ATMS contract drawings are prepared using the version of AutoCAD currently
used by the Ministry. ... An ATMS Supplementary Legend is provided for all
symbols not included in the. OPSD as well as symbols ...... Dome Cameras.
ATMS Field ...
Chapter C
Table of Contents
General Requirement ......................................................................................................... 3
ATMS Drawing Package.................................................................................................... 3
Order of Drawings in Contracts.............................................................................................. 3
ATMS Contract Drawings Requirements .............................................................................. 3
Special Features of ATMS Drawings ...................................................................................... 5
Stand-Alone ATMS Contracts................................................................................................. 5
Drawing Border Titles............................................................................................................ 11
ATMS Contract Drawing Examples ..................................................................................... 12
Limited Plan Contract Format .............................................................................................. 31
Quantity Sheets ................................................................................................................. 32
Guidelines for the Completion of Quantity Sheets .............................................................. 32
Quantity Rounding ................................................................................................................. 34
Quantity Sheet Samples......................................................................................................... 34
Figure C-1: Title Sheet........................................................................................................................... 7 Figure C-2: Index Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 10 Figure C-3: Typical Title Block .......................................................................................................... 13 Figure C-4: ATMS Supplementary Legend....................................................................................... 15 Figure C-5: ATMS Key Plan............................................................................................................... 17 Figure C-6: ATMS Key Plan............................................................................................................... 18 Figure C-7: ATMS Sheet Index .......................................................................................................... 20 Figure C-8: ATMS Layout Drawing................................................................................................... 21 Figure C-9: ATMS Wiring Diagrams................................................................................................. 23 Figure C-10: ATMS Communications Schematic ............................................................................. 25 Figure C-11: ATMS Trunk Cable Designations................................................................................ 26 Volume 4 – Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-1 September 2007
Figure C-12: ATMS Temporary Work .............................................................................................. 28 Figure C-13: ATMS Removals ............................................................................................................ 30
C-2 September 2007
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
Chapter C C.1
Contract Drawings and Quantity Sheets
General Requirement ATMS contract drawings are prepared using the version of AutoCAD currently used by the Ministry. These contract drawings show the location limits and scope of ATMS work. A separate stand-alone set of ATMS drawings not including other work (such as electrical work) must be prepared for each contract with ATMS work. The contract drawings are prepared using MTO layering standards to achieve consistency and legibility. The contract quantity sheets are prepared using the CPS. The current contract packaging guidelines separate Contract Drawings and quantity sheets into separate books
ATMS Drawing Package C.2.1
Order of Drawings in Contracts The typical order of drawings in a composite drawing package is as follows: a)
Electrical Work
Bridge Embedded Work - Electrical and/or ATMS
VMS and other overhead signs
Other Structural work
If drawing package size does not exceed 100 sheets, Electrical and ATMS drawings are packaged together. If the combined drawing package exceeds 100 sheets, separate books are created.
ATMS Contract Drawings Requirements The following ATMS drawings are required to be inserted, in the order shown, for any contract with ATMS work. All drawings are set in a standard border. C.2.2.1 ATMS Legend and Key Plans
Volume 4 – Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-3 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package An ATMS Supplementary Legend is provided for all symbols not included in the OPSD as well as symbols most frequently used for easy reference. Key plans provide a quick reference of location of ATMS field equipment. Key plans are required for the following: a) b) c) d)
K1 – VDS, NITS and RMS locations K2 – Cabinet, pedestal and /or concrete pad locations K3 - CCTV Pole locations K4 – VMS and QWS locations
Depending on complexity of the project K2, K3 and K4 may be combined into one key plan. C.2.2.2 ATMS Layout Drawings ATMS layout drawings are produced on 1:1000 scale showing existing features with an 80% screened background (highway standard for roadwork drawings). For contracts with roadworks, the drawing base plans showing existing features and the new pavement layout as well as major structures are provided by the Highway Designer. For stand-alone ATMS contracts, the "ETR" sheets may be ordered from the Surveys and Plans Office or, if not available, produced by a Surveyor retained for the project. C.2.2.3 Wiring Diagrams Wiring diagrams show power cables, detector cables, communication cables, ducts, electrical chambers, cabinets, sign footings and similar objects. C.2.2.4 Communications Schematic Drawings Communication schematic drawings show the communications subsystem with cable and equipment connections within cabinets and configuration of cables at communication pedestals. C.2.2.5 Standards OPSDs and MTODs relevant to the work are referenced using Contract Preparation System (CPS). MTODs must also be included in the Contract Drawings. Where it is required, on a project specific basis, to modify existing OPSD standards, they must be modified using AutoCAD methods with a "MOD" text added behind the OPSD number, the modifier’s name and a brief description of the modification made. The Project Manager should forward a digital copy of the modified standards to the ATMS Section for tracking purposes.
