6.3 Fundamental Multilevel Converter Topologies. Diode-Clamped Multilevel Converters ⢠Flying-Capacitor. Multilevel Converters ⢠Cascaded H-Bridge ...
6 Multilevel Converters Keith Corzine University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
6.1 6.2 6.3
Introduction Multilevel Voltage Source Modulation Fundamental Multilevel Converter Topologies Diode-Clamped Multilevel Converters • Flying-Capacitor Multilevel Converters • Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converters • Multilevel H-Bridge Converters
Cascaded Multilevel Converter Topologies Cascaded Multilevel Converters • Cascaded Multilevel H-Bridge Converters
Multilevel Converter Laboratory Examples Three-Level Diode-Clamped Inverter • The Cascade-3/2 Inverter • The Cascade-5/3H Inverter
6.1 Introduction Multilevel power conversion was first introduced 20 years ago [1]. The general concept involves utilizing a higher number of active semiconductor switches to perform the power conversion in small voltage steps. There are several advantages to this approach when compared with traditional (two-level) power conversion. The smaller voltage steps lead to the production of higher power quality waveforms and also reduce the dv /dt stresses on the load and reduce the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) concerns. Another important feature of multilevel converters is that the semiconductors are wired in a series-type connection, which allows operation at higher voltages. However, the series connection is typically made with clamping diodes, which eliminates overvoltage concerns. Furthermore, since the switches are not truly series connected, their switching can be staggered, which reduces the switching frequency and thus the switching losses. One clear disadvantage of multilevel power conversion is the larger number of semiconductor switches required. It should be pointed out that lower voltage rated switches can be used in the multilevel converter and therefore the active semiconductor cost is not appreciably increased when compared with the twolevel case. However, each active semiconductor added requires associated gate drive circuitry and adds further complexity to the converter mechanical layout. Another disadvantage of multilevel power converters is that the small voltage steps are typically produced by isolated voltage sources or a bank of series capacitors. Isolated voltage sources may not always be readily available and series capacitors require voltage balance. To some extent, the voltage balancing can be addressed by using redundant switching states, which exist due to the high number of semiconductor devices. However, for a complete solution to the voltage-balancing problem, another multilevel converter may be required [2–4]. In recent years, there has been a substantial increase in interest in multilevel power conversion. This is evident by the fact that some Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) conferences are
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now holding entire sessions on multilevel converters. Recent research has involved the introduction of novel converter topologies and unique modulation strategies. Some applications for these new converters include industrial drives [5–7], flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) [8–10], and vehicle propulsion [11, 12]. One area where multilevel converters are particularly suitable is that of medium-voltage drives [13]. This chapter presents an overview of multilevel power conversion methods. The first section describes a general multilevel power conversion system. Converter performance is discussed in terms of voltage levels without regard to the specific topology of the semiconductor switches. A general method of multilevel modulation is described that may be extended to any number of voltage levels. The next section discusses the switching state details of fundamental multilevel converter topologies. The concept of redundant switching states is introduced in this section as well. The next section describes cascaded multilevel topologies, which involve alternative connections of the fundamental topologies. The final section shows example multilevel power conversion systems including laboratory measurements.
6.2 Multilevel Voltage Source Modulation Before proceeding with the discussion of multilevel modulation, a general multilevel power converter structure will be introduced and notation will be defined for later use. Although the primary focus of this chapter is on power conversion from DC to an AC voltages (inverter operation), the material presented herein is also applicable to rectifier operation. The term multilevel converter is used to refer to a power electronic converter that may operate in an inverter or rectifier mode. Figure 6.1 shows the general structure of the multilevel converter system. In this case, a three-phase motor load is shown on the AC side of the converter. However, the converter may interface to an electric utility or drive another type of load. The goal of the multilevel pulse-width modulation (PWM) block is to switch the converter transistors in such a way that the phase voltages vas , vbs, and vcs are equal to ∗ ∗ ∗ commanded voltages v as, v bs , and v cs . The commanded voltages are generated from an overall supervisory
dc as
as bs dc bs cs
Multilevel converter structure.
