with Steve Faccio of the Vermont Center for. Ecostudies to host .... Dudley & Julie
Smith. Mike & Jean ... Josette & Steve Carter .... P. Sobel. Hilda & Robert Sokol.
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empower motivate inspire
the world here and now
Upper Valley Land Trust
2010 Annual Report
Working Together to Shape the Habitat We Call Home
“For me the Upper Valley Community Land Trust began when Frances Field of Lebanon, who, like me, has a small farm, kept pestering me with questions. ‘How are we going to keep our farms in farming? How can we keep all the farms in farming?’ Fran began attending meetings about land preservation and began pelting me (and many others) with literature about conservation easements and community land trusts. ‘I think that’s the answer,’ she told me, ‘and there are land trusts around here. But I’d feel better leaving my farm under the protection of a local organization, a land trust of my neighbors in the Upper Valley.’” ~Dana Meadows, First Chair of UVLT’s Board of Trustees in the 1987 Annual Report
From The President Dear Friends Around the Upper Valley, the signs of land conservation are increasing. We’re not just talking about UVLT’s colorful signs marking the locations of conserved properties. We’re referring to profound changes on the land and in communities. In the years since UVLT was founded, Upper Valley farms have adapted and innovated, establishing fruit and vegetable operations, organic dairies and artisinal cheeses. Farm stands now dot our roadways, and area residents have organized farmers’ markets in nearly every town. Community volunteers are actively working with landowners to create and maintain trails. Towns are acquiring land for public natural areas. Physicians are prescribing walking for health. Senior centers are leading regular hikes on conserved land. Lake Associations and Conservation Commissions promote watershed conservation to protect drinking water supplies. Biologists and economists analyze carbon sequestration in our forests. Farmers grow oilseeds for fuel. Communities rely on biomass for energy. The natural meandering of rivers and streams is protected as a means of mitigating flood risk. Students observe flora and fauna, keep journals, create art and tell stories through “place-based” school curricula. Conserved properties are more than green dots on a map of the Upper Valley region – they are multidimensional: connecting food, water, habitat, health, livelihood, learning… sustainability. The corridors and networks overlap and reinforce one another. The impacts of land conservation are immediate and personal. They continuously ripple outward and evolve. This report describes UVLT’s activities and achievements during just one fiscal year. But fiscal year 2010 is inseparable from past and future– we reach forward empowered by the commitment, boldness and generosity of UVLT’s founders. As we enter UVLT’s 25th anniversary year we have much to celebrate. But our region and our planet face serious challenges. Local solutions, identifying and investing in open space, strengthen the adaptability and resilience of our communities. Here and now is where we are working, and the scope of possibility is what we make it. Thank you for joining with us,
Rick Roesch Chair, Board of Trustees
Jeanie McIntyre President 1
Conservation Successes
Above, Left to Right: Sara Cavin, Lee & Kathy Larson, and Peg Merrens at the project closing of the Larson’s Songbird Forest in Lyme in December.
Laura & Walter Ryan at the signing of the conservation easement on the Nathaniel & Ina Thurber Memorial Forest in Unity, NH in January.
At Left: Fran Wright signs the easement on the property belonging to her and her husband, John, in Weathersfield. At Right: James Thaxton looks on as Lilla Willey signs the document to protect her farmland in Thetford. 2
959 acres: 13 parcels Generous Landowners Susan Baker Ray & Tina Clark Ann & Harte Crow Town of Grantham Anna Lamb Lee & Kathy Larson Town of Orford Laura & Walter Ryan Bert & Pam Vines Lilla Willey John & Fran Wright
Our successes make the Upper Valley better - healthier, more beautiful, more sustainable, and more hopeful.
238 acres of prime farmland: tillage along the Connecticut River, organic dairy farm in Newbury, pastures in Hartland and along Academy Road in Thetford Over 3 miles of scenic road frontage: backdrops for village centers and peaceful rural roads, landscapes characterizing the Connecticut River National Scenic Byway 77 acres of wetlands: Jacobs Brook outlet in Orford, Mill Brook wetlands in Weathersfield, confluence of Pressey & Tunis Brooks in Hanover, large wetland and vernal pools in Strafford, and an outdoor classroom on Thetford Hill Forest land: Town forests in Grantham & Unity, Tree Farm in Lyme, productive Sugarbush in Strafford Public access: Seven properties conserved with public trails or dispersed public access granted to UVLT Memorial lands: Strafford and Unity forests conserved in honor of family members with deep roots in the land Habitat: Expanded wildlife corridors for large mammals, beaver wetlands, upland songbird habitat, riparian areas with wooded buffers 3
Celebration & Community Events and public programs Hikes and tours on conserved land We hiked Igor Blake’s conserved Tree Farm in Newport, NH at the 2009 NH Tree Farm Field Day. In January, we snowshoed at the Bear Pond Natural Area in Canaan with the Mascoma Watershed Conservation Council. Pictured below, we joined the Hartford Parks & Recreation Dept. on a Wednesday walk on the Cossingham Farm Road Trails. In April, UVLT Trustee, Roger Hanlon, began leading Second Sunday Strolls on UVLT-conserved trails. Also this spring, we celebrated conservation at the Nathaniel & Ina Thurber Memorial Forest in Unity, NH. Stories & Images In the fall, we collaborated with local photographer Jim Block and Fool’s Gold puzzle maker David BeffaNegrini to sell puzzles made with images of the UVLT-conserved Bicknell Brook area. We hosted film screenings of “King Corn” and “Food, Inc.” We collaborated with Everybody Wins! Vermont to bring children’s author Natalie Kinsey Warnock to the Hanover Inn. In May, we hosted a digital photography workshop with Jim Block.