C-4 September 2007
Volume 4 -Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
C.2.2.6 ATMS Construction Details ATMS Construction details have been developed for many special ATMS applications and are available in AutoCAD format for easy insertion into contract drawings package. Where the project requires a new construction detail, the designer may develop a new detail with the approval of the Ministry Project Manager. The new drawing should follow the drafting rules for OPSD standards and be to the format used in existing detail drawings. Where an existing detail can be easily modified, the designer may use the same method for modification as for OPSD standards.
Special Features of ATMS Drawings ATMS layout drawings should be provided with the following features:
A small key plan of the full project road system identifying the area of roadway which the drawing sheet covers.
A "drawing type and number" in the lower right corner. This approach provides easy cross-reference of ATMS drawing sheets from the start of the project, since final sheet numbers are not known until near the end of the design (i.e. L=Layout, WD= Wiring Diagram, CS=Communication Schematic, D=Details).
In major contracts with electrical and ATMS work, electrical chambers shared with electrical ducts or cables will be numbered by the electrical designer and will be shown with the same number on the ATMS drawings. To make a distinction between electrical and ATMS identifiers, specific series are chosen for each discipline (e.g. electrical = MH 1, MH 2..., ATMS = MH501, MH502,...)
Stand-Alone ATMS Contracts
In contracts that are purely ATMS, it is necessary to prepare additional contract sheets as follows: a) b)
Title sheet Index sheet
Both the ‘Title sheet’ and ’Index sheet’ use the AutoCAD frame ’contract.dwg’ which is available from the CAD Standards. C.2.4.1 Title Sheet (Figure C-1) C.2.4.2 Title Sheet Containing a Key Plan
Volume 4 – Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-5 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
The map or key plan provided on the title sheet should be a ‘low intensity’ copy of any appropriate map, usually a county map. The ‘low intensity’ key plan is preferred over full intensity and becomes especially useful in complex contracts. The contract area is to be highlighted on the key plan using a solid linked line. If the key plan has been prepared in full intensity, a broken inked line is to be used. Should the contract area be a site, the site should be circled and labelled ‘Site of Contract’. North arrows should be placed inside the key plan border. Chainage equations are to appear on the key plan. Townships, towns, counties, cities, municipalities and provincial districts are to be shown only on the key plan. These names are not duplicated on the title sheet. It should be noted that the key plan border shall be a single heavy inked line - it is not to be elaborate.
C-6 September 2007
Volume 4 -Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-1: Title Sheet Volume 4 – ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-7 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
The title sheet also contains the following: C.
WP Number
Designers should write the WP number in the space provided. If there are several WP numbers for a particular contract, write the other numbers listed in the space above the first WP number. C.
Contract Number
The Contract Number is normally assigned at the final stage of the contract review process. The ATMS designer provides project synopsis to the Ministry Project Manager who requests the Contract Number through the CRO assigned to the project. C.
