Exercises. Gamma Distribution. Gamma function. Probability distribution function.
Moments and moment generating functions. Cumulative Distribution Function.
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relatives Andreas Artemiou
Novemer 2nd, 2009
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Gamma Distribution Gamma function Probability distribution function Moments and moment generating functions Cumulative Distribution Function Exponential Distribution Definition Moments, moment generating function and cumulative distribution function Other Distributions Exercises
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Gamma function Probability distribution function Moments and moment generating functions Cumulative Distribution Function
Gamma Function I
In this lecture we will use a lot the gamma function.
For α > 0 the gamma function is defined as follows: Z ∞ Γ(α) = x α−1 e −x dx 0
Properties of gamma function: I I I
Γ(α) = (α − 1)Γ(α − 1) For n, Γ(n) = (n − 1)! integer √ 1 Γ = π 2
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Gamma function Probability distribution function Moments and moment generating functions Cumulative Distribution Function
Gamma Distribution
If X is a continuous random variable then is said to have a gamma distribution if the pdf of X is: x − 1 α−1 e β,x ≥ 0 f (x; α, β) = β α Γ(α) x 0, otherwise
If β = 1 then we have the standard gamma distribution.
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Gamma function Probability distribution function Moments and moment generating functions Cumulative Distribution Function
Mean, Variance and mgf
Mean: E (X ) = αβ
Variance: var(X ) = αβ 2 1 Mgf: MX (t) = (1 − βt)α
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Gamma function Probability distribution function Moments and moment generating functions Cumulative Distribution Function
Cumulative Distribution Function I
When X follows the standard Gamma distribution then its cdf is: Z x α−1 −y y e dy , x > 0 F (x; α) = Γ(α) 0
This is also called the incomplete gamma function
If X ∼ Γ(α, β) then: F (x; α, β) = P(X ≤ x) = F
Andreas Artemiou
x ;α β
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Gamma function Probability distribution function Moments and moment generating functions Cumulative Distribution Function
Example 4.27 page 193
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Definition Moments, moment generating function and cumulative distributi
Exponential Distribution
The exponential distributionis a special case of Gamma. That 1 is if: X ∼ Exp(λ) ⇒ X ∼ Γ 1, λ If X is a continuous random variable is said to have an exponential distribution with parameter λ > 0 if the pdf of X is: ( λe −λx , x > 0 f (x; λ) = 0, otherwise
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Definition Moments, moment generating function and cumulative distributi
Mean, Variance mgf and cdf
1 λ
Mean: E (X ) =
Variance: var(X ) =
1 λ2 1 Mgf: MX (t) = 1 1− t λ −λx F (x) = 1 − e ,x ≥ 0
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Definition Moments, moment generating function and cumulative distributi
Example 4.28 page 195
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Other useful distributions
Chi - square distribution
t distribution
F distribution
Log - normal distribution
Beta distribution
Weibull distribution
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative
Outline Gamma Distribution Exponential Distribution Other Distributions Exercises
Section 4.4 page 197 I
Exercises 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81
Andreas Artemiou
Chapter 4 - Lecture 4 The Gamma Distribution and its Relative