Key words: Protein family, Domain, Signature, Functional classification, Homology, Hidden .... SMART (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) (19) is a.
Chapter 3 InterPro Protein Classification Jennifer McDowall and Sarah Hunter Abstract Improvements in nucleotide sequencing technology have resulted in an ever increasing number of nucleotide and protein sequences being deposited in databases. Unfortunately, the ability to manually classify and annotate these sequences cannot keep pace with their rapid generation, resulting in an increased bias toward unannotated sequence. Automatic annotation tools can help redress the balance. There are a number of different groups working to produce protein signatures that describe protein families, functional domains or conserved sites within related groups of proteins. Protein signature databases include CATHGene3D, HAMAP, PANTHER, Pfam, PIRSF, PRINTS, ProDom, PROSITE, SMART, SUPERFAMILY, and TIGRFAMs. Their approaches range from characterising small conserved motifs that can identify members of a family or subfamily, to the use of hidden Markov models that describe the conservation of residues over entire domains or whole proteins. To increase their value as protein classification tools, protein signatures from these 11 databases have been combined into one, powerful annotation tool: the InterPro database ( (Hunter et al., Nucleic Acids Res 37:D211–D215, 2009). InterPro is an open-source protein resource used for the automatic annotation of proteins, and is scalable to the analysis of entire new genomes through the use of a downloadable version of InterProScan, which can be incorporated into an existing local pipeline. InterPro provides structural information from PDB (Kouranov et al., Nucleic Acids Res 34:D302–D305, 2006), its classification in CATH (Cuff et al., Nucleic Acids Res 37:D310–D314, 2009) and SCOP (Andreeva et al., Nucleic Acids Res 36:D419–D425, 2008), as well as homology models from ModBase (Pieper et al., Nucleic Acids Res 37:D347–D354, 2009) and SwissModel (Kiefer et al., Nucleic Acids Res 37:D387–D392, 2009), allowing a direct comparison of the protein signatures with the available structural information. This chapter reviews the signature methods found in the InterPro database, and provides an overview of the InterPro resource itself. Key words: Protein family, Domain, Signature, Functional classification, Homology, Hidden Markov model, Profile, Clustering, Regular expression
1. Introduction With the increasing number of unannotated protein and nucleotide sequences populating databases, there is a pressing need to elucidate functional information that goes beyond the capabilities of Cathy H. Wu and Chuming Chen (eds.), Bioinformatics for Comparative Proteomics, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 694, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-977-2_3, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
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experimental work alone. The first step in characterizing unannotated proteins is to identify other proteins with which they share high sequence identity. In this way, well-characterized proteins are associated with uncharacterized ones, permitting the transfer of annotation. Even if there are no characterized members in a group, the identification of clusters of proteins bearing strong sequence similarity provides good targets for functional or structural studies, as the information can potentially be transferred among the group. Sequence similarity searches, such as BLAST (7) or FASTA (8), have traditionally been used for the automatic classification of sequences, but their ability to detect homologues depends on the search algorithm used, as well as on the database searched. Furthermore, because they treat each position in the query sequence with equal importance, they have a limited ability to detect divergent homologues. By contrast, protein signatures use multiple sequence alignments as part of the model-building process, which enable them to take into account the level of conservation at different positions. Specific residues in a family of proteins will be highly conserved if they are important for structure or function, whereas less important regions may have fewer constraints. Through their ability to match proteins that retain conservation in important regions, even when the overall percent similarity is low, protein signatures can detect more divergent homologues than simple sequence searches can. As such, protein signatures provide a “description” of a protein family or domain that defines its characteristics. InterPro integrates protein signatures from 11 major signature databases (CATH-Gene3D, HAMAP, PANTHER, Pfam, PIRSF, PRINTS, ProDom, PROSITE, SMART, SUPERFAMILY, and TIGRFAMs) into a single resource, taking advantage of the different areas of specialization of each to produce a resource that provides protein classification on multiple levels: protein families, structural superfamilies and functionally close subfamilies, as well as functional domains, repeats and important sites. By linking related signatures together, InterPro places them in a hierarchical classification scheme, reflecting their underlying evolutionary relationships. Consequently, one can address issues such as the co-evolution of domains, or the functional divergence of proteins based on domain composition. InterPro is used for automatic annotation of the UniProtKB/TrEMBL (9) database using rules and automatic annotation algorithms, thereby permitting new sequences to be automatically assigned to a protein family and receive predicted functional annotation.