At Right: the 2010 Patchen Miller Award was received by the Thetford Elementary School for their support of the conservation of Zebedee Headwaters.
Spreading the Word We were the Co-op Food Stores’ partner of the month for September (see Kathy Larson, above). We also collaborated with the Co-op to sell water bottles and promote tap water. We participated in Flavors of the Valley by distributing samples of pesto made from the invasive Garlic Mustard. We shared a table with the Hartland Conservation Commission and Trout Unlimited at the Hartland Farm Fest. There, we served Japanese Knotweed Crumble and discussed ways of removing the pesky invasive plant. Learning Opportunities In October, we participated in a walking tour and land management workshop at Orange County Forester, David Paganelli’s family Tree Farm in South Strafford. During the winter, UVLT hosted a gathering and discussion for Conservation Commissioners. In May, we collaborated with Steve Faccio of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies to host a vernal pool walk at the Chas Baker Sugarbush in Strafford, VT (at right & top, facing page). 5
Above: In April, Jeanie McIntyre received the Sarah Thorne Award, given to her by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire’s Forests.
From theTreasurer Your Land Trust has been managed well through the economic uncertainties of these past two years. UVLT’s Endowment has regained the value it had prior to the economic downturn. This is largely due to the careful asset stewardship of Doug Loudon, Quentin Faulkner and the other members of UVLT’s Investment Committee. Our endowment is the base that lets us be confident that we can fulfill our obligations in perpetuity. The engine that keeps the land trust running smoothly is the superb, dedicated and skilled staff – one of our key assets. The budget that supports this work is approximately $650,000 annually and two-thirds of this funding comes from the generous support of our members. Last year, even with the downturn in the economy we were able to achieve our fundraising goals. And this year, we ended the year right on target. We are thankful to you for your support through these sometimes frightening times. You have enabled us to “stay the course.” Our work is to team with landowners and funders and create conservation easements which protect important parts of our valley. These are the value which we create. However, these assets don’t show up on our financial statements. This year we’ve protected 13 more parcels and nearly 1,000 more acres. In total, we now hold an interest in 400 properties and 40,000 acres across the Upper Valley. At a conservative $5,000 per acre for development rights, your generosity over the past 24 years has moved over $200 million in value to the “public side of the balance sheet.” This is the score of the bounty generated by our superb staff and funded by your generosity. Thank you! That officially ends the Treasurer’s Report. But as a retiring Trustee, I would like to ask your indulgence in a swan song. I would first like to express my high confidence in the future leadership of the organization, in the staff especially Jeanie McIntyre and Lorie Hood - and in the exceptional Board of Trustees. Second, we need your continuing generous support of the unique, dedicated staff. Third, as state and local funding for conservation dwindles, I ask that you keep in mind the possibility and necessity of funding from within the Valley for specific conservation projects. And lastly, please consider naming UVLT in your will. I cannot imagine a finer legacy than conserving our beautiful valley for generations to come. Brian Walsh Treasurer
Revenues & Expenses Sources 60% Gifts from Individuals
19% Foundation & Agency Grants
14% Endowment Income
Interest & Other
*These are preliminary statements. UVLT’s annual audit and complete financial reports will be available Fall 2010. To request a copy, or for more information, please contact us.
1% Corporate Support
Uses 55% Land Conservation & Stewardship
24% Community Relations
As UVLT’s inventory of conserved lands grows, so does its stewardship responsibility. UVLT’s stewardship endowment, to which funds are added each time a project is accepted, supports much of this work.
14% Management
7% Fundraising
UVLT Endowments: year ending June 30, 2010 Stewardship Endowment Balance at 6/30/2009 Distributions Additions Change in Market Value Balance at 6/30/10
Operating Endowment
Conservation Endowment
Special Endowments
Total Endowment
What is Stewardship? When private land is conserved under a conservation easement, landowners agree to work with UVLT to ensure that their land is protected in perpetuity. The agreement includes annual communication between the landowner and a UVLT staff member, followed by a monitoring visit to the property. Monitors document natural and human-induced changes that may occurr on a property over the course of the year. Annual visits give UVLT an opportunity to build a relationship with the landowner, answer questions, and keep track of land use from year to year. If there are breaches of conservation restrictions, UVLT will discover them in a timely manner and staff can then work with the landowner to choose an appropriate course of action. These visits also allow UVLT to provide landowners with requested information or to direct them to appropriate land stewardship resources. Between monitoring visits, landowners may continue their contact with UVLT. Many conservation easements require UVLT approval for a number of allowed activities, such as building agricultural structures, subdividing a reserved house lot, planning for long-term forestry work, or creating a pond. UVLT reviews each case and works with landowners to ensure that plans are consistent with the conservation easement. In addition to being responsible for land under easement, the UVLT Stewardship Team, with volunteers, maintains seven paddler-access campsites along the Connecticut River, and maintains a number of Upper Valley trails on conserved land.