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control [14] and may be expressed in a general form as ∗
v as = ∗
v bs = ∗
v cs =
2 v s cos ( θ c )
2π ∗ 2 v s cos θ c – ------ 3
2π ∗ 2 v s cos θ c + ------ 3
where v s is a voltage amplitude and θc is an electrical angle. To describe how the modulation is accomplished, the converter AC voltages must be defined. For convenience, a line-to-ground voltage is defined as the voltage from one of the AC points in Fig. 6.1 (a, or b, or c) to the negative pole of the DC voltage (labeled g in Fig. 6.1). For example, the voltage from a to g is denoted vag . It is important to note that the converter has direct control of the voltages vag, vbg, and vcg . The next step in defining the control of the line-to-ground voltages is expressing a relationship between these voltages and the motor phase voltages. Assuming a balanced wye-connected load, it can be shown that [15]
v as v bs v cs
v ag 1 2 –1 –1 = -- – 1 2 – 1 v bg 3 – 1 – 1 2 v cs
Because an inverse of the matrix in Eq. (6.4) does not exist, there is no direct relationship between commanded phase voltages and line-to-ground voltages. In fact, there are an infinite number of voltage sets {vag vbg vcg } that will yield a particular set of commanded phase voltages because any zero sequence components of the line-to-ground voltages will not affect the phase voltages according to Eq. (6.4). In a three-phase system, zero sequence components of {vag vbg vcg } include DC offsets and triplen harmonics of θc . To maximize the utilization of the DC bus voltage, the following set of line-to-ground voltages may be commanded [16]
v dc m ∗ - 1 + m cos ( θ c ) – ---- cos ( 3 θ c ) v ag = ----2 6
v dc 2π m ∗ - 1 + m cos θ c – ------ – ---- cos ( 3 θ c ) v bg = ---- 2 3 6
v dc 2π m ∗ - 1 + m cos θ c + ------ – ---- cos ( 3 θ c ) v cg = ---- 2 3 6
where m is a modulation index. It should be noted that the power converter switching will yield line-toground voltages with a high-frequency component and, for this reason, the commanded voltages in Eqs. (6.5) to (6.7) cannot be obtained instantaneously. However, if the high-frequency component is neglected, then the commanded line-to-ground voltages may be obtained on a fast-average basis. By substitution of Eqs. (6.5) to (6.7) into Eq. (6.4), it can be seen that commanding this particular set of line-to-ground voltages will result in phase voltages of
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mv dc - cos ( θ c ) vˆ as = ---------2
mv dc 2π - cos θ c – ------ vˆ bs = --------- 2 3
mv dc 2π - cos θ c + ------ vˆ cs = --------- 2 3
where the ˆ symbol denotes fast-average values. By comparing Eqs. (6.8) to (6.10) with Eqs. (6.1) to (6.3), it can be seen that the desired phase voltages are achieved if ∗
2 2v m = ----------------s v dc
It should be noted that in H-bridge-based converters, the range of line-to-ground voltage is twice that of converters where one DC voltage supplies all three phases (as in Fig. 6.1). The modulation method here can accommodate these converters if the modulation index is related to the commanded voltage magnitude by ∗
2v m H = ------------s v dc
The modulation process described here may be applied to H-bridge converters by substituting mH for m in the equations that follow. The benefit of including the third harmonic terms in Eqs. (6.5) to (6.7) is an extended range of modulation index [16]. In particular, the range of the modulation index is
2 0 ≤ m ≤ ------3
It is sometimes convenient to define a modulation index that has an upper limit of 100% or
3 m = ------- m 2
The next step in the modulation process is to define normalized commanded line-to-ground voltages, which will be referred to as duty cycles. In terms of the modulation index and electrical angle, the duty cycles may be written:
1 m d a = -- 1 + m cos ( θ c ) – ---- cos ( 3 θ c ) 2 6
1 2π m d b = -- 1 + m cos θ c – ------ – ---- cos ( 3 θ c ) 2 3 6
1 2π m d c = -- 1 + m cos θ c + ------ – ---- cos ( 3 θ c ) 2 3 6
To relate the duty cycles to the inverter switching operation, switching states must be defined that are valid for any number of voltage levels. Here, the switching states for the a-, b-, and c-phase will be denoted sa, sb, and sc, respectively. Although the specific topology of the multilevel converter is covered in the next section, it may be stated in general for an n-level converter that the AC output consists of a number of
