CHAPTER 3 SOLAR-THERMAL POWER GENERATION Jacob Karni Department of Environmental Sciences and Energy Research, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100 Israel; E-mail:
[email protected] This chapter provides a brief description of the various concentrating solar-thermal configurations—line-focus, on-axis, and solar central receiver systems. It then describes some key characteristics and offers definitions of parameters in the determination of the system’s performance. The levelized energy cost (LEC) is singled out as the ultimate performance parameter of any solar power generation system, and the overall annual system efficiency is found to be a fundamental factor in its determination. A performance analysis of different solar-thermal systems leads to the conclusion that there are several configurations with a potential for significantly higher system efficiency, and thus lower LEC, than those of the most commercially advanced solar-thermal systems. The highest predicted annual average system efficiency is that of a combined cycle based on an array of dish concentrators, each with its own microturbine whose residue heat is transported to a central steam-Rankine station. The analysis also shows that the development of high-efficiency Brayton microturbines at the power level of about 100 kWe, and steam-Rankine power conversion units (PCUs), or alternatives such as a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle, at 10–100 MWe, would boost the commercialization of high-efficiency, low LEC solar-thermal systems.
1. INTRODUCTION: SOLAR-THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION Solar-thermal power generation encompasses all the methods, processes, and systems where solar radiation is harnessed, converted to thermal energy, and then to electrical energy. The radiation to thermal energy conversion takes place over the entire solar spectrum, unlike the waveband-dependent direct radiation to electricity conversion in a photovoltaic process. The thermal to electric energy conversion is commonly done using a heat engine (e.g., steam turbine, gas turbine, Stirling engine, etc.). Even if another method (e.g., thermoelectric) is used—see Chapter 6 in this volume on direct heat-to-electricity conversion of solar energy—the process must always follow the basic heat-to-work conversion principles, where the efficiency generally increases as the process upper temperature increases and/or the lower temperature decreases. In terrestrial systems, the thermal energy derived from solar radiation must therefore be provided at an elevated temperature. The upper temperature of existing solar-thermal power generating systems is typically 200◦ C– 1000◦C. Attaining these temperatures requires concentration of the direct sunlight reaching the earth’s surface before it is converted to thermal energy. The concentration ratio varies roughly from about 20 to 2000, depending on the upper working temperature and specific process involved. Hence, harnessing and utilizing sunlight in solar-thermal power genera-
ISSN: 1049–0787; ISBN: 1–978–56700–311–6/12/$35.00 + $00.00 c 2012 by Begell House, Inc.
c combined heat and power compact linear Fresnel reflector concentrated photovoltaic capital recovery factor central receiver system concentrated solar power direct normal irradiation (of solar energy) see LEC levelized energy cost (levelized cost of energy) is also used linear Fresnel collector linear Fresnel reflector megawatt of electrical energy megawatt of thermal energy power conversion unit solar central receiver solar energy generating systems. Refers to nine trough plants, with combined rated power of 350 MWe in the Mojave Desert thermal energy storage threshold process temperature
Cf lux Cf lux,design Cf lux,yr−avg Cgeom Cp CR CF ˆf uel C ˆinvest C
ˆO&M C D Di
Do Roman Symbols ai Aland Acollector aperture
Acollector aperture, design
Areceiver aperture
AV bi
parameter in Eq. (15e); see Table 1 the total land area of the solar system, m2 the collector aperture area; the total area designated for collecting and reflecting direct incident sunlight, m2 the collector aperture area required for collecting and reflecting direct incident sunlight at design conditions, m2 the receiver aperture area. The part of the receiver outer surface area from which reradiation or reflected radiation can escape from the receiver (≥ the area from which radiation can enter the receiver) and convection losses can occur, m2 availability [Eq. (45)] parameter in Eq. (15e); see Table 1
