spectrum could be produced by either star the Cepheid primary or the dwarf secondary (or both). 2. Polaris B is not an X-ray source, which also eliminates possible lower mass unrecognized companions around it. 3. In addition to Polaris A and B, there are only two possible low-mass members of the system consistent with the X-ray age criterion. 4. The X-ray strategy has allowed us to search for companions at separations out to the disruption horizon at 0.1 pc, down to a mass ratio of 0.06 and with a magnitude difference of up to 15. 5. For the (fairly) massive Polaris system, established companions have mass ratios as small as 0.28, and the largest projected separation is more than 2000 AU. We thank Fred Seward for valuable conversations and Howard Bond for providing a mosaicked WFPC2 image, as well as an estimate of the detection limit from the image. We also gratefully acknowledge financial support from Chandra grants GO6-711A and Chandra X-ray Center NASA Contract NAS803060 (N.R.E. and M.K.). REFERENCES Aitken, R. G. 1945, PASP, 57, 138 Ayres, T. R., Brown, A., & Harper, G. M. 2005, ApJ, 627, L53 Briggs, K. R., & Pye, J. P. 2003, MNRAS, 345, 714 Burnham, S. W. 1894, Publ. Lick Obs., 2 Currie, T., Evans, N. R., Spitzbart, B. D., Irwin, J., Wolk, S. J., Hernandez, J., Kenyon, S. J., & Pasachoff, J. M. 2009, AJ, 137, 3210 Cutri, R., et al. 2003, 2MASS All Sky Catalog of Point Sources (http://irsa.ipac. Daley, J. A. 2006,Journal of Double Star Observations (JDSO) (http://www.jdso. org)

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