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voltage levels related to the switching state by
s a v dc v ag = ---------------(n – 1)
s a = 0, 1, … ( n – 1 )
s b v dc v bg = ---------------(n – 1)
s b = 0, 1, … ( n – 1 )
s c v dc v cg = ---------------(n – 1)
s c = 0, 1, … ( n – 1 )
As can be seen, a higher number of levels n leads to a larger number of switching state possibilities and smaller voltage steps. An overall switching state can be defined by using the base n mathematical expression 2
sw = n s a + ns b + s c
Figure 6.2 shows the a-phase commanded line-to-ground voltage according to Eq. (6.5) as well as lineto-ground voltages for two-level, three-level, and four-level converters. In each case, the fast-average of ∗ vag will equal the commanded value v ag . However, it can be seen that as the number of voltage levels increases, the converter voltage yields a closer approximation to the commanded value, resulting in lower harmonic distortion. The next step in multilevel modulation is to relate the switching states sa, sb, and sc to the duty cycles defined in Eqs. (6.14) through (6.16). Here, the multilevel sine-triangle technique will be used for this purpose [17, 18, 19]. The first step involves scaling the duty cycles for the n-level case as
d am = ( n – 1 )d a
d bm = ( n – 1 )d b
d cm = ( n – 1 )d c
The switching state may then be directly determined from the scaled duty cycles by comparing them to a set of high-frequency triangle waveforms with a frequency of fsw . For an n-level converter, n − 1 triangle waveforms of unity amplitude are defined. As an example, consider the four-level case. Figure 6.3a shows the a-phase duty cycle and the three triangle waveforms offset so that their peaks correspond to the nearest switching states. In general, the highest triangle waveform has a minimum value of (n − 2) and a peak value of (n − 1). The switching rules for the four-level case are fairly straightforward and may be specifically stated as
sa =
d am < v tr1
1 v tr1 ≤ d am < v tr2 2 v tr2 ≤ d am < v tr3
3 v tr3 ≤ d am
Figure 6.3b shows the resulting switching state based on the switching rules. As can be seen, the form is similar to that of Fig. 6.2d and, therefore, the resulting line-to-ground voltage according to Eq. (6.17) will have a fast-average value equal to its commanded value. These switching rules may be extended to
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Power converter line-to-ground output voltages.
any number of levels by incorporating the appropriate number of triangle waveforms and defining switching rules similar to Eq. (6.25). It should be pointed out that the sine-triangle method is shown here since it is depicts a fairly straightforward method of accomplishing multilevel switching. In practice, the modulation is typically implemented on a digital signal processor (DSP) or erasable programmable logic device (EPLD) without using triangle waveforms. One common method for implementation is space-vector modulation [20–22], which is a method where the switching states are viewed in the voltage reference frame. Another method that may be used is duty-cycle modulation [23], which is a direct calculation method that uses duty cycles instead of triangle waveforms and is more readily implementable on a DSP. It is also possible to perform modulation based on a current-regulated approach [22, 24], which is fundamentally different than voltage-source modulation and results in a higher bandwidth control of load currents.
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am tr3
Four-level sine-triangle modulation technique.
6.3 Fundamental Multilevel Converter Topologies This section describes the most common multilevel converter topologies. In particular, the diode-clamped [25–28], flying capacitor [29, 30], cascaded H-bridge [31–33], and multilevel H-bridge [34] structures are described. In each case, the process of creating voltage steps is illustrated and the relation to the generalized modulation scheme in the previous section is defined. For further study, the reader may be interested in other topologies not discussed here, such as the parallel connected phase poles [35], AC magnetically combined converters [36, 37], or soft-switching multilevel converters [38].