Eelec,yr Esolar−elec,yr ˆarea,design E
f cr g
parameter in Eq. (20); see Table 2 flux concentration ratio flux concentration ratio at design point [Eq. (2)] annual average of the flux concentration ratio [see Eq. (3)] geometric concentration ratio [Eq. (1)] specific heat at constant pressure, J/(kg·K) cost-value ratio of process heat to electricity [Eq. (42)] capacity factor [Eqs. (41) and (48)] annual fuel costs, $ total capital investment in the plant’s construction and installation, $ annual operation and maintenance costs, $ diameter, m the outer diameter (OD) of the inner tube in a trough’s receiver annulus, m the inner diameter (ID) of the outer tube in a trough’s receiver annulus, m net annual yield of electricity, kJ, or kWh net annual yield of electricity produced with solar energy, kJ, or kWh design constant determined by the system configuration [Eq. (49)], kWh/m2 , kJ/m2 ratio of actual heat engine efficiency to its Carnot efficiency, f = ηP CU /ηCarnot ratio of actual heat engine efficiency to its Carnot efficiency at design conditions ratio of actual heat engine efficiency to its Carnot efficiency at annual average conditions annualized fixed charge rate (or annuity factor) [Eq. (52)] standard gravitational acceleration, m/s2
NOMENCLATURE (Continued) GrH Gry hconv ¯ conv h ¯ f orce h ¯ mix h ¯ nat h H HT Labs
HT Lcond
HT Lconv
HT Lrad
Iincident Iincident,design I¯incident,yr−avg Ira
I¯ra,avg−design I¯ra,yr−avg
Grashof number based on kd H = gβH 3(T¯w − Tamb )/ν2 kg Grashof number based on kinsurance y = gβy 3 (T¯w − Tamb )/ν2 L local convective heat transfer Ls coefficient, W/(m2 ·K) Lspace average convective heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2 ·K) average heat transfer coefficient LEC for forced convection, W/(m2 ·K) LECsolar average heat transfer coefficient for mixed convection, W/(m2 ·K) average heat transfer coefficient m for natural convection, W/(m2 ·K) n the vertical dimension of an N external receiver, m absorption by the heat NuDi transmission subsystem during start-up or after a cool-down, until it reaches its steady-state NuD,avg operating temperature conduction losses from the heat transmission subsystem to its NuLs support structure, the ground, etc. convection losses from the heat NuLs ,yr−avg transmission subsystem to the surrounding air Nuy radiation losses from the heat transmission subsystem to its OL surrounding ambience instantaneous direct normal OLabs,2nd irradiation (DNI), kW/m2 direct normal irradiation (DNI) at design conditions, kW/m2 OLabs,col annual average of the direct normal irradiation (DNI), kW/m2 instantaneous local irradiation OLatt flux onto an area element of the receiver aperture, kW/m2 OLblok local irradiation flux onto an area element of the receiver aperture at design conditions, kW/m2 OLcos average irradiation flux onto the receiver aperture at design conditions, kW/m2 annual average of the irradiation OLref l,2nd flux onto the receiver aperture, kW/m2
cost of capital, or real debt interest rate gas conductivity, W/(m·K) annual insurance cost rate length, m ensemble cavity length [see Eq. (15e)], m separation distance between the inner and outer tubes of a trough’s receiver annulus, m levelized energy cost [Eq. (51)], $/kWh levelized energy cost of electricity generated by solar energy [Eqs. (53a), (53b), and (53c)], $/kWh parameter in Eq. (20); see Table 2 parameter in Eq. (20); see Table 2 depreciation period in years [in Eq. (52)], yr Nusselt number for natural convection in the annulus of a trough’s receiver [Eqs. (12) and (13a)] circumferential average Nusselt number for forced convection from a cylinder in crossflow = hf orce D/kg Nusselt number for convection from a cavity receiver [see Eqs. (14) and (15a)] annual average value of NuLs [see Eq. (16)] local Nusselt number for natural convection based on y = hnat y/kg optical loss; expressed as fraction of the available solar radiation energy, % incoming radiation loss due to absorption of light by the reflective surface of a secondary optic element, % incoming radiation loss due to absorption of light by the reflective surface of the collector, % incoming radiation loss due to atmospheric attenuation, % incoming radiation loss due to blocking of light reflected from one collector element by another collection element, or another part of the system, % incoming radiation loss due to the effective collector’s area reduction due to its tilt angle relative to the direct solar radiation and the focal target, % Incoming radiation loss due to back-reflection of light by the reflective surface of a secondary optic element, %
