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were included if in the study the acceptance of regularly placed children with Down syndrome by their own ...... UNIPAC, Barbacena,. Brazil. Doherty, U., and ...
In: New Developments in Down Syndrome Research Editors: Alard van den Bosch and Elise Dubois
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Chapter II
Effects of Regular Versus Special School Placement on Students with Down Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Studies Gert de Graaf1,2,, Geert van Hove1 and Meindert Haveman3 1
Department of Orthopedagogics, Ghent University, Belgium Dutch Down Syndrome Foundation, Meppel, The Netherlands 3 Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Dortmund, Germany 2
Abstract Background Since the 1980s, more and more children with Down syndrome are in regular education. Parents and schools expect social and cognitive advantages. Method This systematic review of studies on the effects of school placement of students with Down syndrome, with special reference to self-help skills, language, academics and social functioning, is based on the following criteria. Firstly, studies were published in the period 1970-2010. Secondly, any study with a direct comparison between placements in developmental or social outcomes was included. However, studies with a very small sample size (n