Diode-Clamped Multilevel Converters One of the most common types of multilevel topologies is the diode-clamped multilevel converter [25–28]. Figure 6.4 shows the structure for the three-level case. Comparing this topology with that of a standard two-level converter, it can be seen that there are twice as many transistors as well as added diodes. However, it should be pointed out that the voltage rating of the transistors is half that of the transistors in a two-level converter. Although the structure appears complex, the switching is fairly straightforward. Figure 6.5 shows the a-phase leg of the three-level diode clamped converter along with the corresponding switching states. Here, it is assumed that the transistors act as ideal switches and that the capacitor voltages are charged to half of the DC-link voltage. As can be seen in Fig. 6.5b, in switching state sa = 0, transistors Ta3 and Ta4 are gated on and the output voltage is vag = 0. Similarly, switching state sa = 2 involves gating on transistors Ta1 and Ta2 and the output voltage is vag = vdc. These switching states produce the same voltages as a two-level converter. Switching state sa = 1 involves gating on transistors Ta2 and Ta3 as shown in Fig. 6.5c. In this case, the point a is connected to the capacitor junction through the added diodes and the output voltage is vag = vdc /2. Note that for each of the switching states, the transistor blocking voltage is one half the DC-link voltage. When compared with the two-level converter, the additional voltage level allows the production of line-to-ground voltages with lower harmonic distortion, as illustrated in Fig. 6.2. Furthermore, the switching losses for this converter will be lower than that of a two-level converter. Switching losses are reduced by the lower transistor blocking voltage and increased by the higher number of transistors. However, it can be seen by inspection of Figs. 6.2 and 6.5 that each transistor is switching only during a portion of the period of da, which again reduces the switching losses. Maintaining voltage balance on the capacitors can be accomplished through selection of the
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as dc cs
Four-level converter topology.
a1 dc
a3 dc ag
dc ag
Three-level converter switching states.
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as c2
Redundant switching state example.
* s
* a
* b
* c
xs x xs a c1
c12 c1
Redundant switching state example.
redundant states [27]. Redundant switching states are states that lead to the same motor voltages, but yield different capacitor currents. As an example, consider the three-level converter redundant switching states sw = 24 and sw = 9 shown in Fig. 6.6. It can be shown through Eq. (6.4) that either switching state will produce the same voltages on the load (assuming the capacitor voltages are nearly balanced). However, from Fig. 6.6 it can be seen that the current drawn from the capacitor bank will be different in each case. In particular, if the a-phase current is positive, the load will discharge the capacitor that it is connected to. In this case, the load should be connected across the capacitor with the highest voltage. On the other hand, if the a-phase current is negative, it will have a charging effect and the load should be connected across the capacitor with the lowest voltage. Therefore, capacitor voltage balancing through redundant state selection (RSS) is a straightforward matter of selecting between the redundant states based on which capacitor is overcharged with respect to the other and the direction of the phase currents. This information may be stored in a lookup table for inclusion in the modulation scheme [25, 27]. Figure 6.7 shows a block diagram of how an RSS table may be included in the modulation control. There, the modulator determines the desired switching states as described in the previous section. The desired switching state as well as the capacitor imbalance and phase current direction information are used as inputs to the lookup table, which determines the final switching state. As a practical matter, this table may be implemented in a DSP along with the duty-cycle calculations or may be programmed into an EPLD as a logic function.
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3 a1
c3 as
Four-level converter topology.
Figure 6.8 shows the topology for the four-level diode-clamped converter. Proper operation requires that each capacitor be charged to one third of the DC-link voltage. The transistor switching is similar to that of a three-level converter in that there are (n − 1) adjacent transistors gated on for each switching state. The switching results in four possibilities for the output voltage vag = {0 1--3vdc 2--3vdc vdc}. In this topology, each transistor need only block one third of the DC-link voltage. The diode-clamped concept may be extended to a higher number of levels by the expansion of the capacitor bank, switching transistors, and clamping diodes. However, there are some practical problems with diode-clamped converters of four voltage levels or more. The first difficulty is that some of the added diodes will need to block (n − 2)/ (n − 1) of the DC-link voltage [28]. As the number of levels is increased, it may be necessary to connect clamping diodes in series to block this voltage. It should also be pointed out that capacitor voltage balance through RSS works well for the three-level topology, but for converters with a higher number of voltage levels there are not enough redundant states to balance the capacitor voltages when the modulation index m becomes greater than 60% [27]. In these cases, another multilevel converter, such as a multilevel rectifier [25] of multilevel DC-DC converter [25] must be placed on the input side for voltage balance.