Work Description
The description shall be concise and brief and without abbreviations and repetitions. C2.4.2.4
Location Descriptions
The description shall be concise and brief, with emphasis on the major work area. Offsite locations should also be noted unless too numerous, in which case, a full size key plan would probably be required to supplement the title sheet. Alternatively, because of the increased space available on the title sheet, a large key plan could be used. This would allow all sites to be shown with no excessive descriptions. C.
Reference Plans
List only the ETR book(s) and/or plates(s) or the B-plans as well as the Soils Profile if applicable. The title sheet is not to be numbered. Signatures are normally added at the Executive Review Meeting and are the responsibility of the Regional Document Review Unit or the Project Manager. Signatures must be signed in black ink pens, not in black "felt tip" pens, which quickly fade and "melt" into the drawing, rendering the name illegible. C.2.4.3 Index Sheet (Figure C-2) There is only one index sheet per contract book. It is usually filled out by the designer who is responsible for the prime specialty. In CPS, the index form is found in GRAD (grading) and COMP work types. This means that, to be able to use the index form for a purely ATMS work type, it is necessary to create a COMP work and combine it with the ATMS work. When the file under COMP work type is created, ‘quantities’ is executed and the ‘Index’ form can be selected and filled out. There are 6 work types: COMP (composite), ELEC (electrical), GRAD (grading), STRU (structural), ATMS (advanced traffic management system) and LAND (landscaping).
C-8 september 2007
Volume 4 – Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
In multiple book contracts, the index in the first book is repeated for each book. The Index sheet is not numbered. The following is a general index listing for a stand-alone ATMS contract:
SHEET NUMBER 1 2-3 4-5 6 to 22 23-30 30-34 35-40 40-50 etc
Volume 4 – Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
INDEX DESCRIPTION ATMS Legend ATMS Sheet Index ATMS Key Plans ATMS Layout Drawings ATMS Wiring Diagrams ATMS Communication Schematics ATMS Construction Details ATMS Quantity Sheets
C-9 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Figure C-2: Index Sheet
C-10 February 2007
Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package C.2.5
Contract Drawings
Drawing Border Titles
In the following list of ATMS contract drawings, upper-case lettering denotes actual titles to be used on the drawings; lowercase lettering denotes either additional comments and information to be added to the title or drawings that shall be inserted in the sequence shown, but do not require a title. A set of ATMS contract drawings, depending on the complexity of the project, comprise some or all of the following: Contract Sheet Titles ATMS KEY PLAN (includes index sheet on some projects)
Template to use Electrical Frame
Electrical Frame
ATMS REMOVALS STA. ____ to STA.____ *Indicates drawings that are always required in all ATMS contracts.
Volume 4 - ATMS contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-11 February 2007
Contract Drawings C.2.6
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
ATMS Contract Drawing Examples
All ATMS contract drawings are prepared using “IESCAD". The full installation package of IESCAD for AutoCAD on Windows 2000/XP and the “Auto CAD Standard Guide” manual are available from The template contains the layering standards used by the Ministry. The title block in the template contains the following information: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Contract number Work project number North arrow (when applicable) Title of drawing Sheet number
The arrangement and sizes of the above information are already set on the template as shown in Figure C-3 (Insert Typical Title Block).
C-12 February 2007
Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-3: Typical Title Block Volume 4 - ATMS contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-13 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
C.2.6.1 ATMS Supplementary Abbreviations and Symbols There are some abbreviations and symbols used in ATMS drawings that are not in the Electrical standard legend (see OPSD 2000 series) or in the supplementary ATMS Legend Drawings (see Chapter D). It is only under special circumstances such as inclusion of special electronics, control, etc. that supplementary abbreviations and symbols are required. This additional information, plus the ATMS Legend Drawings, should be included as the second sheet of the contract drawings using AutoCAD methods (see Figure C-4).