Volunteer Opportunities Easement Monitoring involves meeting landowners of conserved land, hiking off-trail to find property boundaries with a map and compass, and recording observations. Each volunteer completes a training course that includes general easement information and instruction on using a map and compass as well as hands-on field practice. Easement monitors have the opportunity to go for walks in the forests, fields, and along waterways on conserved land in the Upper Valley. For more information about becoming a UVLT stewardship volunteer, please contact Jason Berard, UVLT’s Stewardship Coordinator at
[email protected] or (603) 643-6626 ext. 110. 8
“But the single most necessary ingredient, without which nothing would have happened, was the supportive community, which has demonstrated [...] that it wants important lands treasured and protected.” ~Dana Meadows, First Chair of UVLT’s Board of Trustees
Anonymous (1) Alexander Host Foundation Animal Rescue League of Boston City of Lebanon Elizabeth Parkhill Charitable Trust Hulbert Outdoor Center Kroka Expeditions, Inc. LCHIP Lebanon School District McCollom Family Foundation New Hampshire Charitable Foundation New Hampshire Preservation Alliance Norwich Gateway, LLC RONDO, Orford, NH Saint-Gaudens Memorial Sherman Fairchild Foundation Snow Coasters, Inc. Society for the Protection of NH Forests
Stanley H. & Theodora L. Feldberg Fund-Combined Jewish Philanthropies State of Vermont Stettenheim Foundation, Inc. Tarleton Fund of the N.H. Charitable Foundation Upper Valley Region Taylor Unity Foundation The Byrne Foundation The Charles E. & Edna T. Brundage Foundation The CPH Trust The Frank & Brinna Sands Foundation, Inc. The Hartland Foundation Inc. Town of Grantham Town of Hartland Town of Randolph Town of Thetford Town of Unity Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission Vermont Housing & Conservation Board
$5,000 or more Anonymous (2) Bonnie Allard & Clint Swift Barbara & Dick Couch Susan Cross Charles & Charlotte Faulkner Quentin Faulkner Marion McCollom Hampton Kate & Phil Harrison John & Joanna Hawkins Wilfred & Sylvia Hill Peter Martin & Lynn Freeman Peter & Jane Kitchel McLaughlin Barbara & David Roby Rick & Linda Roesch Elisabeth W. Russell George & Lynn Tidman Gretchen & Bob Wetzel
$2,500-4,999 Closey & Whit Dickey Nancy & Don Dwight Donald Graham & Carol Barr Douglas & Jean Loudon Bruce Mays & Cynthia Maltbie John & Nomi Stadler
$1,000 or more Lyme Northern Forest Fund, L. P. Shepard Butler Landscape Architecture
$100-499 A.H.T. Inc. Plumbing & Heating Blackmount Equipment, Inc. DesMeules, Olmstead & Ostler Domus, Inc. EnergySmiths Hanover Consumer Cooperative Society, Inc. Haynes & Garthwaite Architects Lake Sunapee Bank Meadowsend Timberlands Ltd. Norwich Bookstore Resource Systems Group Stave Puzzles Wells River Savings Bank
$1,000-2,499 Anonymous (2) Joan Ashley Ray & Cynthia Barrette William J. Breed Lisa Cashdan & Peter Stein Robert W. Christy Ray & Tina Clark Mary E. Connor Robert deCourcy Kathryn S. Fuller John & Pam Gerstmayr Mary & Steve Gorman Mrs. Marion W. Grassi Roger & Ann Hanlon Peter & Laurie Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hedges, Jr. Carola Lea
Laurel & Sid Letter O. Ross McIntyre Anne Peyton Patricia Polk Dick & Sallie Ramsden Cam & Mary Anne Rankin Gordon & Patricia Richardson Bruce & Sarah Schwaegler Nancy P. Sevcenko Walt & Kathy Swift Brian F. Walsh & Linda Patchett Jennifer & Stanton Williams
$500-999 Anonymous (5) Liora Alschuler Dr. & Mrs. James Barrett Arthur & Anne Berndt Charles & Lynn Bohi Jane Bayley Brown & Skip Brown Dale Peters Bryant Scott & Mary Carson Stephen C. Donahue Bob & Kathy Fox Milton & Carolyn Frye Thomas & Margaret Greene Anne & George Hartmann James Kelsey Sue Kirincich & Chuck Wooster Sydney Lea & Robin Barone Helene Nagy Stephanie Reininger Riccardo Salmona & Bill Doyle Brenda Sirovich
OUR DONORS Alan Strickland & Marcia Herrin Louise Nunan Taylor Peter F. Welch Doug & Joanne Wise Willis & Cristina Wood
$250-499 Anonymous (3) Susan Almy Dr. Peter Areson Anne Baird & Stephen Campbell Jim Barker Wayne Barstad & Anne Kapuscinski David K. Barton George Beal Igor R. Blake Mark & Kathy Blanchard John Bowen Frank & Mardi Bowles Peter & Susan Brink George Clark Fred Cressman James & Deborah Crowell John & Deecie Denison Carol & Rodney DuBois Stephens Fowler Helle & Per Frost Geoffrey & Ellen Gaulkin E. Ann Gormley & Richard Wallace The Revs. Lisbeth & Lyle Hall June Hemberger David Kotz & Pamela Jenkins Lee & David Lemal Stephen & Katie Loughman Michael & Elizabeth Mayor Richard G. & Leila I. McDanolds