NOMENCLATURE (Continued) OLshad
p˙ V P˙ elec P˙ elec,design P˙ elec,yr−avg
Pr Qheat,yr Qsolar−in,yr Q˙ conv Q˙ rec−in,design Q˙ rec−in,yr−avg Q˙ rec−out,design Q˙ rec−out,yr−avg Q˙ HT −in,design Q˙ HT −in,yr−avg Q˙ HT −out,design Q˙ HT −out,yr−avg Q˙ P CU −in,design
incoming radiation loss due to shadowing of incoming sunlight aiming at one collector element by another collection element, or another part of the system, % incoming radiation loss due to spillage around the receiver, receiver aperture, or secondary optic aperture, % volumetric power density of a receiver [Eq. (23)], kW/m3 net electric power output produced with solar energy, kW net electric power output produced with solar energy at design point, kW net electric power output produced with solar energy at annual average conditions, kW Prandtl number = ν/α = kg /ρCp net annual yield of process heat, kJ, or kWh annual input of solar energy, kJ, or kWh convected heat rate, kW Solar power input into the receiver at design condition, kW solar power input into the receiver at annual average condition, kW thermal power output from the receiver at design condition, kW thermal power output from the receiver at annual average condition, kW thermal power input into the heat transmission subsystem at design condition, kW thermal power input into the heat transmission subsystem at annual average condition, kW thermal power output from the heat transmission subsystem at design condition, kW thermal power output from the heat transmission subsystem at annual average condition, kW thermal power input into the power conversion unit at design condition, kW
Ra RaDi RaDo RaLs ReD ReLref Ri RL RLabs
RLcond RLconv
RLref l RLrerad SF T tavail
tyear,sun tyear,sun−of f
T Tamb TH TL TPT Trec
Rayleigh number = Pr·Gr Rayleigh number based on Di [see Eq. (13c)] Rayleigh number based on Do [see Eq. (13d)] Rayleigh number based on Ls [see Eq. (15b)] Reynolds number based on diameter = V¯amb D/ν Reynolds number based on a reference length = V¯amb Lref /ν Richardson number = Gr/ Re2 loss of power from the receiver, kW absorption losses by the receiver during start-up or after a cool-down, until it reaches its steady-state operating temperature, kW conduction losses through the receiver insulation, kW convection losses from the receiver aperture, Areceiver aperture , to the surrounding, kW back-reflection of incoming sunlight from the receiver, kW reradiation losses from hot receiver components, kW solar plant’s size factor [Eq. (44)] time, s, h the time the system, subsystem, or component is available for operation during solar hours in one year, s, h total annual solar operation hours (e.g., sunrise to sunset), s, h total annual solar nonoperation hours (e.g., sunset to sunrise, plus intermittent cool-down periods) total time in one year = tyear,sun + tyear,sun−of f (8760 h, or 31,536,000 s), s, h temperature, K ambient temperature, K upper working temperature of a heat engine, K lower working temperature of a heat engine, K threshold process temperature, K instantaneous local temperature of an area element on the reradiating surface of the receiver, K
NOMENCLATURE (Continued) Trec,design
Trec,equiv Trec,design,equiv Trec,yr−avg,equiv Trec,yr−avg,exit Tw T¯i T¯o T¯w
Vac V¯amb
volrec Y
local temperature of an area ηCarnot element on the reradiating ηCHP surface of the receiver at design conditions, K ηCHP,adj the reradiation temperature of a receiver, K equivalent design temperature ηCHP,adj,yr−avg [Eq. (10a)], K equivalent annual average temperature [Eq. (10b)], K annual average exit temperature ηCN of the receiver’s working fluid, K local wall temperature, e.g., in ηelec a receiver’s cavity, or of ηheat external receiver, K ηheat,yr−avg average temperature of inner surface or inner tube, K ηHT,design average temperature of outer surface or outer tube, K ηHT,yr−avg average wall temperature, e.g., in a receiver’s cavity, or of ηidealsolarengine external receiver during operation, K ηopt,design annual average wall temperature, e.g., in a receiver’s ηopt,yr−avg cavity, or of an external receiver wall, K ηpar,design AC voltage, V average flow velocity in the ηpar,yr−avg ambience surrounding a solar receiver, m/s receiver volume, m3 ηP CU the vertical distance from the lower boundary of an external ηP CU,design receiver, m ηP CU,yr−avg