Flying-Capacitor Multilevel Converters Figure 6.9 shows one phase of a three-level flying-capacitor multilevel converter. The general concept behind this converter is that the added capacitor is charged to one half of the DC-link voltage and may be inserted in series with the DC-link voltage to form an additional voltage level [29, 30]. Figure 6.10 shows how this is accomplished through the transistor switching. As can be seen, switching states sa = 0 and sa = 2 involve gating on the two lower and upper transistors as was done with the diode-clamped structure. In this topology, there are two options for switching to the state sa = 1, as can be seen in Fig. 6.10c. The capacitor voltage may be either added to the converter ground or subtracted from the DClink voltage. In essence, there is switching redundancy within the phase leg. Since the direction of the current through the capacitor changes depending on which redundant state is selected, the capacitor
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a3 ag
Three-level flyback converter topology.
voltage may be maintained at one half the DC-link voltage through the redundant state selection within the phase.
Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converters Cascaded H-bridge converters consist of a number of H-bridge power conversion cells, each supplied by an isolated source on the DC side and series-connected on the AC side [31–33]. Figure 6.11 shows the a-phase of a cascaded H-bridge converter, where two H-bridge cells are utilized. It should be pointed out that, unlike the diode-clamped and flying-capacitor topologies, isolated sources are required for each cell in each phase. In some systems these sources may be available through batteries or photovoltaic cells [32], but in most drive systems transformer/rectifier sources are used. Figure 6.12 illustrates the switching state detail for one H-bridge cell. As can be seen, three unique output voltages are possible. In accordance with the convention used here, the lowest switching state will be labeled state 0. When these cells are combined in series, an effective switching state can be related to the switching states of the individual cells. By defining switching states in this way, the modulation scheme of the previous section may be applied to this converter as well. The output voltage of the inverter may be determined from the switching states of the individual cells by p
v ag =
∑ (S
– 1 )v dci
where p is the number of series H-bridge cells. If the DC voltage applied to each cell is set to the same value, then the effective number of voltage levels may be related to the number of cells by
n = 3 + 2(p – 1)
Therefore, the converter shown in Fig. 6.10 would operate with five voltage levels. To obtain a clearer comprehension of how the voltage levels are produced, Table 6.1 shows the overall switching state as well as the switching states of the individual cells and the resulting output voltage. As can be seen, there is quite a bit of switching state redundancy within one phase leg of the cascaded H-bridge converter for states sa = 1, sa = 2, and sa = 3. This redundancy may be exploited to increase the number of voltage levels
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FIGURE 6.10 Three-level flyback converter switching states.
by selecting different DC voltage values for each cell [33]. As an example, consider the case where vdc1a = 3vdc2a. Table 6.2 defines the overall switching state and demonstrates a method for obtaining nine-level performance in this case. As can be seen, the number of voltage levels is greatly improved by setting the DC voltages to different values. In particular, if a ratio of three is used for each cell added, the number of voltage levels for a given number of cells may be computed as
n = (3)
Besides an improvement in power quality, the DC voltage ratio used in Table 6.2 will also split the power conversion process into a high-voltage, low-switching frequency converter and a low-voltage, highswitching frequency converter [33]. For this type of converter, one cell may utilize GTOs and the other cell may utilize IGBTs to make the best use of the switching devices. One disadvantage of the DC voltage ratio used in Table 6.2 is that the system is not as modular as before, requiring two types of converter cells. Another disadvantage is that the DC voltage source on the lower voltage cell may be required to absorb a negative current because it is supplying a negative output voltage when the AC current is positive [33].
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dc2a ag
Cascaded H-bridge topology with two cells.
a1 ag1
a1 ag1
Switching states of the H-bridge cell.