Betsy McGean & Tom Blinkhorn Jeanie McIntyre & Geoffrey Little Julie McNulty Peg & Ed Merrens Porter Miller Dennis & Linda Mitchell William & Margaret Montgomery Bill Morris & Evie Conroy Michael & Sally Newbold Barbara & Tom Perry John Powers John Quimby & Michael O’Donnell Steve & Martha Richardson Benjamin Schore Merle & Helen Schotanus J. David Scott James E. & Sonia Sheridan Dudley & Julie Smith Mike & Jean Smith Shiela & Steve Swett Gretchen & Steve Taylor Carolyn C. Tenney Barb Walden & Bill Veronesi Eugene Yeates Robert Barnes Zuckert
Leeli Bonney William & Susan Boyle Charles D. Brackett Mr. & Mrs. Sargent Bradlee, Jr. Daniel Brand Arnie & Annette Brown Peter Bryant Roald Cann Betsy & Bob Carlson Josette & Steve Carter Bill & Elizabeth Chabot David Chambers & John Crane Richard & Cynthia Chapman William & Priscilla Chester Elizabeth W. Christie Sherry & Herb Clark William & Elizabeth Clendenning Chuck Cole & Liz Ryan Cole Nicole & Tom Cormen Alexander D. Crary Fred & Sophia Crawford Marilyn Crowell Elena & Jere Daniell Robert & Sara Danziger Douglas Demarest Donald F. Dickey Norman A. Doenges Gary & Karen Douville Eugenie Doyle & Samuel Burr Joseph & Eugenie Doyle Marianne & Brian Doyle Harrison & Betsy Drinkwater Mr. Drysdale & Ms. Higgins Frank H. Duffy, M.D. Robert C. Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eaton Cliff & Felixa Eskey Ray A. Eusden, Jr. Jane Beckett Fant Alison Farrar Andrew Faunce & Miriam Voran Mary B. Fenn Cassandra Fesen Frances W. Field Ann A. Flowers Sharon F. Francis Ehrhard Frost & Brenda Courtemanche Harold Frost Val Galton
$100-249 Anonymous (11) Bill & Frances Ackerly Peg & Rich Ackerson F. Clayton Adams Brooke & Jim Adler K. Sandra Anderson & Reeve C. Williams Peter Hoyle Armstrong Tara Bamford & Barbara Knauff Nina & Roy Banwell Virginia Barlow Harriette S. Barnes Christine & Donald Bartlett, Jr. John & Virginia Bayliss Judith A. Belyea Suzi & Ennalls Berl JoAnn Berns Richard & Jody Biddle Eric Bivona Donald Blackmer Pete & Ruth Bleyler
Elsa Garmire & Robert Russell R. Andrew Garthwaite Charles & Mary Vic Giersch Clive Gray Mary Lou Guerinot & C. Robertson McClung Vail & Barbara Haak Robert & Honore Hager Bruce & Megan Ryan Hammond Mrs. Warren Hance Fran & Josie Hanlon Chris & Sally Harris Karen R. Harris Nick & Connie Harvey Emmy & Rick Hausman Peter Helm Herndon-Miller Family Charles & Judy Herr Dan Hershenson & Kitty Scott Nate Hine & Nellie Pennington David & Jody Horan Robert & Megan Houser Richard Howarth & Kari Asmus Dan Hudnut & Lynn Sheldon Clark & Hope Hungerford Dianne Ingalls Robert & Mariet Jaarsma Ann James Debra & John Jayne Stuart Johnson Deb Jones & Jeem Peterson Richard G. Jones Paul & Marya Klee Karen Kluge & Terry Rosenmeier Mark P. Krenitsky Thomas & Agnes Kurtz James LaBelle & Sue Fritz Barbara & Steven Landau
Terese L. Lane Jean & John Lawe Jack & Susi Learmonth Ronnie Lesser & Erica Schoenberg Hugo & Cynthia Liepmann Paul Lindberg Peggy Little Daniel & Louise Longnecker Elsa M. Luker Suzanne Lyons Frank Magilligan Bryan J. Marsh Mary N. Masland David & Jeanne Mason Gretchen & Roger Maynard Ana Mayor J. Michael McGean Peter McGowen John McLanahan Rich & Jackie Menge Fern K. Meyers Christopher Milanesi Nancy & Peter Mogielnicki Daniel Monahan & Heather Woodcock Joan Monroe & Clifford Cary Anne Montgomery Celina Moore Barton Robert J. Moran Arthur & Mary Mudge Claire & Allen Munck Donna & Bruce Nelson Chris & Nancy Nesbitt Robert & Nita Norman Jennifer O’Flaherty & Elizabeth Ryan Osgood Family David & Mary Otto Barbara Palmer & Dennis Stern Claude Phipps & Connie Philleo Susan & Jay Pierson Steve & Becky Powell Ken & Anne Rawson
Judith Reeve & Ken Baker Sarah Drew Reeves Mr. & Mrs. James Reynolds Torunn Rhodes John & Cicely Richardson R. G. Ridgeway Les & Diane Riman Gerhard Roberts Eric & Joanne Sailer Andrew & Terry Samwick Karen & John Sanders James Sawyer Mark & Jennifer Schiffman Carl W. Schmidt Alice Schori Mark & Nancie Severs Stan Sharenson & Linda Taylor Sandra Sharp Susan Gussenhoven Shea Margaret Sherman Nicholas Sherman Rebecca Siegel Martin & Carolyn Singer Carol & Roger Sloboda Douglas Smith & Stephanie Ellis-Smith Ernest Smith Mrs. Anstiss L. Smithers Frank & Connie Snyder Roger H. Soderberg Martha S. Solow Hal & Carol Sox Whit Spaulding Gary Spiess Orson L. St. John Dr. Elijah Stommel & Ms. Jasmin Bihler Mike Sutherland Steve & Lucy Swartz Betsy Sylvester David & Susan Taylor Vijay Thadani & Onita Connington Tig & Elise Tillinghast Peter & Janice Treadwell Anna Typrowicz & Richard Cohen Charles & Natalie Urmson John Vogel & Judy Music Bruce & Marion Waters Frederick Weiss Andrew Weller W. Brinton & Jean W. Whitall