Greek Symbols α thermal diffusivity = kg /ρCp , m2 /s αi half-angle between the sunray impinging on the collector/ reflector surface and its reflected ray toward the receiver (see Fig. 6), radian β expansion coefficient, K−1 εr local emissivity in the receiver cavity, or its exposed surface ¯ εr average emissivity in thereceiver cavity, or its exposed surface
ηrec,design ηrec,yr−avg ηsys,design ηsys,yr−avg
Carnot efficiency = 1 − TL /TH combined heat and power (CHP) efficiency [Eq. (41a)] combined heat and power (CHP) efficiency, adjusted for relative cost of heat and electricity [Eq. (41b)] annual average combined heat and power (CHP) efficiency, adjusted for relative cost of heat and electricity [Eq. (50)] Chambadal–Novikov efficiency [Eq. (37)] solar-to-electric efficiency solar-to-process heat efficiency annual average solar-to-process heat efficiency heat transmission efficiency at design conditions [Eq. (29)] heat transmission efficiency at annual average conditions [Eq. (31)] ideal solar heat engine efficiency [Eq. (54)] optical efficiency at design conditions [Eqs. (4a) and (4b)] optical efficiency at annual average conditions [Eq. (6)] efficiency term accounting for parasitic losses at design conditions efficiency term accounting for parasitic losses at annual average conditions efficiency of a power conversion unit design efficiency of a power conversion unit [Eq. (34)] annual average efficiency of a power conversion unit [Eq. (37)] receiver efficiency at design conditions [Eq. (25)] receiver efficiency at annual average conditions [Eq. (27)] overall system efficiency at design conditions [Eq. (40)] overall system efficiency at annual average conditions [Eqs. (47a) and (47b)] dimensionless equivalent reradiation temperature of the receiver [Eq. (11)]
NOMENCLATURE (Continued) µ µamb µw ν ρ ρr
ρra,loss ρra,loss,design ¯ra,loss,yr−avg ρ σ φ
viscosity, kg/m·s ambient viscosity, kg/m·s wall surface viscosity, kg/m·s kinematic viscosity = µ/ρ, m2 /s density, kg/m3 the fraction of the direct radiation reaching the receiver, which is reflected from its surface the instantaneous fraction of ρr , which escapes through the receiver aperture the fraction of ρr , which escapes through the receiver aperture at design conditions annual average of the portion of ρr , which escapes through the receiver aperture the Stefan–Boltzmann constant 5.67×10−8 Wm−2 K−4 , Wm−2 K−4 inclination angle between the normal line of the receiver’s aperture plane and the horizontal plane when the receiver is facingthe primary concentrator, radian
parameter in Eq. (15e); see Table 1, radian
Subscripts Abs absorption Avg average Cond conduction Conv convection design design point conditions H high HT heat transmission L low PCU power conversion unit Ra receiver aperture Rad radiation Rec receiver Rerad reradiation year, or yr one year yr-avg annual average conditions
tion systems is an operation combining the collection and concentration of solar radiation, its conversion to heat, and then to electricity. In summary, although there are usually other steps, all the methods discussed in this chapter include an energy conversion sequence of three essential steps: 1. Collection and concentration of direct solar radiation. 2. Conversion of concentrated solar radiation to thermal energy. 3. Conversion of thermal energy to electricity. Thermal energy storage (TES) can be added to solar-thermal power generation systems. It increases the total energy produced by the system, creates a buffer between the radiation-to-thermal energy conversion and the thermal-to-electrical energy conversion, and thus enables flexible, per-demand power generation that does not have to follow the solar irradiation pattern. The downside is increased capital costs and possible reduction of the system’s optical and transmission efficiencies. See Chapter 5 in this volume on thermal energy storage materials and systems. Solar thermochemical processes1 include the first two steps of the above energy conversion sequence, but in the third step of these processes the thermal energy is used to drive endothermic reactions at high temperature. The complete process is therefore a conversion of solar radiation to chemical energy—commonly in the form of fuel—offering means for long-term storage and transportation of solar energy. See Chapter 8 in this volume on thermochemical production of syngas using concentrated solar energy.