C-14 February 2007
Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-4: ATMS Supplementary Legend Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-15 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
C.2.6.2 ATMS Key Plan The ATMS key plan should preferably be produced to a scale which approximately fills a standard size contract sheet (see Figures C-5 to C-6). The ATMS key plan should have the following common information: (a) (b) (c) (d)
Limits of ATMS work on all major roadways North arrow General notes as approved by the ATMS Project Manager ATMS equipment identifier codes for each item of equipment shown
For relatively small projects, the ATMS key plan may not be necessary and the above listed information should be incorporated into the layout.
C-16 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-5: ATMS Key Plan Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-17 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Figure C-6: ATMS Key Plan
C-18 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
C.2.6.3 ATMS Sheet Index The ATMS contract sheet index (see Figure C-7) shall be large enough to indicate clearly contract sheet layouts and shall show boxed areas for each sheet, appropriately numbered. A project area may contain several sets of layout drawings such as: (a) (b) (c)
a set for ATMS new construction layout a set for ATMS temporary work layout a set for ATMS removal layout
One sheet index should be prepared, with a legend identifying sheet numbers form a particular set (Figure C-7). C.2.6.4 ATMS Layout Drawings (See Figure C-8) The base plans to be used for preparing layout drawings are reproductions of the road design drawings, with low-intensity background (existing conditions) and high-intensity pavement layout with shoulder. If base plans are not available, high-intensity pavement layout (with shoulders) will suffice. The match lines should correspond to those included in the roadway design. If reproductions of suitable scale are not available, new base plans to the desired scale should be produced by the electrical designer. The following points should be noted: (a)
Alignment control lines and chainages should be indicated when new backgrounds are prepared.
Layout drawings should extend to the limits of the ATMS work and these limits identified when new backgrounds are prepared.
Dimensions for pavement widths, shoulders, right-of-way, etc. are not required, but if already present on the background of the reproduction, they need not be removed.
All symbols used should correspond with those shown on the standard legend and ATMS supplementary legend.
Volume 4 - ATMS contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-19 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Figure C-7: ATMS Sheet Index
C-20 September 2007
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-8: ATMS Layout Drawing Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-21 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
It is not necessary to show multiple conduit runs, or short bends unless a specific problem exists. Cable routing is determined by referring to the appropriate wiring diagram and quantity sheets.
Roadway design features interfering with ATMS details should be frozen or deleted.
Particular notes on items requiring further explanation beyond that shown on the quantity sheets and details should be provided on layout drawing, as required.
Where additional information is required for a particular section or area in a layout drawing, an arrow pointing to the section or area should be drawn with a note such as Note 1 or Detail A. Note 1 describes required information. Detail A shows a detail drawing of the section using large scale.
Key plans may be included as per Regional Planning and Design Office practice.
Grounding should be shown symbolically and should not indicate the number of ground rods. Quantity sheets and standard drawings /specification show the number of ground rods required.
C.2.6.5 ATMS Wiring Diagrams Wiring diagrams shall be kept simple, and shall use the single-line method where possible; the equipment ground wires are not to be shown, except if required for clarity. The layout should be analogous to the roadway geometry with roadway names also shown. All lines should be oriented left to right or up to down and not diagonally. Existing and known future loading requirements should be identified in the substation loading summary table. Match lines should be used to show the continuity of ducts. All spare and joint use conduits and all structures with identification numbers shall be labelled. On multi phase systems, the circuit identification code shall be included. Figure C-9 shows an example of ATMS wiring diagrams.
C-22 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-9: ATMS Wiring Diagrams Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-23 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
C.2.6 6 ATMS Communications Schematic The communications schematic is only required on projects where communications equipment or cables are to be installed. The diagram shall use the single line method where possible. Communications cable shall be properly identified as to size or type, i.e. 8 SM, 16 MM. All pedestals and cabinets shall be labelled. Trunk cable designation charts identifying the intended function of all fibres within the trunk cable(s) shall be included. An example communications schematic is shown in Figure C-10. An example trunk cable designation chart is shown in Figure C-11.