William & Christianne Wohlforth John & Jeanne WoodwardPoor Jim & Betsy Wooster James & Susan Wright Mark & Susan Zankel PARTNER $50-99 Anonymous (12) Steve Aikenhead Heywood & Beatrice Alexander Pat & Fred Appleton Marcia B. Armstrong James B. Atkinson & Gretchen A. Holm Robert & Lillian Baier Sharry Baker & David Merker Ian Baldwin, Jr. Barbara Ragle Barnes Rick Barrows & Marcia Groszek Bill & Fran Baschnagel Ronald Bean Rev. Judith Taw Beck Pamela & Birkett Becker Clifton Below John Benjamin Rep. Bernard L. Benn Shirley R. Beresford & Nan Jesse Michael & Ellen Bettmann Richard D. Bircher Richard & Pieter Birnie Jim & Jann Block Stuart Blood & Li Shen Amber & Kurt Boland Dorothy & Richard Bower Anne E. Brainerd Martina F. Breed Hoke Brissenden Preston Bristow Richard L. & Robin Brooks Tom & Suzanne Brown Phil & Hilary Burling Mrs. Virginia Cadbury Camp Glen Brook, Marlborough, NH Sean Carapella Ann B. Carter Peter & Debbie Carter David Cate & Margaret Fanning
Sara Cavin & Ed Meyer Robert & Kate Chamberlin Robert & Janice Chapman Nancy & David Charkes Gloria Charney Dave & Ann Cioffi Ledge Clayton David Cole & Karen Henry Pauline Cole & Neal Meglathery John & Nancy Collier Martha & Lantz Cook Margaret & Robert Cope Gibb & Mary Cornwell Joe & Carolyn Cravero Stephen F. Crimmin & Liba F. Hladik Ingrid Curtis Lawrence & Linda Dacey Carolyn & Gary Danielson Kathy Davidow Patricia & Vincent J. DeMasi, Jr. Bryant & Marilyn Denk Phyllis Deutsch William & Barbara Doyle Nora Doyle-Burr & Robert Webber Analee Durant Jessica Eaton Patricia W. Eckels Adele P. Edgerton Brian & Susan Edwards Ms. M. Scott Eliassen
Becky Ent Justine & Pete Fahey William H. B. Fenn Edward Feustel Sharon A. Fromm Michael & Linda Fuerst Edith M. Gieg Judith C. Giordan & Lawrence B. Friedman Harry & Jacqueline Glass Paul Glover, Jr. David & Cindy Glueck Susan & Jeff Goodell Dennis & Laura-Beth Goodman Steven & Nancy Goodspeed Charles & Cathy Miles Grant William B. & Joan G. Grant Tom & Linda Gray Grace S. Green Janet Grevstad Shirley K. Griggs Dana & Dan Grossman Bob Hagen & Kathy Astrauckas John & Priscilla Hall Stephen Halleran Jennifer Hardy Susan E. Hardy Phyllis Harmon John & Alice Harrison John H. Hatheway Carol Quimby Heath John T. Hemenway Pete & Ann Henderson Melissa Herman Richard & Deborah Holmes Lorie S. Hood Jack & Jane Hooper Jeffrey L. Horrell D. R. Hughes, Jr. David S. Hume Elizabeth M. Hunter
Barbara H. Jones & Willmott Lewis, Jr. David J. Jorgensen Robert & Evelyn Kaiser Doug & Linda Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Francis Kennedy Joan S. Kidder Marie Kirn Ellen & Roy Knights Austin Kovacs Fredrick J. Kull Ann Lavanway Bill Lipfert Dan & Ellen Lynch Judy Macnab Margot & Steve Maddock Lucretia & Peter Martin Patsy & John Mathews Faith Mattison Don & Lisa McCabe Mary L. McCleskey Joanne & John McCormick Martha McDaniel & Stephen Plume Betsey McGrath Lewis & Barbara McKeon Meg McLean Gail & Mark McPeek Kristi Medill & Alex Medlicott Roberta & Matt Merrens Cordelia N. Merritt David Michael Betty Miles Frank & Nancy Miles Betty & Doug Miller Tom & Sarah Monego Lee Monro & Elvin Kaplan Jean & Ben Moss Cappy & Mark Nunlist Abraham & Bineke Oort Nancy & Bill Osgood Theodore K. Osgood John & Ruth Page George H. Palmer Louise C. Paquette Peter & Rebecca Paquette Henry Worth Parker & MaryMargaret Andrews Jude Parker Belden & Lisa Paulson Dale & Mindy Penny Harriet & Fred Phillips Richard & Gloria Plummer Dan & Rickey Poor
Baxter Prescott Ted H. Putnam Martina A. Quellmann Brian & Allie Quinn Margaret A. Read & Charles L. Russell Andrew & Jessie Reid Len & Denise Reitsma George & Mary Richards Mr. David Richardson Thomas M. Ritchie, Jr. & Jean B. Ritchie Lois C. Roland Ellis & Virginia Rolett Andy Rowles Alan Rozycki Fred & Joan Rueckert Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sage John & Emily Sands Guy & Roxane Scaife Molly Scheu Jill & John Schiffman Sandra & Erland Schulson Ann & Dean Seibert Ernest & Loraine Shand Robert & Patricia Shellard Susan D. Shimko Caroline & Iain Sim Alcott L. Smith George & Nancy Smith Don & Irmi Snowden P. Sobel Hilda & Robert Sokol Amy Stephens & Charles Barlowe Jane & John Stephenson Peter & Caroline Storrs Leslie & Marcus Tarkington J. Derek Teare & Katharine L. Reichert Gordon A. Thomas DougTifft & Bonnie MacAdam Averill Tinker Amy Vanderkooi John & Cathy Vansant Richard Waddell Barbara & Philip Wade John Waldo & Mary Welz Victoria Ward William & Kathleen Waste Carol Weingeist Stephen & Stephanie Willbanks Peggy Willey