All the solar-thermal power generation systems can, in principle, use fuel in addition to solar radiation to produce thermal energy. Such fuel hybridization of a solar-thermal system can supplement heat when the sun radiation is insufficient, or extend the system operation after sundown, when demand for electricity is often high. Solar-thermal power generation and concentrated photovoltaic processes2 are commonly referred to together as concentrated solar power (CSP) systems. Several reviews and tutorials of solar-thermal power generation are available. An introduction to the field is provided by SolarPACES.3 Halacy4 offers an historical account of mankind utilization of solar-thermal energy from prehistoric time until the middle of the 20th century. Winter et al.5 and Stine and Geyer6 provide very comprehensive tutorials, descriptions, and analyses of solar-thermal systems. The latter is continuously expanded and updated on the Internet. Pitz-Paal7 gives a concise review of this technology. Rabl,8 Welford and Winston,9 and O’Gallagher10 presented extensive, detailed explanations of solar concentration optics. The objective of this chapter is not to repeat or summarize the information provided in the above references, but rather focus on the fundamental parameters and problems affecting the performance and cost of solar-thermal power generation systems.
2. SOLAR-THERMAL SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS This section provides a short overview of the various solar-thermal systems configured for generating electrical power. All of these systems use tracking mirror assemblies to collect and concentrate sunlight by reflecting it onto the surface of a solar receiver located in their focal spot. The concentrated solar radiation is absorbed in the receiver and converted to thermal energy of a working fluid. This high-temperature fluid transfers the heat to an engine, which drives a generator and produces electricity. The fundamental differences between these systems arise from the way they track the sun and concentrate sunlight. The tracking and concentrating methods employed by each system strongly influence, or more accurately, set the limits, of its concentration ratio, upper working temperature, system efficiency, and ultimately the levelized energy cost (LEC). The sun’s motion relative to a given position on the earth’s surface is due to (i) the earth’s daily spin around its axis (perceived as the daily east-to-west orbit of the sun), and (ii) the earth’s annual rotation around the sun (seen as a north–south movement and elevation change of the sun, over an annual cycle). Since these are two independent rotational motions, two axes of rotation are required for following the exact movement of the sun with respect to any given position on the earth’s surface.
2.1 Line-Focus Systems Line-focus systems3,5,6 are made of parallel rows of collectors aligned along the north– south direction; see Figs. 1(a)–1(d). Each collector uses a single north–south axis to track the daily movement of the sun from east to west. The north–south movement of the sun— due to the earth’s rotation around it—is not followed. Optical concentration is obtained by
Tubular Receiver
Direct Sunlight
Linear Collector
123%4 Concentrated Sunlight
526%4 Rotational Axis
-./%& '()0*+,
!"#$%& '()**+,
123%4 526%4
!"#$%&' 2/%/"0#%&3' ,$)$"4$&
!"#$%&' (&%)*"#+' ,$-.$)/0&1
FIG. 1: (a) The concept of solar radiation collection and concentration in trough systems. of the working fluid in trough systems. (c) Segment of a compact linear Fresnel reflector (CLFR) system. (d) Alternating tracking approach used in a CLFR system to reduce blocking losses.