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TABLE 6.1 sa
sa1 sa2 vag
0 0 −2E
TABLE 6.2 sa sa1 sa2 vag
0 0 0 −4E
Cascaded H-Bridge Switching States (vdc1a = vdc2a = E) 1 0 1 −E
2 1 0 −E
0 2 0
1 1 0
2 0 0
2 1 E
4 1 2 E
2 2 2E
Cascaded H-Bridge Switching States (vdca1 = 3vdc2a = 3E) 1 0 1 −3E
2 0 2 −2E
3 1 0 −E
4 1 1 0
5 1 2 E
6 2 0 2E
7 2 1 3E
8 2 2 4E
Cascaded H-Bridge Switching States (vdc1a = vdc2a = E)
sa1 sa2 vag
0 0 −3E
0 1 −2E
2 0 2 −E
3 1 0 −E
1 1 0
4 1 2 E
2 0 E
2 1 2E
2 2 3E
2 a1
1 dca
Five-level H-bridge inverter.
For example, obtaining switching state sa = 6 requires that the lower voltage cell output a negative voltage (i.e., sa2 = 0). If a high power factor load is assumed, then the phase current ias is likely positive when this switching state occurs resulting in a current into vdc1a . This situation may be avoided by lowering the DC voltage ratio to vdc1a = 2vdc2a . Table 6.3 shows the switching pattern for this operation. As can be seen, seven-level performance is ensured. For switching state sa = 4, the redundant choice may now be made dependent on the direction of the phase current to ensure that the current from vdc2a is positive [33].
Multilevel H-Bridge Converters Another possible topology is the multilevel H-bridge converter, which consists of an H-bridge made from diode-clamped phase legs [34]. The most straightforward example of this is the five-level H-bridge converter shown in Figure 6.13. As can be seen, the structure is made from two three-level diode-clamped
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phase legs. Based on the previous discussion on the diode-clamped structure, it may be stated that the points a and g can be connected to any of the junction points d0, d1, or d2. If the capacitors are charged to one half of the DC-link voltage, then the possible output voltages are vag = {−vdca − 1--vdca 0 1--vdca vdca}. 2 2 In general, the effective number of levels for a multilevel H-bridge made from phase legs with nleg levels is
n = 2 ( n leg – 1 ) + 1
Redundancy exists within the structure which may be used to ensure capacitor voltage balance. An isolated source is required for each phase.
6.4 Cascaded Multilevel Converter Topologies Recent research in multilevel power conversion includes the introduction of the concept of cascading multilevel converters [39, 40]. In this section, two types of cascaded multilevel converters are considered. The first type consists of three-phase multilevel converters cascaded through splitting of the neutral point of a wye-connected load. The second type focuses on the cascaded H-bridge converter utilizing multilevel cells.
Cascaded Multilevel Converters Figure 6.14 shows the topology of the cascaded multilevel converter [39]. In the figure, a three-phase multilevel converter with n1 voltage levels is connected to a motor load. The neutral point of the motor has been split and connected to another three-phase multilevel converter. The operation of the cascaded multilevel converter requires that each converter be supplied by an isolated DC voltage source (labeled vdc1 and vdc2 in Fig. 6.14). The analysis of this converter begins by deriving equations that relate the motor phase voltages to the line-to-ground voltages of the individual converters. If the point n12 in Fig. 6.14
cs 1 bs dc1 as
12 as
The cascaded multilevel converter.