C-24 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
Figure C-10: ATMS Communications Schematic Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-25 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Figure C-11: ATMS Trunk Cable Designations
C-26 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Contract Drawings
C.2.6.7 OPDSs and ATMS Standard Construction Detail Drawings The requirements for implementation and use of OPSDs are outlined in the Electrical Engineering Manual – Volume 3, Contract Design, Estimating and Documentation. However, when OPSD drawing(s) needs to be modified to reflect feature(s) or situation(s) specific to a particular project, the modified standard drawing(s) should be ‘cut and pasted’ on the ‘Electrical Frame’. A copy of the modified standard drawing together with a covering letter explaining the need for the modification and reference to a Work Project shall be sent to the Electrical Engineering Section, Head Office for monitoring. ATMS Standard Drawings should be utilized as much as possible when designing a project. The ATMS Standard Drawings, included in chapter D of this manual, must be included in the contract drawings. C.2.6.8 Non-Standard ATMS Construction Details Non - standard ATMS construction details are produced only when OPSDs or standard ATMS Construction Details do not cover the requirement of the work. These detail drawings shall be clear, utilizing single-line presentation where possible, and drawn such that the resultant reduced prints are clear and legible. The scales need not be indicated. Only those elements necessary for construction and maintenance should be shown. Acceptable details from previous contracts should be used wherever possible. C.2.6.9 Temporary ATMS Work (See Figure C-12) Temporary ATMS work drawings consist of one or more of the above components, i.e. ATMS layout, wiring diagram, communications schematic, or ATMS details drawings. Complex contracts may include a separate set of temporary ATMS drawings for each stage of the work.
Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-27 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Figure C-12: ATMS Temporary Work
C-28 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package C.2.6 10
Contract Drawings ATMS Removals (See Figure C-13)
Separate removal drawings shall be included in all contract packages where extensive and complex ATMS removal is required. Otherwise, the removals may be shown on the layout drawings. The removal drawings shall show all equipment to be removed as well as existing underground facilities to be abandoned. A note should be added to the drawing if disconnect of existing circuits or switch-over to new or temporary facilities is required. For clarity, and at the discretion of the designer, a removal number (RXXX) may be provided on the removals drawing adjacent to the item being removed.
Volume 4 - ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-29 February 2007
Contract Drawings
C.2 – ATMS Drawing Package
Figure C-13: ATMS Removals
C-30 February 2007
ATMS Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.3 – Quantity Sheets C.2.7
Contract Drawings
Limited Plan Contract Format Certain types of contracts require only a limited number of tender items and only a few drawings such as key plan and certain details. It is for this type of contract that the no plans format was developed. The advantages of the limited plan contract format are lower production costs, lower printing costs, less filing space requirements, lower mailing costs and easier handling. A typical contract package in the limited plan format will consist of the tender, special provisions, drawings and quantity sheets all in 8½" x 11" letter size.
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-31 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.3 – Quantity Sheets
Quantity Sheets Quantity sheets shall be completed using the CPS for the Design Presentation / Technical Review meeting and finalized for the final submission reflecting comments and revisions. The quantity sheets can be accessed using CPS from the Work Project-Quantities menu. Filling in of Q-sheets is not usually done in one sitting. Usually, the designer has to exit CPS several times during the process. Before exiting CPS, it is very important to go to the Tender item screen and press the "recalc" button in order to refresh all the quantity changes done in the Q-sheets. Always compare the quantities in the Q-sheets against the quantities in the Tender form. The following list represents the series of ATMS Quantity Sheets. Completed Quantity Sheets should be arranged in the sequence shown below: (a) Quantities - Electrical Maintenance Holes and Handholes (b) Quantities - Flexible Ducts and Associated Wiring (c) Quantities - Rigid Ducts and Associated Wiring (d) Quantities - Direct Buried and Overhead Wiring (e) Quantities - Removal of Electrical Equipment (f) Quantities - Power Supply Equipment, Concrete Pads, High Voltage Cable Terminations, Grounding and Rock Excavations (g) Quantities - Pole Assemblies and Footings (h) Quantities - Traffic Signal Equipment (i) Quantities - Traffic Signal Controllers, Controller Components and External Detection Devices j) Quantities - Temporary Installations k) Quantities – Miscellaneous C.3.1
Guidelines for the Completion of Quantity Sheets The tables below show the possible selection and/or accessories of the various ATMS components, which needs to be shown on the Quantity Sheets. All design quantities are to be documented on the Quantity Sheets. There is no table provided for the sheet "Quantities - Temporary Installation". The designers shall
C-32 September 2007
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.3 – Quantity Sheets
Contract Drawings list various ATMS components, which are to be installed temporarily. The set-up for these components is identical to the permanent items. Refer to the on-line "Help" of the CPS if further detailed instruction is required when completing the Quantity sheets. The following guidelines shall be used for the preparation of ATMS Quantity Sheets: (a)
Column entries for tender items shall be in the ascending order as they appear in the tender item list.