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2. Protein Classification Tools
2.1. Sequence Clustering
Protein signatures provide a means of protein classification, and are useful for comparing the evolutionary relatedness of groups of proteins. Several protein signature databases have emerged. These databases use different methods for creating signatures, including sequence clustering, regular expression, profiles and hidden Markov models (HMMs). A brief description of each follows. Sequence clustering is an automated method that clusters together proteins sharing regions of high sequence similarity. PRODOM (10) is a signature database of domain families constructed automatically by clustering homologous regions. ProDom starts with the smallest sequence (representing a single domain) in UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and, after removing fragments, searches for significant matches using PSIBlast (11). These matches are removed from the database and used to create a domain family. The process is then repeated using the next smallest sequence. The ProDom database has a high coverage of protein space and is good at identifying new domain families in otherwise uncharacterised sequence.
2.2. Regular Expressions
A regular expression is a computer-readable formula for a pattern, which can be used to search for matching strings in a text. Regular expression can be used to describe short, conserved motifs of amino acids found within a protein sequence. These motifs can describe active sites, binding sites or other conserved sites. PROSITE (12) is a signature database that includes regular expressions, or patterns. These signatures are built from multiple sequence alignments of known families, which are searched for conserved motifs important for the biological function of the family. The pattern of conservation within the motif is modelled as a regular expression. For example, the following hypothetical pattern, C-{P}-x(2)-[LI], can be translated as Cys-{any residue except Pro}-any residue-any residue-[Leu or Ile]. By focusing on small conserved regions, PROSITE patterns can detect divergent homologues, as long as their motifs are recognized by the regular expression. To reduce the number of false matches to these short motifs, PROSITE use mini-profiles to support pattern matches.
2.3. Profiles
A profile is a matrix of position-specific amino acid weights and gap costs, in which each position in the matrix provides a score of the likelihood of finding a particular amino acid at a specific position in the sequence (i.e., residue frequency distributions) (13). A similarity score is calculated between the profile and a matching sequence for a given alignment using the scores in the matrix.
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PROSITE produces profiles in addition to its regular expressions. These profiles generally model domains and repeats, although there are a few full-length protein family profiles as well. They use multiple sequence alignments of UniProtKB/SwissProt sequences to build their profiles. HAMAP (14) is a signature database of profiles describing wellcharacterized microbial protein families. Their models take the full length of the proteins into consideration when making a match, applying length and taxonomy filters. Their focus is the annotation of bacterial and archaeal genomes from sequencing projects, as well as plastid genomes. PRINTS (15) is a database of protein fingerprints, which are sets of conserved motifs used to define protein families, subfamilies, domains, and repeats. The individual motifs are similar in length to PROSITE patterns, but they are modelled using profiles of small conserved regions within multiple sequence alignments, not using regular expressions. True hits should match all the motifs in a given PRINTS fingerprint. A match to part of a fingerprint represents a hit to a more divergent homologue. PRINTS use of different combinations of motifs to define family and sibling subfamily classifications that can be grouped into PRINTS hierarchies. 2.4. Hidden Markov Models
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) (16) are based on Bayesian statistical methods that make use of probabilities rather than the scores found in Profiles. However, like profiles, HMMs are able to model divergent as well as conserved regions within an alignment, and take into account both insertions and deletions. As a result, HMMs are good for detecting more divergent homologues, and can be used to model either discrete domains or fulllength protein alignments. HMMs are based on multiple sequence alignments (seed alignments). The HMMER package was written by Sean Eddy ( PFAM (17) is a signature database of domains, repeats, motifs and families based on HMMs. There are two components to Pfam: PfamA models are high quality and manually curated, whereas PfamB models are automatically generated using the ADDA database (18). Pfam also generates clans that group together PfamA models related by sequence or structure. The Pfam database has a very high coverage of sequence space and is used for the annotation of genomes. SMART (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool) (19) is a database of protein domains and repeats based on HMMs. SMART make use of manually curated multiple sequence alignments of well-characterized protein families, focusing on domains found in signaling, extracellular, and chromatin-associated proteins. TIGRFAMs (20) is an HMM signature database of full-length proteins and domains at the superfamily, subfamily, and equivalog
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levels, where equivalogs are groups of homologous proteins conserved with respect to their predicted function. These models are grouped into TIGFAMs hierarchies. PIRSF (21) is an HMM signature database based on protein families. PIRSF focus on modeling full-length proteins that share the same domain composition (homeomorphs) to annotate the biological functions of these families. Matching proteins must satisfy a length restriction to be included as a family member. PANTHER (22) is an HMM signature database of protein families and subfamilies that together form PANTHER hierarchies. The subfamilies model the divergence of specific functions within protein families. Where possible, these subfamilies are associated with biological pathways. SUPERFAMILY (23) is an HMM signature database of structural domains. SUPERFAMILY uses the SCOP (Structural Classification Of Proteins) database domain definitions at both the family and superfamily levels to provide structural annotation. SUPERFAMILY models each sequence in a family or superfamily independently, and then combine the results, which increases the sensitivity of homolog detection. SUPERFAMILY is useful for genome comparisons of the distribution of structural domains. CATH-Gene3D (24) is an HMM signature database of structural domains. CATH-Gene3D uses the CATH database domain definitions at both the family and homologous superfamily levels, modeling each sequence independently and then combing the results.