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indicates a fictitious neutral point, then the phase voltages from converter 1 may be written similar to Eq. (6.4). In particular [39]
v as1 v bs1 v cs1
2 – 1 – 1 v a1g1 1 = -- – 1 2 – 1 v b1g1 3 – 1 – 1 2 v c1g1
where the line-to-ground voltages are defined with respect to the negative DC rail of vdc1. For example va1g1 is the voltage from the point a1 to g1. Similarly for converter 2,
v as2 v bs2 v cs2
2 – 1 – 1 v a2g2 1 = -- – 1 2 – 1 v b2g2 3 – 1 – 1 2 v c2g2
By applying KVL equations to the circuit topology, it can be seen that
v as = v as1 – v as2
v bs = v bs1 – v bs2
v cs = v cs1 – v cs2
Substitution of Eqs. (6.30) and (6.31) into Eqs. (6.32) to (6.34) yields
v as v bs v cs
2 – 1 – 1 v a1g1 – v a2g2 1 = -- – 1 2 – 1 v b1g1 – v b2g2 3 – 1 – 1 2 v c1g1 – v c2g2
By comparison of Eq. (6.35) to Eq. (6.4), it can be seen that the effective line-to-ground voltage is the difference of the line-to-ground voltages from converter 1 to converter 2. The effective number of voltage levels in this cascaded topology depends on the ratio of the DC voltages. It has been shown that the maximum number of voltage levels achievable is the product of the voltage levels of the individual converters or [39]
n = n1 n2
To obtain this number of effective voltage levels, the DC voltage ratio must be set to [39]
v dc2 n2 – 1 -------- = ----------------------n2 ( n1 – 1 ) v dc1
As with the cascaded H-bridge inverter described in Section 6.3, the switching states of each converter may be related to an overall switching state in order to utilize the same multilevel modulation technique of Section 6.2. A specific example of this is given in the following section where a three-level diodeclamped converter is cascaded with a two-level converter to form an effective six-level converter.
Cascaded Multilevel H-Bridge Converters Combining the concept of cascading converters with the cascaded H-bridge converter described in Section 6.3, it stands to reason that a cascaded H-bridge converter can be made from multilevel H-bridge cells. The general concept is shown in Fig. 6.15, which depicts the a-phase of a cascaded H-bridge
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as p agp
2 ag2
1 ag1
Cascaded multilevel H-bridge converter.
converter having p multilevel cells. Each cell consists of a multilevel H-bridge converter (for example, a five-level H-bridge cell would be as shown in Fig. 6.13). For this converter, the effective number of voltage levels is the product of the voltage levels of the individual cells or p
n =
assuming that the DC voltage of cell i is set based on the adjacent cell as [40]
ni – 1 -v v dc( i −1 )x = -------------------------n i ( n i−1 – 1 ) dcix
i = 2, 3,… m
The switching states of the individual converters may be related to an overall switching state so that the standard modulation scheme may be used. As with the cascaded H-bridge converter discussed in Section 6.3, it may be necessary to utilize a DC voltage ratio different from that of Eq. (6.39) to increase the redundancy within the phase leg and avoid negative DC currents when the DC sources are supplied from transformer/ rectifier circuits. A specific example is given in the following section, where a five-level H-bridge cell is cascaded with a three-level H-bridge cell.
6.5 Multilevel Converter Laboratory Examples Three-Level Diode-Clamped Inverter The first laboratory example in this section involves the three-level diode-clamped inverter as shown in Fig. 6.4. For this study, both of the capacitors on the DC link were supplied by isolated voltage sources so that the total voltage was 187.5 V. The induction motor load was a 3.7 kW machine with a rated line voltage of 230 V, a rated line frequency of 60 Hz, and a rated mechanical speed of 183 rad/s. The modulation strategy for this study was space-vector modulation. However, similar performance can be achieved
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Cascaded-3/2 Inverter Switching States (vdc1 = 4vdc2 = 4E)
sa sa1 sa2 va1g1 − va2g2
0 0 1 −E
1 0 0 0
2 1 1 E
3 1 0 2E
4 2 1 3E
5 2 0 4E
Three-level inverter laboratory measurements. (From IEEE, 1999. With permission.)
with the method described in Section 6.2 if the modulation index is set to m = 0.87 and the switching frequency is set to fsw = 1.8 kHz. Figure 6.16 shows the a-phase voltage and current for steady-state operation at rated conditions [41]. As can be seen, the phase voltage contains more steps than would be present in a standard two-level converter [42]. The voltage and current total harmonic distortion (THD) in this example were 34 and 5.1%. These waveforms are used as a reference point for the cascaded converter performance shown below.