All accessories / item entries of the same tender item shall be grouped together on the same page. If this is not possible, reference notes shall be used to identify the extension of the tender item.
Where a tender item contains more than one variance and/or accessory entry, the entries are grouped together with a brace bracket on the bottom of the quantity sheets. This function is automated in CPS
CPS automatically prompts for reference to a standard drawing or construction detail, critical dimensions, and any other information required to ensure that all optional parameters associated with the item are specified. The designer must provide all required entries. Unit of measurement for each item/accessory entry is automatically included for all tender items
A contract may contain a component for any or all of the following: MTO-ELEC, MTO-ATMS, and Municipal-ELEC. Separate quantity sheets shall be prepared for each component. The quantity sheets shall be labelled with "MTO-ELEC", "MTO-ATMS" or "Municipal-ELEC" as the case may be. For complex projects where entry of all required tender items on a given q-sheet type results in more than 2 pages across it is recommended to group the items, (for example; measured items separate from counted items) and create multiple sets of Q-sheets of the same type. Example: Temporary Installation- Cables and Temporary Installation – Poles, etc.
The following points will provide designers with basic requirements for the preparation of quantity sheets for flexible and rigid ducts: (i)
Each tender item requires one column for payment termed the "payment" column and additional columns termed "associated" columns for each size of duct required.
The sum of all entries in each "payment" column will produce the payment quantity.
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-33 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.3 – Quantity Sheets
The sums of the various "associated" columns will produce a material total for that size and type of duct.
The ratio of the quantity in the "associated" column to that in the "payment" column indicates the number of ducts for that particular run.
Brace brackets are used to relate the "payment column" and the "associated" columns.
The "MTO-ELEC" and "MTO-ATMS" work are tendered as two distinct parts of the same contract. Locations of common trenching shall be identified on both the "MTO-ELEC" and the "MTO-ATMS" quantity sheets. However, payment columns shall include entries only in one section, typically ELEC with appropriate notes indicating that additional ducts are required at this location as noted in ATMS Q-sheets.
Items common to / shared by both "MTO-ELEC" and "MTO-ATMS" work such as Rigid Ducts, Concrete Encased, Steel Encased Ducts By Subsurface Installation, Rigid Ducts By Subsurface Installation, Electrical Maintenance Holes, Electrical Handholes, etc. shall be identified on one set of Q-sheets only (generally by agreement between designers and with Ministry input). Note that where a joint use electrical chamber entered in ELEC Q-sheets requires a ground rod for the ATMS system ground, then the electrical chamber will also appear on the "MTO-ATMS" quantity sheets, but with an entry only in the Ground Electrodes (Ground Rods) column not in the Electrical Maintenance Holes column.
