Chapel Hill Youth Scholarship Application - Chapel Hill United ...

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Our desire at Chapel Hill is that money would never be a reason for a student NOT to participate in an activity. We do t
Chapel Hill Youth Scholarship Application Our desire at Chapel Hill is that money would never be a reason for a student NOT to participate in an activity. We do tons of awesome stuff together, and there are occasions when events carry a significant cost. We know that sometimes financial assistance can be helpful – if not necessary. We also know that GOD can provide all that is needed! However, we also also know that sometimes He provides in ways that are different than what we expect! So… we ask students and families to fill out applications in order to help us determine how to best use the money God has given us. Our ability to offer a scholarship is contingent on the number of requests and available money. If enough money is NOT available, there are also opportunities to help with fund raisers to compensate for what is lacking. Bottom line is this…we are SO glad that you want to be a part of what is happening! We will do ALL that we can do to enable you or your student to join us! Please pray with us as we trust God TOGETHER for all of our needs… Who is eligible to apply for a scholarship? ANY student or guardian needing financial assistance to attend a Chapel Hill youth activity or event (retreat, mission trip, camp, overnight, activity, etc.) Criteria for awarding scholarships: Scholarships are awarded on the basis of need and the current level of activity of the applicant in youth ministry of the life of the church. Completing this application does not guarantee receiving assistance or the amount requested. If there is not enough money to cover all scholarship applicants, priority will be given to youth who are regular, active participants in the Chapel Hill program. The scholarship request must be turned in 2 days before the registration deadline of the event. A separate application for each event per student must be submitted Parents must endorse the applicant’s participation in the event & need for financial assistance A Portion of the deposit for all activities must be paid by applicant for a scholarship to be considered. Due at the time of the event. **ALL information given on this form will be kept CONFIDENTIAL** **Please write so we can read it!** (or type it up – we’ll email you this file)

PARENT/GUARDIAN Please Fill out the Section Below Student Name: ___________________________________________________________

Age:_____ D.O.B:_____________

Street Address: _________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State:_______________

Zip: ______________

School: ________________________________________________Current Grade: __________ Student Email: _____________________________________________________________ Student Cell:___________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________ Email:_____________________________________________________

Relationship to Student:__________________


Additional Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________ Relationship to Student:__________________ Email:_____________________________________________________


Trip or Event:__________________________________________ Date(s) of Event: ____________________________________ Cost of Event per person: _______________________

Amount of Scholarship Requested:___________________

Has student attended this event before? _______ Parent/Guardian: Please write a brief explanation about why you need assistance for this event (We apologize if it's a sensitive subject...this information will not be public information). *

Parent/Guardian: What do you see as the significance of this trip/event for your son/daughter?

Are you willing to help volunteer your own time helping the youth ministry – either during the school day, or at a youth event or fund raiser? Time given to help the youth ministry is another way to help subsidize this scholarship for your son/daughter YES – I’ll give that a shot

Not Really - I’d rather stay on the outside

I/We attest that the above information is true, and that a legitimate financial need exists.

Signature of Parent/Guardian _____________________________________________________Date: ________________________ (Required)

Signature of Additional Parent/Guardian _________________________________________Date: _______________________ (Optional)

STUDENT!! Please fill out the section below **We want to make sure no one misses out on spiritual growth opportunities because of finances. However, to help create a sense of ownership in the experience, we ask that you have a plan in place to try and earn, raise or pay a portion of the event. We are happy to help with ideas for this if need be. If there is not effort shown on behalf of the student or parents to work toward fund raising, the scholarship will be revoked and the deposit will not be refunded. What Trip/Activity do you want to participate in?_______________________________________ STUDENT - why do you want to attend this event and what you hope to benefit from it?(this needs to be written by the student).

I attest that the above information is true, and that I am willing to do all that I can to help raise money for this awesome event. I also understand that any scholarship can be taken away if I do not help in fundraising.

Signature of Student______________________________________


YAY!!!! We are so glad that you are planning on joining us for the event listed above. May the Lord provide for what you need in EVERY way. And may He bless you as you join us our Journey with Jesus!! Questions? Eric Hauck – [email protected]


**Please return application to Eric Hauck @ least 2 days BEFORE event reg. deadline**