The Cascade-3/2 Inverter Figure 6.17 shows a special case of the cascaded multilevel converter where a three-level diode-clamped converter is cascaded with a two-level converter. This topology is referred to here as a cascade-3/2 converter. In this study, the DC voltages were set to vdc1 = 250 V and vdc2 = 125 V in accordance with Eq. (6.37). As with the previous example, the DC voltages on the three-level converter were supplied by isolated sources. Under these operating conditions, six voltage levels are achievable according to Eq. (6.36). Table 6.4 relates the switching states of the individual converters to an overall switching state in a way that sixlevel performance can be demonstrated. The modulation strategy chosen for this study was space-vector modulation. However, the generalized switching state sa from Table 6.4 may be used in the modulation strategy discussed in Section 6.2 with m = 0.87 and fsw = 540 Hz for similar results. It should be pointed out that RSS switching involving all three phases was performed in this study to ensure that the average current drawn from vdc2 was positive. The details of this RSS [41] will not be covered here. The induction motor used in this study is identical to that for the three-level inverter study discussed above. Figure 6.18 shows the motor a-phase voltage and current in the steady state at rated operation as measured in the laboratory [39]. As can be seen, the voltage has more steps when compared with the three-level example and therefore more closely resembles an ideal sine wave. The voltage and current THD in this example were 16.8 and 5.4%, respectively. The switching frequency was intentionally set to a low value to compare the voltage THD with that of the
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bs as
The cascade-3/2 multilevel inverter.
Cascade-3/2 inverter laboratory measurements.
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TABLE 6.5 sa
sa1 sa2 vag
0 0 −5E
Cascade-5/3H Inverter Switching States (vdc1a = 4vdc2a = 4E) 1
0 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 −4E −3E −3E −2E
4 1 2 −E
5 2 0 −E
2 1 0
6 2 2 E
3 0 E
3 1 2E
3 4 2 0 3E 3E
4 1 4E
4 2 5E
Cascaded-5/3H inverter topology.
three-level example [41], yielding a measure of performance improvement. However, increasing the switching frequency would lead to a significant reduction in the current ripple.
The Cascade-5/3H Inverter Figure 6.19 shows the a-phase topology for a specific case of the cascaded multilevel H-bridge inverter. In this example, a five-level H-bridge cell is cascaded with a three-level H-bridge cell. The DC voltages were set to vdc1a = 260 V and vdc2a = 65 V. Although this ratio does not yield the maximum number of voltage levels as depicted by Eq. (6.39), it allows redundancy within each phase that may be used for ensuring positive DC current from vdc2a as discussed in Section 6.3. For this example, redundant state selection within the five-level converter was used to balance the capacitor voltages so that only two isolated voltage sources are needed per phase. Table 6.5 shows the overall switching state and its relation to the switching of the individual converters. For this study, duty-cycle modulation was used. However, similar results may be obtained by using the modulation scheme outlined in Section 6.2 with a modulation index of m = 0.91 and a switching frequency of fsw = 10 kHz. The induction motor is a 5.2-kW machine with
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Cascade-5/3H inverter laboratory measurements.
a rated line voltage of 460 V. Figure 6.20 shows the measured performance of the inverter operating at rated voltage and a power level of 3.7 kW. Therein, the a-phase voltage, current, and capacitor voltages are shown. As can be seen, from the motor voltage, the number of steps is greatly increased from the three- and six-level inverter examples shown above. The voltage and current THD in this example are 6.5 and 3.7%, respectively. It can also be seen from the capacitor voltages that the RSS algorithm is effective.
6.6 Conclusion This chapter has presented an overview of multilevel power conversion. Multilevel voltage-source modulation was introduced and formulated in terms of a per-phase switching state which related to the converter line-to-ground voltage. Several topologies for performing multilevel power conversion were presented and the switching states were defined to match that of the modulation. In this way, the generalized multilevel modulation technique can be readily applied to any of the specific topologies. Two types of cascaded multilevel topologies were discussed. The advantage of cascading multilevel converters is the large number of voltage levels available as the result of a compounding effect of cascading process. A few laboratory examples were given that demonstrated the performance achievable through multilevel power converters.
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