Quantity Rounding Under the Plan Quantity Payment concept the accuracy of plan quantities is of the utmost importance. For linear quantities, each entry to the quantity sheets shall be the actual quantity measured on the plan to the nearest 0.1 m. The TOTAL quantity at the end (i.e. tender quantity) shall be rounded to the next whole number. For volume quantities (e.g. Rock Excavation for Electrical Installations), each entry shall be the actual quantity to the nearest 0.01m3. The TOTAL quantity shall be rounded to the next 0.1m3.
Quantity Sheet Samples A complete set of Standard-Format ATMS quantity sheet samples may be viewed by using CPS and opening the ATMS project titled "EXAMPLE". The entries on the samples are representative only.
C-34 September 2007
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.3 – Quantity Sheets
Contract Drawings The following tables show how the tender items are to be organized within the available Q-sheet types. The second column indicates prompts; item variances and accessory columns if applicable.
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Electrical Maintenance Holes
a) Dwg No.
Electrical Handholes
a) Size
Electrical Chamber Drains
a) Drain type
b) Dwg No.
Adjusting and Rebuilding Electrical Maintenance Holes Rock Excavation for Electrical Installations Ground Wires Ground Electrodes Table A.
a) AWG Size b) Bare or Insulated a) Ground Rods b) Ground Plates
Entries for "Electrical Maintenance Holes and Handholes" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Flexible Ducts, by Subsurface Installation Extra-Low Voltage Cables, in Ducts
a) Size of Ducts a) AWG Size b) Number of Conductors
Table B.
Entries for "Flexible Ducts and Associated Wiring" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selections and/or Accessories
Rigid Ducts, Concrete Encased
a) Size of Ducts
Rigid Ducts, Direct Buried
a) Size of Ducts
Rigid Ducts, by Subsurface Installation
a) Size of Ducts
Rigid Ducts Steel Encased Ducts, by Subsurface Installation Rock Excavation for Electrical Installation
a) Size of Ducts b) Size of Steel Encasement
Low Voltage Cables, in Ducts Traffic Signal Cables, in Ducts
a) AWG Size a) AWG Size b) Number of Conductors
Extra-Low Voltage Cables, in Ducts
a) AWG Size b) Number of Conductors
Ground Wires
a) AWG Size b) Bare or Insulated
Fibre Optic Communications Cables, in Ducts
a) # of MM and SM fibres 1) drop cables (m)
Ground Electrodes
a) Rods b) Plates
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-35 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.3 – Quantity Sheets
Item Description
Possible Selections and/or Accessories
Inner Chambers
a) Number of compartments
Table C.
Entries for "Rigid Ducts and Associated Wiring" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Fibre Optic Communications Cables, Aerial Low Voltage Cables, Aerial on Messenger Cable Traffic Signal Cables, Aerial on Messenger Cable
a) # of MM and SM fibres 1) drop cables (m) a) AWG Size a) AWG Size b) Number of Conductors
Extra-Low Voltage Cables. Aerial on Messenger Cable Steel Messenger Cables, Aerial
a) AWG Size b) Number of Conductors
Ground Wires Table D.
a) 7 mm, Grade 110 Steel or 9 mm, Grade 160 Steel a) AWG Size b) Bare or Insulated
Entries for "Direct Buried and Overhead Wiring" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Removal of Electrical Equipment
Breakdown of various ATMS equipment.
Table E.
Entries for "Removal of Electrical Equipment" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Rock Excavation for Electrical Installations Ground Wires Ground Electrodes Bonding Jumpers
a) AWG Size b) Bare or Insulated a) Rods b) Plates a) AWG Size b) Bare or Insulated
Distribution Assemblies
Supply Control Cabinet Assemblies
a) Type b) Phase c) Voltage d) OPSD
Concrete Pads
a) OPSD, Drawing number
Power Supply Cabinets
a) Transformer size 1) Primary breaker size 2) secondary breaker size 3) Panelboard
Uninterruptible Power Supply Units Table F.
C-36 September 2007
Entries for "Power Supply Equipment, Concrete Pads, High Voltage Cable, Terminations, Grounding and Rock Excavations" Quantity Sheets.