3. InterPro Protein Classification Resource
The InterPro database integrates protein signatures from CATHGene3D, HAMAP, PANTHER, Pfam, PIRSF, PRINTS, ProDom, PROSITE, SMART, SUPERFAMILY, and TIGRFAMs into one integrated resource, thereby enabling researchers to use all the major protein signature databases at once in a single format, with the added benefit of manual quality checks (see Note 1). InterPro is a consortium produced by the members of the individual protein signature databases. By combining over 60,000 signatures from its member databases, InterPro achieves greater sequence and taxonomic coverage than any one database could achieve on its own. In addition, InterPro capitalizes on the specialization of each database to produce a comprehensive resource that can classify and annotate proteins on multiple levels, including superfamily/family/subfamily classifications, domain organization, and the identification of repeats and important functional and structural sites (see Note 2). InterPro adds in structural information, manual annotation and database links to provide a comprehensive classification database.
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3.1. Searching InterPro
The InterPro database is freely available to the public at: http:// InterPro can accommodate both single sequence queries and its incorporation into a local pipeline for multiple sequence annotation. There are three ways to query the InterPro database: 1. Text Search. Searches can be made using straight text, InterPro entry accessions, signature accessions, Gene Ontology (GO) terms, and UniProtKB accessions or names. Searches return a list of relevant InterPro entries or, in the case of UniProtKB accessions, a detailed graphical view of all signature matches to the protein, as well as structural information when available. 2. InterProScan Sequence Search. InterProScan (25) combines all the search engines from the member databases. There is a website version, as well as a standalone version that can be downloaded and installed locally ( databases/interpro/iprscan/). The website version only accepts a single protein sequence at a time, whereas the standalone version accepts multiple or bulk protein and nucleotide sequences, the later being translated into all six frames and ORF length filtered. The InterProScan results display signature matches but not structural information, as the latter relates to specific proteins, not to sequences. 3. BioMart (26). This search engine allows a user to construct complex queries to quickly retrieve custom InterPro datasets without having to download the complete InterPro database. To build a query, choose the Dataset to query, select your Filters (input data), and then select your Attributes (output). Results are obtained in a variety of formats, and can be linked to related data in both PRIDE (Proteomics identification database) (27) and Reactome (Knowledgebase of biological pathways) (28).
3.2. InterPro Entry Content
InterPro groups together all the protein signatures that cover the same sequence in the same set of proteins into a single entry, thereby removing any redundancy between the member databases. Each InterPro entry is manually curated and supplemented with additional information, including: entry type (family, domain, repeat or site), abstract and references, taxonomy of matching proteins, and GO term annotation (including biological process, molecular function and cellular component) (29) (see Note 3). Each entry provides a list of matching proteins, and users can view the complete signature matches for each of these proteins, which are listed under “Protein Matches” (see Note 4). There are several links to external databases. Structural links are provided to the PDB (Protein Data Bank), and to CATH and
InterPro Protein Classification
SCOP classification databases. Additional database links are provided to: IntAct database (30), IntEnz database (31), CAZy (Carbohydrate-Active enzymes) database (32), IUPHAR receptor database (33), COMe database (34), MEROPS database (35), PANDIT database (36), PDBeMotif database (37), CluSTr database (38), Pfam Clan database (17), and Genome Properties database (39). 3.3. InterPro Protein Matches
The protein signatures in InterPro are run against the entire UniProtKB (SwissProt and TrEMBL) database. Protein matches can be viewed in graphical or tabular formats. The graphical view of a given protein displays all matching signatures, with the area of the sequence match shown as a colored bar. By combining all signatures for a given protein in a single view, users can crosscompare annotation from all the different member databases. Links are provided to UniProtKB, Dasty (DAS display of protein annotated features) (40), SPICE (DAS display of PDB, UniProtKB sequence and Ensembl) (41), GO annotation, taxonomy, and BioMart. The link to BioMart provides a summary of the matches in tabular form, including the E-values for each signature, where appropriate (see Note 5). The view also displays the structural features immediately below the signature matches to enable users to directly compare the signatures with known structural information. The structural features are displayed as striped bars, showing the region of sequence covered by structures in PDB, homology models in ModBase and SwissModel, as well as the division of the PDB structure into structural domains by CATH and SCOP. CATH and SCOP classify protein domains according to their structure, placing them within family and homologous superfamily hierarchies. Clicking on the Astex (42) icon in the protein graphical view will launch AstexViewer, which will display a 3-dimentional view of the PDB structure with the CATH or SCOP domain highlighted in yellow. Splice variants are also displayed in the protein graphical view, which allows a user to easily visualize differences in domain organization. Splice variants are displayed below the master sequence and show variant accessions (e.g., O15151-2).