Mr. & Mrs. Fielding L. Williams, Jr. Lindsey Williams Bob & Joan Williamson Jeffery & Dorothy Wolfe Dan & Nikki Woods Fran & John D. Wright, Jr. Sarah Wunsch Arthur & Jeanne Young Claudia Zayfert Philip & Betsy Zea Robert Zwolak
$25-49 Anonymous (5) Lynn Adams & Simon Carr Bruce & Jane Altobelli Hilary K. Alvarez & Alex Streeter C. Treat Arnold Earl Ashcroft Henry & Lucy Treadwell Atkins Ron Bailey Joan Baret Dave & Carolyn Barney M K Beach Iris M. Berezin John Bergeron Dr. & Mrs. James L. Bernat David & Carole Bibeau Linda & Larry Blais Bob & Melody Blake Harrison & Marceny Bourne Erica Brinton Frank & Jo Ann Browning Judith & Phil Bush Harry & Nancy Byrd Loel & Leigh Callahan Stu Campbell Sarah F. Carter Mike & Nita Choukas Mary Churchill
Bill & Ruth Cioffredi Brian Clancy & Amy Driscoll Jeffrey Cohen Susan Cohen Marguerite Collier Patricia C. Compton Eliza Cope-Nolan Kenneth J. Cragin Fred & Shirley Curtis Lee S. Cushman Mr. & Mrs. John Dangelo Bill Dietrich Courtney Dobyns Frank & Gail Dolan Elizabeth Bowen Donovan Robert K. Doorly Martha Drake Marcia Dunning Thomas Ebert Nancy B. Emery Monica Erhart Marc & Linda Titus Ernstoff Katharine & Walter Fisher Janet Forbush Jim Fowle Kevin G. French Milton Fullerton Patricia Glowa & Donald Kollisch Leah Goat Mrs. Warren Goldburgh Nadia & Greg Gorman Robert & Patricia Gosselin Kurt Gotthardt Nora Palmer Gould Alan & Frances Green Richard H. Hamilton Laurie Harding Mrs. A. E. Haskell Betty Ann Heistad Hildamarie Hendricks Gordon P. Hercod Sandra Hoeh David & Kathy Hooke
Peter Jeffries Homer L. Jernigan Nancy C. Jerome Margaret A. Johnson Nancy P. Jones Stanley & Cynthia Jones J. Richard & Carolyn Judson Sheila Kaplow John Karol & Portia Fitzhugh Phyllis & Arnold Katz Karen Kayen & Terry Boone Al Kelley Peter Keyes Paul & Joyce Killebrew Lucille Killiany Joan G. Kissner M.C. Koehler Kimberly & Joshua Kol Joyce & Harry Lang Ted Levin & Annie Weeden Suzanna Liepmann Christine Lilyquist Bob & Leanne Linck Mary R. Lincoln Tom Linell Robert A. Lloyd Catharine Mabie Patrick Magari James & Suzanne Masland Tom Massoth Philip & Stephanie McCaull Tim & Phebe McCosker Laura McDaniel Molly McHugh & Christopher Schmidt Jean A. Meck Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Mehler Lyn Swett Miller Sandra Miller Caleb Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David Montgomery Karen Moulton John Mudge Adair D. Mulligan Kay & Bill Murphy Deb & Dan Nelson Lafayette Noda Dick & Joanne Norton Margo Nutt John A. O’Brien Thomas Oleksyk Rosamond Orford Russ & Ashley Patton Barbara & Henry Payson
Florence M. Peet Elizabeth S. Perry Elmer Pfefferkorn Sue & Bob Pitiger Virginia Prince Terry & Joe Quattrone Jeff Reed Roberta C. Reuben Becky Rice & Don Mesec Chris & Leslie Rimmer Judith E. Rocchio June M. Rock June & Robert Russell David & Susan Russo Alexander & Eileen Samor Ellen H. Satterthwaite Walter Schmidt Hildagarde G. Searle Bob & Pam Shaughnessy Marian R. Shields Kay & Peter Shumway Charles H. Shurcliff Anne & Peter Silberfarb Norma Jean Simon Marion B. Simpson Helen Skeist Vicki Smith Edward Sonder C. Elizabeth Spencer Kate G. Stephenson Nina C. Strauss Jan & Stew Stryker Leslie Sullivan Systems Plus Computers, Inc. Nancy B. Taylor Leslie & Monty Tilles Joyce & George Tompkins Walter Tucker Keith & Kit Van Winkle Elizabeth B. Walk William Walker Marianne & Michael Walsh Elizabeth A. Watson Stephen W. Webster Carol Westberg Celeste & Walter Wetherell Tilda & Stuart White Nancy Wightman Irene C. Williams Jane Woods William & Ruth Zimmerman
WITH THANKS up to $25 Anonymous (1)
Janet Gail Besser George & Jean Boveroux Josephine S. Bruce Chris & Anne Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Kingsley Colton Katherine Holt June G. Klitgord Skip Morrison Charles & Irene Moses Thomas & Patricia Spencer Quinn Biron Warren
Canoe Club Cardigan Mountain School James & Deborah Crowell Farm-Way, Inc. Fool’s Gold Hanover Inn at Dartmouth College Mountain Goat Anne Peyton Rick & Linda Roesch Upper Valley Food Co-op Special thanks for photos to the Larsons (pages 6, 11, & 13) and Tillinghasts (page 10).