!"#$%&(b) Heating process
folding the light around one axis—from a plane to a line parallel to the axis of rotation (north–south). In most cases the optical configuration of line-focus systems is that of a parabolic trough reflector6,8,11−14 tracking the sun from east to west and focusing concentrated sunlight on a tubular receiver that rotates around the tracking axis, following the sun’s motion 5 [see Fig. 1(a)]. The heat transfer fluid is heated in a tubular receiver [Fig. 1(b)]6 and then provides thermal energy to drive a Rankine cycle and generate electricity. The main inherent advantage of the system is its compatibility with relatively large engines (i.e., steam turbines of 50–100 MWe). The main inherent disadvantage is the low operating temperature, limited by the relatively low concentration ratio (30–80× the DNI), optical efficiency, and elongated tubular receiver configuration to about 500◦C; a more detailed discussion of this subject is given in Secs. 3 and 4 below. About 350 MW of electric power capacity, generated by trough systems, were installed in California in the 1980s and early 90s and their performance is continuously improving.15,16 Presently, a total capacity of about 1.7 GWe of trough systems is operational around the world, over 1 GWe in Spain alone, and these numbers are expected to double in the next two years.
Recent developments focus on means of improving receiver efficiency, increasing operating temperature, and reducing components costs. Progress achieved over the past decade includes: 1. New design aimed at reducing optical losses.17 2. New, higher efficiency receiver with improved selective coating, capable of reaching higher temperature, smaller and more durable glass to metal seals, and better connections between receiver pipes.12,15,16,18,19 3. Direct steam generation in the trough’s receiver,20,21 or the use of molten salt as working fluid22,23 are developed to improve working fluid heat transfer means and overall system efficiency. 4. Thermal storage for line-focus systems. See Chapter 5 in this volume on thermal energy storage materials and systems. Interesting examples are the use of solid materials24 and high heat capacity fluids and phase change materials25,26 for thermal storage. Another approach, designed to lower the cost of line-focus systems, is the linear Fresnel collector (LFC)27 and its improved version, the compact linear Fresnel reflector (CLFR), initiated by Mills, Morrison, and co-workers28,29 These configurations are made of a field of relatively narrow, parallel linear reflectors, which track the sun along its east to west motion and focus sunlight on a stationary linear absorber [Fig. 1(c)]. The CLFR allows individual reflectors to switch between the two nearest absorbers located on their east and west sides [Fig. 1(d)]. This feature reduces cosine and blocking losses and allows for narrower spacing between the parallel reflectors. The concentrated solar radiation enters the receiver through its lower plane. A secondary reflector that improves the radiation flux distribution on the receiver can be added to it.28 Due to their inferior optical concentration imposed by the use of a stationary receiver, the upper temperature of the working fluid provided by LFC and CLFR systems is typically 50–100◦C lower than that of trough systems. Leading developers of LFC systems are Novatec Solar, Areva Solar (formerly Ausra), and Solar Euromed. The first two installed, respectively, the 31 MWe Puerto Errado plant in Spain and the 5 MWe Kimberlina plant in California, and the third is building the 12 MWe Alba Nova plant in Corsica.
2.2 On-Axis Tracking Systems On-axis solar tracking systems, also known as solar dish concentrators,3,30−34 are based on a solar radiation collector-concentrator such as the one shown schematically in Fig. 2(a), which is similar to a satellite dish or parabolic antenna. The concentrator’s surface is a reflective body of revolution shaped to reflect sunlight to a focus located on its optical axis. The concentrator uses two axes to track the sun motion relative to its position, the east–west rotation due to the earth’s daily spin around its axis, and the north–south movement resulting from the earth’s annual rotation around the sun. The on-axis tracking action always
Concentrated Sunlight
Receiver & Power Conversion Unit
Parabolic Dish Concentrator
(a) 5;/##$