3.4. InterPro Relationships
InterPro links related entries together when their protein signatures overlap significantly in both sequence and protein matches. There are two types of relationships: Parent/Child and Contains/ Found In. Parent/Child relationships occur between InterPro entries that describe the same sequence region in hierarchical protein sets. They resemble the biological definitions of superfamily, family, and subfamily, but may contain many more variant subsets than can be described using these biological terms. Parent/Child
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relationships apply to individual sites, repeats, domains or full-length protein models. The “Child” entry is a subset of its “Parent” entry. These important hierarchical relationships arise from the different specializations of the member databases, designing their signatures according to structural, sequence or functional conservation, and are unique to InterPro. Contains/Found In relationships describe the subdivision of a protein into domains, regions or sites. Contains/Found In relationships occur between entries in which one set of entry signatures completely contains the sequence covered by the other set of entry signatures. The signature matching the longer sequence “Contains” the signature(s) matching the shorter sequence(s).
4. Notes 1. Protein signatures have higher sensitivity (find more divergent homologues) and specificity (make fewer false matches) than sequence similarity tools such as BLAST or FASTA. However, there still needs to be a balance, as pushing for greater sensitivity will increase the number of false positives, whereas pushing for greater specificity will increase the number of false negatives. High specificity is an important criterion for incorporating a signature into InterPro, which provides manual quality checks on all signatures. However, it is inevitable that some false positives will be present in the databases. 2. The transfer of annotation must be done with caution. Homologous proteins share a similar biology, but not necessarily a common function, even when their % identity is high. Homologs found in different species (orthologs) may have the same function if all other components of the system are present. However, homologs found in the same organism (paralogs) are more likely to be functionally distinct because of genetic drift, even when % identity is very high. 3. Although annotation is correct at the time of integration, annotation can change over time as new experimental evidence is presented, and entries are only revisited periodically. 4. Protein signatures are predictive methods, therefore all functional annotation based on signature matches must be confirmed experimentally. 5. An effective criterion for assessing the significance of a sequence match is the expectation value (E-value). Although simple % identity scores are useful, they become inaccurate measures of homology at lower values. By contrast, an E-value is the number of hits expected to have a score equal or better
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by chance alone. The lower the E-value, the more significant the score. However, E-values depend on the length and composition of the model and the size of the database being searched. Therefore, it is not advisable to compare E-values between member databases as an estimate of which model is better, because the members use different model building processes and different search procedures. E-values are only relevant within a specific member database. References 1. Hunter S, Apweiler R, Attwood TK, Bairoch A, Bateman A, Binns D, Bork P, Das U, Daugherty L, Duquenne L, Finn RD, Gough J, Haft D, Hulo N, Kahn D, Kelly E, Laugraud A, Letunic I, Lonsdale D, Lopez R, Madera M, Maslen J, McAnulla C, McDowall J, Mistry J, Mitchell A, Mulder N, Natale D, Orengo C, Quinn AF, Selengut JD, Sigrist CJ, Thimma M, Thomas PD, Valentin F, Wilson D, Wu CH, Yeats C. (2009) InterPro: the integrative protein signature database. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, D211–D215. 2. Kouranov A, Xie L, de la Cruz J, Chen L, Westbrook J, Bourne PE, Berman HM. (2006) The RCSB PDB information portal for structural genomics. Nucleic Acids Res. 34, D302–D305. 3. Cuff AL, Sillitoe I, Lewis T, Redfern OC, Garratt R, Thornton J, Orengo CA. (2009) The CATH classification revisited--architectures reviewed and new ways to characterize structural divergence in superfamilies. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, D310–D314. 4. Andreeva A, Howorth D, Chandonia JM, Brenner SE, Hubbard TJ, Chothia C, Murzin AG. (2008) Data growth and its impact on the SCOP database: new developments. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D419–D425. 5. Pieper U, Eswar N, Webb BM, Eramian D, Kelly L, Barkan DT, Carter H, Mankoo P, Karchin R, Marti-Renom MA, Davis FP, Sali A. (2009) MODBASE, a database of annotated comparative protein structure models and associated resources. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, D347–D354. 6. Kiefer F, Arnold K, Künzli M, Bordoli L, Schwede T. (2009) The SWISS-MODEL Repository and associated resources. Nucleic Acids Res. 37, D387–D392. 7. Altschul SF, Gish W, Miller W, Myers EW, Lipman DJ. (1990) Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol. 215, 403–410. 8. Pearson WR. (1990) Rapid and sensitive sequence comparison with FASTP and FASTA. Methods Enzymol. 183, 63–98.
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