HONORARY & MEMORIAL GIFTS In Memory of Patricia P. Terrill Mary L. McCleskey In Honor of John Ashley Courtney Ashley Betsy Watson Julia Wieting Terri Ashley Christopher Ashley
Terri Eastman James W. Ashley, Jr. Joan Ashley In Memory of Dean Francis Snyder Frank & Connie Snyder In Memory of Susan Herman Melissa Herman In Honor of George Grove’s 85th birthday Susan & Jeff Goodell In Memory of James. W. Ashley Elizabeth A. Watson In Memory of Jean Faulkner John Bowen Animal Rescue League of Boston Elizabeth Bowen Donovan In Memory of Douglas & Margaret Christie Elizabeth W. Christie In Memory of Douglas Christie Lucille Killiany Janet Grevstad Richard Hamilton Ledge Clayton Walter Schmidt Hildamarie Hendricks The Osgood Family In Honor of John & Libby Chapin Suzi & Ennalls Berl In Honor of Connie & Frank Snyder (for Zebedee) Gene Kadish In Memory of Eleanor Griffiths Kate & Phil Harrison In Memory of Richard Haugen (for Zebedee)
Frances R. Haugen In Memory of Myles J. Connor Mary E. Connor In Honor of Ginger Armstrong (for Zebedee) Martha Rich In Honor of Eric Pyle & Marty Jacobs (for Zebedee) Warren Pyle & Lisl Urban In Honor of Thetford Conservation Commission (for Zebedee) Jennifer Davey & David Fisk In Honor of Stephanie McCaull Philip McCaull In Honor of Barbara & Jim Perry Al Kelley In Memory of Robert J. Bryant Peter Bryant In Honor of Deb & Andy Williams Lindsey Williams In Honor of Allison & Dick Colburn Harrison & Betsy Drinkwater In Honor of The Nierenburgs’ Andrew Weller In Memory of Robert Gregory McGrath Margaret Sherman In Memory of Mary Kilmarx Janet Gail Besser In Memory of James W. Ashley and In Honor of Jim, Barb, Jim III, Peter, Courtney and Megan Christopher, Terri, Chris, Michael and Becca Cooper, Barb, Sarah, Claire and Graham Courtney Ashley, Mark Wieting, Miles, Julia and Eleanor John Ashley & Terri Eastman Elizabeth Watson Joan Ashley
8th Grade Class at Richmond School Sarah Austrin-Willis Anne Baird & Stephen Campbell Virginia Barlow Denis Bassett Elizabeth Bayne Ron & Elisabeth Berthasavage Dana Blais Jim & Jann Block William J. Breed Bill Bridge Dick Broussard David Bruce Jay Buckey Jacob Busby Leigh Busby Chris & Anne Callahan Nick Chiasson David R. Chipman Christ Redeemer Church Eammon Coughlin Don Derrick Don Dwight Scott Edwards Anne Esler Chester Fox Frank Furs Kurt Gotthardt Donald Graham Clark & Happy Griffiths Vail & Barbara Haak Marion McCollom Hampton Roger Hanlon Connor Hedges Nathan Hicks Sally Mansur Hull Nancy Jones James S. Kennedy Natalie Kinsey-Warnock Thomas & Katherine Laflam Jan Lambert Kathy & Lee Larson John Laufmann Judy Macnab Chakrapani Mandava Sandy Marks Bruce Mays
Tim & Phebe McCosker David Merker Ed Meyer Richard & Melissa Meyer Tom Morrison Joseph Nolin Mimi Pearson Skip Pedersen Justin Pevnick Anne Peyton Claude Phipps & Connie Philleo John Quimby & Michael O’Donnell Cam & Mary Anne Rankin Pip Richens Rachel Ringel Rick Roesch Elisabeth W. Russell Kate Ryan Reiling Walter Ryan Frank Sands Kate Schaal Alice Schori Aime Schwartz Philip Sebasco Caroline Sim Vicki Smith Don & Irmi Snowden Alan Strickland Jan & Stew Stryker Edith Summers Louise Nunan Taylor Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth Anna Typrowicz & Richard Cohen Topher Watts Rob Webber Bob Wetzel Deb Williams Reade Wilson Sally & Timothy Wilson Doug Wise Willis Wood
Zebedee Headwaters, Thetford, VT. Photo courtesy of Jim Block.