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.3 – Quantity Sheets Item Description
Contract Drawings Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Rock Excavation for Electrical Installations Ground Wires
a) AWG Size
b) Bare or Insulated
Ground Electrodes
a) Rods
Sectional Steel Poles, Direct Buried in Earth
a) Pole Length
Concrete Poles, Direct Buried in Earth
a) Pole Length
Wood Poles, Direct Buried in Earth
a) Pole Length
Sectional Steel Poles, Direct Buried in Rock
a) Pole Length
Concrete Poles, Direct Buried in Rock
a) Pole Length
Wood Poles, Direct Buried in Rock
a) Pole Length
Bonding Jumpers
a) AWG Size b) Bare or Insulated
Concrete Pole, Direct Buried In Earth With Camera Raising And Lowering System Sectional Steel Poles, Base Mounted
a) Pole Length
b) Plates
b) Pole Class
b) Pole Class
a) Pole Length
Guy Anchor Concrete Footings in Earth Concrete Footings in Rock Closed Circuit Television Cameras Outdoor Pan/Tilt Units Dome Cameras ATMS Field Equipment Cabinet Maintenance Sites Bollards Table G.
a) OPSD or ATMS construction detail drawing a) OPSD
a) Drawing number a) Drawing number
Entries for "Pole Assemblies and Footings" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selections and/or Accessories
Double Arm Brackets
a) Arm Length
Standard Type Signal Heads Flasher Beacons and Downlights
Table H.
a) Dwg No. b) AWG Size c) Number of Conductors
Entries for "Traffic Signal Equipment" Quantity Sheets.
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-37 September 2007
Contract Drawings
C.3 – Quantity Sheets
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Controller Cabinets
a) Type
Controller Cabinets, Pole Mounted Controllers Base Mounted Communications Pedestals Splice Enclosures for Fibre Optic Cables Loop Detectors
Type of installation 1) Pedestal 2) Aerial a) Loop type (Simple or Diamond)
Loop Vehicle Detector Sensor Units Magnetic Detectors
a) Model (222, 222B or 422)
Non-Intrusive Traffic Sensors (Microwave)
1) Radio 2) Solar Power Supply
Test Existing Loop Detectors Table I.
Entries for "Traffic Signal Controllers, Controller Components and External Detection Devices" Quantity Sheets.
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
All temporary items of work
Same as permanent items
Table J.
Entries for "Temporary Installation".
Item Description
Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Maintenance And Warranty For Advanced Traffic Management System Work Training For Advanced Traffic Management System Spare Components For Advanced Traffic Management System Work System Integration Testing For Advanced Traffic Management System Work Ground Deployment Of Portable Variable Message Signs Fixed Deployment Of Variable Message Signs Maintenance And Warranty For Portable Variable Message Signs
C-38 September 2007
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C.3 – Quantity Sheets Item Description
Contract Drawings Possible Selection and/or Accessories
Data Interface Cables Video Transmitters And Receivers
a) range 1) high 2) low
Video System Line Up And Test Fibre Optic Modems Port Sharing Devices Data System Lineup And Test Drop / Insert Nodes Channel Ports Leased Line Modems Wireless Ethernet Bridges Digital Video Encoders and Decoders
a) Encoder b) Decoder
Port Servers Ethernet Switches
a) Type 1)Field 2) Head-End 3) Central b) Bandwidth 1) Gigabit Ethernet 2) Fast Ethernet
Fibre Optic Ethernet Modems Closed Circuit Television Video Monitors
a) Type 1) Desktop 2) Monitor Bank
Variable Message Signs Portable Variable Message Signs, Trailer Mounted Fixed Support Mountable Portable Variable Message Signs Rack Assemblies Table K.
Entries for "Miscellaneous " Quantity Sheets.
Volume 4 - Electrical Contract Design, Estimating & Documentation Advanced Traffic Management System
C-39 September 2007