Anomymous (1) Deb Albert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aliber Liora Alschuler Susan Arnold Bonnie Avery Brock Barton Elijah Stommel & Jasmin Bihler Peter W. Blodgett Marty & Ellen Blumberg Karla Bourland Regina & Steven Bradley Stephen Branchflower Tim Briglin & Laurel Mackin Karen & Charlie Buttrey Heather Carlos Stephanie Carter The Chaffee’s Libby & John Chapin, Jr. Darrin & Catherine Clement Wendy Cole Frederick B. Cressman Sherry Crossley Kathleen Cunneen Jennifer Davey Chris Levey & Barbara DeFelice
Owen & Eamon Deffner Lois de la Pena Alison Dittrich Debra Dixon Marcia Dunning Robert & Shirley Eaton Jessica Eaton Jeanne Fabrikant The Ferriter Family Denise & Greg Froehlich Ehrhard Frost & Brenda Courtemanche Stacey Glazer David Goudy Dana & Dan Grossman Marcia Groszek Bob Hagen & Kathy Astrauckas John & Patricia Hall Frances R. Haugen Lee Ilsley Corinne B. Johnson Gene Kadish Ken & Karen Kaliski Deborah Kimbell Laurie & Harry Kinne Ronald Koeppel Ann Lavanway Geoffrey Little Jennifer Loros & Jay Dunlap Linda Matteson Max McCabe
Tim McCosker Jim McCracken Amy & Mark McElroy Merchants Bank Sandra Miller John M. Morton New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Connecticut River Mitigation and Enhancement Fund New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Children’s Fund of the Upper Valley Robert Nichols Duncan Nichols Terry Osborne Judy & Tom Ozahowski Nora Paley Patrick Parenteau L. Carl Pedersen Robert J. & Laura Pulaski Warren Pyle & Lisl Urban Martha Rich William Stevens Riley SBLC, Inc. Li Shen & Stuart Blood Shepard Butler Landscape Architecture Bill Shepard & Lelia Mellen Sarah Shipton Michael Shoob & Judy Yocom
Emily Silver Snow Coasters Inc. Ann C. Snyder Connie Snyder John & Nomi Stadler State of VT Fish & Wildlife John & Margaret Stephens Alice Stewart Skip Sturman Susan Tallman Eileen Taylor David & Kathleen Thaxton James & Melissa Thaxton Thetford Bake Sale Thetford Water Coop Elise & Tig Tillinghast Joseph Tofel Town of Thetford Heinz & Ingeborg Trebitz Jo Valens Rick Walter Watson’s Automotive Susan & David Weider Wells River Savings Bank William & Patricia Weyrick Sally Duston Whitlock Dean Whitlock Ross Whitlock Ann Wickham Martha Wiencke Jean Wolstenholme Jim Zien
UVLT Legacy Society
We made it! Hikers pictured at the lookout on the Lackie Lone Oak Trail in Bath, NH in June. UVLT Board of Trustees FY ‘11 Rick Roesch, Chair Bob Wetzel, Vice Chair Douglas M. Loudon, Treasurer Chris Lang, Secretary Donald R. Dwight Charlotte Faulkner Quentin Faulkner Donald A. Graham Roger Hanlon John Hawkins Kathy Larson Dennis Mitchell Anne Peyton Freda Swan Doug Wise Chuck Wooster
UVLT Advisory Council FY ‘11
Lilla McLane-Bradley Bruce McLaughry Patricia Richardson Frank Sands Bruce Schwaegler Mike Smith Peter Stein Henry Swan Steve Taylor Fred Thomas Jenny Williams
Virginia Barlow Bill Breed Dale Peters Bryant Lisa Cashdan Thomas Ciardelli Deecie Denison Stephens M. Fowler Sharon Francis Clark Griffiths Paul Gross Jack Harned Karen Harris Kate Harrison Nick Harvey Robert Kilmarx Bill Lipfert Stephen Loughman Marion McCollom Hampton Leo McKenna 16
Joan Ashley Charles & Lynn Bohi Roald Cann Robert W. Christy Patricia Ayres Crawford James & Deborah Crowell Marion W. Grassi Marilyse de Boissezon Hamm Marion McCollom Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred G. Hill Carol Langstaff Carola Lea Peter Martin & Lynn Freeman J. Michael McGean Jeanie McIntyre Christopher Milanesi David & Sarah Drew Reeves Elisabeth Russell Carl Schmidt Don & Irmi Snowden Elizabeth Speer Anne & David Stephens Edward & Virginia Taylor Genevieve Williamson
UVLT Staff FY ‘11
Jason Berard, Stewardship Coordinator Amber Boland, Conservation Mapping & Field Specialist Sara Cavin, Project Manager Nora Doyle-Burr, Programs Coordinator Pete Helm, Vice President Stewardship Lorie Hood, Office Manager Jeanie McIntyre, President Peg Merrens, Vice President Conservation James Thaxton, Project Manager
Photo by Lee Larson - taken on Wright’s Mountain in Bradford, VT prior to UVLT’s 2010 Annual Meeting.
The Upper Valley Land Trust helps people conserve land.
We engage people in the vision and process of land conservation and in the stewardship of conserved lands. We provide conservation leadership, tools and expertise to permanently protect the working farms, forested ridges, wildlife habitat, water resources, trails and scenic landscapes that make the Upper Valley a special place to live. Our conservation projects secure the mixture of land uses that are critical to the region’s vitality and identity. These transactions include donated conservation agreements and purchases; land received through bequests or bought with local conservation funds. We conserve heritage parcels that will pass through a family for generations and we conserve properties that are for sale right now - all through voluntary efforts of landowners and communities. For each parcel we protect, we are committed forever to uphold the conservation values entrusted to us. To ensure that we can fulfill this obligation, UVLT maintains an active monitoring program backed by a dedicated endowment fund. 17
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19 Buck Road Hanover, NH 03755
This Year, Help Us Celebrate 25 Years of Land Conservation in the Upper Valley! Find Upcoming Events at www.UVLT.org